Pretty When She Destroys (18 page)

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Authors: Rhiannon Frater

BOOK: Pretty When She Destroys
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“Okay.” The sounds of shuffling filtered through the connection. Galina must have set the phone down because Cassandra could clearly hear her flipping pages. There was quite a racket when her mother picked up the phone again. “Oh! You’re so beautiful! You look like your father!”

“I look like you.” Cassandra smiled as she plucked at the frayed cuff of her jeans. It was an old argument that they repeated in every conversation. Though, now that Cassandra knew Cian better, she could see that they greatly resembled each other in appearance and manner.

“You’re with Aimee in Austin,” Galina read. She said Aimee’s name with great fondness. “I remember now. You’re visiting your father.” There was a long pause, then Galina asked the questions Cassandra dreaded. “Does he miss me? Does he want me to come back now?”

“Mom, he’s really busy right now.” Cassandra flinched. She had yet to tell her mother about Amaliya. “You know, with vampire stuff.”

Alexia tossed a worried look over her shoulder at Cassandra.

Galina was very quiet, but Cassandra could hear her breathing. “Does he still love me?”

“I love you. That’s what matters.”

“Always! Oh...Delta came today and we made tacos because I miss Texas,” Galina said, obviously recounting her latest entry in the notebooks that substituted for her memory. The vampires had left her mind riddled with massive holes.

“How is Delta?” Cassandra asked glad to change the topic.

For the next few minutes she listened to Galina prattle on about the caretaker Cassandra had employed to drop in every other day and check on her mother. Galina was fine with performing simple things around the house and was getting much better with recalling her daily schedule, but she would often forget to take her pills and vitamins. Sometimes she would not remember Cassandra was an adult and panic when she couldn’t find her daughter. There were framed reminders throughout her house, but sometimes Galina had severe episodes. Cassandra felt guilty for not being with her, but she consoled herself with the thought she was doing the right thing by being in Austin.

When she finally closed the call, she flung her arms into the air and let out an exaggerated, “Ugh!”

“She’s not okay today, huh?” Alexia gave her a sympathetic look.

“She’s a little more off than usual, but she’s okay. I just miss her and I feel guilty for not being with her.” Cassandra slouched in the chair, frowning. “I miss her. A lot.”

Alexia, who had no living parents, gave her a sad smile. “I know how that feels.”

Cassandra gave her friend a tight hug. “I know, Lex. Ignore me being stupid.”

“You’re never stupid,” Alexia said, squirming out of the hug. “Just way too huggy.”

“Ha! I’m giving you lezzy cooties! It’s already working on your butch hair!” Cassandra playfully ruffled Alexia’s short locks.

“I hate doing my hair! It takes up too much time! And I like penises!” Alexia protested, but giggled while smacking Cassandra’s hands away.

The teased each other for a bit longer, then settled in to watch movies on Netflix while Alexia continued to keep an eye on her emails and the websites she frequented for information. Cassandra couldn’t wait until Aimee got home. She needed to snuggle with her girlfriend and forget that the world was slowly going to hell.

As Alexia discreetly kept typing to her online boyfriend, Cassandra was glad to see that people didn’t stop falling in love and living their lives. She wondered if they would continue to after the earth was plunged into the abyss.




Chapter 15


Sitting across from Samantha on the ground in the yard behind Jeff’s house, Amaliya tapped her fingers on her knees. She could tell the blonde was nervous about something from the way she kept glancing toward the house. Amaliya flexed her toes in her boots and wiggled about, trying to get comfortable. Her jeans were a little snug and the waistband was biting into her midsection. She lamented her inability to lose weight, but it was her own fault for buying clothes without trying them on. Samantha, meanwhile, was dressed comfortably in black yoga pants and a pink tank top with an adorable chainsaw wielding bunny on it. The vampire reluctantly admitted the blonde looked cute.

“Are you going to concentrate at all, little bitch?” The affection in her tone still surprised her. Though Samantha could annoy her to no end, she did really care about the phasmagus.

Samantha scrunched her face. “I’m trying.”

“No, you’re staring at the house out of the corner of your eye.” Amaliya poked the center of Samantha’s forehead with one finger. “C’mon. Pay attention.”

“Ugh! It’s hard.” Samantha’s frown deepened.

In spite of all their practice, in the end, they hadn’t branched out their abilities, but only enhanced what they already had. It was frustrating. Amaliya had religiously studied all the notes Benchley had given her, but she still couldn’t astral project. Samantha still struggled to call ghosts on her own without Amaliya’s help. Their powers were best when they were together, which could work against them if they were separated in battle.

The back door creaked opened and a female silhouette appeared framed in the doorway. The witch’s long white skirt fluttered around her legs and her tank top covered in silver sequins sparkled in the moonlight as she hurried off the back porch. Amaliya admired the long bronze hair that rippled on the breeze like a cloak. The witch carried a large wicker basket in her arms as she strode down to where the two women were sitting.

“Care if I join you?” she asked.

