Princess (27 page)

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Authors: Sapphire Knight

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Princess
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One year later…

“Get more plates!” I
yell toward the main room at Odin.

“Yes, ma’am,” he calls back, using his sweet manners he’s developed over the past year. Viking’s been ruthless about Odin growing into a decent man and not like Jekyll. When we finally have kids of our own, they’re going to be little angels or risk getting ‘the talk’ from Viking all the time. I love his voice, but he can drone on to teenagers, and they hate that shit.

Odin comes in carrying a stack, stopping at the end of the table, “Where do you need them?”

“That’s fine; you can stack them there and then when everyone comes in they can fix their plates and either sit with us or wherever. I don’t want any pressure since they’ve been good at letting me take over the clubhouse for the past few days.”

“They should be in here helping; you did cook enough food for an army.”

Shrugging, I smile kindly at him, “No big deal, it’s Thanksgiving, and this is how it should be for everyone.”

Nancy passes in the hallway, waving when she notices me. She wanted to help out, and I gladly obliged. She’s made all the desserts for tonight, and they look so delicious. I can’t wait to try out her key lime pie.

“Are we still stopping by Mom’s later?” Odin started calling my mother “Mom” about six months ago. I couldn’t be any happier about it either.

“Yep, you’re still coming right?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, just checking, I didn’t know if you had plans with Mercy or not.”

He’s been dating Spin’s younger sister off and on for a while now. The only way Spin agreed not to kill him was because Viking promised to take care of it himself if Odin got her pregnant. Mercy’s about to turn sixteen and full of mischief. But she’s close to Odin’s age, which I love because he spends too much time around adults.

“Nope, I’ll be there,” he replies as Viking carries food in from the kitchen.

“Damn, Cinderella; this shit smells so fuckin’ good.”

“I know, I’m starving. Is my dad here yet?”

“Yeah, he’s drinking a whiskey.”

“Shit, again?”

He nods.

“Try to keep him distracted or pour some water in it, something. I don’t want him blurring today out. We need to be happy and eat some good food.”

“I got it, baby, don’t worry. Ares is here, too. You know that’s practically his father too. He’ll keep him talking.”

“All right, God, I really don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you so much, Vike. More every day.”

“You want some D, huh?”

Laughing, I shake my head “I say love, and you automatically think of your cock?”

“Hey, I’m pretty sure that’s why you fell for me,” he says aloud, then mouths out ‘cunt crazy.’ He’s been teasing me about it more here lately with Avery popping up pregnant. He’s lost it if he thinks it’s happening with me anytime soon. I’m too selfish, I want him all alone, at least for a few more years. I don’t think I’ll ever get my fill of him.

As we gather around the massive tables we rented for this dinner; I can’t help but think about how lucky I am. I’m surrounded by friends and family I adore and sitting next to the man of my dreams that I never even knew I wanted.

Oh, and then there’s the billiards table Viking brought home on our anniversary. That alone is enough reason to love him forever.


“Hey, Prez?”

“What?” Ares and I answer at the same time, then chuckle. We’ve grown used to it now since we’re together a lot.

It’s one of his guys; Shooter comes closer to speak to Ares about a shipment of weapons, and I turn away.

“Brother, you can stay,” Ares mumbles.

“Nah, I’m good, I need to go be sociable.” Chuckling, I head through the club, just taking it all in.

Every day, I walk through with a cup of coffee, first thing and check everything over. It’s surreal knowing that I built this club. We’ve grown a lot too. It’s still Smokey, Blaze, Torch, and Bronx, but now we also have Scot, Nightmare, Saint, Sinner. And our newest brother, Chaos.

When the club was built, I asked all the Nomads to join us, but they weren’t ready to trade in their patch yet, which is fine. They stop in from time to time and catch up. I’ve made it very clear that they’ll always have a place here waiting for them.

Growing up, I thought I’d never have anything, and now I feel like I’ve got it all. I have strong, loyal brothers at my table, and Odin is thriving. He actually walks around smiling sometimes. My club is running successfully, finally making some decent money and I’ve got the best fuckin’ bitch a biker could ever wish for.


After we eat, I
help Princess clear off the table. I’ve learned that if I help her out, then she’ll let me use her car or take me with her when she grocery shops. I’ve gained twenty pounds since I came to live with her and my brother. At this rate, I’ll be bigger than him in no time.

Making an excuse to be back, I grab my favorite club whore’s wrist, tugging her along behind me. They don’t realize I’m about to be seventeen, or they do and just don’t care. We get to the bathroom, and I pull her into the largest stall, pushing lightly on her shoulders.

