Power (Romantic Suspense) (50 page)

BOOK: Power (Romantic Suspense)
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She stopped and stood in front of me. “That’s not how I remember it.”

“Are you sure?”

She had nothing to say.

“And you’re unlike any other woman I’ve ever met. I’ve watched you get into the craziest killers’ heads, take them into a room, and spread your legs. If they came out, they crawled out with your leash around their necks and their dicks in your hand. That’s the type of woman who I would put on my arm.”

“What really happened with the college girl?” Butterfly asked.

“I already told you. She couldn’t handle my life. The violence and everything else. When your girls kidnapped her, it ruined us. She’s too soft for the streets. She couldn’t last more than a few months before going crazy.”

Understanding glazed over Butterfly’s eyes. She’d probably guessed that Mary Jane wasn’t fit for this life. I couldn’t argue with Butterfly about that, but then Mary Jane’s purity was what drew me to her in the first place.

“She’s gone?” Butterfly whispered.

“She’s gone.”

Butterfly wore a smile for a few seconds and then shifted it to a frown. “And so you think you’ll just come back to me?”

“Yes.” I smirked.

“Fuck you, Noah.”

“Fuck you? I like that option.”

“You think you can be with me because your college girl doesn’t want you anymore?”

“Yes and you want me too. You’ve always been there and you always will be. That’s the nature of us. We are soul mates. Our blood runs cold. The streets are in our DNA. There’s no logic to us and no other couple could survive the streets.”

Butterfly’s chest rose and fell as if she’d been running. She looked confused and unsure of what she was hearing. For a few seconds, she glanced at the guard as if he could help her decipher my words.

I didn’t want her to think too much about it all, so I continued, “All this time, you’ve been trying to show me love. It took my losing Domingo and Rasheed to truly get it.When you rose against me like a true queen and made me sweat and scream, I knew that no other woman could fuck with you.”

Silent, she studied my every word.

“You’re a tough act to follow, Butterfly. Who could stand next to you? What woman in Din City, in this world, has the history that we have? Baby, our story is the story. It’s the novel. The book that wins medals and is made into movies. It’s action and romance, crime and political commentary. It’s about love and pain. The shit that makes people scream and cry at tense scenes. Our story would last for centuries and be taught in college classes where professors would try their best to decipher all of the symbolism and themes about life. But no one could ever decode us.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Do you believe me, Butterfly?”


I curved my lips into a smile. “I could love you, baby.”

“You’re lying.”


Her voice went weak. “You’re going to hurt me.”


“I hate you.”


She blinked.

“Come here.” I gestured to my legs, since my cock had no stiffness at all. “Come sit on me. Remember the first time you sat on me?”

“Oh, yes.” Hypnotized, she walked over as if being drawn by a rope. “I remember how big that dick was, when I sat on you.”

“Maybe you can refresh my memory.”

She lowered onto my thighs. Heavy and reeking of perfume. “Noah, please don’t be playing me. Is this real?”

“As real as our love.”

Which is nothing more than misplaced memories and broken dreams built from blood. You will die tonight, Butterfly.

Playing my part, I unbuckled my belt and undid my pants. It was a show for her eyes and the guard’s. They needed to think that I was harmless and ready to pound into this hell demon’s pussy. “You’re going to keep this guy in here, while I fuck you?”

“Who said that we’re fucking?” She grasped my cock.

I tensed and had to breathe through the disgust. Although soft and skilled, my cock didn’t react to Butterfly.
Come on, man. Get hard.
I reached for any solution. Anything to get me up and appearing like I was serious. In my head, I pictured Mary Jane holding me in her lovely hands. My cock went stiff with that imagery.

How far am I going to take this tonight? Will I fuck her if necessary? God. What am I doing? Yes. I’ll do whatever I have to do. This shit needs to end today.

Butterfly spit on my cock and then stroked the saliva along my length.

The guard behind us cleared his throat. “Madam, I could go outside or maybe face the door.”

“Shut up and keep that gun pointed on him,” she hissed. “I’m still not sure that he’s completely forgiven me for hurting his first love.”

“Butterfly, you’re my first and only love.” I watched her jack me off. “Just think about this dick, baby.”

“Maybe that’s the problem.”

“No way.”

She let go of my cock and leaned over to kiss me.

I can’t touch those damn lips anymore.

Dodging that treacherous mouth, I flipped her over and got on top of her. “Are you teasing me? Give me what I want, baby.”

Fuck. What now?

She slipped her panties down, revealing a wet pussy between her thighs. My cock stayed hard. The sight of pussy made men erect. It couldn’t be helped. I wanted Mary Jane, loved her in every way, knew that she’d be the one below me, instead of Butterfly.

But it was wet pussy, my cock stayed hard, and I had to end this.

“Play with that pussy,” I ordered.

She obliged, yanking away her panties and penetrating that wet flesh with her fingers.

“There you go, baby. That’s what I want.” I held my dick in front of her, moving my fingers over the length and making sure the guard was getting a good look at it. He did. Disgust played over his face. Sweat trickled down the side of his face.
Good. The sex makes him uncomfortable.
He placed the gun to the side and looked in another direction.

I yanked my pants down. “You want this dick, baby?”

“God, yes, Noah. You’ve kept me from it for so long.”

I chuckled. “That was all I needed to do earlier was give you some dick?”

“Oh, yes, Noah.”

“There would be no war, if I’d just kept coming by?”

“Yes, papi. Keep giving it to me and you’ll never have to fuck with me in these streets.”

