Power (Romantic Suspense) (51 page)

BOOK: Power (Romantic Suspense)
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“God, yes!” She screamed in pure joy and rocked her hips into my face.

Squinting, I peeked at the guard again. The man now had his hand in his pants and was trying to hide it with his arm, the one that held the gun. However, his best grip was on his dick. No man would stroke with the wrong hand.

Let’s hope that you can’t shoot well with both hands.

“Oh lick this pussy, Noah. Lick it all up for me.”

As soon as the guard turned away, I opened my lips, stuck the razor out from my teeth, slashed her clit off, and dropped the razor.

“Oh, my god!” Screams bellowed from Butterfly.

“Oh, yes, baby!” Blood sprayed and I rushed to get on top of her, spitting the blade out on the bed, and sticking my tongue in her mouth.

Pain covered her face.

Now you know that you’ll die.

“Ah!” Shrieking, she tried to pull me away with her hands, but I pretended that it was all a part of the fun as I got between her legs and pushed against her like we were fucking.

“Scream, baby,” I yelled. “Tell us all how much you like this dick!”

“Haw!” She couldn’t get her words out as my hand covered her mouth. “Ahh. Nah.”

Scooting up higher on the bed, I rocked into her body some more. “Yeah, baby. Hell yes this pussy could start another war.”

Noises came from her, but it could have been the passionate sounds of sex.

“Oh, yes, baby.” I felt her body going limp, but she still had a lot of fight in her. “Oh, yes.”

She tried to scream and I stopped it again with my hand, shielding the view from the guard. She bit my flesh. Fire blazed through my hand, but I wouldn’t move it.

“Hell yes, Butterfly!” I shoved at the bed some more, making the head board slam against the wall.

You’re dying. Accept it, because you brought it all on yourself. I had no reason to kill you, Butterfly, until you came for me. Until you caused so many to die.

Her gaze stayed on mine. Guilt hit me a little as I saw the hurt in her eyes. She’d really believed that I loved her. It wasn’t the best way to go out, but the only way I could get Butterfly. I had to use her love against her. There was already a black liquid leaking out of that dark organ in her chest. What could she ever know about love? When she tried to force it on me, by having me kill my own friends? That wasn’t love, but the ego. The sickness inside of our brains that allowed humans to think, from time to time, that we were right when we were absolutely not.

She spasmed against me, but still I kept my mouth on hers, blocking the last few screams. I wanted to vomit there as the front of my thighs and cock grew warm and slippery with her blood. She’d been bleeding out the whole time I smashed into her, and soon the scent would fill the air.

I’d have to act soon.

“Yes, Butterfly. Take that.” I targeted that bitch with my gaze and showed her all the hate I had inside of me for her. She’d almost killed Mary Jane twice. If she’d gotten the chance, I would’ve been ruined forever. “Can you feel it, baby? This is how much I love you.”

Tears fell from her eyes. She groaned under my lips, shaking against me. Her eyes rolling around in those lids as she died in my arms.

“There you go, my love. My everything.” I slammed into her fading body, moaning loud, and making the bed squeak and boom. “It was this dick! That’s what you wanted all along?”

The guard glanced my way with an odd look. Could he smell the blood yet? I surely could.

With no time to ponder it, I dove for him. Like a mad man. Like some fucking bird in the air. Like all the heroes in those gangster movies that never held fear in their eyes, just pure cold courage pumping in their hearts. I charged for that motherfucker and wrapped my hands around his neck, before he could drop his dick and turn his gun my way.

I was sure we made a noise, but it didn’t startle the guards. Perhaps, they figured Butterfly and I were still fucking.

Come on. You’re almost done! Kill him and get out of here.

“Yeah, Butterfly! Like that!” I squeezed the guy’s neck as he did everything he could think of to save his life, kicking and slapping. The gun fell to the carpet. His skin tinted. Sweat dripped down his face. “Oh, come on, baby. Take this cock! Take this fucking cock!”

I wrung his neck the whole time and slammed the back of it against the wall with the rhythm of my words. “Take. This. Cock!”

The guard went out with no problem. It had actually been easier to kill him than I thought it would. I had no time to waste. If Butterfly was smart, she’d have cameras in the room and a team monitoring everything. But no one had stormed in and Butterfly lay on the bed still shaking and unable to speak. I lifted her trembling body up in front of me and dragged her to the door. Tonight she would have to be my body shield.

“Eh!” I screamed as I gripped the now dead guard’s gun and pointed to the door. “Something’s wrong with Butterfly!”

The door flung open. I pulled the trigger. A bullet hit the tall guy’s chest. I ducked behind Butterfly’s body as it barely stayed up in front of me. Nothing was a better shield than another human being. The short guy shot my way, but it was too late. He should’ve ran out of there and called for help.

I pulled the trigger again and hit him in the forehead. Quick. Both bodies fell to the ground. I dropped Butterfly. Her body crashed to the floor and rolled next to her guards. I didn’t even put on my pants or close my opened shirt. I grabbed the tall one’s gun. He never had a chance to shoot it, so he’d have more bullets than the rest.

Racing out of there, I still wasn’t sure if everything would be over.

The storm had finished, yet the night still grew cold. I shivered as I sped down the stairs. Men hollered above.

They spotted me on the roof.

Bullets came my way.

Fuck. They know something’s wrong. Maybe I should’ve put on my pants.

