Planet Mail (3 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Planet Mail
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Sven sighed and came down on one knee in front of her. “We have discussed this and we feel you need to be relaxed for the ceremony. You are not of our land. Some of the celebrations might make you feel uncomfortable. We do not wish that to happen. We wish you only joy.”

“What ceremony?”

“The ceremonial meeting between you and King Marcus.
There will be many who wish to witness it. You need to be at your best.” He proffered the cup. “This will help you relax and enjoy yourself.”

Douglass stared at the cup and then leaned forward to sniff the contents. It smelled of mulled wine and herbs. A taste she remembered from her early days on the planet. “You’ve given me this before, haven’t you?”

“Aye, when you were first given into our care.
We wanted you relaxed enough to enjoy our attentions without fear.” He reached forward and brushed her nipple with his thumb, smiled when it hardened. “Please do this for me.”

Douglass gazed into his brown eyes and saw only a desire to be honest with her. She took the cup. What the hell. She hated formal occasions and avoided them like the plague. If this helped get her through a potentially embarrassing meeting, she was willing to give it a try.

Sven exhaled as she drained the goblet and handed it back to him. “Thank you, my lady.”

He got to his feet. “We need to prepare you for the ceremony.
has already run your bath.” He took Douglass’ hand and led her to the huge sunken bath.
and Harlan already awaited her in the steaming water. She allowed Sven to help her and sighed at the warmth and the spicy scent of unknown flowers.

She floated across to Harlan who caught her around the waist. He bent his head and kissed her nipple as
fingers slid between her buttocks. Caught between the two of them she enjoyed the sensation of being cradled between warm male muscled flesh, the feeling of being cherished and worshipped.

“You are beautiful, my lady,”
whispered as his clever fingers stroked her sex and slid into her pussy.

Harlan brought his head up and kissed her forehead.
“And even more beautiful when you are climaxing.”
She leaned her cheek against his shoulder and watched his fingers work on her nipple.

Sven appeared at the side of the bath. “Remember, we have a lot to do. Don’t make her come too often. We don’t want her exhausted.”

removed his fingers after a last stroke of her clit. Harlan picked her up and brought her out of the bath. He laid her on the silken
and began to dry her.

“Why is this meeting so important?” Douglass looked up at Sven who waited at the side of the bed, his gaze fixed on her body.

He smiled.
“Because you are.”

“I don’t understand.” Even as she spoke the drug tugged at her senses, sending all coherent thought straight to her pussy.
The rasp of the towel suddenly almost unbearable on her skin.
Her breathing changed, as if she were running uphill. Sven dropped to his knees beside her.

“What’s happening to me?” Douglass whispered. “You said the drug would relax me. I don’t feel relaxed.”

Sven took her hand, kissed her fingers. “We’ll help you ride out the side effects. You’ll need your strength and stamina to last the rest of the night.” He squeezed her fingers. “
, bring the scented oil.”

He knelt between her legs, the pot of oil in his hand. Douglass stared at him as her body heated and her pulse raced. He rubbed oil over his huge palms and placed his hands at her ankles. She shuddered as he slowly slid his fingers up the inside of her legs, stopping at the top of her thighs.

Harlan took a position close to her shoulder and began to massage the oil into her breasts. Every touch resonated as the drug spread within her blood and magnified every sensation. Sven’s cock grew and thickened beneath his loincloth as he worked the oil into her skin. For the first time, it didn’t seem enough to be
she wanted to give something back. As he moved over her, she ran her hands up his thighs. He groaned but did nothing to stop her exploration.

She brought her hands together, catching Sven’s balls, cupping them in her palm. He thrust against her as if he couldn’t stop himself.

“My lady, if you touch me like that, I will come.”

Douglass pushed against his chest and knelt up. His chest rose and fell as she studied him. His cock, outlined in wet silk, thrust up to his waist. “Am I allowed to make you come?”

Sven nodded, his fingers reaching for her oil-soaked breasts. “Tonight, I believe you are allowed to do anything you desire. The king will understand.”

