Pleasing Sir (3 page)

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Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #BDSM

BOOK: Pleasing Sir
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His hesitation gave her hope. Raelie felt a rush of power sweep through her. If he was intrigued, here was a weakness she could exploit. She turned abruptly away and glanced over her shoulder—at him then at Morgan—and walked around him to his desk, bent over the gleaming wood, and reached back to inch up her skirt over her bare buttocks. “Just for the record, sir, you didn’t ask me to do this.”

“Looks like Bryce could be the one to scream sexual harassment,” Morgan murmured. “Want me to leave, Bry, while you…uh, handle this?”

“We’re partners,” Bryce said, his voice still level. “It’s our copier she abused.”

Raelie faced forward and rose on her tiptoes, lifting her bottom higher. Seconds ticked by. The longer she laid there, her ass perked for them both to see every inch of her feminine anatomy, the more nervous she got. Her stomach clenched. Maybe she’d misinterpreted the signs and colored them with her own desires.

At last, the slide of leather through cloth told her he was removing his belt. She bit back a whimper at the thought, but a tiny groan slipped out.

“Are you afraid of my belt, Miss Wood?”

“Yes, sir,” she said in a small tight voice, so excited she thought she’d melt from the inside out and end up a gooey puddle at the foot of his desk.

A warm, heavy hand cupped one cheek, molding it. Clothed thighs pushed against the backs of hers. Bryce leaned in and pinned her to the desk. “I’ve watched you, Miss Wood. You’ve been playing me all along, trying to seduce me, haven’t you?”

“Yes, sir.” What else could she say? She’d laid it all out, sacrificing her pride to reach this moment.

“I’m a particular kind of man,” Bryce said. “Some might even say peculiar or deviant. Does that frighten you?”

Jesus, did he mean it the way she hoped? Her mouth went dry and she swallowed.

“No sir, I’m not frightened.”

“Just so we’re clear. You can stop me at any time. Your job is not at risk. You can say no. Do you understand?”

She nodded eagerly, her excitement growing so intense she couldn’t catch a full breath.

The hand on her ass squeezed. “I need an answer, Miss Wood.”

Her pussy clenched, and moisture seeped to wet her folds. “Yes sir, I understand.

You’ll stop if I ask you to.” She took a deep breath and deepened her voice, “This is consensual, something I need…so that I can be a better secretary.”

A muffled laugh sounded from the sofa then leather creaked.

While her heart beat madly, Morgan walked around the other side of the desk to stand in front of her. He held his own belt in his hands. Had Bryce signaled him? She tried to glance behind her to see Bryce’s face, but couldn’t quite reach.

“Morgan’s my partner, Miss Wood,” he continued in his uninflected voice. “Some matters require joint disciplinary action. Do you have a problem with that?”

She swallowed hard. This was happening faster than she could have hoped, but she really didn’t want the pace to slow. While she’d been teasing Bryce, she’d worked up her own arousal to a fever pitch. “No sir,” she whispered, “you know best what punishment I deserve.”

Morgan threaded the leather tongue of his belt through the buckle, forming a circle that he looped around her wrists. He drew the loop tight and pulled her arms toward him. Then he threaded the end through the handle of Bryce’s center drawer.

Standing on her toes, with her body stretched across the surface of Bryce’s desk, she was completely, deliciously helpless.

Morgan’s fingers dug into her hair, and he lifted her head. “Had a feeling ’bout you for a while, Raelie Wood.”

“Oh?” She didn’t complete the thought. Her scalp stung, which only heightened her awareness of the cool wood beneath her and the heat radiating off the man standing behind her.

Bryce nudged apart her feet, widening her stance. When she was spread so wide she felt her inner lips gape open, she couldn’t help the little shivering sob that escaped.

“Was that fear, baby girl?” Morgan asked, easing his grip on her hair and kneeling so his face was aligned with hers. “Or do you want this?”

She searched his face, looking for a clue of what he thought about the way she’d behaved or a hint of where this was going. But his expression remained bland. “Want,”

she groaned, hoping she’d given the right answer. Want trumped the trepidation that quivered through her body.

One brown eyebrow arched. The wicked twinkle was back in his eyes. “You’ve been teasing Bryce here until he’s just about lost his mind.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, but allowed a little one-sided smirk, sharing a glimpse of the joke.

