Read Plan B Online

Authors: SJD Peterson

Plan B (13 page)

BOOK: Plan B
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“Whatever.” But I couldn’t help but laugh.

“How’s the play coming along?”

“Really good, but very tiring. I’m so ready for opening night. Are you coming?”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss seeing you as a street-smart punk.” He hesitated for moment then asked, “You think they’ll let you wear those spike knee-high boots? Those are so sexy.”

“You know, Lance,” I said dryly, “keep up the jokes and I’ll ban you from the theater.” I threw a fry at him.

He batted it away before it could hit him and laughed.

We finished our meal in silence, the only sounds a classic rock tune playing low on the radio and Lance slurping his drink and smacking his food. I shook my head. The man really needed that class on dinner etiquette.

“I bet you’re really sleepy now that your belly is full, huh?” he asked and handed me his garbage to add to the bag at my feet. “Can I at least get a kiss before I take you back?”

“I don’t know. I’m pretty tired,” I teased.

Lance grabbed my wrist and pulled me across the car, his other hand going behind my head to tangle in my hair. He brushed his lips over mine and whispered against them, “Let me see if I can wake you up.”

I licked at his lips, encouraging him to deepen the kiss, an invitation he took without hesitation, and plunged his tongue in. I laid my hand on his thigh, my fingertips teasing the inside seam of his jeans. He moaned, dropped my wrist, and placed his hand over mine, encouraging me to move up higher until I was cupping his hard bulge. As he explored my mouth, I ran my hand over his denim-covered dick, pressing against it with my palm.

“Fuck yeah,” he muttered when I popped the button on his pants. “Touch me, Danny.” He kissed me again. “Missed you touching me.”

I carefully eased down his zipper and shoved my hand inside, gripping his cock tightly, and stroked from base to crown and back down. He must have been thinking about this while we ate, since he was rock hard, throbbing, and already seeping from the tip, slicking the way. I kissed my way across his jaw, the coarse hairs tickling my lips. I spent some time licking and nipping at his chin before moving down his throat.

“You really have missed me, haven’t you?” I asked before biting down on his shoulder, and then sucking the abused area hard. I don’t remember when this ritual began or why, but Lance and I always marked each other when we were together. I’m sure if I had thought too hard about it, it would have scared me, but I never did.

Lance jerked, and then pushed up into my hand, fucking my fist hard and fast. “Yeah, I did,” he panted.

“Mmm. I can tell.”

The hand on the back of my head moved to my shoulder and I felt him press down. “Suck me, Danny.”

I allowed him to steer me toward his dick, and I placed a kiss to the glistening crown, lapping at the precum. As his flavor filled my mouth, my dick twitched as it swelled to full hardness. I licked my way down his shaft, followed the thick veins, and slowly back up, teasing his slit before sucking the wide head into my mouth.

“Ah, God, Danny. Love your mouth on me.”

I felt Lance grow impossibly larger in my mouth, could feel his leg shaking beneath my hand. I sucked harder, the tip of my tongue teasing the little ridge just below the head. He was moaning, incoherent words flowing from his mouth.

Then, without warning, Lance grabbed the back of my head and shoved at the same time he thrust upward. He caught me off guard and I nearly gagged as he invaded my throat. I hadn’t gotten a chance to take a deep breath, and I started to panic a little. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!

I tried pulling back but he held firm. His hand fisted in my hair, his big body rigid. I thought briefly about biting him to get his attention, my eyes tearing up and lungs screaming for oxygen, but before I could bite or pull his hand from my head, he was shouting and coming down my throat.

I struggled to swallow it all but was unable to keep up with the force of his orgasm, and I felt cream seep out the side of my mouth along with my saliva. When he’d shot his last drop, his hand loosened in my hair and I surged back, wincing as his fingers got caught in my hair. I sucked in a harsh breath and turned on him.

“You. Mother. Fucker!” I howled. I wiped a hand over my mouth. “Who the fuck do you think you are? You nearly choked me.”

“Oh God,” he panted. “I’m so sorry.”

I scrambled to my seat and grabbed the door handle.
Son of a bitch, treat me like a fucking hole.
I threw open the door but he grabbed the back of my coat before I could step out.

“Danny, please, I didn’t mean for that to happen.”