Sinking to her knees eagerly, she opens my pants enough to free my stiff cock. The food was good, but once the turkey settled, all I could think of was how damn horny I’d become.

Immediately, she takes my length in her warm, wet mouth as far as she can go, her eyes widening as I get closer to her throat. The club whores like to take turns with me to see if one can make me say anything. I don’t moan or talk; I’m there to get off not hear my voice.

She starts in on my favorite move. I like to call it the ‘Triple Whammy.’ She’s the only one who does it, gripping my cock tightly she twists her palm over the base, at the same time she uses her nails to scratch lightly over my sack and continue to suck on my cock. All at once.

Within minutes she has me exploding, pumping my cum down her throat in pure ecstasy.

Once we’re cleaned up, I offer to find her later and finger fuck her if she wants. She’s a club whore, so of course she agrees.

Mercy sends me a text, freaking out because I haven’t messaged her all day, but I ignore it. Instead, I grab the flowers off my dresser that I bought earlier when I went to pick up ice for the club. Tossing them in the passenger seat of Princess’ car, I head over to Mom’s; thinking on the way about Mercy breaking up with me a few weeks ago. I haven’t told anyone about it yet.

Last year when Mom got so sick, we were over there pretty much every day with Princess. When Mom was having a good day, I’d sit in her room with her, and she’d tell me a bunch of crazy stories about everything. Then when she’d had a bad day, I’d hold her hand and tell her how important she was to us all.

My brother thinks I’ve made changes because of him, but it was really for her. I didn’t want mom to know my cold side, especially when she filled my heart with so much love.

Picking up the flowers, I remove the outer plastic wrap, throwing it on the floorboard. She was in luck at the store; I found her favorites, a big bundle of Gerbera daisies. I try not to slam the door as I climb out, but the wind catches it, making the noise echo around me.

Princess still meets me with a friendly wave regardless. She thinks she’s like her father, which she is, but she’s also filled to the brim with warmth from her mother.

My brother lets her go long enough for her to wrap me in a hug and smell the flowers. Tilting her head up, her eyes shiny with tears, she smiles softly and whispers, “She will love them, Odin. You make me so proud to have you in my life.”

When she releases me, I bend; kneeling at Mom’s grave to whisper how much I miss her, but also to thank her for leaving me with someone who loves me.

This may not be the ending you were hoping for. It wasn’t for me either. I cried the entire time I wrote it, even during the sexy times because I could feel where this story was taking me, and I was fighting it. I’m still crying as I write this. I feel like I’m betraying Prez by not giving him his happily ever after, but through life comes hardships. While this is fiction, I want to bring you pieces of realistic hardships people face as well.

I want you to smile at funny parts, get excited during a sex scene, anxious when there’s suspense and most of all I want you to cry if a part makes you sad enough to. If any of that happens, then I did my job by making you f
. If you were able to experience even a fraction of what I felt when writing it, then thank you. That’s the best compliment I can receive.

XOXO Sapphire

My husband -
I love you more with each book I write. You drive me crazy some days, but you make up for it by being hot.

My boys
- You are my whole world. I love you both. This never changes, and you better not be reading these books until you’re thirty and tell yourself your momma did not write them!

The lovely beta readers -
Abbey Neil-Clark, Sarah Rogers, Lindsay Lupher, Wendi Stacilaucki-Hunsicker, Patti Novia West, and Jamey Weber. Thank you for all the love you’ve shown me. You’ve all helped me grow tremendously in my writing, and I’m forever grateful. I had so much fun reading through your comments and suggestions on this book; I’m so happy you love it!

Photographer and Model Darren Birks
– Thank you for selling me such a gorgeous cover photo.

Editor Mitzi Carroll –
Thank you tremendously! My books wouldn’t be possible without your hard work, and I absolutely love reading your comments. You take my work and make it shine!

My Formatter Max Henry
– Thank you for making my work look professional and beautiful, you are immensely talented, and I’m very grateful.

My PA’S Abbey Neil-Clark and Lindsay Lupher
– You’ve both helped me so much, I can’t wait to see what the future brings. Thank you for listening to my rambling and for the continued support.

Sapphire’s Naughty Princesses
– You ladies are brilliant, thank you for everything that you do to help promote my work and for all of your support and encouragement. Some days it’s one of you that keeps me writing my next book, excited to bring you a small escape in this world. Thank you for giving me a piece of your heart, I adore you!

My blogger friends
–YOU ARE AMAZING! I LOVE YOU! No really, I do!!! You take a new chance on me with each book and in return share my passion with the world. You never truly get enough credit, and I’m forever grateful!


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