Playing in Shadow

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Authors: Lesley Davis

BOOK: Playing in Shadow
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After surviving a devastating car crash, Bryce Donovan is plagued by crippling nightmares that leave her terrified to close her eyes. She still bears the scars from that night, both emotionally and physically. Her job at Tweedy Contractors brings the diversion she is desperate for, and the new apprentice painter is a welcome distraction. As a gifted artist, Scarlet Tweedy creates beauty in every medium she employs. But she’s always been expected to take over her father’s business. The problem is she doesn’t want to follow in his footsteps while she has dreams of her own to pursue. But can she choose her own path over what has always been expected of her?

Table of Contents
What Reviewers Say About Lesley Davis’s Work

Playing Passion’s Game
is a delightful read with lots of twists, turns, and good laughs. Davis has provided a varied and interesting supportive cast. Those who enjoy computer games will recognize some familiar scenes, and those new to the topic get to learn about a whole new world.”—
Just About Write

Pale Wings Protecting
is a provocative paranormal mystery; it’s an otherworldly thriller couched inside a tale of budding romance. The novel contains an absorbing narrative, full of thrilling revelations, that skillfully leads the reader into the uncanny dimensions of the supernatural.”—
Lambda Literary

Dark Wings Descending
] is an intriguing story that presents a vision of life after death many will find challenging. It also gives the reader some wonderful sex scenes, humor, and a great read!”—Reviewer RLynne

Pale Wings Protecting
] was just a delicious delight with so many levels of intrigue on the case level and the personal level. Plus, the celestial and diabolical beings were incredibly intriguing. …I was riveted from beginning to end and I certainly will look forward to additional books by Lesley Davis. By all means, give this story a total once-over!”—
Rainbow Book Reviews

Playing in Shadow

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Playing in Shadow

© 2015 By Lesley Davis. All Rights Reserved.

ISBN 13: 978-1-62639-381-3

This Electronic Book is published by

Bold Strokes Books, Inc.

P.O. Box 249

Valley Falls, New York 12185

First Edition: April 2015

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


Editor: Cindy Cresap

Production Design: Susan Ramundo

Cover Design By Sheri ([email protected])

By the Author

Truth Behind The Mask

Playing Passion’s Game

Dark Wings Descending

Pale Wings Protecting

Playing In Shadow


Thank you Radclyffe for making Bold Strokes the best publisher for me to unleash my characters from.

Thank you always Cindy Cresap for having the patience of four saints when editing my work. I appreciate everything you do to help bring out the best in my writing. Quite simply, you are awesome! Or bostin’, to use the Black Country term that’s equally as appreciative of all you do for me!

To Sandy Lowe and all the marvelous folk at Bold Strokes, thanks for all that you do to get these stories out there.

For Sheri, your covers are such fantastic works of art. Thank you for sharing that talent and giving me covers that shine.

To my friends Jane Morrison and Jacky Morrison Hart, Pam Goodwin and Gina Paroline, Annie Ellis and Julia Lowndes. Ladies, your unceasing support of my work and your friendships with me are the blessings I truly treasure every single day.

Toni Whitaker, as promised, now the nursery will be filled!! Thank you for all your kindness and your techie wizardry.

To all my readers who champion each and every one of my characters and write to me about them, you keep me writing so thank you all!

And thank you Cindy Pfannenstiel for always being my most excellent friend xx.


To those who battle with shadows every day of their lives.

Chapter One

Bryce Donovan watched anxiously as the doctor scribbled something on her chart. Her patience stretched to the breaking point, Bryce finally bit. “

Dr. Hudson laughed at her. She was more than used to Bryce’s gruff demeanor when it came to her health. “I’ve never had a patient so intent on getting back to work as quickly as you. Most of them want me to add another week to their time off.” She signed off her notes and looked up at Bryce. “You’ve had cracked ribs. You need to let them heal.”

Bryce bristled. “I’ll be careful not to bang them on anything. Believe me, I’m more than aware of my limitations.” She sat stiffly, knowing when each and every breath hurt.

“You also sustained a dislocated shoulder. I know that you’re a plasterer. Are you going to tell me that you can do that one-handed so as not to cause damage to the shoulder joint?”

The doctor’s imperial tone only served to rile Bryce more. Gritting her teeth until her molars hurt, Bryce tried to rein in her exasperation. “I’ll be even more careful where that’s concerned. The physical therapist said I needed to keep it moving so it didn’t seize up on me. We’ve discussed at length all my limitations.”

“I’m sure you did. I have his notes here in front of me. Neither of us expects you to be carrying your mortarboard and slapping plaster on a wall for more than a few hours a day. Not yet. It’s too soon.” The look she leveled at Bryce brooked no argument.

Bryce cautiously lifted her hand to her face and traced the injury there. “And what about this?” She brushed her fingers over the livid wound that ran from her hairline down to slash through her eyebrow in a jagged scar. The stitches were long gone, but nothing could mask its cruel marking of Bryce’s skin.

“It’s healing nicely, but the scar won’t be fading any time soon. You were lucky it never went lower. You could have lost that eye.”

Bryce shuddered at the starkness of Dr. Hudson’s words. Every time she had heard the words “you were lucky,” she felt a cold and unsettling dread lodge deep in her chest.

“How are your headaches?”

“Manageable enough with the painkillers you prescribed.”

“And the nightmares?”

Bryce stiffened at the subtle way Dr. Hudson slipped the question in like it was just another innocent query to tick off her list. They both knew it wasn’t. She wouldn’t meet the doctor’s eyes. “Not as frequent,” she lied.

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