Planet Mail (9 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Planet Mail
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“But it feels wrong to enjoy myself when my family is probably worried sick.”

He turned her to face him, his expression serious. “But you have already admitted there is nothing else you can do.”

She tried to smile. “But I still feel guilty.”

His face softened. “My mother always said women were born feeling guilty. When she refused to put herself first, my father would take her away into the mountains for a few days and devote himself to her sexual pleasure. She always came back in a more relaxed frame of mind.”

Douglass touched the dimple on his chin. He was right; she wasn’t used to thinking about her own needs and desires. Since Danny’s birth, she’d forgotten how to be a woman and concentrated only on being a mother and a provider. Could she allow herself to enjoy Marcus’ sexual attention and not feel any guilt? The very idea of it made her body heat with desire. She studied his face. His affection for his parents always surprised her. She sensed he would cherish his own family even more.

“So you think I should relax and enjoy myself then?”

He kissed her cheek and drew her into a close embrace. “I know that this is hard for you, but what can’t be changed must be endured. Isn’t it better for you to be here safe in my arms rather than dead in the desert or captured by a tribe of men who expect you to service them all until you die from it?”

She shuddered, remembering the rough feel of Black Ivan’s hands on her. “I hadn’t thought of it like that. I suppose I should be grateful to be alive.”

Marcus picked her up in his arms and headed back to the bed where Sven lay sleeping. “That’s an excellent way to think, consort. Now all you have to do is beg for my cock and I too will be happy.”

She stifled a laugh as he dropped her onto the bed and eyed his enormous erection. “That’s going a bit too fast for me.”

He bent forward and kissed her carefully on the mouth, his wet cock nudged her breasts. “Then I too will be patient and wait for my heart’s desire.”

She closed her eyes as he lay down next to her and held her tight. His understanding and compassion undermined her. Suddenly, it seemed cruel that achieving her desire to go home meant that Marcus would never achieve his.


Later that morning, Marcus and his men had streamed out of the palace toward the purple deserts on their daily hunting expeditions. She scowled at the thought. She could have gone with them. She’d already shown she could ride a

Another slow week had passed since her last outing and he had done nothing to ease her captivity since. Douglass gazed around her beautiful suite. Harlan strummed a lute in the corner, the melody soothing,
voice matching perfectly. She was well fed, well taken care of. Any sexual desire she expressed to her servers was eagerly satisfied. What right did she have to feel so trapped?

She wasn’t stupid. She already knew that riding off by herself into unknown territory would risk not only her own life but the lives of those who protected her. But it was still as frustrating as hell.

Douglass shot to her feet. “Where are
and Sven?”

Harlan put down the lute. “They are practicing their weaponry skills in the indoor arena.”

Douglass looked around for something to cover her nakedness. “Great. I’m going to watch them.”

Harlan held out his hand in a placating gesture. “Consort, I don’t think the king would want you to witness such bloodthirsty activities.”

“The king’s never seen me watching a Raiders football game either.”

Douglass headed for the door wrapped securely in one of the silk sheets from her bed. “Don’t worry if you don’t wish to come with me, Harlan,” she said airily, “I’ll find it myself. I believe Marcus said it was on the same level as the sculpture of his parents.”

Harlan strapped on his sword and dagger and ran after her. “I’ll take you, my lady, but I still don’t think the king will be pleased.”

Douglass tried to enter the arena quietly but the massive door slipped through her fingers and crashed back into the wall. Sven and
stopped mid-fight and looked up. She waved at them.

“Carry on; just pretend I’m not here.”

Both men were coated in a fine sheen of sweat. Narrow leather straps protected their groins and tops of their thighs. It was a pleasure to sit and watch their graceful yet lethal movements. Douglass could only admire Sven’s skill and patience as he led
through a series of complex maneuvers seemingly designed to behead an enemy with two swords.

Eventually, Sven tossed his swords to
and advanced on Douglass. “This is not a fit place for you, my lady.”

She glared at him.
“Why not?
I can fight.”

Sven failed to stifle a grin.
Why would a woman as beautiful as you ever need to fight?”

