Pink Ice (15 page)

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Authors: Carolina Soto

BOOK: Pink Ice
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Her smile was even faker by then, she took a piece of paper from her apron and gave it to me. “He asked me to give you this as soon as you got here.” The sick bastard probably was playing a kinky game with me, and my patience was not working with his games. Before I could really be angry at him, my cell phone rang. I didn’t want to yell to him in front of sweet Mrs. Danvers or Joe, so graciously, and that is code for I-will-fucking-kill-you, I walked upstairs to Dylan’s room.

“Ms. Bianchi?”
Oh-oh, not who I was expecting.

“Mrs. Cherry, how are you?”

“Fine, Ms. Bianchi, Mr. Witter asked me to call you. The His Magazine meeting was moved for today. Apparently their people couldn’t wait until next week.”

Fuck, fuck, damn fuck!
That’s exactly why I don’t fucking interact with people, to avoid social attachment that would interfere with my loneliness. “But I am not there and John doesn’t know a thing about our proposal.”

This couldn’t be happening, the only day I missed work, I was going to lose the biggest account I ever wanted! Not fucking fair! “I know darling, but there’s nothing we can do. Your team will present and I know everything will be fine. Don’t worry, I’ll call you as soon as they come back.”

“Thank you Mrs. Cherry.” Relying on someone else had never been my forte, and even when I trusted my team to do their job, presentations weren’t their job. Without opening his fucking note I dialed Dylan’s phone but it went straight to voicemail. With no more options I opened the monogram, linen piece of paper, where neat handwriting met me.

Doll, please forgive me, I had to fly to L.A. It was an emergency. I was dying to see you, but this couldn’t be delayed. As soon as I land I’ll call you. I’ll be back tonight.



And that’s exactly the moment when I completely lost it. I smashed my fist against his wall,  grunted in the most un-lady like way you could imagine and almost knocked down the door when I kicked it.
I could fucking rip out those perfect eyes!
In two seconds Joe was there. “Ma’am is everything all right?”

With the composure that only a psycho could achieve after what I had just done I turned to him. “Yes Joe, just please bring around the car. We are leaving.” I took my cell phone which survived my tantrum since I was not stupid enough to damage it and called my savior. “Mrs. Cherry, do whatever you have to do to make that meeting be in three hours, I’ll be there.” 

But my scene was not over, I opened my little Chanel Boy bag, took out my matching Chanel red lipstick and opened it. I had never behaved this immature, but we can say that Dylan out the best out of me. I was going for the wall, but Mrs. Danvers had nothing to do with the actions of her douchbag boss. So I settled for the mirror instead, if handwritten messages were our new thing, I had to embrace it.

Big, scarlet letters came flowing.

You made me come, and I lost the best opportunity of my life. You didn’t even have the decency to be here.

Fuck you Dylan

One wall with a big hole, a non-working door and a painted mirror later, we got to the airport. It was not until we were on the plane that Joe turned to face me. For someone that big, the look on his face seemed panicked. “Ma’am, are you really ok?”

You wouldn’t know how vandalism can calm nerves. I smiled at him softly, but apparently it came off as creepy as hell. “Joe, let’s just say that the future of your boss’s balls relies on the meeting I’ll have the moment we land.” He chuckled and nodded with that rhythm that only men like him have.

And let’s say that, for me, this entire scene was maturing. I didn’t leave without Joe, as I had promised, I was kind to Mrs. Danvers and I didn’t leave Dylan forever. I truly gave him an opportunity, if that meant that he would have to buy His Magazine in order to make me happy, so be it. I truly felt like the bigger person, even if a murder could happen later.

The only reason why Dylan’s balls could survive for a couple of hours longer, was because Jenny couldn’t had done it worst. Her presentation was a mess, spelling mistakes all over the place and she had no idea what she was presenting. We signed the contract before the day was over.

But then I had a mental note stored for Jenny. And yes, mental note is a euphemism for revenge. But I had to be nicer. Trying to be mature and gentle, the new me after the accident. I went soft on her, that means instead of kicking her ass, I only sent her new bosses a descriptive email telling them how she had invented a fake brief and sent it to BKY Enterprises. Of course, I added cheerful notes about how the lying bitch hadn’t done any campaigns and that she had lied to them. As I’ve told you, the accident made me softer.

On purpose I left my phone with Joe, I knew that answering a call in my state could mean evidence of the future murder I was going to commit. We know I could avoid him for years, but in fact I was looking forward with speaking to him. After winning the account, I finally accepted his call. “Doll.” His voice was so low and remorseful that it would have melted any woman’s heart, thank God I didn’t have one.

“Suck my dick, Berkeley!” I pointed a finger menacingly to Joe, if he had laughed I would have lost my anger.

“Don’t talk like that Katherine. I am so sorry, I couldn’t avoid that trip.”

Since I got the account I was not that angry, but he couldn’t think I was his property. He couldn’t move me to his will, I was my own person. “Who do you think you are to make me fly to an empty house with only a piece of paper as an apology!?”

“I swear that I had no other option, and the note was until I could call you. I learned about this when you were already on the plane, doll.” He hadn’t mentioned the disaster in his room, I had to give him credit for that.

“You may have done this before when you paid for women, but since I am not a hired whore you can’t play with my time.” I knew I went for the jugular, he hated when I implied that he had paid for sex before. In his head women should fall to his feet since he was the perfect man and he just gave them the opportunity to do so.
Pretentious, self-centered jerk!

