Pleasure Prolonged (9 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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“Yes. Exactly like that.” He rewarded her efforts by pushing a finger deep inside. His fingertip worked around her oversensitive hot button that sent fire pitching through her blood.

Her whole body came unglued and quaked beneath his expert ministrations. “I’m…”

“I know, Erin. I can feel your muscles tightening.” He lowered his voice to a mere whisper. “Close your eyes, babe. Don’t think. Just feel. Open yourself up to me and concentrate only on the sensations,” he commanded in a gentle voice.

She complied. Erin let her lids slip shut, bit down on her bottom lip, and focused on the sparks of pleasure igniting her loins.

Pleasure forked through her as he slipped another finger inside, filling her. He moved his two fingers in and out, changing the tempo and rhythm until he took her as high as the moon and stars. Shivers of warm need tingled through her body as he kept up the gentle assault.

Moaning, she fisted his hair and moved against him. She began trembling and panting as the rippling waves of her orgasm took hold. Her muscles clenched around his fingers as she gave herself over. An onslaught of pleasure made her cry out. Her erotic whimper filled the room as she rode out every delicious, pulsating, clenching fragment of release.

A moment later, as reality inched its way into her thoughts, she opened her eyes and looked at Kale. His warm, intimate smile turned her inside out.

“Hey,” he said softly, brushing her damp hair from her forehead.

“Hey yourself.” She drew a contented breath. “That was amazing.” She blinked, working to refocus her eyes. Lord, that was two for two. The guy had great stats.

As if he read her thoughts, Kale cocked his head and said, “Two orgasms. And before lunch at that.”

She gave a contented sigh. “Must be my lucky day.”

Kale grinned wickedly as he trailed his fingers over her chin. “And to think the day isn’t over yet, Erin.” He sent her a look of intimacy and promise. Erin shivered.

She felt his cock press into her. She slid her hand between their bodies and cupped his arousal. She gave a soft moan of approval and whispered, “And it’s going to be an even luckier night. For both of us.”

Suddenly realizing exactly where she was, she tilted her head and looked past his shoulders into the control booth. Her stomach plummeted. Her mouth went desert dry. She turned back to Kale. The look in his blue eyes told her he’d read her unease and felt the tension rising in her.

“What is it?” Kale asked inching back.

“I don’t know. I just got a strange intuitive feeling that someone was watching us.”



Kale jumped to his feet and hauled Erin up along with him. His gaze darted to the control booth, but with the lights off in that room he couldn’t see inside. As he turned
back to Erin, he berated himself for acting like a hormonal teenager.

Nice move, dumbass!

Ravishing her in a viewing room at the center was one hell of a way to prove he cared about her and her career.

He worked to rein in his lust. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to get so carried away.” Christ, he really needed to learn to control his urges. He just couldn’t seem to keep his hands off her. And honestly, he wanted so much more than to give her a quick, hurried orgasm. But the sudden need to hold her, to kiss her, and to possess her overshadowed rational thought.

He shoved his hands into his pockets where they couldn’t get them into any more trouble, and mumbled curses under his breath. “You finish up here.” He jerked his head toward the cage. “I’ll go check it out.”

Erin stole another glance at the booth. Kale followed her gaze. The light in the cage flicked on, allowing them to see inside. Erin let out a relieved breath when she spotted Sam moving around the cage, then mumbled something under her breath that sounded like “Hooker Barbie and pissing contest.”

“Did you just say Hooker Barbie?”

Erin waved a dismissive hand and gave a tight shake of her head. “Never mind. Long story. Let’s just be sure to keep our pleasure games in the bedroom.” Then as an afterthought she leaned into him and added in a soft voice, “Or the elevator.”

With that last thought in mind, Kale turned and made his way into the hall. “I’d better go dig into that paperwork. I don’t want to be buried in research all night.” He turned back to wink at her. “I have much better things to bury myself in.”

