Pleasing Sir (4 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Pleasing Sir
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He leaned over her, blanketing her back, but only to reach past her and loosen her bonds. His strong hands curved around her shoulders, and he raised her from the desk, stepping back.

The skirt fell over her hips. On her feet now, she swayed as blood fled south, and she braced herself against his chest.

However, his arms didn’t close around her; they remained straight at his sides.

His expression was still neutral, his gaze intense.

She gave him a little frown because she’d revealed so much but still didn’t know what he wanted. She moved away, biting her lip.

He crossed his arms. “Take off your clothes, Miss Wood, and leave them in a neat stack on my desk, in front of the monitor.”

Relief nearly had her melting at his feet. Her clothes fell away, landing on the floor. She didn’t even mind his narrowed stare that nudged her to pick them up and fold them. When she’d laid them on his desk, she turned back, a little embarrassed to be completely nude when he hadn’t even removed his tie.

“What would you like me to do now?” she asked, interweaving her fingers and cupping them in front of her, eager for whatever came next.

“How do you feel, Miss Wood?”

She shrugged. “Truthfully, a little awkward.” Then she pressed her lips together because he didn’t respond for several long moments, and his gaze didn’t dip. Was her body that unattractive?

To diminish her breasts, she hunched her shoulders then squeezed her thighs together, hoping to make them seem a little less round.

Bryce drew a quick sharp breath. “Miss Wood, I want you to return to the copier room. There’s a little matter of a smudged glass I want you to clean. Also, your fingers spread your pretty little cunt then touched the buttons. I want you to clean the machine, top to bottom.”

Raelie froze for second, then blurted, “But why did you have me take off my clothes?”

His mouth curved into a slight smile. “Because I’ll enjoy watching you move.”

“You’re coming with me, then?” she asked, wondering if he wanted to get kinky in the copier room.

“You can’t have forgotten the camera. I’ll watch from my desk to make sure you do a good job.”

Her jaw clamped tight. He’d known all along that she had set out to shock and tease him when she’d played with the machine. “And when I’m through, sir?” she asked, her voice softer, raspier than she would have liked because his small, tight smile deepened, and she knew her wants weren’t his priority.

“When you’re through, you can come back and dress. I won’t be here. I’ll expect you at your desk bright and early tomorrow.”

He shrugged off his jacket and draped it over the back of his chair then unbuttoned his cuffs and turned them, folding them up to his elbows, revealing muscled forearms lightly covered in silky dark hair. He reached for his tie and loosened it, then stilled.

Her gaze lifted.

One dark brow arched.

Feeling ready to cry because she ached so badly, she stomped out of the office and down the hallway to the copier room.

Bryce sat in his chair and clicked on the function key that opened the security cams then used the arrow to find the view into the room.

Raelie stalked inside and headed straight to the supply closet where she pulled out a spray bottle and paper towels. A fierce frown scrunched her face into an adorable scowl.

His gaze ate up the sight of her body. Medium height, lush curves and sleek legs.

Everything about her appearance pleased him. Her femininity seemed exaggerated when compared to the well-toned stick girls he’d dated before. Everywhere he looked her soft skin and frame made his palms itch. Her skin was light tan with narrow strips of white where a miniscule bikini had shielded her feminine parts. If she lasted, he’d have her sunbathing nude beside his pool.

His cell phone vibrated on the desk, and he picked it up.

“You answered,” Morgan drawled. “I’m disappointed in you. Did you let her leave already?”

Bryce snorted. “I made her go clean the copier. Naked.”

Morgan chuckled. “’Bout damn time. Anything I can help you with?”

“Raelie’s mine,” he bit out then touched the button to cut the connection. Soon, he’d be ready to share her training with his friends, but for now he’d savor the journey alone. His gaze honed as he watched her.

Raelie stood on the footstool and rubbed the copier glass with a towel. Her buttocks and breasts jiggled with each furious swirl. Still, her nipples were erect and lengthening, jutting out her tiny gold rings.

Bryce inhaled deeply and settled back in his chair. He had a choice here—follow his own desires or give Raelie what she really needed. He’d wanted a challenge, but would the sweet temptation she embodied prove too much to resist?

