Power (3 page)

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Authors: Joy Deja King

BOOK: Power
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“What is that supposed to mean?”

“I used to ask my grandfather the same question, until I realized that with the natural progression of life, whether you’re living right or wrong that death occurs so new life can continue. So regardless if you sell the heroin or somebody else does, if it happens to lead to death, life will go on. So why not profit from it if you can, because if you don’t, the next man will.”

“Let me think about it.”

“What is there to think about? You’re going to make three times as much money. Isn’t that what you’re in this drug game for…to make money? Whether you’re selling weed or heroin, there is always a risk when you’re partaking in something illegal. You might as well maximize the profit for the risk.”

“I can’t dispute that point.”  Isabella dug into her purse and handed him a Ziploc back full of product. “What’s this?”

“Three ounces of pure heroin.”

“You brought this on the plane? How did it get pass TSA?”

“Alex, I don’t fly commercial, and anyway, I didn’t fly with it. You know we have runners.”

“Oh, yeah. What am I supposed to do with this?”

“Put it on the streets and see what happens.”

“What do I have to give you?”

“Nothing. It’s my way of proving a point,” Isabella smiled. “Just keep the profits. Think of it as an early Christmas present,” Isabella grinned, stroking the side of Alex’s face.

“I have to give you something. This just wouldn’t be right.”

“I’m staying at the Four Seasons,” Isabella said as she stood up without breaking her stare. Alex wasn’t sure before, but now he was positive Isabella’s interest in him extended beyond business. He was somewhat flattered, but reluctant at the same time. Isabella was married to his connect, which meant she was off-limits.

“Alex, I made Joaquin into a very wealthy man and if you let me I can do the same for you.” She leaned in and kissed him.

“Don’t do that,” Alex said, stepping back.

“Your loyalty is with Joaquin, right?”


“What Joaquin doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

Alex couldn’t deny that he was drawn to Isabella. Not only was she beautiful, but she was also about her business and making money. That was an alluring combination for a man like Alex.

“I hear you.”

“I have the connections. My family is with the cartel. Joaquin is who he is because of me.”

“I get it. That makes your husband a very lucky man.”

“I can make you a lucky man too.”

“You mean luckier,” Alex said with ease.

“Your confidence makes you even more attractive.”’

“And the fact that you’re beautiful and your family is with the cartel makes you even more attractive, but I’ll pass. Let’s keep this strictly business.”

Isabella headed toward the door then stopped before she turned the doorknob. “Remember what I told you. I can make you a very wealthy man. If you play this game right, you can make even more money than Joaquin.”

Alex smiled after Isabella closed the door behind her. He respected anybody who knew what they wanted and had no qualms about going after it. Alex then glanced over at the package of heroin Isabella had given him and thought about all the millions he had the potential of making.

Chapter 5

So Ambitious

When Alex pulled up to meet with Danny Sullivan, he had two things on his mind: Making millions and financial investments. If he followed Isabella’s lead, Alex felt he had the first part covered. If Danny Sullivan continued to do what he had been doing, then Alex was feeling pretty confident about his investment opportunities too.

“Always a pleasure,” Alex said, shaking Danny’s hand after stepping out of his car. Alex smiled to himself, eyeing Danny’s attire. On any given day he looked broke as hell, but he was loaded.

Danny was a tall white man with a handlebar mustache. He wore a cowboy hat, jeans and a flannel shirt. Danny was indicted on tax evasion a few years earlier and served eighteen months in prison, where he’d met one of Alex’s buddies by the name of Go-Fast, who was doing ten years on a drug charge. Go-Fast had told Alex it would be worth his time to see Danny after he was released.

Danny had been standing beside his pickup truck on an empty lot kicking rocks with his dusty-ass boots when Alex pulled up. After some small talk, Danny jumped right in. That was one thing Alex liked about the older man, he never wasted time and preferred getting straight to the point.

“Alex, it doesn’t matter if you give one, two or three million, the return rate is going to be the same. Besides, giving me a lump sum of money right now isn’t how you win this game on a long-term basis.”

“What do you mean?”

“I realize that giving me a few million at one time seems like a lot to you, but the way you win at life is with residual income. Meaning you need to have something coming in every year. To put it simply, your money needs to be making money.”

“I realize that.”

“Yeah, but you seem to have a problem with the investment return of ten percent.”

“It’s a little frustrating to realize all I was going to make was a hundred thousand a year off each million I give you.”

