Princess (24 page)

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Authors: Sapphire Knight

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Princess
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Her chest heaves as she gets worked up. “You did save me,” she admits quietly, “but you rescued me from your own family that I should have known about.”

Sighing deeply, my other hand rakes through my hair, pulling at it in frustration. “I know I fucked up, but you kept your shit from me too.” My palm slides over the shirt, stopping at the base of her throat.

“I-I couldn’t talk about him to you,” she finishes on a whisper, her eyes cresting with tears.

“Yeah, babe, you could. Believe it or not, I do listen to you. I know what it’s like to have hate consuming your heart because of fucked-up circumstances.”

“He respects you, I could tell. You’re angry that I didn’t confess, but you already knew who he was to me, didn’t you?”

Nodding, I watch as a tear falls down her cheek, then a second, and another, until I can’t take them anymore and use my thumbs to wipe her cheeks, wanting her tears to dry. “Shhhh, calm down, everything’s all right.”

“But it’s not.” Her lip wiggles as her tears come full force, and I drag her into my arms, holding her tightly to my chest.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“You’ll hate me,” she replies, her voice muffled by my shirt.

“Cinderella, I don’t know how you haven’t noticed by now, but I’m fucking batshit crazy in love with you. I can’t see myself hating you anytime soon, babe.”

Her words make me uneasy, but I won’t give that away to her. Staring ahead at the beige painted wall, I attempt to swiftly prepare myself mentally for whatever she’s going to say.

“I slept with you on purpose.”

That’s not what I was expecting to leave her mouth, and it almost makes me laugh. “I sorta got that when you rubbed your cum on my lips and flashed me your cunt while you were playing pool.”

“God, I’m such a slut.”

“Nah, I fucking loved every minute seeing you like that.”

“I hooked up with another biker before you.”

My hackles rise at the mention of another member. I don’t give a shit who the biker is; she belongs to me now.

Princess leans back to look at me, her face red and splotchy from crying, “Me and Bethany had a plan so I could get back at my father.”

“Go on.”

“I met one of my dad’s Prospects before you came along. I used him to upset my father, and I was planning to do the same with you, but you wouldn’t let me. Once I was with you, I couldn’t even think of anyone else.”

“You fuck any of the brothers?” The Prospect was nothing, and I took care of him right away anyhow. No sweat off my back but she better fess up if there was one I don’t know about.

“No. You’re the only biker I’ve slept with.”

“Good answer.”

“It’s the truth,” she responds, and I close the distance between us.

My palm slides up her shirt, squeezing her full tit as my lips find hers. My other hand eagerly unclasps her shorts button, as my tongue swipes against hers passionately. Within seconds I’m inside her jean shorts, my fingers moving in circles against her clit.

Her dainty hands fly to my jeans, shoving them off my hips as she becomes immersed in sexual need. Her tight fist wraps around my cock eagerly, pumping away with purpose. Tearing my lips from hers, I order hoarsely, “Get on your knees.” It’s been too long since I’ve had her. I need to be inside of her now, especially after she gets all mouthy and emotional. She’s so fucking beautiful all tearstained and vulnerable, eager to love and please me.

“My knees?” she repeats in a daze.

“Now, Princess.”

For once she does exactly what she’s told, holding onto my thighs as she drops to the floor directly in front of my cock. Without hesitation, she takes me in as far as she can. It feels incredible, and I’m probably not going to last long like this.

“Deeper, I want to hear you choke on it.”

She complies, taking me in several times until she starts to gag. Her reflex and throat massages the sensitive tip making my precum trickle out excitedly.

“Holy fuck, you’re gonna make me come so hard like that.” Groaning, my mouth hangs open slightly as I watch the fucking goddess in front of me.

Sweat builds on my brow as my nuts begin to tighten in anticipation, yet she continues the pleasurable torture, barely hesitating to catch her breath. Wetness coats her cherry colored swollen lips and chin, making Princess the sexiest bitch I’ve ever seen before.