Douglass grabbed Harlan’s dagger, let the sheet unravel and started hacking through the swaths of silk. When she’d constructed a simple, short tunic length, she ripped a final hole in the center and put her head through it. Another narrow strip cut from the sheet worked as a belt around her waist.

Harlan retrieved his dagger and stepped smartly out of the way as Douglass marched down the steps to confront Sven. She poked him in the chest with her index finger.

“I can fight, pal. Where I come from, it pays to be able to defend yourself.”

After her dismal performance against the men she’d encountered in the caves beneath the palace, she felt a desperate need to prove herself.

Sven picked her up and dumped her in the arena sand. He swaggered three steps back and spread his arms wide. “Come then, my bloodthirsty wench. Attack me.”

Douglass dropped into a crouch and circled him. It was one of her greatest pleasures in life, cutting a big smug man down to size. Martial arts training made no concessions to size, only ability, and she had plenty of that. She came in close, pivoted back onto her right leg and kicked out with her left, catching Sven in the ribs. His grunt of surprise and sudden move to catch her foot made Douglass smile.

She stepped out of range and eyed her target again. He often complained of an old knee injury. Now which knee was it? To her delight, this time, Sven wasn’t content to stand there grinning. He rushed her, one hand out in front of him. She dodged to the side and caught his right knee with three swift kicks. When he staggered, she followed up with another blow to his thigh and an elbow in his throat.

Sand rose in a thickening cloud as he fell onto his back. Douglass leapt onto his chest and grabbed his balls in her fist. Sven froze.

“Are you ready to take back your words?” She smiled at Sven’s belligerent expression. She tightened her grip. He stifled a groan.

“All right, consort, you fight well. Now will you release me?”

Douglass continued to squeeze his cock until he grew hard and wet. His hips thrust forward into her hand. “All’s fair in love and war, Sven. Didn’t you know that?”

With a roar, he rose up and caught Douglass around the waist. “I can think of another game you might like to play, my lady.” He pulled off her sash and wrapped it around her eyes. “Let’s see how good you are with your eyes covered.”

He pulled her to her feet and spun her around. When she stopped, Douglass put out her hand and felt nothing. She concentrated on controlling her breathing and reacting to the subtle movements around her. A rush of air signaled the sound of ripping silk, leaving her naked. Fingers tweaked her nipple. She lashed out with her foot but connected with nothing but air. A slap on her butt sent her spinning to her left. She collided with a man’s chest and guessed from the accompanying grunt that she’d hit Sven again.

After an endless session where her body was touched, aroused, tormented and stimulated, she was panting, half with desire and half with fatigue. A cold rush of air warned her that someone else had entered the arena. A strong arm looped around her waist and held her close. Sven’s distinct pine scent warmed her nostrils. He plunged his fingers inside her until she writhed against his stomach.

“The king has brought you a gift.” Sven rubbed her clit with his thumb and then spread her juices back toward her anus. “He wants to penetrate you here as well.” His finger slid past her tight anal bud. “But he fears you are too small to take him.”

He turned her around until her breasts were crushed against his hard chest; he spread his fingers over her butt, one long finger settling between her cheeks. Douglass stiffened as something much thicker than a finger thrust inside her. Whatever it was, it was cold and smooth like glass. She moaned as Sven slid all four fingers into her pussy.

“She likes it, my King.”

Douglass jumped as another hand caressed her heated butt. All the slaps and fondling had heated her skin, sending her nerve endings crazy. She inhaled the scent of Marcus’ arousal, as familiar to her now as her own.

His fingers probed the glass plug. “I’m bigger than this. Do we have anything larger?”

, hold her.”

Douglass was lowered to her knees as Sven disappeared. She strained her ears to hear him, distracted as Marcus gently stroked her clit and pushed the plug farther inside her. Harlan’s breathing sounded harsh as he brought her nipples to hard rigid points.

“This is bigger, my lord,” Sven said. “I have some scented oil here to ease the way.”

