Priestess of the Nile (4 page)

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Authors: Veronica Scott

BOOK: Priestess of the Nile
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He regarded her with a grave face, all amusement gone from his green eyes. He seemed surprised. “Why?”

“Because I love you.” Merys feathered a kiss on his lips. “The crocodile is part of you. I want to see you in all your manifestations.”
Can’t he understand that this is a last test of my worthiness to be his priestess? I don’t want him to have any doubts of me.

He looked away from her, blinking. “I’m fearsome to humans in my other form.”

She stroked his semierect shaft, which lengthened at her caress. “You’re fearsome in other ways, my lord, even in human form.”

He caught her hand, lifting it away from him and kissing her fingers. “Wretch! Consider carefully what you ask. Egyptians respect and fear me for good reason. If I appear in all my glory, complete with the plumed crown and the disk of the sun on my head, I will frighten you. I don’t want you to be frightened of me, Merys. It would break my heart.” He gestured across the river, where the Nile crocodiles slumbered in the moonlight. “They’re far smaller than I.”

Merys assumed a cross-legged position, hands folded in her lap. “I want to behold you. I won’t be scared, trust me. I told you, I’m of the priestess blood. A high priestess of the Crocodile God can’t fear his creatures or the Great One himself. Not in any form he might take, no matter what he might find it necessary to do.”

Leaning back on his elbows, Sobek grinned. “Perhaps I could just become half human, half crocodile for you, would that suffice?”

Merys shook her head. “No, I can see such a depiction in any wall painting in the temple. I want to see
as the crocodile.” Dimples flashed in her cheeks. “I will grant you reprieve from wearing the crown with plumes and sun disk.”

Apparently unconcerned about his nakedness, he stood, dusted the sand from his hands and strode away from her, then glanced over his shoulder. His eyes gleamed golden in the moonlight.

Warmth pooled in her loins.
He is so perfectly formed, all muscles and sinew. I’m the luckiest of women to be with such a lover, even if only once.

Small flashes of emerald light dazzled her eyes. Then a crackling roar erupted in the air, as if a great fire burned somewhere close by.

In the next second, a thirty-foot-long white crocodile lay on the sand, head turned toward her, golden eye slitted. Merys gasped. He glowed in the moonlight. He was huge, not only in length, but overall—maybe three times the size of the largest Nile crocodile. Entranced, she got to her feet. Draping her fringed shawl over her shoulders against the chill breeze from the river, she paced closer. He held perfectly still while she approached, as a crocodile does to lure prey, but Merys wasn’t afraid. His body armor shone iridescent, rainbows chasing each other across his dorsal ridges and sides.

He rolled one sparkling citrine eye at her. Words poured into her head.
Well? Am I impressive enough for you, Priestess?

“Oh, Bek, you’re amazing.” Reaching out, she touched one of the gold-tipped ridges on his spine, running her hand along its length. His giant jade claws dug into the sand and he moved slightly. A tremor ran through his immense body. The tip of his tail twitched.

There’s a reason Osiris and Isis send me to resolve problems, deal with difficult situations. None can stand against me. I can even protect Pharaoh from black magic if need be.

She walked around him while his head swiveled to keep her in view. Slowly he curled his long tail in a big arc so she was completely encircled.
No force on earth could get at me while you stand guard.
Proud that he treasured her, she savored the feeling. A question stirred her peaceful enjoyment of the moment. “Does it bother you to be feared?”

I never considered it one way or the other until I met you
. His breath chuffed out, spicy and warm against her skin.
Fear is one of my weapons, but I didn’t want you to be afraid of me.

“And I’m not. How could I be? I know the man and the beast share one heart, one mind.”

He returned to his human form and caught her close to him, lifting her easily off the sand. “And the heart loves you beyond all reason, but what we’re going to do about it, I don’t know.”

“You are immortal and I have a limited span in the world,” she said, matter-of-fact, as he carried her to their improvised bed. She dropped the gauzy shawl on the sand. “But we can be together for

He laid her down tenderly and lowered himself on top of her, taking his weight on his elbows so as not to crush her. His cock nestled between her thighs. She parted her legs to grant him easier access.

