Playing Catch: A Baseball Romance (12 page)

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Chapter Twenty

eanine’s hands
shook as she slipped the key into her apartment door lock. The door opened quietly into a dark living room. Where was Tina? She’d gotten off before the bar closed, saying she had to take care of something.

The after party for the Rattlers’ winning streak had been rowdy and loud, but Kirk had notably been absent. It had been even worse that several of his teammates had asked Jeanine where he was, as if she were keeping track of him.

“Tina?” Jeanine tiptoed into her apartment, her senses on high alert. It was too quiet. Tina was usually playing music or had the TV on.

She double-locked the front door and flicked on the light, spotting the note on the kitchen counter.

, J. I went back to Lennie. It was too scary last night.

eanine breathed in and out
, tamping down the jitters. Of course it was scary for Tina. Poor thing was forced to hide in the closet all night, and she was claustrophobic. Jeanine couldn’t blame her for leaving, but at the same time, she went from the frying pan back into the fire.

Except the known was more reassuring than the unknown. Wasn’t that always the case?

Jeanine inched into her bedroom and surveyed it. Other than the missing underwear, the place appeared undisturbed. But at the same time, someone could have installed a video camera or a listening device. How did she know she was safe here?

She sat on her bed and patted it, turned the pillows over and ran her hand along the edges of the mattress. The feeling of being violated clutched her chest, and it took effort to draw in a deep breath. What must Tina have felt hiding in the closet all night?

Jeanine sucked in a shaky breath and headed to her bathroom. No sense imagining trouble. It was probably kids looking for drug money.

But then, why hadn’t they taken the earrings?

She switched the lights on and stared at the shower curtain. Was she imagining it, or was there a shadow behind it?

Her hand crept forward to yank it back, and the lights cut out.

She swallowed a scream and bolted from the bathroom. All the lights were off in her apartment. Had there been a power outage? Or did someone shut the switch in her apartment only? If so, was he inside or outside waiting for her?

The minutes ticked by without the sound of her clock, and Jeanine noticed lights outside her window. Hers was the only apartment in the dark. Quickly, she grabbed the overnighter she had yet to unpack and scrambled out of her apartment. Her nerves were too taut to deal with this tonight. Tomorrow, she’d hire someone to change the locks and sweep for electronic devices before returning. She could go to a hotel, or Marcia’s house, or …

She strode to her car, watching the shadows carefully. What if the man in the hoodie was outside ready to ambush her? She walked faster, as creepy tingles danced over her skin at the distinct sensation of being watched. She couldn’t bring danger to Marcia’s house, nor would she be safe at a hotel. Should she call the police?

Right. Over a blown circuit breaker? They’d think her a lunatic.

There was only a single answer. Kirk. He was a man, and he’d practically invited her to live with him. He couldn’t very well turn her down, could he?

She pulled her car from her parking spot and drove a few blocks, scanning the rearview mirror. No one seemed to be following her, so she turned the corner and settled under a streetlamp where she could call Kirk.

He picked up after two rings.

“Hello? Jeanine? Is everything okay?” His voice sounded groggy, and it was quiet in the background.

“Were you asleep? I missed you at the bar.”

He made a stretching noise and yawned. “You told me to stay away. What’s up?”

“Tina moved out, and the power went out at my apartment. The rest of the building’s fine. I, uh, didn’t want to disturb the supervisor. I didn’t get a chance to tell you, but when I returned from Vegas, the police were there. Someone burglarized my place. Tina hid in the closet, and I don’t blame her for leaving. It’s just that now, I’m alone and I don’t know if they’re coming back.”

Even as she said this, she felt stupid. Stupid and inadequate. Since when had she needed a knight in shining armor? Besides, Kirk Kennedy was far from the rescuing type, no matter what reassurances he’d given her.

“Come on over. I’ll text you my address. You have a navigator on your phone?”

“I do, but is it really okay?”

