Pleasure Prolonged (12 page)

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Authors: Cathryn Fox

BOOK: Pleasure Prolonged
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“You watch football?” he asked. His eyes opened wide with a mixture of surprise and admiration.

Erin linked her fingers and pretended to crack them. “Sure do. So what did you think of the game?”

Face animated, he started into a long, boring spiel about the Packers’ kick-ass game last night. Erin plastered on her most expressive, enthusiastic face. It wasn’t easy to feign interest, especially when he broke down the plays in detail and began laughing about the antics of some Cheeseheads.

Apparently, from his long-winded explanation, she surmised
the fans were called Cheeseheads. And men thought women’s things were stupid. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Ten minutes later she almost wished she hadn’t brought up football. Hands waving wildly, he gave a detailed description about some quarterback named Favre and the amazing touchdown pass he made. Gerard was practically salivating. Lord, the man looked like he was in love.

Now if only he’d salivated over her dress like that, she wouldn’t have to stand there all doe-eyed, faking interest. Eventually Gerard was going to get a clue and figure out she knew nothing about the game.

As he droned on, Erin inconspicuously stole a few glances at the monitor behind him.

So far so good.

She really should make an effort to add to the conversation, but what was she supposed to talk about, all those beefy guys and their tight little buns? She doubted he’d find the humor in it.

Restless, Erin shifted her stance. Gerard noticed the edgy movement. The way he quickly switched back to his professional mode and shot a glance at the monitors threw her off guard.

He arched a brow. “Kale seems to be taking an awfully long time.”

Erin straightened. “Speak of the devil,” she said, gesturing with her head. She turned her attention back to Gerard. “Nice talking with you.” She raised her fists like pom-poms and yelled. “Go Packers, go!”

As Kale moved into the lobby, she pushed away from the counter and started toward him. Kale turned to her, a crooked smile on his handsome face. “What the hell was that?” he asked as they made their way to the doors.

She lowered her voice. “Don’t ask.” As soon as they exited the building, Erin turned to him. “Did you delete it from the hard drive? Did you get into her locker? Were there any copies?” she rushed out.

“Yes, yes, and one. And it’s been taken care of.” Kale circled the truck and opened the passenger side door for her. “We don’t have anything to worry about, Erin. If she threatens you again, we’ve got the disk at my place to prove she’s tampered with highly confidential material and removed it from the lab.”

Elated that her job was no longer in jeopardy, Erin wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. She became acutely aware of the way her breasts crushed into a wall of tight muscle. “Thank you, Kale.”

Chuckling, he hugged her back and lifted her feet off the ground. After he set her back down, he pulled back an inch but didn’t let her go. He brought his mouth close to hers. “You’re welcome,” he whispered.

As she stood there, mouth poised open, body enclosed in the circle of his arms, waiting for him to kiss her, a bevy of emotions rushed through her. What he’d done for her tonight, the way he had supported her, even risked his own career to do it, touched her so deeply it rattled her right down to her toes. Instead of taking the next exit when they’d en
countered a bump in the road, he’d stood by her and supported her. He had no idea how much that mattered to her.

There was so much more to this man than she had expected. When she decided to indulge in a casual affair with playboy Kale Alexander, she hadn’t anticipated that she’d fall so hard for him. She swallowed the lump clogging her throat and cursed herself for feeling so emotional.

She put her palm flat against his face and spent an extra moment just looking at him. Her breath hitched. Cripes, what in the hell had she been thinking? Kale wasn’t the kind of guy she could have a casual affair with, and she wasn’t the kind of girl who could love casually. She ached for something far more intimate from him.

As his lips closed over hers, she knew it better than she knew her own name. Her simple plan to have a frivolous affair had backfired.

She was in way over her head.

Chapter 10

ilence fell over them as Kale negotiated his truck into traffic. He stole a sideways glace at Erin. Fingers linked together, she rotated her thumbs in a tight circle and stared at the dark road ahead.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

Without looking his way, she nodded.

He closed his hand over hers and squeezed. “What are you thinking about?” he prodded.

She turned to face him. A flurry of emotions passed through her eyes. “Nothing.” Her voice was low and a little edgy.

“Really? You weren’t thinking about coming back to my place to tell me about this hot tub fantasy of yours?” he teased, hoping to lighten her mood.

She grinned. “That might have passed through my mind a time or two. Or a million,” she said playfully.

Kale chuckled and squeezed her hand more tightly.

As they drove toward Kale’s place, Erin got quiet again. She pointed to a side street and sighed. “I’m supposed to be there tonight.”

“Your mother’s? I didn’t realize she lived so close to Jay and Laura.”

She nodded and let out a slow breath. “It’s a great place to raise kids. Laura had that in mind when she chose this location.” She angled her chin. “Look at how well I turned out growing up in the burbs.”