Douglass held her breath as the first glass plug was removed. The spicy scented oil with a hint of citrus felt cold against her heated skin as Marcus massaged it into her and slid his fingers past her anus.

“Let out your breath, my consort. Take the plug deep inside.”

Sven’s finger stroked her oil-soaked sex as Marcus slid the new glass plug home. Douglass panted as she struggled to accept the width and depth of the rod. A murmur of deep male satisfaction spread around her. She could tell they were all aroused. She wondered how she looked to them, legs wide open, butt thrust upward, her pussy wet and swollen, her anus clenching around a huge glass object.

Even as she had the thought she came, her pussy clenching around nothing until Marcus pumped four fingers inside her.
and Harlan came with her and she felt their come dripping down either side of her hips. Marcus guided her head to Sven’s cock.

“Take him in your mouth, consort. Let me watch.”

She closed her mouth around Sven and sucked hard as Marcus worked more of the glass plug inside her. Sven came with a roar and Marcus slid the last inch of the plug home. He took Douglass by the hand and helped her to her feet. His hand splayed over her butt, keeping the plug inside her.

“We’ll finish this in private.”

Douglass remained blindfolded as he led her down a series of walkways. She sensed people watching them. Their king, naked and erect, his consort, covered in other men’s come. Cool air and the sound of rushing water alerted her to a change in the place. She realized they were moving down. Was this one of the secret underground caverns Marcus had mentioned?

He guided her forward until her knees bumped into a stone wall. Grasping her around the waist, he picked her up and made her kneel on a smooth stone surface. Her hands were raised above her head and manacled together. Soft leather straps around her bent knees kept her thighs wide apart.

She blinked as Marcus finally removed the blindfold. They were in the remains of what appeared to be an ancient temple. A soft waterfall played against one sheer wall of black rock, gleaming in the soft light. Steam hissed from the rear of the cave hinting at heated bathing pools beyond.

Marcus knelt in front of her, his gaze fixed on hers. “In ancient times, this is where a consort waited for her king. On the days she was fertile she would be left like this. It was the duty of the temple maidens to keep her aroused and eager for her mate. When the king came to visit her, she was always available to him.”

Douglass found her voice. “And I thought I had it bad being trapped in a luxurious suite with three men to pleasure me.”

Marcus smiled, his oiled muscles rippled in the candlelight. His huge erection almost reached his navel. “Tonight, there
only me. I intend to pleasure you until you scream so much you lose your voice or until I run out of come.” He looked down at his cock, smoothed a hand over its slick wetness.

Douglass felt a trickle of cream slide down her thigh. Marcus leaned forward and licked it, his tongue rough on the soft skin of her inner thigh. “Imagine how it must have felt, waiting here, waiting to be fucked, so aroused that the thought of your king’s cock was all you could think about or desire.”

As he spoke, Marcus opened a drawer concealed in the smooth marble and began taking out the contents. He squeezed oil on his fingertips and gently touched her nipples. “I want to make you mindless. I want you to give yourself up to my control completely.”

“Is this because I disobeyed you and left my suite?”

He chuckled.
“Nay, although I will punish you for that too if you wish.”

She lifted her head to glare at him, saw the mixture of lust and amusement in his eyes and relaxed. He ran his finger over her lower lip and sighed.

“Consort, if you keep your promise not to go outside, I will allow you to train with your servers. I should have taken care of the matter sooner.”

Douglass studied him through half-closed eyes as he leisurely coated her nipples in scented oil. His concern for her seemed genuine. How did he know she had more to give? She had to leave this planet and return to her old life and her child. How would she feel if she gave him everything? Relieved that she’d allowed a man to possess her completely for once in her life or horrified by her lack of control? Would she yearn to be back with him or be glad to have escaped?

A moan escaped her as Marcus oiled her clit and labia. She tried to push her hips forward to increase the pressure of his finger but her bonds held her rigidly in position. She could only take what he gave
only receive what he wanted her to have and when he wanted her to have it. He spread her swollen pussy lips, fingering them between his thumb and forefinger. She’d almost forgotten the glass plug in her anus. He touched it now, pushing it firmly back into place.

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