“Of course it is. Lock your doors and don’t stop for anything. I’ll be outside my apartment waiting for you.”

“You don’t have to.” Even though she said it, she was glad and relieved he’d be there for her.

“You’ll feel safer. I’ll text you the address now.”

“Thanks, see you in a bit.” She hung up and the text message came in right away. She set her navigator and steeled herself.

The known was better than the unknown, and after spending time with Kirk in Vegas, she was sure he’d never hurt her or force her into anything she wasn’t prepared for.

But was he prepared for her and her secrets? Kirk hated complications, and right now, she was a distraction he didn’t need—not if his only goal was to make the starting roster for the season.

irk brought
up the tracker app on his phone and spotted Jeanine making her way to his place. She’d sounded freaked out. Why hadn’t she told him earlier that someone had broken into her place? Maybe it had been a stroke of good fortune that she was in Vegas with him the night before.

Now her power was out? Not good. He’d seen the man stalking her, and she’d reported another one taking pictures of her, not to add the private investigator his mother had tailing her. For what? A bundle of love letters?

Kirk paced back and forth on the sidewalk until he spotted the tracker beam approach his street. A few seconds later, her headlights turned the corner and he raised both hands, waving to her and directing her to visitor parking.

As soon as she cut the ignition, he was at her car door.

“Were you followed?” He scanned the quiet street.

“No, at least I don’t think I was.” She rubbed her arms and shuddered.

He reached across her and took her bag, and then led her to the lobby of the luxury high-rise.

“We have keyed access to the elevator here,” he said, sliding his keycard before punching the button.

“Good. I never thought of Phoenix as a high crime area. I’ve never had any problems before. Lived in my building five years and thought it was a safe neighborhood.”

“Do you think it was someone trying to get to Tina? How well do you know her and her friends?”

“She’s involved with a motorcycle gang, but if they were after her, they would have found her. Instead, they went through my things and stole my underwear.”

“All of it?” He couldn’t help a flicker of amusement at the thought of her without a strip of underwear.

“Only the sexy stuff.” She gave him a wry mouth. “Obviously, they knew what was expensive.”

“Obviously.” He held the elevator door open as she stepped in. “You’re safe with me. With or without underwear.”

“That’s good to know. I’m sorry to disturb you, but I didn’t know where to turn. I’m glad you live in a secured building.”

“It helps to keep aggressive fans away.” He hit the button for his floor.

She rolled her eyes and smiled, shaking her head. At least she was more relaxed than when she’d driven up, not that Kirk was going to take advantage and seduce her. This wasn’t a booty call, but a friend in need. Ironic how the first woman he would have staying in his apartment would not be sleeping with him.

They reached his apartment a few minutes later. Kirk showed Jeanine to the spare room, the one his brother used when visiting. “Shove all the baseball books off the futon and make yourself at home. There’s a private bathroom in there. Let me get you towels and soap and get out of your way.”

Jeanine touched his forearm. “Thanks.”

“Anytime. My door’s open if you need anything—anything at all.”

A bright blush tinged Jeanine’s face and she blinked, swallowing nervously. “I need you to hold me.”

She surprised him by folding herself into his arms. Her voice sounded strangled, as if she had a hard time admitting her fear.

He wasted no time in wrapping her into his arms, comforting her. The way she held onto him took his breath away. She needed him, the way a woman needed her man to look after her—not any would do, and instinctively, as if she were drawn to him by an unknown force, she’d called him for help.

It made him feel—heroic, something he wasn’t used to. He was a cad, a womanizer, a player, and a charmer. He was not usually a man a woman could count on.

He soothed her by gradually rubbing the warmth back into her arms and her back. She breathed deeply and rested her face against his neck, tucked in like she belonged to him.

He wanted to snap out of this fantasy. He wasn’t some noble prince or man with a mission. He was scheming Kirk Kennedy, the guy trying to edge Josh Johnson out of a job. He was a douchebag when it came to women, and he’d been known to call hotel security on a crying woman pounding on his door after he’d locked her out.

