Prague in Black and Gold: Scenes from the Life of a European City (104 page)

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Georg J. Morava,
Sehnsucht meiner Seele
Božena N
mcová, Dichterin/Ein Frauenschicksal in Alt-Osterreich
(Innsbruck, 1995), excellent new biography.
Helena Sobková,
Tajemství Barunky Panklové
(Prague, 1992), genealogical speculations.
Václav Tille,
Božena N
(Prague, 1969), older standard biography.
A Modernized City
G. B. Cohen,
The Politics of Ethnic Survival: Germans in Prague 1861-1914
(Princeton, 1981), important sociological study, from the city records.
Norman Cohn,
Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World Conspiracy and the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
(New York, 1967).
Elfriede Ledig,
Paul Wegener’s Golem-Filme im Kontext fantastischer Literatur
(Munich, 1989).
Pražská asanace
, by various contributors (Prague, 1993) —
Acta Musei Pragensis,
vol. 93, with extensive summaries in English and German.
Jeffrey L. Sammons, “The Literary Origins of the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’”
A Jewish Journal at Yale
, 2/1 (Fall 1984), 8-12.
Rudolf M. Wlaschek,
Juden in Böhmen
(Munich, 1990) -
Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum,
vol. 66.
Francis Marion Crawford,
The Witch of Prague
(London, 3rd ed. 1892).
George Eliot,
The Lifted Veil
(London, 1985), with a new afterword by Beryl Gray.
Wilhelm Raabe, “Hollunderblüte,” in
Sämtliche Werke,
ed. Karl Hoppe (Freiburg, 1951-), 9/1, 85— 120.
Sir John Retcliffe (- Hermann Goedsche),
(historisch-politischer Roman in acht Bänden) (Berlin, 1868, 2nd ed. 1876).
Peter Demetz, “Die Legende vom magischen Prag,”
, 7 (1994), 142—62, reprinted in Peter Demetz,
Böhmische Sonne/Mährischer Mond: Essays und Erinnerungen
(Vienna, 1996), pp. 143—67.
Republican Prague
Karl Bosl (ed.),
Die erste tschechoslowakische Republik als multinationaler Parteienstaat
(Munich, 1979).
J. W. Bruegel,
Czechoslovakia Before Munich
(Cambridge, 1973), brittle analysis of national problems and British appeasement policies.
Václav Cada,
ijna 1918
(Prague, 1988), popular reading, with an official slant.
Jörg K. Hoensch,
Geschichte der Tschechoslowakei
(Stuttgart, 1992), the best recent German story of the republic.
Egon Hostovský, “The Czech-Jewish Movement,” in
The Jews of Czechoslovakia
, 2 (New York, 1971), 148—54, written by the prominent novelist.
Victor S. Mamatey and Radomír Luža (eds.),
A History of Czechoslovakia: 1918-1945
(Princeton, 1973), by various hands, important and instructive.
Ferdinand Peroutka,
Budování státu
(Prague, 1933-36), 4 vols. in 5, admirably ironic and sharp analysis by a distinguished writer and essayist.
Miloslav Rechcígl, Jr. (ed.),
Czechoslovakia—Past and Present
(London, 1969).
Emil Strauss,
Die Entstehung der tschechoslowakischen Republik
(Prague, 1934), by a German Social Democrat who died in a concentration camp.
k Zeman,
The Break-up of the Habsburg Empire
(Oxford, 1963).
T. G
Karl Capek (ed.),
Masaryk Tells His Story
(London, 1951); the earlier German editions is
Masaryk erzählt sein Leben
(Prague, 1936)
Jan Herben,
(Prague, 1926-27), 3 vols., takes the story of Masaryk’s life up to 1921. Roland J. Hoffmann,
T. G
Masaryk und
tschechische Frage
(Munich, 1988).
í Kovtun,
Tajemná vražda: P
ípad Leopolda Hilsnera
(Prague, 1994), careful report on Hilsner trial.
Charlotta G. Masaryková,
Listy do v
(Prague, 1948), Masaryk’s wife writes to her daughter imprisoned by the Austrian authorities (letters originally in German).
T. G. Masaryk and the Jews: A Collection of Essays
, trans. by Benjamin R. Epstein (New York, 1941), contributions by Max Brod, Felix Weltsch, Oskar Donath, and others.
k Nejedlý,
T. G
(Prague, 1930-37), 5 vols., detailed biography up to 1885.
Jaroslav Opat,
Fi/ozof a politik T G. Masaryk: 1882-1893
(Prague, 1990), a study of ideas.
Paul Selver,
Masaryk: A Biography
(London, 1949), eminently readable.
k Zeman,
The Masaryks
(London, 1976), on the entire family.
The Cultures of Republican Prague
Jaromír Krejcar,
L’architecture contemporaine en Tchéchos/ovaquie
(Prague, 1928), by Milena Jesenká’s second husband.
Vladimír Šlapeta,
Praha 1900-
978: Prùvodce po moderní architektu
(Prague, 1978).

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