“I swear to God. I thought I could hold it back.”

I turned and glared at him. “Take your fucking hand off me or you’ll be pulling back a bloody stump.”

He stared at me for a moment, but he must have seen how serious I was, and dropped his hand. “Please, Danny,” he pleaded as he tucked his softening dick back in his jeans and fastened them up.

“Please what?”

“I just lost it. I don’t even know what to say.”

“Bullshit,” I repeated. “That has got to be the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard. You’re not a goddamn preteen with a hair trigger.”


Whatever he was about to say was cut off when a car pulled into the lot. I blinked and shielded my eyes as its lights landed on us.

“C’mon, I’ll take you home.”

I slammed the door. My back was ramrod straight, arms crossed over my chest, just vibrating with pissed off. “Let’s go.”

“What can I do to make it up to you?” Lance asked as we pulled out of the garage.

“How about not pulling that stunt again?”

“I won’t. I swear!”

Lance sounded sincere and it really wasn’t that huge of a deal. Probably wouldn’t have minded had I had a little bit of warning. I also think it was more the idea of Lance using me as nothing more than a hole. The idea just didn’t sit right with me. Finally I was able to get my shit together enough to play it off as no big deal. I sighed and leaned my head back. “Look, I know you got carried away, I get it, but I’d really rather my obituary not read: Daniel Anderson Marshal, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshal, died unexpectedly with a dick lodged in his throat.”

Lance laughed and shook his head. “Can’t say as I blame you. I’ll try—”


“Okay, okay. No more randy teenage shit. I promise.” He turned to me briefly, a smirk on his face. “It’s not totally my fault, you know. If you weren’t so goddamn good with that pretty mouth of yours, I’d have better restraint.”

“Best you’ll ever have.”

Lance pulled up to the dorm. “No argument there.”

Now that my anger had dissipated, the memory of Lance’s kiss, his hand in my hair, flavor on my tongue, my arousal began to renew. “Wanna come in for a bit?”

“I’d love to, but I have algebra homework due in the morning. Unless….”

Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen. Last time he had a paper due and I offered to help, I ended up doing the homework while he laid his head in my lap, arms around my waist, and slept.
Dammit. Guess it’s going to be me and my hand again.

“Don’t even think about it.” I opened the door. “You’re on your own this time. I got my own studying to do.” I stepped out of the car.

“Hey, Danny?”

I leaned back down to meet his eyes.

“I really am sorry. Let me make it up to you by taking you to breakfast. Say seven?”

I’d have rather he made it up to me by putting his lips to my dick and relieving the ache that had settled into my sac, but that wasn’t going to happen. Lance still hadn’t checked off “cocksucker” on his sexual experience list yet.

“Okay. Meet you at the coffee shop?”

“Yup. See you then.”

I shut the door and headed up to my room. Somehow, the night hadn’t gone as I hoped. Lance got my mouth; I got my hand and a raw throat. Life just wasn’t fair. At least I got a $4.99 meal out of the deal. Whoopie!



I jerked awake, catching myself at the last second before I fell out of the chair. The last thing I’d remembered was sitting at the desk reading and… nothing. I yawned, spine cracking and popping as I stretched. I tried to focus on the open book in front of me, but it was blurry. I needed to finish this damn chapter. I hadn’t done so well on the last test in my directing class and I’d be damned if I was going to have to repeat it in the spring. I was an actor, not a director.

I rubbed at my eyes and concentrated on the text until the words came into focus. I hadn’t even read an entire paragraph when my cell phone rang. Concerned as to why someone was calling this late—maybe Bo was in trouble—I went to my vanity and grabbed my phone.


“Where are you?”

“Uh, home studying, why?”

“You were supposed to meet me for breakfast ten minutes ago. Your coffee is getting cold.”

For the first time since I’d woken, I glanced at the digital clock. Its red numbers flashed 7:11.
Ah hell
. The last time I’d checked it was just after three. I’d slept sitting at my desk for four hours.

“I’m on my way.”

I ended the call and rushed to change my sweats to jeans and my T-shirt for a clean one.
Four hours? How the hell had that happened?
I could have canceled breakfast and studied, but if I didn’t know it at that point, I wasn’t going to, and a double shot of espresso would do more good than an hour-long cram session.

