Pretty When She Destroys (13 page)

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Authors: Rhiannon Frater

BOOK: Pretty When She Destroys
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“You can do it, babe,” Cassandra said, giving the witch’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

“We need to leave now,” Jeff decided. “Samantha, get Beatrice. We’re going. The ward is down and I’m not waiting around for a second attack.”

“I agree.” Baptiste moved toward the were-creature. “But we need to take care of this.”

Amaliya sent her power into the earth, felt the dead answer, and asked them to take one of their own. The were-creature vanished into the earth before Baptiste reached it.

Tilting his head in her direction, Baptiste said, “I see.”

“You and I have to share territory. We need to work on that.” Amaliya tried not to sound as pissed off as she felt.

Samantha and Jeff vanished inside her house while Benchley and Alexia grabbed their stuff from the living room. After pressing a quick kiss to Cian’s lips, Amaliya hurried through the house to claim her shoes. Cassandra, Aimee, Baptiste, and Cian kept watch outside. She found the Louboutins in the kitchen where she had left them. They were dirty, but not ruined. Leaning over to pick them up, she grunted at the agonizing burning of her arm. No matter how much of her power she directed into her limb, it was healing at a snail’s pace.

Straightening, Amaliya was shocked to see Bianca standing before her, and took a hard step back, reaching out to brace herself against the counter. The blonde’s dark fringed blue eyes gazed at her with desperation in their depths. It took a second for Amaliya to realize Bianca was translucent. The ghostly aspect of the girl was unexpected and sent her mind whirling.

“Bianca,” she whispered.

“I’m not dead,” the girl answered, her voice imploring Amaliya to believe her. “I’m not dead. I’m still here.”

Beatrice scampered into the kitchen, Samantha right behind her. “Bad kitty, Beatrice!”

Amaliya glanced away from Bianca for a scant moment, but when she looked back the apparition was gone. With one quick movement, Amaliya snatched up the hissing cat and handed her over to Samantha.

“Little bitch, we need to go now,” Amaliya said, grabbing Samantha by the arm and pushing her into the living room.

“I had to get my cat!” Samantha protested, but shoved Beatrice into a fancy pink cat carrier.

“Let’s go now. We got her,” Jeff said, grabbing the carrier. Over his shoulder were two bags. “And I got your overnight stuff.”

Samantha held out her hand toward the depths of the house. “I can’t just go!”

“Yes, you can,” Jeff answered.

Amaliya understood Samantha recognized the truth of the situation, but was reluctant to admit that she was about to lose a part of her life. It reminded Amaliya vividly of the moment she had stood in her dorm room and realized her life as she knew it was over. She wrapped her fingers around Samantha’s outstretched hand and pulled her out of the house. The blonde phasmagus came willingly, but her sadness was tangible. Cian and Cassandra fell in behind them as they walked to the cars.

“Nothing stirring,” Aimee said. Her long bronze-colored hair rippled around her making her look even witchier.

“Let’s get out of here before they regroup,” Jeff said.

The group split between Cian, Jeff and Samantha’s vehicles. Amaliya was relieved that she and Cian were riding to Jeff’s home alone. She didn’t want to tell the others what she had seen. At least, not yet.

Grabbing her unburned hand, Cian kissed it while he drove out of the darkened neighborhood trailing behind the red lights of Jeff’s Land Rover. “You did good back there even if you don’t think you did.”

“I failed. I could have brought the dead up, but I got blocked. And I ruined the ward.”

“Baptiste was just trying to help,” Cian said, continuing to hold her hand against his lips.

“Yeah, well, fuck him. I could have taken everything out with a good zombie rising,” Amaliya said, scowling.

“But we survived without that happening. You’re not always going to be the rescuer of everyone, Amaliya.”

Tilting her head, A
maliya gazed at Cian’s profile. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved him, but he didn’t fully understand yet what she felt inside.

“That you have to win this war alone against him?” Cian said, smirking.