But Jeanine didn’t know that, and maybe to her, he was someone she could count on, or at least trust. He kissed her forehead and walked her across the hall to his room. “Take my bed. It’s more comfortable than the futon.”

She didn’t protest, but padded mutely to his king-sized bed. With one hand, he smoothed the crumpled blankets and peeled them back, then gently guided her down onto his mattress.

She was still wearing her cocktail waitress dress as she kicked off her heels and ran her hands through her hair. “It’s been a long day. We got up early, caught the flight, then I worked all day and night.”

“You had a lot on your shoulders. You’re safe here.” He went across the hallway and fetched her bag.

She looked both sexy and vulnerable as she pulled the covers over her legs.

“Good night, Jeanine. I’m glad you called me.” He set her bag on the floor and bent over to kiss her.

She let him touch her lips and palmed his face, rubbing his beard stubble. “Will you spend the night? Sleep with me?”

His eyes widened at her question. “Do you mean sleep in the literal sense? Or …”

“Just sleep. I need a warm body next to me.”

He exhaled as he settled on the bed, propping himself up with one elbow. He was in a constant state of arousal just having her present, and there was no way he could control himself and sleep on the same bed with her. Yet, he couldn’t turn her down—not when she was so vulnerable and frightened.

“I’m not sure I can keep my hands off you. I know that’s not what you came here for.”

She shot him a sideways glance, and a corner of her mouth edged into a smirk. “I didn’t, but since I’m here and in your bed …”

He didn’t want her to feel obligated. After all, he was offering her safe harbor for the night. But his body heated at the implication. “Are you sure?”

The fear was gone from her eyes, and in its place was a sultry and mischievous glint. She took his hand and placed it on her breast. “I didn’t get laid last night, and I’m betting you didn’t either.”

A lusty groan rumbled in his throat as he gripped her soft, hot flesh. If this was her way of repaying him for letting her stay over, he wasn’t honorable enough to refuse. All thought and scruples fled his brain as fire surged through his body, making a beeline to his cock.

“I’ve been holding out for you, Jeanine.” He took full advantage and played with her tight nipple.

“Then it’s time to fold.”

Chapter Twenty-One

eanine was playing with fire
, but somehow she didn’t care. Her body took control, and she’d deal with the consequences later. What could Kirk do to her anyway? It wasn’t as if she was looking for forever, and her heart wasn’t up for grabs—never had been, once she’d learned her lesson.

All that mattered was tonight. The here and now, and who was she to let a seriously sexy body go to waste? She hadn’t intended on having sex with Kirk, although in the back of her mind, it had always been a possibility, but the feel of being on his bed, surrounded by his scent, luxuriating in his warmth—she’d be a fool to pass it up.

She swept the blanket from her body and hauled Kirk over her. His lips crashed down on hers, wasting no time in possessing her. She grabbed and pawed at him, stroking his tongue with hers as she wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her sensitive zone against the long and hard bulge under his sweatpants.

She rocked her hips, seeking more pressure, more friction. Her hands slipped under his waistband and grabbed his hard, sexy ass and he responded by grinding into her so that they both moaned, panting and aroused.

“I can’t wait any longer,” she gasped as he backed off to lift her short dress. She sat up to let him remove it and unlatched her bra, freeing her breasts.

“Wow. They’re beautiful.” Kirk’s breath ratcheted up as he grabbed them hungrily, and his lips and tongue went to work. Electricity arced through Jeanine’s body, and she squeezed her thighs together at the thrumming passion shooting from her nipples to her clit.

Damn. The man was good. Every suck and stroke of his tongue sent a throb down to her core, readying her for his invasion between her legs. She bucked her hips to remind him that other areas of her body needed tending, and he responded by slipping her panties down to her knees.

He backed off her breasts and raked his lust-filled eyes over her body. “You’re so fucking beautiful, so sexy, and shit, so horny.”