A beanie to cover my crazy knotted hair and a little Visine was the best I could do to make myself presentable. I slipped on my boots, shrugged into my wool pea coat, and stuffed my books into my satchel.

I was frazzled and frozen, but I made it to the coffee shop in record time.

I spotted Lance at the back of the shop, sitting with Bo and Katie. I hadn’t expected that, but okay.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Bo drawled as I slid into a seat next to him. “Glad to see you could join us.”

“Morning, Danny,” Katie chirped in, way too perky for my liking.

“This mine?” I pointed at a cup in the center of the table, grabbing it and taking a big gulp before anyone even responded. Good thing it was lukewarm. “Morning,” I grumbled and took another big swig.

“I just ordered you a double shot of espresso. Lance said he had to wake you, figured you needed it.”

“Thanks, you figured correctly,” I said to Bo, then nodded toward Lance, who was sitting on the other side of me. “Morning.”

Lance’s chair was scooted close to his sister’s and he was leaning toward her, as if he’d been telling her something in her ear when I showed up. He never straightened, just smiled, and said, “Good morning.”

Bastard looked like he’d had a full night’s sleep, his eyes bright, not a trace of the dark circles that were a telltale sign of pulling an all-nighter. His hair was also brushed, and his beard trimmed shorter than it had been when I’d seen him the night before. He looked damn good. I hated him. Appreciated how good he looked, but still hated him for being all put together and awake while I felt like a total bum and my brain still wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

“Mmm hmm.” I downed the rest of my coffee. Thankfully the barista—a new girl I didn’t recognize—showed up and set my double espresso in front of me. She started to walk away, but I stopped her. “Hey, can I get another coffee to go?”

“Sure, what would you like?”

“Extra-large double-double, please.”

“Anyone else like anything?” she asked and picked up my empty cup.

“I think we’re ready to order breakfast now,” Bo told her.

The three of them ordered breakfast, but I declined. I didn’t have time to wait and quite honestly, my gut was a little jittery. I really needed to pass that damn exam and I wasn’t feeling too confident about it.

Before the barista walked away, Lance said, “Could you add a chocolate chip muffin to his to-go order please?” He indicated me with his thumb.

As soon as she walked away, I glared at Lance. “I said I didn’t want anything.”

“Yeah but you will.” He ignored my obvious irritation and smiled warmly.

Fucker! What was he up to?

“We should do this more often,” Katie said. “I don’t see you nowhere near enough these days.”

“Not my fault you have your head so far up Bo’s butt you can’t find time for your brother.”

“Okay, Mr. I-never-text-my-sister-back. I tried to get you to meet me and Bo last night, if you remember correctly, and twice last week.”

“Yeah, well….” Lance snuck a quick glance in my direction. “Been a little crazy lately.”

That was an understatement. He’d been a lot crazy lately.

Katie slapped Lance’s arm playfully. “Yeah, then stop blaming me! At least Bo wants to spend time with me, unlike some people.”

“Yeah, but I’m not trying to get in your pants.”

“Lance!” She hit him again.

Bo blushed but said nothing. Really, what could he say? I had no doubt he was spending a lot of time in Katie’s pants. When he wasn’t in class, he was with Katie. Hell, they shared a couple of classes together, and since they were in the same business program, they often studied together. I rarely saw him, not that I had been available lately myself. When we’d been in junior high and high school, we’d rarely gone a day without seeing each other, but things had changed since arriving in Ann Arbor. Although we shared a room, we really didn’t spend that much time together. We were still close, both of us knew we could depend on each other if need be, but we simply didn’t run in the same circles anymore.

I sat there getting my caffeine buzz while Lance and Katie bantered back and forth playfully. A quick glance at my phone informed me I had fifteen minutes.

“So, you plan on coming home at all this week?” I asked Bo.

“Not really sure. I’ve got a hell of a course load and contrary to what you’re thinking, Katie and I really are studying most nights.”

“Mmm hmm. Well, just make sure on the few nights you’re not studying, you’re wrapping it before you’re slapping it.”

“Shh.” Bo looked to Lance and Katie who were paying us no attention. “Not so loud, and I could say the same to you.”

BOOK: Plan B
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