Kale stepped into the hall and bumped into Sam coming from the cage. In one hand he held a tray with two cups of coffee, in the other he gripped a manila file.

Sam gestured with a nod toward the lab. “Your coffee is on your desk.”

Concluding that Sam hadn’t witnessed their indiscretions, Kale gave a curt nod. He twisted to leave, but Sam’s words of warning stopped him mid-stride.

“I don’t want to see her get hurt, Kale.”

Kale turned back and met Sam’s somber glance. It occurred to Kale that Sam cared a great deal for Erin and acted as her protector. Kale suddenly had a whole new respect for the man.

“I don’t plan on hurting her,” Kale assured him.

Sam widened his stance. “She’s special to me. I don’t know what this
is going on between you two, but if you hurt her, I’ll hurt you. Understand?”

Kale smiled and held his hand out for a shake. “Understood,” he replied.

After a quick handshake to seal the deal, Kale said, “It’s nice to know that you care about Erin and that you look out for her safety, but I’m going to take over that role from you now, okay?”

Sam narrowed his gaze, assessing him.

Kale drove his hands into his pockets and pitched his voice low. “I got it bad for her, Sam. And I plan on taking this
between us the whole distance.”

Sam’s brow rose. An equal mixture of surprise and pleasure registered on his face. “Really?”

“Really,” Kale said, meaning every word of it.

Sam gave a slow nod of approval. “It’s just that she’s been hurt in the past and I didn’t want to see it happen again.”

Kale addressed his worries. “I suspected that, and if I have anything to do with it, she won’t ever get hurt again.”

Sam clapped him on the shoulder. “Glad to hear it.” Relaxing his posture, Sam gave Kale the once-over. “I really wasn’t looking forward to taking you out back and kicking the shit out of you.”

Kale chuckled, picturing the brawl going an entirely different way. “I wasn’t looking forward to that either. And Sam, keep this conversation between us. Erin isn’t ready to know how I feel yet.”

Just then Deanne came sauntering down the hall. Sam turned his attention to her. “Deanne, I’ve been looking for you. I need you to retrieve the digital readouts from the recorder and log the responses.”

“I’m on it,” she cooed, slipping between the two, her body brushing provocatively up against Kale’s in a very suggestive manner.

After she disappeared into the cage, Sam gave Kale a quick nod and gestured toward the lab. “Go drink your
coffee while it’s still hot. If you need any help with the paperwork, give me a shout.” With that, he turned and made his way down the hall.

Kale hurried to the lab, planning to immerse himself in his work, hoping it would keep his mind off Erin and the things he was going to do to her lush, responsive body that night when she showed up on his doorstep.

Grabbing a seat at the desk, he raked his hands through his hair and perused the data. The feminine scent of Erin still clung to his skin. He inhaled, filling his lungs with her aroma as he recalled the warmth and texture of her body beneath his. When he slipped his finger inside her tight sheath and had found her so wet and willing, he’d nearly erupted on the spot. Christ, if he didn’t soon take the edge off himself, he was never going to surpass her five-minute record.

Censoring his thoughts and turning his attention to the mountain of paperwork before him, Kale sipped his coffee and buried himself in his research. While he was lost in the data, time flew, and before he knew it, the day had passed him by.

Leaning back, he rolled his head to the side and took a quick glance out the lab window. The winter sun kissed the horizon as it began its nightly descent.

Both Erin and Sam had been in and out of the lab throughout the day as they continued their final testing on the serum and prepared a new batch for tomorrow’s experiment, but Kale had barely lifted his head from his research, stopping only long enough to grab lunch.

A little over an hour ago, Erin had poked her head in to let him know she had errands to run so she’d be skipping out early, a rarity for her, he was certain.

As his mind wandered to the wonderful things he was going to do to Erin later the evening, a knock sounded on his lab door and drew his attention. Stretching, he climbed from his chair and sauntered across the room. He opened the security door and found an envelope. He tore it open and inside found a note that simply said, “Meet me in the research room.”