Raelie stepped off the stool and misted the control panel at the front of the machine. She wiped it quickly then bent and rubbed down the cabinet doors. Again, she pointed her pretty pink pussy right at the camera.

Bryce grinned, loving her show of rebellion. He hit the button to the intercom which broadcast to the entire suite of offices. “Miss Wood, go ahead and restock the machine then straighten the supply locker.”

She stiffened, and her gaze swung to the camera in the corner. Her eyes narrowed into a deadly glare while her hand shot him the bird.

He waited, holding his breath.

Instead of tossing up her hands and flouncing away, she took a deep breath. Her frown eased and her gaze, this time reflecting a little uncertainty, rose again. She gave the camera a curt nod, and then yanked open the copier doors to pull out the paper tray.

Bryce relaxed. He was surprised, because he hadn’t known he’d been so tense, waiting for her to decide. He watched for a few minutes longer as she diligently unstacked the cabinet to reorganize it.

One last lingering glance at her lovely body and he lifted his jacket from the chair and exited his office. Tonight, he turned toward the stairs rather than the elevator because he didn’t trust himself to pass the copier room and not enter it.

Feeling stronger once the heady aroma of her arousal no longer filled his nostrils, he smiled as he jogged down the steps.

* * *

Tired and disgruntled, Raelie returned to dress inside Bryce’s office. She’d been disappointed but unsurprised to find it empty. He’d made it clear he had self control, something she admired even if it was inconvenient as hell right this moment.

Her body burned. She’d stared at her ass in the mirror inside his bathroom and run her fingertips along the raised, red stripes. Pressing on the enflamed skin sent thrilling spikes of arousal through her. Her breasts were swollen. Her pussy wet and throbbing. A condition that wasn’t helped by the fact that everywhere she looked, even the air she breathed, bore his mark.

She inhaled, dragging in the scent of his spicy cologne. Her glance idly swept the corners and found it free of cameras. She circled his desk to stand in front of the monitor and examined his computer. The monitor had a built-in camera. His CPU was still on.

Could he see her now?

Deciding she didn’t care if he could see or not, she bit her lip and bent toward the monitor. She pushed her clothing to the side and reached for her purse, which she’d set on the edge of his desk. She dumped its contents and rifled through them.

When her hand closed around the small fingertip vibrator, she held it in front of the screen and gave the camera a smirk.

Letting her arousal consume her, she sat in his big leather chair and hit the handle under the seat for the hydraulic lift and raised the chair height. Then she pushed it back, just far enough so that she could lift her feet and plant them against the edge of his desk.

With her legs braced far apart, her sex was open to the camera. She slipped the vibrator onto her index finger and hit the switch.

Getting off was easy. Her bottom burned, her pussy had been a constant ache ever since the afternoon meeting when his men had surrounded the table and she’d sat swinging her foot and willing him to notice her.

Well, he had, at last. And if she was being naughty now, it was his own damn fault—and something he’d have to correct the next time they were together.

As her finger swirled atop her swollen clit, she let her eyelids droop. She hoped like hell he was watching and was every bit as aroused as she was. As the vibrations hummed against the hardened knot, she rolled her head against the back of his chair, moaning because her body was already convulsing hard, shudders jerking her belly and making her legs quiver.

She swirled and stroked, drawing out her orgasm as long as she could before she slumped against his chair. Then she slowly opened her eyes. She stared straight into the little eye of the camera at the top of his screen and smiled. “Sleep tight,” she said and blew him a kiss.

Tomorrow couldn’t come quickly enough.

Chapter Five

The next afternoon, Bryce sat back and contemplated the chair that he could no longer think of as entirely his own. Raelie had christened it with her arousal. He’d found the white streaks of her girl-cum at the edge of the dark leather when he’d pulled it from beneath the desk that morning. He’d also found the wispy panties she’d wadded in her hand to clean the copier glass. She’d left them in his center drawer.

Last night, he’d watched the mischievous grin she’d aimed at the camera when she slid open the drawer and turned her hand over to let them fall.

A gesture of defiance that pleased him at a primal level.

Something he hadn’t been able to get out of his mind long after he’d switched off his PC and gone to bed. He’d tossed and turned all night, thinking about the wicked, gleeful smile that had entranced him almost as much as the pretty flush that crept across her face when she masturbated herself in this very chair. The unselfconscious way she’d opened her legs and rubbed her little clit to a lovely climax had completely blown him away.