Douglass drew the tip of his covered cock into her mouth. Sven groaned and pinched her nipples hard. As she sucked, she felt
fingers at her pussy, following the rhythm set by her mouth. Harlan rubbed oil into her back and her buttocks, his finger probed her anus, slid inside.

God, she felt so open and filled at the same time. In the sane part of her mind, she knew she was behaving like a sex fiend but she didn’t care as she took what they gave her and gave back to Sven. She almost gagged as his hand fisted in her hair and he tried to delve deeper into her mouth. The silk covering his thrusting cock contained his lunges, kept him chained and restrained to Douglass’ desires.

He roared as he came, pumping thick and strong even through the silk. Douglass came with him, writhing against
and Harlan’s fingers. The four of them collapsed onto the bed in a tangle of arms and legs. By the time Sven rolled off her, Douglass had recovered her breath. She smiled at Harlan and
whose loincloths dripped with come.

“I promise I’ll get ‘round to all of you, If you give me a moment to recover.”

Harlan grimaced and stripped off his sodden garment. “We will look forward to it. Unfortunately, the time draws near for the ceremony. We need to get ready.”

Douglass lay back on the bed and watched the men clean themselves. Her pussy throbbed and pulsed as they oiled each other and slid gold armbands on their biceps and wrists. She slid a hand between her legs and played gently with herself.
and Sven left their hair alone, Harlan braided his in one piece which hung down his back. It was like watching warriors prepare for battle. Naked, Sven walked over to her, a small box in his hand.

“There is something you might help us with.” He gave Douglass the box and waited for her to open it. Inside were three gold rings. Douglass picked one up. It was way too large for her. Something was engraved on the side.

“These look too big for my fingers. Do you want me to put them on the three of you?”

Sven looked amused.

Douglass crawled off the bed, her legs unsteady as she made her way across to the other two. The three men faced her. Leather straps tied tightly around their thighs and hips, and crisscrossed over their chests emphasized the strength of their oiled and toned bodies. She stifled a laugh at their serious expressions.

“This doesn’t mean I’m married to all three of you, does it?”

“No,” Sven said, “We are not worthy to become your mates. But it does mean that we will serve you when you need us.”

Douglass studied the rings again. She noticed a spring catch on the back of each one. “These look too large for your fingers.” She frowned. “Where on earth are they supposed to go?” She looked down. “Oh.”

She sank to her knees in front of Harlan. His cock rose straight and thick from the thicket of black curls at his groin. Douglass licked his shaft, watched him grow larger. He reached down and took the gold ring out of her hand. He showed her how to undo the lock. When he gave it back to her, she slid it carefully down over his shaft. A pearl of moisture slid down from the tip, Douglass licked it up.

“Don’t tighten it too much yet,” Harlan murmured.

was next. He shivered as Douglass touched him. He was slick with moisture and it was easy to slip the ring on. Sven was harder, his cock so large that the ring was a tight fit even unlocked.

Douglass sat back on her heels and studied them all. If this was the last night she ever saw them, she would remember them like this. Their muscled bodies gleaming with oil, gold encircling their biceps, cock rings displaying the magnificence of their erections.

Sven produced another box. “Now it’s your turn.”

Chapter Three


Douglass licked her lips and Sven turned her toward the mirror. Her skin was flushed pink, her whole body so sensitive that every touch made her shudder with desire. Harlan cupped her right breast and drew her nipple into his mouth.
did the same with the left. She gasped as waves of sensation flooded through her. She arched her back and rubbed herself shamelessly against Sven. He opened the elaborate silver box.

Douglass stared at the long gold pins in his hands that reminded her of hairclips. She cried out as Harlan set his teeth on her nipple and gently tugged. As he stretched her, Sven reached down and slid the clamp over the elongated tip. He tightened the clamp sending a sharp thread of hot need straight to her pussy.
drew out her left nipple and Sven clamped that one as well.