His admiration emboldened her to kick off her panties and spread her legs, giving him an eyeful of her glistening folds as an offering to him.

He sucked in a breath and began undressing. Too slow, as if he had all night and the next day. On an ordinary day, she might have enjoyed the sensual, seductive strip-tease, especially since it unveiled fine muscles glinting with a light dust of golden blond hair.

But she’d been high and dry too long and if he was going to tease her, she’d take care of herself. Having him watch was enough, and she’d never known a man who didn’t want to join in.

She met Kirk’s lust-filled gaze and twirled her fingers over her well-trimmed landing strip. As his eyes widened, she ran her tongue around her lips and stroked her clit in a circular motion.

Absent-mindedly, he unbuttoned his shirt, his mouth slack while he watched her. She moved one hand to her breast and pinched her nipple while the other one rubbed faster to throw her up the pole of arousal. Her hips jerked in rhythm and she was no longer putting on a show for him, seeking that icy hot sensation, grinding her flesh against her own hand.

She was close, very close as she arched her head back and rode the electrifying currents zapping through her body, ready to hurtle off the cliff, when Kirk grabbed her hand away from her crotch.

“Not without me, sugarpuss.” His voice growled like an enraged grizzly as he pressed his palm over her throbbing center.

She bucked up against his palm, seeking her release, but he only applied a slow, circular pressure, not giving her clit any special attention.

“Don’t tease me, Kirk. I need to get off. It’s been a sucky week.”

“Tell me about it.” He lowered his smirking lips toward the area between her legs.

The first kiss made her almost jump off the bed and ache with weepy desire. It was so soft and sweet, right on her sensitive bud, caring and tender. He kissed her again, as if she were an exquisite rosebud, then lightly tickled her with his tongue.

“Ahhh …” The sweetest sensation radiated from her clit, strumming every chord of pleasure in her body. Her toes curled and her fingers flexed, clutching onto the bedsheets.

He palmed one of her breasts while his fingers played just outside of her entrance. He kissed her again, seemingly loving that sensitive pleasure center, and tickled her swollen, wet lips, spreading her juices around before finally plunging one strong finger into her canal.

She arched her back and pushed against him, writhing and jerking for her climax.

“You in a hurry or something?” He spoke against her clit, making her quiver, before lapping her with his tongue.

“Oooh …” Jeanine groaned at the exquisite sensation, too far gone to give him an answer. Her orgasm swept her like a flash flood, and she was drowning in an ocean of ecstasy. She flailed like a boat unmoored, and the head rush crested and flung her over, gasping and panting with shooting stars behind her eyelids as the most intense orgasm she’d ever known slammed her heart like a fastball into Kirk’s catcher’s mitt.

Before the quakes subsided, he was around her, arms holding her tight, his huge, hard cock straining against his briefs, rubbing heat between her legs.

He stroked her back, her arms, her shoulders, and his mouth was pinned to hers, giving her a taste of her own pleasure, making her head swim with unspoken dreams of morning cuddles, midday romps, and evenings in front of the fireplace.

entire body was pumped up and primed to take his prize, but his head threw a bucket of ice over his cock.

She probably screws all the guys like that. She’s acting. She’s using you to get off. After you fuck her, she’ll never want anything to do with you again.

Ah yes, of course, that shouldn’t bother him. Wasn’t that also his modus operandi? Get off and get away. Never look back.

But somehow, Jeanine mattered. She’d come to him as a friend, and he was never one to to turn his back on a friend—male or female. Friends were precious. Friends deserved consideration, and friends could not be thrown away.

Which was why he’d never fucked a friend—either the good way or the bad way.

“Your turn, big boy,” Jeanine’s throaty voice spoke to his rock hard cock as her hand slipped under the waistband of his briefs and closed around his Louisville slugger.

He helped her lower his briefs and groaned at the shooting sensations spiraling from her grip.

“We’re good friends, aren’t we?” she said, her mouth hovering over the tip of his dick. “Good friends.”