She goes even farther on her next pass, causing one of my hands to fly to the wall, steadying my body, so I don’t fall over from my knees becoming weak.
She’s so damn good.

“Fuck baby, you wanna swallow my cum, or you want me to fill you up somewhere else?”

She pulls back briefly, staring up at me with desire filling her eyes, continuing to work my cock over with her fist. “I want to please you, Viking. Where do you want it?”

Fuuuuuck. I could shoot all over the place right now with that look and those words.

“I want my cum all over you, especially that pretty face and pink pussy.”

Licking her lips, she nods, then bends forward to suck my cock some more. Each pass, she copies my fingers from earlier, swirling her tongue around the head of my cock and sending me one step closer to bliss. My dick begins to throb, and she sits back on her heels, busily pumping me.

The next time I glance down, she’s eagerly watching me, her face tilted upwards with her mouth wide open and waiting.

“God, I love that look. I’m going to fuck you so good and hard, everyone will be able to tell I’ve been beating that pussy up.”

A loud growl escapes as cum bursts from my cock, the hot liquid spraying her flushed cheeks and mouth. Halfway through my climax, I spread my seed over her puffy lips and then shove my dick inside. The last of my offering is welcomed by her tongue, as she savors it in her mouth, waiting for me to give her permission to swallow.

“Damn, Cinderella, you make one hell of an Ol’ Lady.” Muttering, I pull her to her feet and shed my shirt to clean her face for her. “Swallow it.”

She nods, softly moaning to herself afterward.

Once she’s all taken care of, I walk her over to the bed, having her lie down. My hand shoots between her thighs ready for my turn to play. “Spread those sexy thighs for me, baby.”

“I thought you’d need a few minutes?” She gasps as I find her clit again.

“Fuck that, now open up so I can watch as I finger fuck that sugary cunt.”

With each pump of my fingers her core clenches, trying to pull them in further, her pussy creaming around my knuckles.

“I swear if I can eat you out every day of my life, I’ll die a happy man.”

“The stuff you say to me, it’s crazy. I’m not used to anyone talking to me like that, and it makes me want you constantly.”

Pulling my fingers free, I use the wetness to insert them in her ass while my tongue hungrily swipes up any leftover juice in her slit. Her honey hits my taste buds, and my cock instantly stiffens, ready for more.

“Ahhh!” she calls out, her body tightening up on me.

Keeping up my assault, I run my tongue from her pink folds, spreading her wetness down her taint, eventually pushing cream and saliva into her back entrance. She goes wild, her body squirming and as soon as it’s lubed enough, my digits go right back in, working her over as my lips slurp her slit and suck on her clit.

I don’t stop until she screams, coming all over my chin and lips. Like the greedy bastard that I am, I lick up every last drop my tongue can find then flip her onto her stomach.

“Oh my god!” she mumbles into the bedspread.

Grabbing her hips, I prop her ass in the air, rubbing my tip all over her cunt until she starts gyrating, attempting to get my dick to slip in farther. After a few moments of teasing her, I line myself up with her asshole. She stills just like I figured she would, sliding my hand around her hip and between her thighs, I find her core. Shoving three fingers in deep, I plant my cock in her ass at the same time.

“Please not like the first night,” she whispers, but even low, I can still hear the tears in her voice.

I loved the first night.

Stilling, I take it down a notch and start kissing up her back, pausing next to her ear to murmur, “I don’t think you realize how much control you really have, Cinderella. I loved the first night, but I love you so much more. Tell me what you want, baby; tonight is all yours.”


“All right, take a

Nancy, the bartender, was nice enough to let us borrow the bar for an hour before she has to come in and do her daily setup. Scot offered to take her to lunch on my dime, and she excitedly obliged. I had no clue that she’s the one who owns the place. I’ve gained a lot of respect for that lady since I’ve been here.

“Stacy, the chick that helps out at night here, dropped off some muffins and shit that she baked. Help yourselves, just remember it next time you leave her a tip.”