A car started off in the distance among the gun shots and my racing down the stairs. I hoped to God it was 305 in the Volvo ready to take me out of here. If not, I would kill his ass too. I was too close. Everything had worked out. This was the last part. All I had to do was get out of here and return to my baby. I didn’t know who Butterfly had hired or started working with, but I would deal with them later. Or maybe it wouldn’t be a new problem.

Until then, I had to get to Mary Jane and wash all of this shit away.

So close. So close.

At the bottom of the stairs, more shots came. So far I’d only gotten grazed on the arm. Headlights blared in front of me. I had no idea if it was a Volvo or not, but I rushed to the passenger side and jumped in.

Good. It’s him.

I barely closed the door as 305 sped off.

Sweat covered 305. “You said you would give me a sign!”

“I did.”

“What was it?”

“What was the sign?” I dropped the gun and fell back in the seat, my heart hammering in my chest. “The fucking men shooting me from the roof was the sign.”

“You need a better fucking sign, boss.” 305 shook his head and pushed his foot on the gas. “And you need some clothes too. A jacket is in the back seat.”

“Shut the fuck up and get me to my parent’s cottage.” I glanced back at all the men who’d run out to the front of Mercury hotel and tried to shoot at our car. It was too late. We had too much distance. I snatched up the leather jacket behind me and placed it on my legs. “Let me cover up, before you get jealous.”

305 snorted. “You know I’m black right?”

“What are you saying?”

“There’s a strong probability that my dick is bigger than yours.”

“That’s a stereotype.”

“That’s a stereotype that I have invested my whole life in.”

I checked behind us again. No one followed. Whoever had given Butterfly those men to work with would get the news tonight that she was dead. Hopefully, they would be smart enough not to come my way.

I sighed. “When we hit downtown, I want you to jump out and get some baby wipes.”

“Why can’t we just wait until we get to your parent’s cottage.”

Butterfly’s blood remained on my hands, thighs, and chest.

I swallowed down the disgust, making sure I didn’t vomit in the car. “Just stop and get some fucking baby wipes.”

Once we left the area, 305 slowed down and wiped his forehead. “So is she dead?”

“Yeah, I cut off her clit, slashed her legs, and killed three of her guards.”

“Goddamn. What is it about you and slicing off body parts?”

“It’s my thing.”

“Let’s hope MJ doesn’t hear about that.” He rounded the corner, sped down two more blocks, and then entered the highway. “Wait. You said Butterfly had guards? Whose men? Your’s?”

“Naw. White boys. I don’t know who they belonged too.”

“Sounds like a new enemy.”

“Not my enemy. Aristotle’s enemy.”

“Shit, you think Aristotle will take over Din City? That motherfucker may need a straitjacket and to sit off on his own somewhere for a while.”

“Let’s hope not. At this moment, I don’t give a fuck who runs the city. I’ve retired, tonight. I may have killed for the last time. Let Din City decide.”

Chapter 35

Mary Jane

A young man was hosting frisky old women. He said to his slaves:
"Mix a drink for the one that wants it and have sex with the one who wants that."

And the women said:
"I'm not thirsty."

–Philogelos (The Laughter Lover)

super exhausted, Fuji left to get Crusher’s dwarves.

Harmony slept in the other room while Crusher watched television and desperately tried to stay awake. After telling me his story, he warmed to me a little. Granted, he still creeped the hell out of me, but it was twenty percent less of a creepy factor.

When my eyes began to droop, I returned to my designated room scattered with photo albums. There, I fell asleep, drowning in Noah’s memories. I couldn’t recall all of the images that played in my brain—the dark streets with fanged sidewalks that kept nipping at my toes, the blood-drenched butterflies snapping at my throat, and the huge ark made of dead bodies where Noah stood at the top, screaming for me to come on board. I must’ve tossed and turned a lot, because when I woke up, I was coated in sweat and lying in a roll of sheets on the floor.

Did I fall out of the bed?

Movement came from across the room. I tensed and eyed the area. It sounded like water or maybe a shower.

Is that coming from the bathroom?

I rose from the floor as my eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room. Sure enough, my bathroom door had been opened. Steam drifted out. Someone had turned the shower on, but kept the lights off. My nerves flared.

Is that Noah or someone else? Is this a trick for me to go investigate in the bathroom? Or he is in there?

Naturally, I did something stupid. The very thing that the dumb victim in a scary movie would do and I would scream at her from my living room couch that she’s a moron.

I yelled out, “Hello?”

The water shut off.

My heart slammed in my chest.

Fuck. I’m going to scream for Crusher.

I started to yell for him.

“Mary Jane.”

My voice lodged in my throat. Relief flooded me.

Noah’s low voice sounded from the bathroom. “It’s me. Go back to sleep. I’ll be there soon.”


I hurried to the bathroom and paused.

Why does he sound that way?

It was him, but in some way it wasn’t.

Go back to sleep? Are you crazy? I fucking have been worried about you.

Step by step, I took my time stepping to the bathroom. He’d turned the shower back on.

It’s me. Go back to sleep. Just like that? Are you not going to tell me what happened? Is the war over? Is everything okay?

Steam enveloped me as I entered the bathroom. Before I could take another step, his hands were on me. I hadn’t even seen him coming. In one moment it was a foggy darkness barely visible by the moonlight, and then he grabbed my arms and gently pushed me against the wall.

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