Practically Wicked

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Authors: Alissa Johnson

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Fiction

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Practically Wicked Johnson

Practically Wicked
Johnson, Alissa Penguin Group (2012) 



Praise for


An Unexpected Gentleman


“Johnson returns to her Scottish Society setting to delight readers once again with gentle wit, graceful writing, and a sensible and spirited heroine.”

Publishers Weekly


“I loved the story and the characters in
An Unexpected Gentleman
. This was an emotional roller-coaster of a story with a sigh-worthy ending.”



“There’s a merging of humor with poignancy, a delightful cast of characters, and just enough sensuality and emotional intensity to bring the story out of the ordinary, something Johnson does quite well.”

RT Book Reviews


“Alissa Johnson takes some historical romance tropes and gives them new life, delivering a satisfying romance.”

Romance Junkies


“I loved this book…Very touching and romantic.”

Night Owl Reviews


“Great characters, believable and engrossing conflict, a powerful and tender romance, a stunning transformation and redemption of the hero, an easy-to-read pace, and overall just a really good story.”

TwoLips Reviews


“Alissa Johnson brings wit, romance, sexy and charming characters, and laugh-out-loud humor to the reader…I would highly recommend the read.”

The Season


Praise for


Nearly a Lady


“A delightfully witty gem…A courageous, hilarious heroine, laugh-out-loud humor, and a true hero who will steal your heart.”

—Jennifer Ashley,
USA Today
bestselling author


“High on believable, witty characters and emotional honesty.”

Publishers Weekly


“This book was perfect for me. Seriously,

Fiction Vixen


Nearly a Lady
is a fun and utterly charming book.”



“Highly recommended!”

Fresh Fiction


“Johnson beautifully tells a rags-to-riches tale.”



“I plan to revisit this story for years to come.”

All About Romance


More praise for
the novels of Alissa Johnson


“Alissa Johnson strikes the perfect tone between romantic humor, suspense, drama, and just good old-fashioned hijinks between two charismatic characters.”

Night Owl Reviews


“Spiced with razor-sharp wit with a perfect touch of comic jest, Alissa Johnson has served up a hot and passionate Regency romance like a seasoned pro.”

Fresh Fiction


“[This book] has everything that I look for in a romance novel! I cannot wait to pick up another of her books.”

Romance Reader at Heart


“If you’re a lover of historical romance—even if you aren’t—and you haven’t read Ms. Johnson’s books yet, you should remedy that immediately.”

The Good, The Bad and The Unread


“With wit and whimsy, Johnson crafts tales filled with charming original characters, captivating readers seeking the unusual, the imperfect, and the most endearing heroines since Jill Barnett.”

RT Book Reviews


“Funny, charming, heart-wrenching, majorly romantic, and sexy as hell…Destined to become a keeper.”



Berkley Sensation titles by Alissa Johnson













Alissa Johnson








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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author




Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / October 2012


Copyright © 2012 by Alissa Johnson.


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For Bryan and Hillery Johnson, with love.

 Table of Contents



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29


Chapter 1





Life was best experienced through a thick layer of fine drink.

Inferior drink might do in a pinch, but Maximilian Dane was certain that nothing accompanied an evening of debauchery with the demimonde quite so well as several goblets of excellent wine at dinner, followed by a glass, or two, of expensive port in the billiards room, followed by a liberal tasting of superb brandy in the card room, followed by any number of flutes of champagne in Mrs. Wrayburn’s ballroom, followed by…whatever it was he had poured in the library. He recalled an amber hue and delicate bite. He also recalled forgoing the actual pour and drinking straight from the bottle.

In hindsight, that may have been a mistake.

Because at some point following that final drink, he left the library in search of…something or other, and rather than finding his way back to the ballroom where this something was most likely to be found, he had landed here—in a quiet, unfamiliar room illuminated by only a spattering of candles, and seated in a plain wooden chair before a plain wooden table, which had both initially appeared to be adequately sized for a man of five-and-twenty, but upon his sitting, had proved to be entirely too near to the floor. His legs were bent at an angle he suspected would be impossible were it not for the limbering quality of all those glasses.

“What in God’s name is the matter with this furniture?”

“Lord Highsup cut the legs off for me when I was six,” a woman’s voice explained. He liked the sound of it, lower than one expected from a woman and warm like the fine drink from the library.

He looked up from the golden wood grain of the table and squinted until the form sitting across from him came into focus. His companion wore a night rail and wrap. They were white, ruffled, and provided a sharply contrasting background to the dark braid of hair that fell over her shoulder and ended just below a well-formed breast.

“You’re not six.”

“Indeed, I am not. How astute of you to ascertain.”

“Plenty tart, though, I see. Who are you?” He threw up a hand, narrowly avoiding a thumb to the eye. “No…No, wait. I know. I never forget a lady.” Leaning closer, he took in the young woman’s pale gray eyes and delicate features, along with her rigid posture and indifferent expression. “You…are Miss Anna Rees, The Ice Maiden of Anover House.”

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