Everyone eagerly grabs three or four different muffins, munching away, content. I’m glad they have something to help smooth over what I’m about to discuss with them. “Odin, grab a few pitchers of water and some plastic cups.”

“Seriously?” He cocks his eyebrow at me like I’m fucking nuts.

“You want a real shot at being in the MC? You want to go to the barbecue later?”

“You’re really going to boss me around and shit now, huh?” He so much like me, it’s unreal. Princess told me last night that she’s going to go bald in a few years having two of us broody assholes around. I just laughed and asked if she’d bake us a cherry pie.

Breathing deeply, I attempt to tune in the patience that Princess has been helping me with the past few days. “We talked about this yesterday. I’m not fucking Jekyll, and things will be changing, for you, me, for all of us.” I glance around at the brothers surrounding our makeshift church table. We pushed a few small square tables together, and I’m at the head. Blaze and Torch are at my sides.

Eventually, Odin will take his spot beside me. He’s my brother, and once I’m able to teach him about true brotherhood like I’ve learned with the Nomads, he’ll become my Vice President. Right now, though, he’s not allowed at the table. My father treated him like a regular member, so he was pissed to hear he’d been essentially demoted. What he doesn’t understand is that he should have been treated like a kid and never even saw the table in the first place.

Smokey’s at the end along with Bronx, he’s the new kid I had gut checked outside the bar. I think with Ares and Exterminator getting hits in after me, the kid was traumatized enough to welcome some change. Butters and Charlie would be down there as well, but they’re dead. Can’t say that I care either. If anything, I’m glad because they were fucking scum, just like Jekyll.

Rapping my knuckles on the table, everyone’s gazes fall to me.

“First off, let’s make one thing clear, I’m not Jekyll,” I repeat myself from earlier, but this time to the brothers. “Got it?”

I’m met with ‘ayes’ all around, and surprisingly they seem excited about that aspect. It shouldn’t be a surprise I suppose with the miserable tyrant my father was. Odin comes back setting everything in the middle of us, then sits back at the bar as I instructed him to when we first arrived. Glad he’s paying attention.

“What’s the deal with the clubhouse?” We used to have a rundown building in the middle of nowhere that the MC drank and discussed business. It wasn’t anything compared to the Compounds I’ve grown used to in the past few years.

Torch speaks up, “We use it as a chop shop now when we’re home.”

“Fuck. You’ll get popped and do years in the pen.”

Blaze huffs, his eye still a deep purple from my fist finding out that he touched my woman’s hair. “A few of us tried to say that, but you know when Jekyll got an idea, it was no stopping him.”

“Who ran it?”

“That was O’s contribution.”

I swear to Christ my eyes bug the fuck out of my head. “My brother?”

Everyone nods, not meeting my eyes.

One, two, three, fifty, a hundred, think of Princess, don’t break anyone’s face, and just breathe.

“No more. It ends now. Blaze, find someone you can hire to gut it out and fucking burn everything.”

He chuckles. “And how do we pay for this?”

“Who usually handles the books?”

“Charlie, but there wasn’t much of anything to be counted. The money we’re using now to be here was from our recent drug sale on the way over here.”

“Fuck. Okay, was it a decent pay out?”

“We each got a five hundred dollar cut.”

“You fuckin’ with me right now?” How can you do a drug run and only cut your men five bills for serious possible jail time? That doesn’t build loyalty; it builds rats and sellouts when they’re presented with more paper.

“Odin, call my woman and ask her to stop by with five g’s.”

Everyone stares at me, shocked and silent.

“That’s bad business and bad dealing. I’ll give you each a grand. Don’t go screw it off on blow. Save a few hundred for shit you need to take care of. From now on, we’ll be voting on club business. Temporarily, I’d like for Blaze to sit as my VP until Odin is ready. It could be two years or ten, who knows. Torch deserves the Death Dealer patch. Smokey if you’re still decent with numbers, you can start up the books and trade your patch for Treasurer? We need a decent cash counter, and I’ll be paying close attention to all of it. Bronx, we’ll give it a little time and see if you get something other than member. Everyone agree to that?”

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