“Noted.” I lifted my leg out of the right side of my pants and bent down to take out the left foot. Bending over and keeping my face hidden on the bed’s side, I pulled the razor out of my shoe, yanked the paper off, kept it on the carpet, and got down on my knees. “Do you want me to kiss it, Butterfly?”

“Please, Noah. Oh, God, please. Then we’ll talk about everything.”

“We should.”

If I cut her now, how do I get out? I can leap for the guard and possibly choke him. If I kill him louder, I’ll need to grab his gun before the others run in. 305 is in the Volvo, but he’s only supposed to be my getaway out of here.

Buying myself more time, I whispered, “Beg for it.”


“Tell me how much you want me to lick your pussy.”

“Oh, please give me that tongue, Noah.”

How do I get out of this room in one piece? The window maybe. Second floor? I probably could do it.

“Oh, Noah. That tongue makes me go so crazy.”

But there’s possibly shooters on the roof. That’s what I would do if I was hiding from a beast. No. It will have to be the door.

“Lick this pussy, Noah.”

The guard still faced the wall as he held the gun in his hand. Holding back the bile in my throat, I caressed Butterfly’s spread thighs. For her, this moment would be everything, the minutes she believed I loved her, the last instances of her life.

“You’re so wet for me.” I slipped my finger inside of her. Watching me through half-closed eyes, she gently moved the lace away from her breasts.

I’ve got to get her, before she comes. Right now, she’s off balance. Once she comes, she’ll be too focused.

“There you go, my butterfly. Enjoy it. You’re worth it.” I thought back to my other favorite topic during my childhood. Anatomy. I especially loved the subjects devoted to veins and blood.

My favorite teacher, Mr. Franklin, had a huge mannequin in the center of the stage. He’d raise his stick and point at each vein. “Here’s the largest vein which is the aorta. In your upper arm is the brachial. On your shoulder is the subclavian. And then you have the abdominal aorta around your abdomen. Your upper legs hold the femoral, your neck the carotid.”

I raised my hand. Mr. Franklin signaled for me to talk.

“Which ones would be dangerous if they’re cut?” I asked.

“That’s most of them. Any vein that’s not in your foot or hand.”

I kept my hand up. “So you cut one of the big veins and what happens?”

Mr. Franklin appeared a bit nervous, but he gave me a weak smile and answered. “You need to apply immediate pressure to stop the bleeding. But for the really big arteries and veins in the head, chest, abdomen, and pelvis, you would need more. They’re too large to simply stop the bleeding on your own. Especially in the arm or leg where spasms and clotting could occur.”

I raised my hand again.

This time, Mr. Franklin didn’t seem happy to signal for me, but he did. “Yes, Noah.”

“So you can kill somebody pretty fast, if you cut them in the leg or arm?”

Mr. Franklin gulped as he watched all of the other boys in class staring intently at him and waiting for the answer. “Uh. . .well. . .yes that is one way, but that is not what. . .we will be discussing today.”

Finger fucking Butterfly some more, I continued to take in the scene around me as she rode her own reality. In her mind, I was sure she believed that her victory had finally come. I’d given her no other reason to think differently. She’d wanted it so badly that her brain would help me more than my words ever could. All of our lives, she’d been walking in this distorted reality where I loved her and she loved me.

Sink in those dreams. Swim in those lies.

She moaned, “Noah.”

The guard glanced over his shoulder for a second.

I winked at him.

Shocked, he turned back the other way.

I was sure this man was in a sticky situation too. He had to have known my reputation, if only from Butterfly’s lips. He’d probably come here to protect her from war. Now that the war was over, he’d be worried about who would be in charge. I could be his new boss. In this moment, it wouldn’t be a good idea to possibly piss off his future boss. I bet conflict twisted in his chest as he wondered where the night’s events would end.

Did he worry about his own safety? I hoped not. He’d been unlucky enough to pick the wrong side and sit in the wrong room. He would have to die tonight along with Butterfly and the guards outside the door.

When the guy turned away from me and Butterfly closed her eyes. I reached for the blade, placed it my mouth like Top had taught us years ago, and sped up my finger. She twisted her hips and gripped the sheets with her hands.

“Just like that, Noah,” Butterfly groaned. “Just like a beast.”

I rose with the blade tight between my teeth and my mouth closed, hiding it. One slip up and I cut my own tongue and choke on my own blood. One mistake and the razor could fall out of my mouth. If the guard happened to spot it and he would shoot me straight in my heart. One error and we could all die in this hotel room.

Kissing her thighs one by one, I continued toying with her pussy as she writhed from side to side and whispered, “Noah, play with it like that. Only you know how to do it just right.”

I grunted with mock desire and landed a trail of soft kisses up her thigh. One peek at the guard told me that he was spying a little, but trying to make it seem like he wasn’t. Every few seconds, he would give a quick glance at her breasts, probably wishing he could take my place and be licking her. In the next second, he’d be turned back around and hiding his gaze.

“Oh, Noah! Yes!” Her moans grew louder.

I flicked her clit fast with my thumb, spit the blade into my other hand, and spread her legs open more. I considered all of the many arteries in the leg. The difference between the vein and artery was that arteries took blood away from the heart to all the other organs in the body—brain, liver, and even kidneys. The main artery of the leg was called the Femoral. It began in the groin and ran all the way down to the knee.

That was where I sliced Butterfly first. Quick. Simple. Blade so sharp, she had no idea she’d been cut.

“Lick me, Noah. Yes, baby. Please.”

Blood beaded down her thigh, but only in tiny droplets. My stomach turned, but I breathed through it. I had to finish this tonight.

“Oh, I’m going to lick you until your heart stops, baby.” I fake grunted, placed the blade back in my mouth, buried my face between her thighs, and pressed my lips gently on her clit.

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