PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2

BOOK: PowerShift: Skid Row Kings Series, #2
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Skid Row Kings

Book 2




Winter Travers


Copyright © 2016 Winter Travers



PowerShift: Skid Row Kings, Book 1

Editor: Brandi Beers

Cover Designer: Melissa Gill @ MGBookCoverDesigns

Cover Photographer: Reggie Deanching @ R+M Photography

Cover Model: Shawn Pierce


All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduction, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) utilization of this work without written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


For questions or comments about this book, please contact the author at
[email protected]


Also by Winter Travers


The Devil’s Knights Series

Loving Lo

Finding Cyn

Gravel’s Road

Battling Troy

Gambler’s Longshot

Keeping Meg

Fighting Demon (Coming September 2016)


Skid Row Kings Series



BangShift (Coming October/November 2016)


Table of Contents


Also By Winter Travers



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Coming Soon

About the Author



Every finish line is the beginning of a new race.

It never gets easier, you just go faster.




Wood and Carter. Thank you for helping me to live my dream. I couldn’t do this without either one of you.


My family. You are all amazing, and life would suck without you all.


My Wicked Women. Rock On, my Wicked Ladies! You’re freakin’ rock stars!


Lizette Palleschi. I wouldn’t want anyone else taking this ride with me. Thank you for putting up with me and helping me to believe that these stories need to be told.


To all of my fabulous readers. Thank you, thank you. I hope PowerShift lives up to your expectations!





Chapter 1




I slammed my hand down on the steering wheel and knew this was it. I had made it this far, and my piece of shit car had finally given up even though I wasn’t anywhere close to giving up.

I glanced in the backseat, thankful that Levi was still asleep and pulled my phone out of my purse. After three attempts of pressing the power button, I realized my phone had decided to give up, too. I plugged it into the car charger knowing it would be an hour before I would have enough battery life to turn it on. The damn thing was over five years old, so it was a miracle it had made it this long. I had planned on picking up one of those Trac phones when we settled into our new apartment, but I guess the phone had other plans.

We were supposed to be at the apartment in five minutes, but there was no way we were going to make it now. I looked around, trying to find a place that would have a phone. I glimpsed a garage just down the road and tried the key one last time, hoping I could at least get the car running to drive the half a block to the garage.

I pumped the gas as I turned the key and said a silent prayer for the damn thing to start. The car came to life, revving high and smoking under the hood. Shit, smoke was not a good sign. I kept my foot on the brake as I shifted into drive, and knew as soon as I took my foot off the brake the car was going to take off. For the past two months the car had been doing this, and no matter how many times I tried to tell Manny that the car needed to be fixed, he just blew it off and went to the bar to get drunk.

I rode the brake as the car crept down the shoulder of the road, thankful that there wasn’t any traffic out this early. I had been trying to travel during the night for a few different reasons, and one of them was so I didn’t get stuck in traffic. I could move much faster the less traffic there was. It was hard for Levi, but it helped us get to where we needed to be faster. Plus, I didn’t like to be out during the day. It was much easier to hide out in a hotel room during the day and travel at night.

I glanced in the rear view mirror, checking to make sure there weren't any cars behind me, and I caught a glimpse of my face and grimaced. Manny had done a hell of a job on my face before we had left. Every time he would raise his hand I would flinch, and with every flinch, it pissed him off even more. He loved to taunt me and throw it in my face that I was afraid of him. I think anyone would be scared of someone who got rip roaring drunk and decided that his girlfriend was a punching bag.

The last time he had hit me, I saw something different in his eyes, and I knew I needed to get out before he killed me. My reasoning for staying for Levi’s sake had left, and now my only mission was to get as far away from Manny as possible. Right now there were over twelve hundred miles between him and us.

As soon as I turned into the driveway of the garage, I turned the car off and coasted into a parking spot and shifted the car into park. I looked up at the huge building, the words Skid Row Kings Garage in huge letters adorned the building and by the cars in the parking lot, I could tell this wasn't your typical body shop.

I turned to look at Levi, and he was still sleeping peacefully. “Damn.” Should I wake him up or not? Gah. I had to go in. I contemplated honking my horn trying to get someone to come outside but figured that would be rude.

“The hell with it.” I hopped out of my car deciding I would talk to someone and ask them to come out to my car to talk. I would be gone a minute, tops.