“This is not the drug business. Most people would be happy making a hundred thousand a year legally.”

“I wanna give you another three million and this way I can make 400,000 a year off my investment.”

Danny sighed as if he really didn’t want to take more money from Alex. Alex had just given him a million dollars a few weeks ago to invest in the new subdivision.  “Where is it?”

“In my car.”

“Is it all there? I don’t want to have to count all that cash like I had to the last time.”

“Yeah, it’s all there. It may even be a little more.”

“I like you, Alex, and I want you to leave that other business alone. You have a lot of potential and I don’t want it to be wasted because you end up behind bars.”

“Believe me, I’m trying, but I wasn’t born rich, you know.”

“I know, but you’re smart, and that’s what I like about you. But if somebody ever finds out that I’m cleaning this money, we’re both getting shipped to the Feds.”

“Listen, I know that and believe me, I ain’t trying to go there.”

“And I’m not trying to go back,” Danny added.

“Let’s get the negative shit out of our heads,” Alex said before walking to the car to retrieve the money.  While making his way back towards Danny, Alex noticed a black guy in a red Porsche Panermera driving past them. He blew his horn and waved at Danny. “Who the fuck is that?” Alex inquired.

“Oh, just the architect. The one that designed the homes.”

“I knew he looked familiar,” Alex said, staring at the car. The tag said ArkTEK.

“Alex, I don’t want you to worry about your money. It’s in good hands,” Danny reassured Alex, getting back on topic.

“I Googled your ass and did my research,” Alex admitted, giving a slight smile. “Net worth of seventy-five million dollars. Pretty damn impressive.”

“I try,” Danny chuckled.

“Trying has definitely paid off for you. Now I’m trying to get my shit lovely but on a legitimate tip.”

“That’s what I’m here for. But speaking of getting things lovely, how is that pretty young lady you had with you the last time?” There was an awkward silence between the men and Alex wondered where Tierney was. He hadn’t heard or spoken with his on-again, off-again girlfriend for weeks.

“She’s good,” Alex remarked, not caring to share his concerns with Danny. Business was business, and when it came to Tierney, that was personal.

*  *  *

Tierney Mobley opened the door of her condo with a towel wrapped around her naked body. “What the hell are you doing here? I haven’t spoken to you in weeks, but you decide to pop up at my crib unannounced. Why should I be surprised? Typical Alex,” Tierney scoffed, blocking the entrance.

“I’m the one that paid for everything inside this crib.”

“And…you still haven’t told me why you are here. What you doing, an inventory check?” she smacked.

“Can I come inside?” With reluctance, Tierney stepped aside so Alex could enter the condo. She led him to the living room area. She sat on an armchair and he sat on the sofa across from her.

“Talk fast, Alex. I have somewhere to be.”

“Who is he?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Tierney questioned while she applied lotion on her long, shapely legs.

“I know you’re seeing somebody. I can just tell.”

“What makes you think I’m seeing somebody?” she asked nonchalantly, putting the lotion on the table in front of her.


“What do you mean by patterns?”

“Your patterns changed. You used to call me every morning on your way to work. Then you stopped calling me.”

“Alex, I stopped working, remember?”

“Yeah, and I thought that was strange.”

Tierney stood up from the sofa and dropped her towel on the floor. Now naked, Alex stared at her impeccable body. She had just a mouthful of breasts, a tiny waist and an impressive ass. But what Alex loved most was Tierney’s dark brown skin that was now glistening from the lotion she’d just applied. If she was trying to remind Alex what he was missing, Tierney had succeeded.

She disappeared into the back room and came back carrying a pink thong, some baby powder and a pair of jeans. She slipped into the thong and it complimented her enviable complexion. At that moment, Alex would’ve given almost anything to be inside of her.

“So let me get this straight. It’s okay for you to do whatever the hell you wanna do, but when I decide to follow your lead and do what you do, it’s a motherfuckin’ problem?”

“Not a problem at all, I just want to know the truth.”

“What are you talking about, Alex?”

“Are you seeing somebody?”

“What difference does it make? You’re not my boyfriend, or are you? I mean, you change our relationship status whenever the fuck you feel like it. I can’t keep up with the shit, so I’m just doing me.”

“So you are seeing somebody?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying you’re not my boyfriend, so why are you stressing me?”

“I got six years invested in this relationship. I deserve to know the truth.”