He stepped into the hall and looked around briefly. When his search turned up empty, he moved toward the research room. Slipping his keycard into the lock, he pushed the door open.

He was immediately greeted with soft music and blackness. Taken aback, he groped for the light.

Before he could find it, he heard a shuffle a few feet away and a soft mewling sound. What the hell was going on? He hadn’t expected this from Erin, especially after their risky indiscretions earlier that morning.

“Erin?” he asked, a little confused by her behavior.

“Shh…” The smell of jasmine reached his nostrils. He inhaled the aroma and didn’t link the scent with Erin. A movement against his body signaled his seducer had reached him. Silence fell over them like a thick blanket as small hands gripped his and led him across the room. He knew where he was headed. Straight for the cushiony bed.

Once they reached their destination, those same small
hands traveled over his body, going higher and higher until they snaked around his head like a scarf. His cock pulsed to life as she raced her fingers through his hair and dragged his mouth to hers. The minute their lips connected, Kale’s stomach lurched. He knew the woman he held in his arms was not Erin.

He pulled back abruptly, breaking the contact. The small arms that were curled around his neck became unlinked and fell from his shoulders. A broken gasp filled the room. “Kale, wait.”

He didn’t immediately recognize the voice. Taking a distancing step, Kale reached for the lamp beside the bed and flicked it on.

He squinted as the bright beams reached his eyes. Blinking his gaze into focus, he glared at the woman standing before him. Jesus, he hadn’t expected this.

“Deanne, what the hell are you doing?”

She stepped forward, crowding him. Inching herself onto her toes, she pressed her body against his and slowly, seductively twined her hands around his shoulders. “I thought we could finish what we started at the reception,” she cooed, flashing him a bright, toothy smile.

Kale slid his hands up her arms until he found her fingers. He pulled them apart and pressed her arms into her sides. “I don’t remember starting anything at the reception.”

Ignoring the blatant coolness in his voice, she arched a brow. “Come on now, Kale. We both felt the chemistry between us when we shared a dance.”

For a long moment he said nothing, just stared at her. The woman had
written all over her, out to get what she wanted without regard for anyone else.

He gazed the length of her. Long blond hair cascaded over her delicate shoulders. Green eyes opened wide as she stared up at him with seductive prowess. She moistened her lips and arched forward, just enough to afford him a view of her ample cleavage. She was beautiful. Breathtaking, really. With a body that would rock any man’s world. But he felt nothing. Absolutely nothing.

There was a time he’d have jumped at her offer. But that time was long gone.

He cocked his head, giving her a confused look. “I’m sorry, Deanne. I think you might have read me wrong.” He backed up, but she only moved closer.

Her mouth turned down in a pout. She threw herself at him and clung to his shirt like lint. “I don’t think so, Kale. You know there is more between us.” Her lips closed over his and sent him stumbling backward, onto the mattress. It took great effort to peel all ninety-five pounds of her off him and stand.

After disentangling himself, he crossed the room and pulled open the lab door. Stepping into the hall, he reclaimed his personal space. “There is nothing between us,” he bit out. “And there never will be.”

Was it just his imagination, or did he see a wry smile curl her lips before he turned to leave?

Chapter 7

igh overhead the crescent moon glistened in the dark sky as Erin made her way up the cobblestone walkway leading to Laura and Jay’s two-story Victorian home. The brisk night air felt cool against her exposed legs, not to mention the other parts of her body she’d left bare. Her warm breath turned to fog as she exhaled. Lord, it was cold.

As she drew closer to the door, part of her couldn’t believe she was doing this, yet another part of her couldn’t wait to feel Kale’s callused hands stroking her naked flesh, his sensuous lips moving over her mouth, her breasts, and other, more intimate parts of her body.

Shivering, which suddenly had nothing to do with the cold wind and more to do with knowing Kale was waiting for her, Erin tightened her coat around her waist and raised her hand to buzz the doorbell. Before she had the chance to press the button, the front door swung open.