“Oh, fuck you. This mind reading thing is going to be annoying.” Amaliya withdrew her hand from his grip, but only to rest on his thigh.

“Yes, you’re both very powerful vampires and necromancers, but you have a strong group of people around you. Samantha killed the were-bear-”

“Was that what it was? Gross!”

“-and Baptiste helped vanquish the demon. Aimee and Cassandra killed several vampires. We held our own.” Cian slid the small glowing orb out of his pocket and tossed it onto her lap. “One very trapped demon right there. Courtesy of me.”

Amaliya picked up the sphere to see it was a crystal that had been shaped into a ball. The heat pulsing inside of it was disconcerting. “Can it get out?”

Cian shook his head. “No. Not on its own. Maybe a black witch could do it, but not without a lot of trouble. Aimee gave me that just in case there were demons about.”

“We weren’t ready, Cian,” Amaliya said, her voice barely above a whisper. “We’ve been talking about this shit for weeks now and we weren’t ready.”

“I know.”

The sedan sped up to follow the other two vehicles on to Interstate 35. The black smoke from the burning building was a haze against the moon. Sirens still sounded in the distance. Amaliya wondered if the blaze was under control yet.

“He came for Samantha. Not me. Her. She’s dangerous to him. She can’t go home.”

“I agree. She’ll stay with Jeff. Next to our house, his place is the most fortified magically and otherwise.” Cian reclaimed the orb and shoved it in his pocket. “We’ll figure it out.”

Amaliya swept her hair back from her face, keeping it off the burns on her arm. What she was about to say was not going to make Cian happy.

“Why not?” Cian asked.

She frowned at him. “Now you’re just showing off.”

“You’re actually projecting your thoughts quite loudly.”

Staring out at downtown Austin as they made their way to the Travis Heights area where Jeff lived, Amaliya felt unexpected tears in her eyes. “I saw Bianca.”

“The Summoner? At Sam’s?”

“No. I saw Bianca. Not The Summoner. I think she was astral projecting. Something I totally need to learn to do, by the way.” Amaliya peered up a side road toward her old home. The road was clogged with emergency vehicles. “Anyway, Bianca appeared to me in Sam’s kitchen. I know it was Bianca, not The Summoner.”

The silence from the vampire beside her lasted much longer than she anticipated. Glancing over at Cian, she saw his eyebrows were drawn downward over his hazel eyes. At last he said, “All right, but what does that mean?”

“I think she’s trapped inside her own body. The Summoner may be controlling it, but she’s in there. I...uh...have talked to her in my dreams. Each time she begs me to find her. I talked to Benchley about it. About possession. He’s doing some research for me. So I can rescue her.”

Another long stretch of quiet filled the air between them as Cian switched lanes to follow Jeff’s vehicle across the bridge out of the downtown area.


“Your grandmother saw Bianca and ended up dead. It was a trap, remember?”

The memory of her grandmother’s death at the hands of The Summoner hit her like a bullet. It was too fresh, too new, to fully accept as truth. She kept forgetting Innocente was gone. “Right.”

“Don’t sound pissed, Liya. Your grandmother saw Bianca’s spirit several times before she died. She was trying to save Bianca, too. Remember? What’s to say that The Summoner isn’t once again trying the same ploy as a trap? You know I’m right.”

“But what would be the point?” Amaliya asked. “We know it’s a ploy, a possible trap, so why try it again?”

“Because you wouldn’t believe he would do the same thing twice?” Cian glanced at her briefly, then slowed the car to stop for a red light.

Cian had a point and Amaliya resented that fact. It hurt deep within her to realize that she had so much in common with the tiny blonde, yet had never connected with her, never truly spoken to her. All her life Amaliya had been adrift, looking for an anchor, trying to understand who she was. As a child she had told her mother she heard voices and sometimes saw people who weren’t really there, but she had been told it was just her imagination. Now, in retrospect, Amaliya knew better. Those old memories were surfacing more and more now that she felt strong enough to actually look into her past for the truth about her existence. The Summoner had killed and transformed Bianca and Amaliya because they were the
descendants of powerful mediums. He had managed to make two more of his kind, but Amaliya hadn’t known that when she had first risen. By the time it had been revealed, it was too late. Bianca was possessed by The Summoner and Innocente and Pete were dead.