“Alex, six years of off and on bullshit. Plus, you’ve made it clear you ain’t tryna put a ring on it but you want to regulate me. You can’t have it both ways. But call me the dumb one because it took me six years to finally figure that shit out.”

“So now you got me all figured out…huh?”

“Yeah, pretty much. You’re just like your boy, Deion; both of ya’ll players that never want to grow up. I want more than this on and off girlfriend bullshit. I wanna get married and have kids one day. I don’t see that happening with you.”

Alex tried his best to keep his composure. He hated it when she said this because it was so far from the truth. He did want kids and a family, but he didn’t want to be in the drug game when he got married. He wanted to be one hundred percent legit.

“Alex, do you think we’ll be married in six months?”

Alex looked away before saying, “No.” Though he loved Tierney, he knew she wasn’t the woman he wanted to settle down with and marry. Alex wasn’t in a rush to settle down and thought Tierney was a good alternative until he found who he thought would be the perfect woman for him. Alex reasoned it was a beneficial arrangement for both of them. Financially he kept her straight, they traveled the world together and whatever she asked for he pretty much gave her. In turn, Alex had a woman that pleased him physically, he enjoyed her company as long as it wasn’t for an extended period of time, and she stayed out of his business. Unfortunately for Alex, that was no longer enough for Tierney. He was satisfied with their pretend ideal relationship; she wanted the real thing.

“Then what difference does it make if I’m seeing somebody or not?”

“I just think you owe me the truth.”

Tierney slid into her jeans, and the way they gripped her ass made Alex want to take them right back off and bend her over. But he knew that there was no way he was going to get any pussy, judging by her tone.

“So you say you want the truth?”

“I’d like that?” Alex said with a serious look on his face.

“So let me tell you the motherfuckin’ truth—all you’ve done is lie to me.”

Alex looked confused. “When did I lie to you?”

“Alex, what’s the reason you can’t marry me?”

“I’ve already told you why I can’t marry you.”

“Don’t give me that ‘you wanna be out of the game’ bullshit. Tell me the truth. I’m not what you want.” The conversation had now gone completely left. Tierney called Alex out and he wasn’t sure how to react. He knew he had no intention of taking their relationship to the next level, but he didn’t want anybody else to have her either.

“That’s just what I thought. You don’t have to say it. I can just tell. “

“Who the fuck is he?”


“Yeah, right. I heard about all those fuckin’ pictures on Instagram you postin’ tryna show out. That’s cool though.”

Tierney didn’t respond. She disappeared to the back room and came back wearing a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt and no bra, with her nipples piercing through. Alex was convinced Tierney was purposely trying to get his dick hard knowing he wouldn’t get the pussy and that was making him even more pissed off.

“So what if I’m posting pictures on Instagram? Again, what difference does it make what I’m doing?” Tierney asked as she sat back down, crossing her arms.

“Why the fuck you keep repeating the same question? Just answer my fuckin’ question. Is the truth that hard for you to give?”

“I’ma need you to leave.”

“You fuckin’ around. Just like I thought,” Alex gave a slight laugh, trying to suppress his anger.

“In order for me to be fuckin’ around, I have to be in a relationship,” Tierney shot back. She opened her door for Alex to leave.

“This is going to be the worst mistake of your life. I promise you,” he cautioned, before walking out the door.

Chapter 6

Get Your Mind Right

“This motherfuckin’ Lamborghini, is gon’ be the reason you go to jail,” Alex stated to Deion. Deion smiled and tossed the keys to the valet, as if paying Alex no mind. “What the fuck are you thinking driving around in this flashy-ass car?”

“Yo, calm down. It’s a rental, man. My white homeboy Matt at A-Town Exotic Rentals gave it to me for a good rate,” Deion explained as they entered the restaurant. Once inside, the hostess led them to a booth in the back.

“We gotta be smarter than this,” Alex said when the waitress left.

“Quit trippin’.”

“This ain’t trippin’.”

“Yes it is, and for what? You drive Range Rovers and Benzes and shit. What do you think we do this for? You think I’m gonna be out here risking my life and not having fun? All motherfuckers need to know is that I’m a legitimate business man.”

“The fact that you have to use the word legitimate is gonna let people know yo’ ass ain’t legit.”

”I got this, ‘cause soon as my rapper 2Glocks hits big, this drug game is over for me and you.”

“You been saying that for the last two years.”

“It only takes one hit,” Deion informed Alex with confidence.

“And it only takes one drug bust and it’s over.”

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