“Oh.” She stepped back, momentarily startled.

She stood there, face-to-face with Kale, neither one moving, neither one breathing. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a tight-fitting sweater, he looked as sexy as hell as he leaned against the doorjamb. He was so gorgeous, so hot she was sure he could liquefy metal. His bedroom blues dropped to examine her bare legs.

Her heart settled in her throat, and a prickle of awareness rushed through her as she in turn appraised him. He reached for her.

Without hesitation she accepted the offered hand and tangled her fingers though his, allowing him to pull her inside. He drew her close, close enough that she could smell the soapy clean scent of his skin as well as his spicy aftershave. The connection of body touching body was thrilling.

She immediately warmed as her breasts crushed against a wall of thick muscle. His midnight hair was slicked off his forehead and combed to the side, his face freshly shaven. He looked good enough to lick all over—like candy that had been coated with rich chocolate and dipped in spun sugar.

Warmth and familiarity rushed through her as she nestled against him. She didn’t even try to curb the impulse to touch his smooth skin. With lust driving her actions, she ran her hand over his cheek, feathered her fingers over his jaw, and rested her head against his neck. She couldn’t believe how much her body ached for him.

Thick muscles shifted as he pulled in a sharp breath. Her heart slammed against her chest as his gentle fingers moved
to her cheeks. Boldly, she planted her pelvis against his and could feel his mounting desire.

He cupped her chin and lifted her eyes to his. His gaze was full of lust, but underneath that she detected tenderness and warmth. Some deeper emotion stirred inside her and tightened her chest. Feelings long ago restrained swam to the surface. She bit back the tug of emotions and pinched her eyes shut. It was disconcerting the way he engaged her emotionally.

She could understand the physical attraction between them, but it was the closeness she felt toward him that caused her great alarm.

God, what was she getting herself into? If she wasn’t careful she could fall in love with him. Since he’d invited her over only for a night of wild, casual sex and nothing more, she had to get hold of her emotions. If she stuck around any longer, she’d surely lose her heart.

Kale took a small step back and eased open her coat. The smoldering look in his eyes as his gaze swept over her fiery red, body-molding dress excited her. Obviously, draining her checking account to purchase something so elaborate, something she’d likely never wear again, had been worth it.

“Hi.” His voice was husky, throaty. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

The eagerness in his tone excited her. He leaned in and planted a warm, gentle kiss on her cheek. His earthy, familiar male scent curled around her, making her feel so warm and comfortable.

He inched back and looked deep into her eyes as he brushed the pad of his thumb over her lips. “I’m so glad you came.” The sincerity in his voice made her feel the way no other man had ever made her feel, cherished and important.

Something inside her shifted. She swallowed the lump clogging her throat. The tenderness in his voice sent a wave of possessiveness rushing through her. Emotions pulled her under like quicksand.

Oh boy!

She tamped down the tug of emotions, vowing to keep her feelings in check and this relationship impersonal.

“I came.” Her voice sounded so breathless.

His grin turned wicked, his eyes full of teasing warmth. “Yes, you have. And you will again, and again.”

Shivers of excitement raced through her as she caught the gist of his innuendo. As though leaving his mark on her, his hot thumb brushed roughly over her bottom lip. Her tongue followed behind his finger, tasting his warm, salty essence.

She opened her mouth to speak, but before she had a chance, he snaked his hands around her waist and anchored her to him once again.

His lips hovered inches from hers as he pushed her coat off her shoulders. His hungry gaze seemed to bore through her clothes and touch every inch of her naked body. As his glance moved over her, liquid heat poured through her body. A tingle skipped down her spine.

His eyes were full of emotion. “You look gorgeous.” His voice was deep, intimate. He ran his finger over her cheek,
her throat, and then lower to sculpt the pattern of her curves. His murmur of appreciation made her wet. Had she been wearing any panties, they’d have been soaked.