“Pete isn’t your fault,” Cian assured her, his fingers tracing over her ear lightly.

“He loved me. He wanted me to be human so we could have a life together. He never realized that isn’t what I would have chosen for myself. He died for nothing.”

The sedan was now making its way up a heavily lined street toward the big Victorian hidden at the top of a hill surrounded by trees. The road wasn’t very wide and cars parked along the road made the passage very narrow. It made Amaliya nervous, wondering if The Summoner would dare attack here. The ward shimmered along the property line, extending far into the sky above. It was huge and beautiful. The sedan slipped through the magic and started up the long drive to the Victorian. The outside motion lights flicked on at the approach of the vehicles illuminating the
dark green house edged in light yellow and red paint. The big house was in quite good condition considering its age.

As Cian parked the car, he finally said the words he’d been holding back, but no longer could. “Pete died because he believed that the love he felt for you was worth fighting for, Amaliya. It was his choice.”

“Don’t say anything more,” Amaliya said in a harsh, tight voice. She didn’t want to hear the truth coming from Cian’s lips.

“But it
true,” Cian persisted. “If I die, it’s because I believe that the love I feel for you is worth fighting and dying for. That’s why I’m in this fight against The Summoner.”

“Not to save the world?” Amaliya said, trying to sound flippant as she cast a dark look in his direction.

“If I had to choose between you and the world...”

“You’d let it burn,” Amaliya finished. “That’s really romantic, Cian. Really sick, fucked up, and romantic in a weird way.”

“And you?” Cian already knew the answer, but he
to hear it.

“I’ll do anything to save you. Protect you,” she answered truthfully.

“Then humanity may be fucked,” Cian decided.




Chapter 11


Samantha waited impatiently for Jeff to unlock the door to the massive Victorian, shifting from one foot to the other. She wished she had put on something other than her flip flips. The daisies on the straps kept tickling her toes. Beatrice was surly inside her carrier, letting out annoyed meows every few seconds. Behind her, Benchley and Alexia were arguing as the mysterious Baptiste stood quietly to one side with a heavy leather suitcase in one hand. Amaliya and Cian were still in their car, probably making out.

Every moment she had to stand outside, Samantha felt vulnerable to a possible attack. She hated being in the sights of The Summoner.

Stepping inside the door, Jeff quickly deactivated the alarm system and flipped on the foyer light. The glittering chandelier sprang to life overhead. Samantha darted inside, the rest of the group following. Baptiste craned his head one way then the other, taking in the giant foyer. Benchley and Alexia had been here many times before, so they made themselves at home by heading toward the kitchen.

“Nice,” Baptiste said at last.

Jeff smiled proudly. “It’s been in my family since the 1800’s when we first moved to Austin.”

The front entrance wasn’t long, but wide. It spread halfway across the front of the house. The massive grand staircase wound up to the higher floors to the right of the front doors, while two wood sliding doors led into the library. An arched entrance opened to the dining room that was filled with antique furniture and a curio cabinet filled with porcelain dancing ladies. Another narrower archway revealed the hallway that led to the family room and parlor in the rear of the house, while the last door to the far right was to the hallway that ended in the kitchen. Samantha was forever opening the wrong doors or going down the wrong hallway whenever she visited.

“I’m going to put Beatrice in your room,” Samantha said to Jeff, her fingers locked tight around the handle of the cat carrier.

Inside, Beatrice hissed at her new surroundings.

“I’ll be up in a second. Let me get Baptiste settled real quick.” He kissed her cheek tenderly, his fingers lightly gripping her waist. “I am glad you’re here.”

Samantha sighed. “I guess I am, too.”