He held the pink silk to his face and breathed. Her sea-fresh aroma permeated the silk—a scent that was now familiar. He’d breathed her in while he’d driven the short distance home the previous night, sliding his fingers beneath his nose and wishing like hell he’d wet his dick in her scent too.

His office door swung open without warning. Morgan strode inside followed by Billy Thibodaux, the plaza site foreman and another of his closest friends.

Morgan spied the scrap of silk in his hand and gave Bryce a sly grin.

Bryce shoved Raelie’s panties back into the drawer and straightened, eyeing the two men with suspicion. Both his friends looked a little too alert and amused for the visit to be about progress at the work site. At the smirk curving along Morgan’s mouth, he knew his partner had filled Billy in on what had occurred the previous night.

Billy closed the door and lifted his chin. “”Where’s she at? You already scare your girl away?” he asked with his gravelly, Cajun inflection.

Grimacing, Bryce gave him an “eat shit” glare. “She just stepped out. What are you doing here?”

Billy’s eyes glinted with dark amusement. “Morgan mentioned how fun it was watchin’ you two dance. Thought I’d see it for myself.”

Denial tightened his chest. “Did Morgan also mention that I’m not ready to share?” Bryce asked, forcing himself to keep his voice even because he wanted to growl like a bear.

Billy grunted. “Don’t mean I can’t hit her up on my own account. See whether she can be tempted away. Cajun cock’s the best, ya know.”

Flashing him a quick hard grin, Bryce said, “Wave it at some other girl. I’m keeping her too busy for any fooling around.”

“Too bad for you.” His friend gave another grunt then eased down in the chair in front of the desk.

Morgan slouched on the sofa.

Fed up, Bryce arched an eyebrow in a silent challenge. “What do I have to do to get you two to do some work?”

Billy’s narrowed gaze studied him. “When do you plan to bring her home?”

Unwilling to share too much of his plans, Bryce shrugged. “Maybe tonight.”

The corners of Billy’s mouth twitched. His black eyes sparkled with humor.

“Want us to stay scarce?”

“I’d appreciate that,” Bryce said, hoping they didn’t plan an ambush. Since his house was a work in progress, they all had keys. “I’d like to ease her into our arrangement.”

“Raelie doesn’t seem the shy type,” Morgan drawled. “Fact is, she liked sucking me off in front of you.”

Bryce didn’t bother trying to tell him that she’d only been acting on his command.

That would only have been half true. Her arousal had been moist, noisy and pungent—

and had dripped all over his hand. “I want her to understand what I expect. That means I need her to myself for a while.”

Billy gave a deep sigh. “I’m the only one hasn’t had a taste yet. That on purpose?

You afraid I might steal your little fille away?”

“I’m not keeping her from you,” Bryce grumbled, feeling protective of Raelie and surprised by it. “She’s not here now because I sent her to James.”

At the mention of the doctor who was another one of their inner circle, Billy grinned. “Makin’ sure she’s safe to play bareback? Now I really am impressed. Sounds like you plan to keep her.”

Bryce’s phone gave a muted chirp, and the EA’s red light lit up. “She’s back. You two beat it.”

Billy gripped the arms of his chair and leaned back—his message clear. “Almost quittin’ time,” he murmured.

“I know what fucking time it is,” Bryce growled.

His friend’s mouth stretched wide. “I’m not movin’ ’til I see her.”

“You saw her yesterday at the meeting.”

“Uh-uh. I didn’t see how she is with you.”

Knowing Billy wouldn’t budge without a glimpse, Bryce glared but hit the button to buzz her. A moment later the door opened and Raelie walked in with a notepad in her hand, looking fresh and lovely in a pale blue suit. When her gaze hit Morgan, her steps slowed.

Morgan gave her a wink, which had her cheeks reddening. Her gaze shot to Billy then back to Bryce, a question lurking in her blue eyes.

“You know the plaza foreman,” Bryce said, focusing on her expression, silently willing her to behave.

Raelie nodded warily. “Mr. Thibodaux was at the meeting yesterday.”

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