He tapped her nose then rubbed his thumb over her lower lip. “You should be. We have a business to run. What are you going to do to make this right?”

She licked her lips. “Whatever Mr. Caldwell feels is appropriate.”

Morgan’s eyelids dipped, but the laugh lines on either side of his mouth deepened. “So if he wants to spank your ass until it’s pink…?”

“I want him to be pleased with my dedication. I’ll trust that I deserved it.”

His thumb slid along her lip again. “If I want to fuck your mouth…?”

Her mouth went instantly dry unlike her pussy which gave its moist approval.

“With Mr. Caldwell’s permission…” she said huskily.

“Does your cooperation depend on his being here?”

She nodded. “I’m his secretary.”

Morgan grinned then shot a glance up at Bruce and nodded. “That’s all right with me. How about you, Bryce?”

“She’ll do what I tell her,” Bryce growled. “If I want her to open her mouth for you to fuck, she’ll do it. Won’t you, Miss Wood?”

Raelie’s excitement was so intense she didn’t know how she managed to suppress a squeal. However she suspected that Bryce wouldn’t be pleased at her loss of control.

“Yes sir,” she managed to mumble through tight lips.

“Morgan, she can’t open your pants for you,” Bryce drawled.

“Oh, right.” Morgan straightened and unbuttoned his slacks then slid down the zipper. He carefully untucked his cock from the flap of his boxers and pumped his fist once down his stiffened shaft.

Raelie sucked in a deep breath and couldn’t help but stare. The man was huge. No wonder all the women in the building held no grudges once he’d moved on. They’d feel it was an once-in-a-lifetime privilege to take that cock deep inside their bodies.

Morgan gripped himself beneath the head and pointed the tip at her lips. He pushed against her closed mouth.

Remembering to breathe, she opened wide and wrapped her lips around her teeth, letting him slide inside while struggling to ignore the palm smoothing in circles on her ass. When Bryce’s hand left her bottom, she groaned, her attention arrested. A sharp slap landed on one cheek, and she gasped around Morgan’s dick.

Morgan hissed. “Bite me and I swear I’ll be beating that pretty ass too. Got that?”

She nodded, bracing herself for the next blow. When it came, she was prepared.

Bryce’s broad hand left behind stinging heat with every slap that had her pussy drenched in seconds. Raelie breathed noisily through her nostrils.

Morgan let go of himself and gripped the sides of her head, supporting her as he stroked into her, using shallow thrusts at first, quick little flutters that forced her to suction hard to hold him inside her mouth. “That’s it, baby,” he ground out. “Suck it hard. Fuck, your mouth feels good.”

She moaned with pleasure at his praise, using her tongue to tell him how much she appreciated it, adding a swirl over his broad cap, pointing the tip to slide it into the vertical slit, then curling it to flutter beneath the ridge defining the head.

Morgan’s scent was musky and earthy. Male sweat, concrete dust, and just plain dirt clung to his skin, but she didn’t care because he loved her mouth. He’d told her so.

“Damn, you’re hot,” he said, pulling her hair. “Fucking that sweet mouth is like fucking a pussy. Baby, let me come deeper.”

He shoved past her tongue, tapping the back of her throat, and she thought that was as far as he intended to go, but a slap against her rump by Bryce and hard tug at her hair from Morgan, disabused her of that idea.

“Loosen your jaws,” Morgan said, his voice sounding rough as gravel. “Breathe through your nose and let me into your throat. You can do it. And don’t you dare choke on me.”

At the gravelly texture of his voice, her pussy clenched. Behind her, fingers slowly rimmed her opening, and she took a deep fortifying breath.

“Open wide and let Morgan sink deeper,” Bryce said, his voice taut and stern.

Raelie gave a whimper but widened her jaw, allowing Morgan to tunnel deeper.

Her lips were stretched around him, her jaws aching, but the emotions scrolling over his face—deep arousal, approval, a hint of his usual swagger—made her stay the course.

Morgan’s face reddened, sweat sprouted on his forehead, and his thrusts quickened. “Swallow it, swallow it all.”

Scalding spurts filled her mouth—viscous, salty, tangy. Her jaws burned but she remained obedient, her lips sucking hard, her throat working as he stroked toward her throat, and she swallowed down his cum.

When he pulled free from her mouth, he knelt and kissed her, his tongue penetrating and sliding deep. He had to have tasted himself there. When he leaned back, he winked. “You did good, office girl. Now, think you can behave from now on?”