He furrowed his brow as his gaze panned her body. “Hmmm…Perhaps I’ll have to have a chat with Jay before he decides to have children.”

Erin whacked him and laughed. “Hey,” she said. “You take that back.”

Kale tapped the brakes and turned the truck around. He pulled down the side street that Erin had pointed to.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her voice rising an octave.

The parked cars on the curb gave away the location of her parents’ house. He flicked a glance past Erin’s shoulder and registered every detail of the impressive two-story home.

The truth was, Kale was anxious to meet Erin’s family, to step into her private world. He wanted to glimpse this intimate side of her and take this relationship to the next level, where things were far more personal.

He pulled up behind one of the vehicles, shifted into park, and removed the keys. Distracting her, he sidled closer and put his mouth close to hers. A rush of sexual energy hit him as his
lips touched her skin. “I’ll take it back on one condition,” he whispered. He inched back, his gaze shifting to her mouth.

Her heavy lids fluttered. “What’s that?”

“You kiss me.” His voice was husky with desire.

She wet her bottom lip. “I think that can be arranged.”

A muscle in his jaw flexed. “Did I say one condition?” His lips touched hers ever so lightly. She moaned and leaned into him.

“Yes,” she murmured into his mouth.

As he smoothed her hair from her face, sexual sparks leaped between them. He crowded her, sandwiching her between him and the door. Her body trembled beneath his.

“I meant two.” His tongue traced the pattern of her sensuous mouth.

“Now you’re pushing it.” He heard the raw ache of lust in her voice.

He parted her lips with his tongue and dipped inside. “First you kiss me, then we’ll go make a quick appearance at your parents’ house, and after that we’ll head back to my place so you can have your wicked way with me.”

“Kale, I believe that was three conditions.”

Hunger consumed him. “I don’t think so, Erin. I just think you need to work on your math skills. I counted two.”

“I don’t think…” His head descended in time to smother her protest with a kiss.

He kissed her with all the passion inside him, until they were both forced to inch back to recapture their breath. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes glossy and richly seductive.

He ran the pad of his thumb over her kiss-swollen lips. “So
what do you say, sweetheart. Want to go in?” He squeezed her hand, a silent message of support.

Breathless, she tripped over her words. “I’m not sure.”

“We’ll just make a quick appearance. I’ll dazzle them with my charm, and then I’ll take you back to my place and we’ll discuss these fantasies of yours.” He neglected to enlighten her as to his ulterior motives.

She starched her spine and mulled over the idea.

“Come on, Erin. Let’s go get your mother off your back before she tries to marry you off to Donkey Kong boy.”

He watched her resolve melt as she warmed to the idea. She crinkled her cute little nose. “Are you sure you really want to do this?”


She gave a resigned shake of her head. “You’re very persuasive, Kale. Do you always get your own way?”

He cocked his head. “Always.”

“I somehow suspected that.”

“Come on, let’s go.” Kale climbed from the truck and circled around to meet her. He captured her hand in his as they made their way to the front door.

Erin sucked in air as she twisted the knob and stepped into the front entrance. Music and voices drifted out to them from the other room.

“In there,” Erin said, her voice strangled.

They moved down the hall and turned the corner to the living room where guests stood around conversing, sipping champagne, and nibbling on hors d’oeuvres.

Her mother rushed forward when she caught sight of Erin. “You’re late…” Her voice fell off and she stopped dead in her tracks as her gaze went from Erin, to Kale, back to Erin again.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you were bringing a…” She paused as though carefully choosing her next word. She raised an inquisitive brow and finished the sentence. “Date?”

Erin squeezed his hand. Kale could feel her frustration. He squeezed her back, reassuring her, offering his comfort and support.

“Kale, this is my mom, Anna. Mom, this is Kale. He’s my—”

Kale thrust his hand out and cut her off. His lips twitched. “I’m her boyfriend.”

Taken aback, her mother shot Erin a glance as her elegantly manicured hand slipped inside Kale’s. “Well, well, isn’t this a surprise.” A wide smile split her lips as she appraised Kale. “Where on earth did you find such a handsome man?”

Kale angled his head to face Erin. As they exchanged a look, something potent passed between them. “She didn’t find me, I found her. And I consider myself damn lucky.”

Anna turned her attention to Erin. “And when were you going to share this lovely man with the family?”



Erin’s stomach churned. Didn’t her mother know she wasn’t into sharing? She wanted Kale. All to herself.

Oh boy!

Erin stood there, dazed, watching Kale turn on his playboy charm and dazzle her mother with his quick wit, intoxicating good looks, and signature smile.

When he wrapped his arm around her, anchoring her to his side, her body began tingling in heated anticipation. She suddenly had a monumental craving for a hot fudge sundae.