He inserted the head of his shaft a little way inside her again, teasing her sensitive nerve endings. “What kind of life is that for you? Stolen hours here on a beach with me once in a while? While you slave daily for your stepmother and worthless father? I want your happiness, Merys.”

“I’m happy if you love me.” She moved her hips, drawing him farther inside her body. Her palms glided slowly down to rest just in the hollow of his back, holding them together more closely.

He transferred his weight to one elbow and put his other hand on her cheek, smoothing her hair, and stared into her eyes. “I would take you away to be with me, dwell in my home, I would, I swear. But I can’t.”

“You are a Great One—what prevents you from doing anything you desire?” He hadn’t made any promises, indeed had specifically warned her that great obstacles were in their path, but Merys had cherished some hope. Deep in her heart she felt a connection between them, almost a destiny, calling for them to be together.

Moving with deliberation so his staff stayed seated inside her, he rolled onto his side and brought her to face him. Merys curled one leg over his hip. Adjusting her a bit, he asked, “What is your village headman to Pharaoh?”

“I’m not sure I follow you.” She raked her nails in light, lazy circles along his spine.

He shivered against her. “What power does the headman have in your village?”

“His word is law. He gives justice, he assigns work, he—he rules.” Her hand moved to brush over his nipple.
Why are we talking about this? Why are we talking at all? I can’t concentrate.
Merys kissed his neck.

“But he reports to someone higher.” His hand found her breast, kneading the soft flesh, rubbing her nipple till it pebbled. He lowered his head to suckle and nip gently at her tender flesh.

“Yes, the headman reports to the nomarch, Ienhotep.” Merys gasped a little as he amused himself with her body, sending ripples of electric pleasure through her.

“And your nomarch, in turn, gives loyalty and obedience to Pharaoh. Pharaoh is a Great One himself, accepted by the gods as a son. But even he is subject to Osiris and Isis. As am I.” Dropping a gentle kiss on her cheek, Bek shook his head. “To you I am a Great One. To Osiris and Isis, I am one to be commanded, sent here and there to do their will. I have powers, but nothing that would stand against them.” He slid his hand down the curves of her body, over her hip and lower, seeking and finding an incredibly sensitive spot, massaging it in slow circles.

I don’t understand. And I can’t think with him
that to me.
Merys wriggled away a few inches, her hand on his chest to fend him off so she could gather her thoughts. “But the legends say you created the world, which must have taken immense power. Why then do you bow to anyone else?”

When he laughed there was a bitter undertone to the mirth. “Whatever I was, whatever I did in the beginning times, Osiris and Isis rule now. I assisted them in attaining their thrones. They are the right ones to rule in the era of man. I don’t deal well with the minutiae of human life. I’m more akin to nature itself. I tend to the health of Mother Nile. I accomplish such other tasks as I’m given. I’m not much venerated save in certain provinces like this one, along the Nile. Other Great Ones are on the rise—Horus, Ra, Hathor, Amon. My powers wane as theirs ascend. It is the way of things.”

“Oh, and I’ve spent such time these past months talking to you of the boring details of my life,” she said, hand to her mouth and eyes opened wide. Merys felt herself blushing in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, but you listened so patiently. I became accustomed to pouring all my hopes and dreams out, to laying my problems on your broad shoulders.”
I must have bored him to death but he was too kind to say so.

Bek held her close, his face serious. “No, don’t apologize. With you, I’m interested in every small moment of your life. Your singing attracted me, but who you are has kept me coming back. Made me fall in love with you. I can’t take you to my home in the land of the gods. I can’t resign my duties to live with you in the guise of a man during your lifetime. I can only steal these few hours with you, time and again.” His fists clenched against her spine. Merys felt his entire body tense, as if preparing for combat while his manhood advanced deeper inside her.

Hugging him tightly, she wrapped her legs around him. “Then that is what we have for ourselves, Bek. And I count myself fortunate. It’s more than I ever had before, more than I dreamed of. Just knowing you love me makes me happier than you can imagine. I’ve loved you for a long time. Maybe even since the first day we met.”