I pulled my hood over my head and gently shut the door. I knew I looked like a horrible mother, but I didn’t know what else to do. After I had tugged my hood over my head, I walked to the entrance, pulled the door open to the shop, keeping my eyes to the floor as I walked to the counter. I had no idea how I was going to pay to get my car fixed, but I had no choice right now.

“Can I help you?”

Shit, I was going to have to look up, and Lord knew what this guy was going to think when he saw my face. I thought of Levi in the car, and I knew I needed to hurry up and get back outside. I dropped my hood and looked at the most handsome man I had ever seen. “I need help.”




Chapter 2




I was speechless at her words, not knowing what to say. Her eyes were clear and bright green ringed by the dark purple bruise that was framing both eyes. What the hell had happened to her? “Um, I-”

“Not here. I need to be by my car, please.” She looked over her shoulder at the door taking a step back. “Can you come out there with me?” Her eyes darted back to me, and there was panic on her face, almost fearful that I wouldn’t let her go back to her car.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, nodding my head at the door. She pulled her hood up over her head and scurried out back the door before I even had time to make it around the counter.

“What the fuck is going on?” I mumbled as I grabbed my sweatshirt and pulled it on over my head. “Kurt, I’ll be out front,” I hollered out into the shop. I heard him grunt a reply from under the hood of a car and made my way out the front door.

The girl was standing next to a piece of shit Corolla that had definitely seen better days. The passenger door was open, and I heard the radio playing softly. She had kept her hood pulled over her head, shielding most of her face from me. “What seems to be the problem?”

“I don’t know. It’s been acting up for months.”

If it had been acting up for months, don’t you normally get it fixed? I glanced at the plates on her car seeing she was from Washington and thought she was a long way from home to be driving a car that was acting up. “OK if I start it up?”

She glanced in the back seat and sighed heavily. “Yeah, he’s been sleeping for a couple of hours, so if he wakes up, he should be fine.” What the hell was she talking about? I had only known this girl for two minutes, and she had completely baffled me. She shut the back door and stepped away from the car, crossing her arms over her chest.

I opened the driver's door, sliding into the front seat and put my hand on the keys in the ignition.


I whipped around in my seat and was met with the same eyes that I had seen on the mysterious redhead except they were on a boy who was probably three. “I’m not your mama.”

His bottom lip quivered, and his eyes got glassy at my words. I knew that look too well from when Frankie was little and bolted out of the car. “There’s a kid in there,” I bellowed.

A smile spread across her lips and a giggle bubbled out. “I hope so.” She bent into the driver's side leaning over the front seat. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but I was thankful that I didn’t hear any crying. She backed out of the car and motioned for me to get back in. “He’s good. You just scared him.”

My eyes darted between her and the car. I didn’t want to get back in the car. Making a kid cry was not normally on my to-do list for the day. “You sure?” She nodded her head and bit her lip, trying to keep herself from laughing.

I ducked back into the car, shaking my head. “Mama said you won’t hurt me.” Jesus Christ. I could only imagine what the kid thought when he woke up to see me in the car. If his mom’s face was any indication of what they had been through, I’m sure he was terrified.

“Nope, I won’t, bud. I’m just trying to figure out what’s wrong with your mom’s car.”

“It goes too fast.”

I chuckled under my breath and shook my head. “That might be your mama’s way of driving.”

“OK, mister.” I turned the key, the engine grinding and sputtering to life. As soon as the sputtering stopped, the car revved high, going well into the red mark. I quickly shut the car off and ran my fingers through my hair. “Told ya it went fast,” he whispered from the back seat.

I twisted in my seat, my eyes on the little boy. “What’s your name, bud?”

“Levi but Mama said I’m not supposed to tell anyone that.” He crossed his arms over his chest, staring me down.

“Well, I promise not to tell anyone your name. You wanna know what mine is?” He shrugged his shoulders but didn’t say anything. “My name is Mitch. About how old are you, Levi?” He looked pretty young, but he certainly didn’t act like it. That probably had to do with the fact of the way he had to grow up pretty quick.

“Four, I’ll be five in two months. Mama said I could have a Transformer party for my birthday. Optimus Prime is my favorite.”

Ah, now the kid was speaking my language. I had lived and breathed Transformers growing up. “I would have figured you for a Bumblebee fan.”

“Nah, Optimus Prime rocks!”

“Um, I hate to interrupt all the Transformer talk, but we actually need to be somewhere. Well, ten minutes ago we needed to be somewhere.” I turned back to her and watched as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I can drive it, right?”

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