“Yes, yes. We are.” He had no clue what she was angling for, and he was in no position to bargain, not when she was eyeing him as if she wanted to devour him.

“Good, because that means you’re not throwing me out after I suck you off.”

“W-why would I do that?” His voice carried a desperate strain, as if his vocal chords were stretched to the breaking point.

She licked around the sensitive spot right below the tip, then kissed the drop of pre-cum from the glans. His eyes closed at the incredible sensation of pleasure.

“Don’t know. Something about rules and complications.” She lowered her head over his pole and wrapped her tongue around him, killing all his rules and regulations, slaying him right on his own bed.

He gripped the mattress as his hips bucked to the rhythm of her mouth, accompanied by her fingers stroking his balls. Damn. He was going to lose it in less than a minute flat, and then what? She’d snicker and send him back to the locker room.

“No, wait. No more.” He struggled against the relentless incoming tide of passion.

She ignored him, her hand gripping the base tighter and her mouth and tongue moving faster. She bobbed her head, and he could feel himself swelling,

He grabbed her head and drew himself out fast. No, no, no, no. He didn’t want to shoot and lose out on fucking her good, making her come with him inside of her, feeling those walls clench around him, taking all of him in.

Usually, he didn’t care. Usually, getting off in a woman’s mouth was more efficient. Didn’t waste time. In and out. Done. But this was Jeanine, and heck, was he crazy? He wanted to make love to her. He wanted her screaming and crying out his name. He wanted her nails across his back and her legs around his waist. He wanted it all. Front, back, up, down, every way possible.

His hand slapped at the nightstand, scrambling at the drawer for a condom.

“Looking for this?” She peeled a packet from the drawer and ripped the wrapper.

“Sheathe it.” He ordered, then moaned as she worked the rubber onto his raging erection. Somehow, her motions were more subdued, as if the interruption of getting the condom had stolen her thunder.

“You still with me? You still good?” He tilted her chin to get a good look into her shifty eyes.

She nodded, biting her lips. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Her voice had taken a meek and tiny tone, as if she was complying to his demands.

“Just good?”

“Yes, which way do you want it?” She stared at his sheathed cock in a way that made him nervous.

“Whatever you’re comfortable with.”

“Okay.” She laid back and held her breasts up, but her legs were crossed.

What happened to the sex kitten who’d been sucking him off a few moments ago? Maybe she wasn’t comfortable with conventional sex. Maybe she didn’t want to make love. She only wanted to get him off because he’d gotten her off.

He leaned to her side and put his hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have to go through with this if you don’t want to.”

“But I do.” She palmed her hands over her face. “I want to get past this.”

“This isn’t a test you have to pass.” He slipped the blanket up over her body.

“I’m not usually like this.” She clutched the edge of the blanket, blinking back tears. “I like sex. I told you I wanted to do it. I made a pass at you, and now I’m freaking out, and you’re not going to get off.”

“It doesn’t matter.” His erection had faded at her distress, and he couldn’t care less that he wasn’t going to get his rocks off. “I would never take a woman against her will.”

“But I’m willing.”

“It’s okay.” He kissed her lightly on the forehead. “I’m glad you’re willing, but I think it’s time to go to sleep.”

She wiped her eyes. “I can’t even fuck anymore. I can’t even close my eyes and let it happen. You must think I’m a tease.”

“You’re not.” He rubbed her back in a soothing, comforting way. “This morning you said you were going to get help for the sex addiction thing.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “What addiction? I just ruined your evening. You know what? You’re too considerate. You should have just taken me and stopped asking questions.”

“I’m a professional catcher.” Kirk threaded his fingers through her hair. “I watch for signs, and I’m always asking questions. I never assume or take anything for granted.”

“Oh, great. Just my luck to get the guy with the spidey senses.”

He kissed her lips and smiled so she could feel him smiling. She was darn right. She got him already, hooked, lined, and sunk.

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