She drew a breath as she felt her resolve to keep this relationship impersonal weaken around the edges. She feared if she spent too much time in his arms, or his bed, she’d lose her heart to him forever. Then and there she knew it for certain, she’d never be able to be with him more than once.

“Kale, this can only be one night.” Because heartbreak wasn’t an option.

She heard a sound low in his throat. “Then you shouldn’t have worn that dress.” He guided her inside, shut the door, and draped her coat over the sofa.

“Then maybe I should take it off.” She toyed with the thin spaghetti straps.

He gave a slow side-to-side shake of his head and removed her hands. “I don’t think so.” He brushed his thumb over her shoulders, using the same sensuous, stimulating circular strokes he’d used earlier on her clitoris.

She furrowed a brow as her body throbbed. “No?”

Holding her gaze, he slid his hand between her opened legs. “Uh-uh. I’ll be doing that for you.” When his fingers connected with her damp, silky curls, his eyes opened wide. His breath stalled. His nostrils flared. “Shit, Erin, you’re not wearing any panties.”

She shrugged innocently. “Laundry day, and I gave you my last clean pair.” Liar. More like she wanted him to show her how he punished naughty girls. Of course, she wasn’t
about to admit that to him. At least not yet. Maybe later, though. She bit back a breathy moan as her body shook with anticipation.

The cords on his throat tightened as he swallowed. “How the fuck am I supposed to make it through dinner knowing you’re naked under that dress?”

Her eyes opened wide, puzzled. “Dinner?”

He shifted his stance, obviously uncomfortable. He looked like he was in total agony. It really shouldn’t have pleased her as much as it did. She just loved the way she affected him.

“Yeah, dinner. I cooked for you.” His voice sounded strangled.

Her face softened. “You did?”

He drove his hands deep in his pockets. He looked so boyish, so adorable. An invisible band tightened around her heart.

“Yeah.” His expression softened when his gaze fell over her.

She looked past him and noticed the dining room table. It was beautifully set for two. The sweet gesture tugged on her insides. Christmas candles burned in the center of the dinner table and perfumed the air. The flames flickered in the dimly lit room, casting mesmerizing, alluring shadows on the terra-cotta–colored walls.

“But I thought we were just going to have sex. Casual sex,” she stressed, worry tugging at her insides.

Amusement pulled at the corners of his eyes. “Oh we are,
Erin,” he assured her. “I just thought you might need fuel first. Now that I have you here, I don’t plan on letting you go for a very long time.” The deep timbre of his voice made her tremble. “I plan on beating that five-minute record of yours by at least two hours, maybe more.”

“Oh,” she said, her eyes opening wide.

He reached for her and guided her to the table. His large palm practically covered her entire hand. Keeping pace, she followed him into the dining room. She glanced around and couldn’t believe that he’d gone to so much trouble to set the mood for seduction. Cloaked in semidarkness, the ambience was cozy, romantic, designed for lovers.


Her heart raced.

Suddenly that word made what they were about to do seem so personal, so intimate.

“Are you hungry?” He pulled her chair out and she graciously accepted.

She fought to recover her voice. “Yes.” She neglected to tell him she’d grabbed a bite at the mall. He’d obviously gone to a lot of effort, and things were so perfect, she didn’t want to spoil the moment.

The flames on the candles wavered as he took a seat beside her. His piercing blue eyes caught the light and shimmered. Everything about the room, about him, created an instant intimacy. The band around her heart tightened as she watched him settle next to her. She felt so warm, so close to him. She
leaned into him and smiled. Something inside her compelled her to touch his hand. She
the physical contact, as if her very next breath depended on it.

“Thank you for dinner. It smells delicious.”

A wide grin split his face. His voice was low, mellow. “Do you like to cook, Erin?” He brushed his thumb over her skin with agonizing gentleness and gazed so deep into her eyes, she was sure he could touch her soul and read her every secret. Heat radiated from his hands and stirred her insides. It wasn’t the way her body reacted to his touch that had her concerned, it was the way her heart reacted.