Amaliya shrugged. “Samantha’s concentration is shot, so sure.”


“It is!”

Samantha pouted. “Fine.”

Sitting cross-legged on the ground beside them, Aimee set the basket aside. “I know you two are struggling and I think I can help. If that’s okay?”

“Anything to help Samantha concentrate is appreciated.”

Samantha rolled her eyes. “Seriously, it’s like studying for math. Annoying.”

Aimee withdrew a very old tome
from the basket. It was bound with strips of leather and most of the pages were frayed. “This is my Book of Shadows. It came through my mother’s line. It has this special little quirk where it adds information when I need it. It’s been a little reluctant to help me sort you two out but—”

“It can
?” Samantha asked, bending toward the book.

“Leave it alone,” Amaliya said, pushing her upright. “She just said it’s been reluctant to help us. Don’t freak it out.”

“So it’s alive?” Samantha persisted, eyes wide.

Aimee gave a slight nod. “Well, in a way it is. It’s not flesh and blood like we are, but a different sort of energy. Anyway, it was not very happy about the whole dark magic aspect of what you two do. It took some cajoling on my part to finally get it to talk to me.”

?” Samantha’s eyes grew wider.

Amaliya smacked her lightly. “Sam! Listen.” The blonde was off her game and it was annoying Amaliya to no end. Samantha was obviously distracted.

Scowling at Amaliya, Samantha made a point of clamping her lips together.

Looking amused, Aimee continued, “Your magicks resemble the necromancers and phasmagi of the past, but the reality is that it’s something uniquely yours. I had my
moment earlier today when listening to Samantha’s plan to recruit Roberto to be her ghost minion.”

Amaliya gasped. She was climbing to her feet before she realized what she was doing. Aimee grabbed her hand and yanked her down to the ground, surprising Amaliya with her strength.

“Samantha, you didn’t tell Amaliya, I see.”

“Oops.” Samantha gave Amaliya a wide-eyed innocent look.

“What the fuck are you talking about, little bitch?”

“I need a minion! A ghost to give me the inside scoop on the ghost shit, bitch-face,” Samantha answered.

“And you picked Roberto? Are you fuckin’ kidding me? He tried to kill me and Cian!”

“And he also tried to warn us about The Summoner! Remember? The Summoner was going to obliterate him, too, to infuse himself into Bianca’s body. He’s going to want payback!” Samantha scowled at Amaliya defiantly.

Leaning toward the blonde, Amaliya stared into her friend’s eyes trying to gauge if she believed the bullshit she was spewing. To her surprise, she saw that Samantha didn’t flinch.

“Look, bitch-face, I’m right on this. Okay? Trust me.”

“Fine,” Amaliya grunted. “But I’m so not happy with this. The first time he does anything that I think even hints at betrayal, I will find a way to banish him.”


The witch looked back and forth between them. “Are we done?”

Amaliya curtly nodded her head while Samantha rolled her eyes.

“As I was saying, you two are unique. The Summoner created a new type of necro-vamp when he made you, Amaliya. You created a new type of phasmagus when you gave Samantha your blood. The old rules aren’t going to apply. That’s why you have to shed blood to raise the dead and Samantha is struggling to reach the dead. There’s an imbalance going on.” Aimee flipped through the pages of her book. “I think we’ve been looking at this the wrong way.”

“I’m listening,” Amaliya said, attempting to not sound bitchy.

“It’s all about the blood. You’re still a vampire at the core of all your power. When vampires feed off each other, they are infused with the other vampire’s blood. Sometimes they can use the other vampire’s power to enhance their own.”

“Cian doesn’t get my necromancy from drinking from me,” Amaliya observed.

“That’s because you’re not a normal vampire. But you’re stronger when you feed from him, right?”

Amaliya considered this, then nodded. “Yeah. I get the ability to fly after feeding from him a lot.”

Aimee set her hands on the open pages, bright specks of magic stirring under her palms. “Therefore, I’m going to ask a simple question.”
She looked first to Amaliya and then to Samantha. “Amaliya, have you drunk from Samantha since her transformation?”

“Eww, no.” Samantha flinched at the idea.

The question surprised Amaliya, but it also made an immense amount of sense all at once. “No, I haven’t.”

“I think you need to drink her blood. And she probably needs more of yours. I have a feeling Samantha is in mid-transition. Not fully a phasmagus. Also, you two are connected. Once Samantha has all her abilities, she will be able to instantly attune to the dead.” Aimee’s gaze shifted back and forth between them. “I think once Samantha is at full power, it will allow you to be at full power, too.”

That surprised Amaliya. “You don’t think I’m at full power?”

Aimee shook her head. “Not yet. Maybe if The Summoner had kept giving you his blood you would be, but he abandoned you and your connection with him dimmed. When you accidently made Samantha into a phasmagus, I think your connection with her kinda took his place. Your powers feed each other. They’re complimentary. I’ve been doing a bit of experimentation with the blood both of you gave me. When used together, the results are always much stronger.”