The wide staircase wound up to the two floors above. It was a steep climb and she felt a little winded when she reached the third floor where Jeff’s room was located. She could have taken the small elevator that was off the dining room, but it freaked her out because of its size. It wasn’t much larger than a broom closet. At least Jeff’s room was quite large, consisting of a sitting area and actual bedroom with an attached bathroom.

Once inside the room, she shut the door, set the carrier on the floor and opened it. Beatrice glared at her, obviously not appreciating the change in location.

“This is our new home,” Samantha said, the words filling her with both dread and pleasure. She actually liked the room with its tall windows, large bed, and antique decor. But it wasn’t
room in

Beatrice’s eyes narrowed to slits, and she didn’t move.

“C’mon, surly kitty. Come out.” Samantha bent at the waist to stare at her cat. “It’ll be fine. I think.”

The bedroom door opened and Samantha quickly straightened. Jeff slipped inside carrying her two overnight bags. She’d packed them on a lark soon after the events in the graveyard in Fenton. Her father had always taught her to be prepared. One was filled with clothes and toiletries for Samantha; the other was for Beatrice.

“I’m sorry,” Jeff said, seeing her expression. “I really am, Sam.”

She didn’t mean to cry, but tears sprang out before she could shut them down.

Dropping the bags on the floor, Jeff rushed to her, swept her up in his arms, and held her tenderly against his body. “Sam, I will do everything I can to protect you. I swear it.”

Samantha snuggled into his chest, her face pressed into the hollow of his throat. “I’m so sorry I’m intruding on your space.”

“Sam, you’re not!” Cupping her face, he smiled down at her. “I’m actually really happy you’re here. I’ve been wanting you to move in since this all started, but I knew you wouldn’t want to give up your place. That’s why I asked Aimee to ward your house.”

Samantha sniffled. “I’m not a big ol’ nuisance?”

“No! Not at all.” Jeff gave her an incredulous look. “C’mon, Sam, you know how I feel about you. I love you. Even if The Summoner wasn’t breathing down our necks, I’d still hope that you would end up living here with me one day.”

“Really?” She felt foolish for asking, but she needed to hear Jeff’s answer. Maybe she was still smarting a bit from Cian’s betrayal, or maybe she just wanted Jeff to remind her how much he loved her. Every time she looked at Jeff, her heart felt so full of love for him, she wanted to know he felt exactly the same way. She’d never felt so completely enamored with anyone before. Not even Cian. The feelings she had for Jeff felt like forever.

“Yes, really, Samantha. This isn’t a casual thing for me. I want us to be building a life together that will last.”

“Oh, Jeff! Me, too!”

Jeff’s kiss was sweet, yet searing. It was everything a kiss should be and she melted into it. Tangling her fingers in his hair, she returned the ardent touch of his lips. When they finally parted, they were both breathless.

“So the world is coming to an end,” Jeff started.


“Maybe. But it might.” Jeff stared into her eyes, his fingers gently caressing her flushed cheeks. “I want us to spend every moment we can together.”

“Because the world might end?”

“Because I love you,” Jeff answered.

A fresh burst of tears, this time happy ones, flooded her eyes. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed kisses to his neck. “I love you!”

There was a loud thump nearby.

Jeff and Samantha separated immediately, both tensing.

Beatrice stared at them from the center of the bed, then began to clean one paw.

They both burst into laughter.



Cassandra watched her girlfriend worriedly all the way to Jeff’s house. Aimee kept silent throughout the trip, but Cassandra could tell she was very upset. As soon as Jeff unlocked the front door of the Victorian house and let the group in, the witch immediately headed toward the pantry where the magic supplies were
stored. Cassandra followed.


“The ward failed,” Aimee muttered. Grabbing her long hair, she twisted into a bun on top of her head, then placed her hands on her hips while glaring at the jars and bags lining the shelves.

Leaning against the doorjamb, Cassandra tried to formulate a good reply to Aimee’s comment, but couldn’t come up with anything that didn’t sound trite. The ward
failed. Epically. Aimee wasn’t used to failure, so Cassandra knew she was smarting. After a few tense beats ticked by, she decided to opt for another approach.