Harlan ran a fingertip over the gold and grazed her nipple, making her jump. “This one should be tighter. She likes it.” She moaned as he tightened the clamp. They all studied her, their faces full of approval and lust. Sven cupped her breasts.

“If she was mine, I’d have her wear these all day so that I could suckle her and make her come whenever I chose.”

Douglass stared at herself in the mirror as the men added gold rings to the clamps and chains to connect them together. How would it feel to wear these under her uniform all day, desperate to get home for her lover to release the ache? The weight on her nipples increased, the gentle tug became a deep insistent throb that made her long for the relief of a man’s mouth.

She reluctantly drew her gaze away from her breasts when she noticed Sven taking something else from the box. She swallowed as he held up another set of golden and beaded clamps. Her body recognized what they were before she did and rewarded her with a thick rush of cream.

“Sit down, consort, and open your legs.”

Douglass couldn’t believe how much she wanted this experience. The constant stimulation over the past few weeks had opened her mind to new sexual experiments and she was eager to play.

Sven knelt in front of her and stroked her already swollen clit with his tongue. She closed her eyes as he sucked and nibbled her flesh, spreading her wide with his fingers to expose every sensitive part of her. The clamp felt cool against her heated skin. She gasped as he adjusted it until she could feel the blood pumping in her clit as loudly as her heartbeat. Harlan and
added the other clamps to her labia, increasing the sensations.

“Open your eyes and see how beautiful you are, consort,” Sven crooned.

Douglass stared at her reflection. Her long black hair streamed down her back, held away from her face with a gold circlet. When she drew in a breath the heavy gold rings attached to her nipples tugged at her flesh. She could just see the beads hanging from the clamps attached to her clit and labia. She looked like a fertility goddess. She looked like a woman primed for a man’s cock.

She leaned back against Sven’s broad chest, nuzzled his nipple, bit it hard. “Do I please you?”

Harlan laughed as he wrapped her aroused body in a long velvet cloak. “You know you please us. It’s the king you have to worry about tonight.”

Douglass allowed herself to be led out of the suite for the first time. She breathed in the scent of ripening fruit and perfumed air before she was guided down beneath the palace walls. The sound of beating drums reverberated through the dark cave walls as they passed. At the huge doors, Sven paused and knocked hard.

Douglass gasped as the doors swung open to reveal a circular
high stone walls disappeared into darkness above her. She could sense people watching from all sides. The center of the arena was a flat stone circle. Trees and bushes concealed the outer limits of the room. The drumming increased as Douglass and her escort walked forward and stopped in the middle of the circle.

Above them, on a stone dais, sat a masked figure, a glorious cloak lined with fur concealed his body. Douglass knew it was Marcus, the man who had invaded her dreams and her body and refused to leave.

Sven raised his hand and the drumming ceased.

“My King.
We bring you your consort.”

Marcus got to his feet, only his sensual mouth visible beneath the animal mask he wore.

“Display her for me.”

Douglass shivered as Harlan took off her cloak, leaving her naked. A murmur of appreciation from the crowd startled her. Harlan and
lifted her arms high as Sven grasped her waist and lifted her off the floor. The three men carried her in a slow circle around the stones. They stopped when they reached the steps leading up to the throne where Marcus sat.

“Do you three wish to serve my consort and no other?”

Douglass stood alone as all three men knelt. She had to place a hand on Sven’s shoulder to stop
from falling.

“Aye, my lord, we do.”

“You will protect her from danger, service her needs and keep her ready for me?”

“Aye, my lord.”

Marcus stood up and bowed. “Then I appoint you as my consort’s men for life. May you serve her as well as you serve

Douglass tried to catch Marcus’ gaze but his mask shielded him too well. What did he mean about the consort thing anyway? Wasn’t this just supposed to be a formal meeting?

“Show me my consort.”

Douglass snapped back to the present as Sven moved behind her and gathered her breasts in his hands. “Her breasts are plump and heavy.” He touched her nipples with the pads of his thumbs. “Her nipples are responsive. She loves to be suckled. It is easy to keep her nipples hard.”

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