She pulled back, cursing herself for feeling so emotional. Taking a moment to regroup, she reminded herself this was just about casual sex. Nothing more. Nothing less.

“Not if I don’t have to.” It wasn’t a complete lie. All-talk-and-no-action Erin Shay might be a closet domestic, but this new version of her, bad-girl Erin Shay, didn’t enjoy making quiche, omelets, or even breakfast frittatas. The less personal things were between them, the easier it would be for her to walk away.

“Then I guess I’m in charge of breakfast too.”

Comprehension and unease hit her at the same time. She realized what he meant. He wanted her to stay over.

Oh hell!


As Kale gazed at her from across the table, tightness settled in his chest. It was almost impossible to look away from her beauty. There was no denying that Erin stirred him both
physically and emotionally, and was everything he’d been looking for. Everything he needed.

Sure he could have skipped the meal and jumped straight in the sack with her, but he wanted more. He wanted to talk with her, to get to know her on a deeper level, and to find out why she kept herself so guarded. He wanted to discover what horrible incident from her past had left her so jaded when it came to men and relationships.

“Everything looks beautiful, Kale.” She glanced into the living room. “You even put up a tree. It’s gorgeous.”

Her voice pulled his mind from its wanderings. “Thank you.” He glanced at her, his gaze moving over her features. The candlelight emphasized her sculpted cheekbones and bronzed skin. Her nutmeg hair was clipped at her nape. Dark hooded eyes brimmed with unleashed passion.

He could lose himself in those eyes. Come to think of it, he already had.

The love he felt for her suddenly blew over him like a gale force wind, leaving him feeling unstable and light-headed.

He drew a quick rejuvenating breath and poured her a glass of white wine. As he watched her take a small sip, it took all his restraint not to swipe his arm across the table, clear it of its contents, and make sweet love to her right there. All night long.

“Delicious,” she said, licking the last drop from her plump lips. She looked past his shoulders into the kitchen. “What smells so good?”

He cleared his throat. “I thought we’d start with a shrimp appetizer.”

She twirled her glass in her fingers. “What, no oysters?” she teased playfully.

He chuckled, loving her playful side. “I don’t need them.” He drained the wine from his glass and leaned into her. He glanced pointedly at her pert nipples. “Do you?”

“No,” she admitted honestly.

“Good.” Standing, he turned his back to her and disappeared into the kitchen.

“Do you need any help?” Erin called out.

“Nope. Stay put.”

A moment later he came back carrying a shrimp platter and dipping sauce. He positioned them in the center of the table and reclaimed his chair.

“Looks great,” Erin said.

After he seated himself, Erin reached for a shrimp but he quickly stopped her. He closed his hand over hers, the pad of his thumb rubbing her flesh. The sweet friction almost made him skip the meal and give in to his urges.

“Allow me,” he said, trying to keep his voice level.

She tucked her hands into her lap as he dipped the shrimp into the seafood sauce and slowly carried it to her mouth. She parted her pretty cinnamon-painted lips, and he placed it on her tongue.

“Mmmm. Delicious.” She nibbled and moaned a sweet, sexy bedroom moan that made his groin ache. It was the same noise she’d made when she orgasmed in the elevator and in the research room. Fuck. If she kept it up he’d never be able to think coherently or hold a civil conversation.

He lowered his voice and sidled closer. “What we did on the elevator today was really incredible, Erin.”

Her eyes glistened. “Yeah, I know.” Her voice was breathy, intimate.

“You were such a bad girl.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You were very wild. And hot.”

Her eyes darkened with heat and passion. “You too.”

She reached for the platter. “My turn.” She dipped the shrimp into the sauce and seductively carried it to him. He leaned into her and drew it into his mouth. As he chewed, he watched her reach for another shrimp. She covered it in a generous amount of sauce and poised it near her sensuous lips.

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