He paused, not really in a position to fight with me, but I had got to his nerve. “Tell me you forgive me.”
From all the things I was expecting, this was definitely not on my list.

“I can’t lie. I hate you right now.” We were supposed to fight a little longer, this was not going as I had scripted it in my head.

His Machiavellian pause gave me the creeps. “Please, just tell me you forgive me. I promise I’ll apologize properly tomorrow. At lunch.”

“Are you coming home?”
Why princess? Why do you have to be this desperate?!

“I’ll miss a very important meeting with my board, but I’ll see you tomorrow, at my office at noon. Then we will be even.”

Even? He must fucking be kidding me!
“It is not about being even, you asshole!” This was not a fucking game, it was about setting a precedent.

“I know, but I also know how you think well enough to suspect that even when I can’t fix this, if I do the same sacrifices, you’ll know we are in the same positions in this relationship Katherine.” He was losing his patience, but he was right. I wanted fairness, my time was as valuable as his.

“We’ll see tomorrow if I can forgive you.”

I heard him releasing the breath he was holding. “Noon baby, can’t wait.”

At least, I was going to see him again. Even if it would be a death man’s last wish. Finally he was coming to New York.

I arrived to BKY Enterprises by noon, flashing my own badge, I was now a regular in the building. I was on last names terms with everyone, and it felt exactly as when I used to visit Daddy in his office. Everyone was nice and gentle, the corporate email that I suspected Dylan had sent with my image must had come with a kindness warning.

Just to torture him I wore a skirt, a pencil, black, tight as hell skirt, a silk ivory blouse, with a long pearl necklace and black Louboutins. Nothing flashy, but with the exact amount of lycra to make him sweat. 

Mr. Rhode received me the moment I left the elevator and walked me to Dylan’s office. “Ms. Bianchi it is so good to see you.”

“Mr. Rhode, it is my pleasure. Have I ever told you how happy I am that Dylan’s assistant is a handsome man like you?” He smiled knowing exactly that I would have hated to have a woman in his place.

“Open the door, he’s waiting for you.” A conspiring smile came from his lips. “Like really waiting for you.”

His sweet assistant didn’t need to know that I still hated his boss. But then I entered the office, the GQ walking cover was sitting at his desk, with his phone to his ear, staring at me. Three-piece grey suit, white shirt and sky blue tie and handkerchief. He was not playing fair, those clothes should have been illegal. I didn’t even want to know what he was wearing under that. I would fuck him in that suit and I would enjoy every second of it.

Smoothly, he hung up the phone and stood, doing exactly the same that I was doing, ogling. Stupid men, I assumed the darkness in his eyes came from the teacher look I was sporting. I don’t know in which cheap porn movie they learn that, but I never had a teacher that wore clothes like mine.

He offered me his hand and in one swift move had me in his arms. “Doll, please say it.” A little kiss on my jaw, his face resting in my neck, smelling my perfume. I didn’t even know what he wanted me to say, but my knees were shaking Bambi style. “Say it.” More kisses, a little tongue between kisses, my jaw, my neck, almost my boobs.

That’s when I remembered, I was mad at him. “No, I don’t forgive you.”
What the fuck mouth!
Of course his mouth stopped, his hands stayed around me, but he was staring at me with a smirk on his face.

“If that’s how you want to play this, doll.” His hands grabbed me harder and I knew he was going to push me against his desk, but the traitor phone rang. He let his head fall and stared at the ceiling. “God! Just this call and we’ll finish this discussion.” Pointing to the chair in front of his desk, he sat down and answered his phone.

If for him those kisses were part of the discussion, he didn’t have an idea who he was fighting. I dismissed the chair and rounded his desk. Smiling he turned to me and I took the opportunity to stand between his legs, and then jumped to his desk, sitting just in front of him.

I opened a strawberry lollypop that I had taken from my purse and started licking it. The sight from his office was so breathtaking that I got lost in the city. The sky was as blue as his tie and I was mesmerized by the joy that being seated in front of this man gave me. My thoughts were stopped when his thumbs started making small circles over my knees.

Meeting his eyes I kept licking my lollypop. He was speaking about investigations, investments, banks, accounts…In one move, he opened my legs and his eyes went lower. My dark pink knickers were wet by his inspection, and the fingers on my knees started moving up between my legs. He was caressing me softly while having a conference call, and my breath collapsed in my lungs.

With shaky hands I opened his desk’s drawer and took a pencil, to secure my hair with it in a bun. If he wanted the teacher fantasy, he was getting the complete look. But then with my shaky hands I dropped the damn pencil. Dylan tried to stand up, but I casually stopped him with my finger. I put my lollypop on one of his monogrammed notes and jumped from the desk. I kneeled in front of him looking for the pencil, and got some balance resting my hands on his upper thighs.

I finally found the pencil, but noticed that his breath was uneven and his muscles had gone rigid. I put my hair in a bun with the pencil and started moving my hands up and down at a slow pace. Without giving it a lot of thought, I went for his zipper. I had never done it before, but being Michelle’s best friend there must be some talents hidden in me.

Dylan couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him, but he was a man after all, and he wouldn’t stop me even if the Pope was talking with him. Slowly as hell I caressed him over his black boxer briefs while our eyes fought their own battle. I lowered his briefs enough to take him out and caressed him skin to skin. I bit my lower lip while traveling his length with my hand.

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