“Amaliya landed on the ward and it held her out. I wonder what that means?”

The witch sighed and picked up a jar to study the contents. “It means I should have taken into account that necromancy is dark magic.”

“Huh?” Cassandra gave her girlfriend a startled look. “What?”

Aimee sniffed the contents of the jar, looked satisfied, and set it in a wicker basket at her feet. “Cass, we’re dealing with vampires, necromancers, and a phasmagus. All creatures of the darkness.”

“Like me,” Cassandra said, lowering her eyes.

“No, no. Dhamphirs are different. You’re more in the gray area of magic.”

“I sense the splitting of hairs here.” Cassandra frowned.

“Cass, you’re half human. The vampire side of your nature is muted by that fact. We’ve discussed this before.” Aimee touched her arm lightly.

“Yeah, I know, but it’s still really unnerving to see dear old dad vamp out and...” Cassandra had thought that her daddy issues were put behind her, but she realized that maybe she had been wrong. She was seeing a lot of herself in Cian and it made her uneasy.

“Yeah, but he’s a very old vampire. In that regard you two are very different.” Aimee tilted her head, drawing close enough that her warm breath was on Cassandra’s cheek. “Do you trust me?”

“Of course!”

“Then trust me when I tell you that you’re a fabulous shade of gray.”

Cassandra laughed. “Okay. Fine!”

After pressing a kiss to Cassandra’s cheek, Aimee resumed searching for ingredients. “Now, to answer your question about Amaliya...I think she passed through the ward the first time because she hadn’t activated her necromancy yet. She spills blood to make it work, so once she was wounded and bleeding, her magic kicked in...”

“And the ward attempted to kick her out.”

“Exactly. Death and blood magic are very dark magicks. The only thing darker is demonic magic, which the black witches use.”

Cassandra let out a puff of air. “Yoiks.”

“I don’t think Amaliya and Samantha are evil, but the magicks they wield can easily cross that line. I’ll have to adjust the ward.” Aimee selected another jar and placed it in the basket.

“How did Amaliya punch through the ward?”

“Honestly, I think she confused it. When I cast the spell, I infused it with the names of our cabal to allow everyone safe passage. The ward recognized her, but was also repulsing her because it read her as a threat.” Aimee lifted a shoulder. “I should have thought of that. From now on everything I do will have to take this into account.”

“It makes it harder for you to do your spells, doesn’t it? The fact that we have them on our side?” Cassandra fiddled nervously with a nail stuck in the wall used to hang up cotton bags.

“Yes, but I’ll deal.” Aimee flashed her stunning, confident smile. “Because I’m a badass true witch.”

“Damn, I love you.” Cassandra couldn’t help but return Aimee’s smile.

“I know. Shows how smart you are.”

“I may be leery about all this other shit going on in our lives, but you’re the one thing in my life that I never doubt.”

“Aw, babe.” Aimee came instantly into her arms and snuggled against her.

Holding her girlfriend close, Cassandra breathed in her sweet scent. It always grounded her when she was feeling agitated. She often wondered if it was the herbs Aimee worked with or the actual fragrance of her magic that always made her smell so delicious.

“Cass, we’re going to be okay. I promise.”

“You had some sort of vision?”

Aimee wagged her head. “No, no. I don’t have those.”

“Right. The vampires killed all the oracles.” Cassandra rolled her eyes. The vampires had done a lot to make sure the cards were always stacked in their favor.

“Remember that evil tends to get cocky. I was around Frank long enough to see that myself.”

Cassandra snarled at the mention of Frank.

Picking up the wicker basket, Aimee motioned for Cassandra to let her out of the pantry. “You’re cute when you’re growly.”

“Then I’m going to be uber-cute when I pull The Summoner’s head off.”

“That’s my girl!”

Aimee carried the basket to the kitchen and Cassandra followed.



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