“So I have to drink her blood. And she has to drink mine?” Samantha gave Amaliya a revolted expression. “That’s all sorts of

“Maybe,” Aimee said. “But once at full power Amaliya may be able to summon the dead without spilling her blood on cemetery graves. She may be able to pull them straight out of the earth like The Summoner.”

Falling onto her back, Amaliya stared up at the night sky. “Fuck me. That would be brilliant.”

“That would be...good.” Samantha’s voice was hesitant.

Amaliya felt a little overwhelmed. Aimee’s words rang true. Her magic was always lashing out, trying to find stability. With Samantha, she felt more focused and powerful. Whenever she was around The Summoner, she felt her magic responding to his, which was quite dangerous.

The witch sat in silence, waiting for one of them to say something more.

Amaliya rolled over to face her, one hand cupping her head. “Will this help with the blood bond?”

With a sad look, Aimee gave her head a little shake. “He’ll still be a huge magnet to you, but it may help lessen his hold a little. All my experiments failed. You’re infused with his power and blood. I can’t remove that without killing you.”

“We should do it,” Samantha said abruptly. “We need to do it. There’s no room for discussion. I need my powers. You need yours.”

Amaliya observed the blonde’s pensive face and sympathized. They had started off as adversaries and were now friends. Their magic demanded even more of them now, and it was a little frightening. It was another form of commitment. Up until recently Amaliya had run away at the mere hint of committing to anything.

“It might get all sexy,” Amaliya teased.

Samantha’s face paled a little. “Eww.”

“Aw, it’s fun getting all sexy with another girl,” Aimee said with a sly look.

The phasmagus’s pallid pallor was abruptly altered to bright red.

“She’s giving you a hard time,” Amaliya assured Samantha.

“I just like my sexy times to be with only Jeff,” Samantha muttered.

“It’ll be fine.” Amaliya sat up, crossed her legs, and took Samantha’s hand.

Instantly, their magic intermingled, darkness and light. Both women
promptly relaxed, their earlier prickliness dissipating.

“See,” Aimee said triumphantly. “Complimentary.”

“What’s in the basket?” Amaliya asked.

“Things to make it less sexy,” Aimee said, her gaze amused, her tone mocking.

“I’m all for that.” Samantha perked up significantly.

When the witch withdrew a dagger and chalice, Samantha deflated. Amaliya didn’t care how they exchanged blood. She could quickly heal. It would be more painful for the human with the dagger than with Amaliya’s sharp teeth.

“I’ll leave it up to you, Samantha.” Amaliya offered her an encouraging smile.

Closing her eyes and thrusting out her arm, Samantha said, “Bite me, bitch.”



The kitchen smelled of magic and some awful human food. Cian tried to block out the stench and concentrate on the human seated across from him at the kitchen table. Jeff’s nervousness was obvious. He kept running his hands through his hair and avoiding direct eye contact with Cian. To unnerve the mortal further, the vampire sat with his arms folded across his chest, head slightly tilted, and his legs stretched out in front of him and crossed at the ankles. Cian was feeling agitated and Jeff’s hem-hawing around the topic he wanted to discuss wasn’t helping his mood.

“ I’m trying to keep focused on keeping the group unified, you know?” Jeff was saying.

Cian inclined his head.

The house was empty. Cassandra, Baptiste, and Eduardo were patrolling the city, checking all the perimeter spells, while Benchley was visiting Alexia at the electronic command center at Cian’s home. Cian could clearly see Amaliya, Samantha, and Aimee through the windows. The three women were seated on the lawn and having an animated conversation. He’d rather be hunting than dealing with Jeff, but the man was anxious to talk to him.

“...and so that’s why Samantha needs Roberto.”

“What?” Cian’s attention snapped back to Jeff.

“Samantha needs a ghostly minion,” Jeff said, obviously repeating himself. “Because she needs someone to help her with the ghosts.”

“And she wants to recruit Roberto’s ghost?” Cian’s emotions were immediately mixed. Roberto had been a close companion for years and someone he had relied upon until Roberto had betrayed him to The Summoner. He did miss the old camaraderie he shared
with Roberto for many years, but the anger he felt over his betrayal could not be so easily assuaged in the glow of fond memories.

“Well, she knows him. And Roberto will most likely want revenge on The Summoner. The Summoner did almost obliterate his ghost to infuse himself into Bianca’s body.” Jeff finally looked Cian directly in the eyes. The earnestness in his gaze did little to soften Cian’s reluctance.

“Did you consider, Jeff, that he may also want revenge on Amaliya for killing him?”

Wincing, Jeff inclined his head. “Yeah...maybe. But if he agrees to help, Samantha will hold authority over him. He’ll be totally dependent on her.”

Cian didn’t blink as he continued to stare at Jeff. “And you think this is a wise idea?”

“Samantha is a phasmagus who has yet to totally manifest her powers. She needs this help. We need her at full power.” Jeff waved his hand at the whiteboard. “The Summoner has anywhere from
nine to eleven of the rings. It’s almost October. We’re running out of time, Cian.”

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