He groaned and rolled her over, plunging deeper inside her channel. “I feel the same.” He kissed her neck, sucking and biting gently, his tongue stroking across her skin. The cold night air when he pulled away made her shiver. “Staying away from you was the hardest thing I have ever done.”

“Why did you, Bek? I missed you so much.” She ran her hand through his hair, enjoying the heavy silk feel of it, then massaged his shoulders and neck in a slow rhythm.

He relaxed against her body as she continued, working the stress out of his muscles. “I hoped you would forget me, maybe find a way to marry a mortal man and have your dreams.”

“Did you truly?” Merys stopped her caressing massage and leaned away from him, brows furrowed. “Did you want another man to have me? Am I so easy to forget?”

“By Osiris, no.” He tangled one hand in her hair to pull her closer, crushed her lips with a passionate kiss. His cock throbbed inside her as he pushed deeper.

She was sore from their earlier loving but she adjusted her position, trying to give him pleasure.
He wants to claim me, show me I’m his completely. I would endure any fleeting pain for the joy of belonging to Bek, knowing he loves me.

Bek rocked his hips, creating small tingles of pleasure deep within Merys’s body. He nuzzled her neck.

“Isis warned me as well,” he whispered in her ear.

Merys gulped, her heart pounding in her chest. “The queen of the Great Ones warned you away from me?”

“She doesn’t know about you. I didn’t tell her.” He nodded. “I am no coward, believe that, but she terrifies even me.”

Merys rubbed his back, making big lazy circles with her hand, savoring the feel of the hard muscles and sinew. “What did she say? What happened?”

“She sought me out while I was working on the river, said I had been shirking my duties, forgotten my responsibilities and must be punished.” A shiver ran through his body. “She called the chill of the outer dark. Crocodiles are lazy creatures of the sun, you know.” He tried to smile but couldn’t seem to make himself meet her eyes.

Merys could hardly breathe, full of fear for him. “Then what?”

“I was close to death, I know it, but Isis relented. She banished the cold, allowed me to summon the hot air of the desert and make myself warm again.” Bek turned his head to look directly into Merys’s eyes. “We must be very, very careful, my love.”

“Should you take such risks?” Merys raised her eyebrows and frowned.

“You are worth it to me.” The god captured her lips, his tongue seeking her warm mouth as his hips began to move more forcefully to drive his engorged cock in and out of her soft channel.

Bek seemed to build to another climax.

Merys was too exhausted and sore to enjoy their lovemaking fully for herself but she was happy nonetheless.
mine. He desires no other woman but me
. A surge of fierce joy swept through her.


Bek held Merys close to him for a long while. Eventually, though, Merys began to fret in his arms and he finally noticed the lateness of the hour.

“I must get home,” she whispered.

Sighing, he released her. Merys rose and shook out her simple linen dress.

He propped himself on one elbow and watched her put her clothes on. “Merys, I could take you away from here, to Thebes maybe, and establish you with your own household. If we were careful, Isis would not find out. I go to Thebes often to watch over Pharaoh. I could give you great riches.” He poured a handful of gold coins out onto the sand, conjuring them from the air. “You would have servants to clean house, bake bread and catch the fish. And I would come to you when I could.”

She touched the pile of coins with one finger and sighed. “But who would watch over your temple here? And who would care for my sister Tyema?” She sat next to him, on her knees in the sand, and shook her head. “Bek, if you said I could be with you all the time in Thebes, whether rich or poor, I would go. I’d figure out a way to send for my sister later. But if I’m only to have moments of your time, I need to stay here, in my own place. I’ll be lonely for you, but I’ll at least have the comfort of my sister’s love, my friends in the village, the joyous work of caring for your temple.”

He remained unconvinced but let the subject drop. Glancing at the night sky and the waning moon, he frowned. “Will you be in trouble, coming home so late?”

“I’ve fallen asleep before on the beach. It’ll be fine as long as I’m in time to bake the morning bread. Food is all my stepmother cares about.”

She definitely had the look of a well-loved woman—rosy cheeks, bruised lips, the marks of his hands and teeth here and there on her body. Gentleness was hard for him to manage, even with her, but she hadn’t seemed to mind, had accepted his every caress and asked for more. “You doubtless never returned to them in such a condition.”

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