As she watched him, her insides twisted. The word
rang in her ears. Of course, it was all part of the facade. Kale wasn’t looking for anything long-term. He was into casual sex. He’d told her so himself. Which was the exact reason why she had decided to have an affair with him in the first place. He didn’t want anything more from her. And now, by God, damned if she didn’t want more from him.

Cripes, how was that for irony!

She closed her eyes against the flood of emotions. So much for “a hump and a bump, thank you chump.” Now it was more like “a hump and a bump, I want it all chump!” A husband, children, and a quaint little house in suburbia.

As her mother engaged Kale in conversation, Erin took that opportunity to pull herself together. She caught sight of her father. He gave her a knowing, apologetic look. She smiled back, smoothed her bangs off her forehead, and tried to quiet her heartbeat. Striving for some semblance of control, she glanced around the room, taking stock. Apparently Donkey Kong boy had chickened out. He was nowhere to be found. She gave a silent prayer of thanks.

Her mother took Kale’s arm in hers. “Come on, Kale. Let
me introduce you to the guests.” She turned back to face Erin and narrowed her gaze. As her mother’s eyes raked over her hot red dress, Erin wondered if she had some telltale sign of a woman who’d recently had sex. No, not sex, she corrected herself. A woman who had recently made love.

“Erin, you might want to do something with your hair first.”

Without warning, Kale stopped mid-stride and turned back to Erin. He dipped his head and touched her cheek. The longing in his eyes made her forget every sane thought. His fingers brushed against her flesh as he tucked a wayward lock behind her ear. His torrid, yearning gaze touched something deep inside her. Her knees began to quiver, and she became hyper aware of the moistness between her legs.

“There is nothing wrong with Erin’s hair.” A warm palm cupped her face. “She’s beautiful just the way she is.” His voice was smooth, low, and sent shivers skittering down her spine.

Oh God, he was going to kiss her. Right there in front of her mother and all her snooty guests, with their eagle eyes trained on the action. And she was going to let him. With no attempt at discretion, he brought his mouth to hers. Desire rocketed her over the goalpost as his lips crashed down on hers for a soul-searching kiss full of taunting promises.

In a bold move she wrapped her arms around Kale and kissed him in return, all the while ignoring her mother’s small gasp of surprise. A moment later, Kale inched back. His smile was slow and inviting. He pitched his voice low and put his mouth near her ear. “I’ll be back shortly. Remember where we were.” His words wreaked havoc on her
senses as his warm breath fanned her face, making her body quiver in the most delicious places.

After he moved away with her mother, Erin made a beeline to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a stiff drink, hoping to quell the fever rising in her. She stood there, trying to remember how to breathe as she sucked back gin like it was soda pop. She cringed as it slid down her throat. The stuff was horrid.

Her sister Terry came up beside her. She rubbed her hands together like she were concocting some evil plan. All that was missing was the maniacal laughter. “Ooh, he’s so hot. I just love him, Erin.”

Oh God!

She was in trouble.

Because she loved him too.

Warmth sang through Erin’s veins as she watched Kale mingle. Everything about him was so easy, so casual, and so comfortable. Every few minutes he’d glance her way and give her an intimate smile meant for her and her alone.

“He’s so yummy, Erin.”

Erin slanted her head to get a better look at her sister. Was that drool pooling in the corners of her mouth? Lord, the woman was married with kids. She shouldn’t be salivating over Kale like Pavlov’s dog. That was Erin’s job.

“Where have you been hiding this fine specimen?” Terry asked.

Erin was far too preoccupied admiring Kale to answer her sister. His mere presence drew the attention of everyone at
the party. All eyes were turned on him as he mingled with the guests. Erin watched him, her own body so in tune with his every gesture, his every movement.

Even though he was across the room, she felt so close to him. There was no denying she’d experienced an intimacy with him unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. And tonight, during their lovemaking, she knew she’d connected with him on a deeper level. Everything in her craved him. She needed to be with him. To touch him again and again, and to have him touch her in return.

Without answering her sister’s question, she said, “I have to go, Terry.”

As she moved across the floor toward him, her entire body began to quake. The minute she entered his personal space, the need to feel skin on skin, to connect with him on an even deeper level overwhelmed her. She didn’t even fight the compulsion to wrap her arms around his waist, to find comfort in his embrace.

He pulled her in tight, glanced down at her, and smiled. Erin’s insides turned to mush. “Are you okay?” he asked.

She wasn’t okay. Not even a little bit. “Take me home, Kale.”

His brow furrowed. “Home? To your place?”

It was late and she should go home, but she needed to be with him, to love him, and to make love to him while she could, while he was still in Iowa.

She shook her head. “No. Yours.”

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