Raelie whimpered because Bryce was pinching her clit.

Morgan chuckled and rose, pushing his cock back into his pants and zipping up.

“You got it handled from here?” he asked, his gaze rising behind her.

“I’ll finish the punishment.”

Morgan walked away, his steps muffled on the thick carpet. The door shut with a quiet click behind him.

Raelie tensed, wondering what Bryce would do next and whether a punishment fitting her naughty crime was his only intention.

Chapter Four

A searing flick of leather branded her bottom, answering that particular question. She gasped and instinctively twisted her hips to avoid the next lash.

“Isn’t this what you wanted?” Bryce asked, snapping the leather against the other cheek. “What you planned all along?”

“I don’t know,” she whimpered. “I didn’t really think you’d see those pictures.”

“I’m not talking about the pictures. Morgan wasn’t the only one to notice how slutty you’ve been acting. Are you a slut, Miss Wood?”

Shock rendered her speechless for a moment. Raelie groaned as another sharp flick fell, and she rolled her hot cheek on the wood. “Yes, yes…I’m a slut.” Your slut, she wanted to add.

The belt landed on the desk beside her. Bryce leaned over her back, his clothed cock grinding between her legs. “What did you fantasize would happen?” he whispered in her ear. “You’ve teased me to distraction for days, playing with your buttons, letting me see glimpses of your underwear, watching me with those big blue eyes.”

But his weight left her breathless, unable to answer. They remained like that for long, tense moments, his cock grinding against her, and Raelie waiting to see whether he’d regret letting things get this far.

He withdrew, and her skin felt the chill as an air-conditioned breeze struck her.

“When you spread your pussy on the glass, what did you want to happen?” he asked softly. “The truth.” His hands smoothed over her buttocks. Then one lifted. He struck her again.

Raelie sank deeper against the desk, moaning because the welts he raised stung enough to make her bottom quiver and her whole body vibrate with need. “I wanted you to catch me,” she sobbed. “I wanted you to n-notice me.”

A slap landed, this one harder and criss-crossing other welts, stinging exquisitely.

A flush of euphoria swept over her, and she groaned, undulating helplessly on the desk.

“Please,” she gasped, “more.”

But Bryce was back to rubbing her ass, bringing her down again. “Miss Wood, I don’t think I’ve ever had a more disobedient secretary. Almost as though you want me to punish you. Do you want that?” he asked, his voice deceptively mild.

She knew he was only acting detached now. She’d felt the steely strength of his arousal when he’d pushed against her. Her breaths evened, and she turned her head to the side, resting, gathering strength for whatever he intended to do next. “I do. I do want it, sir. Punish me, please.”

“Why should I give it you, Miss Wood?”

She rubbed her cheek on the cool wood. “I need punishment because I’ve been bad,” she whispered, “…because I’ve teased you instead of being honest about what I need.”

Another swat landed dangerously close to her labia, and she twisted—this time to encourage him to aim the next stinging slap there.

His hand smoothed over stripes of hot flesh, massaging. “How did you think this would end…in your fantasies?”

Should she tell him? She opened her eyes. Or had she misread the source of his strength? “I want to be yours,” she said, giving an ambiguous answer because she feared being wrong and making a fool out of herself.

A tongue traced the length of one fiery welt. “What do you think that means—

belonging to me?” He licked closer to her sex, his fingers touching her intimately, following the thin flange of one lip, pausing to toggle a ring, then dipping inside her.

She arched off the desk, her arms tugging hard against the belt tethering her.

“Whatever you want it to mean,” she groaned. “I want to be possessed.”

Teeth gently bit her clit. “And if I ask something that makes you uncomfortable?”

Vibrating and close to blurting out that she wanted to be his, whatever it took, she said instead, “I’ll put my trust in you…that you know best.”

“Miss Wood, have you ever been possessed before?” His voice was silky, soft.

All her intuition said the answer was important despite the easy way he said it.

Raelie quieted, holding her breath, wondering what he wanted to hear.

He spanked her pussy, and the sound was lush and wet. “The truth, Raelie,” he rasped as his finger teased her entrance with shallow, unsatisfying thrusts.

“Once,” she gasped, trying to push backward to take him deeper. “He…we…I wasn’t obedient enough to satisfy him. But I can be better now, I think.”

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