Pink Ice (14 page)

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Authors: Carolina Soto

BOOK: Pink Ice
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But then, finally, after a month apart, he was coming to take me to the Rangers game. Hot boy, hot dogs and hockey, just like I imagine heaven.

DYLAN: What are you doing Katherine?

Just a little annoyed to be interrupted during a conference call I answered his text, the Thursday before his visit.

KATHERINE: Since it is 4 pm, and you have already called Joe, you know I am working.

DYLAN: Not in a good mood doll? 

KATHERINE: Conference call.

I know it is rude to give short answers on text, no, I don’t give a damn.

DYLAN: I can’t go to New York this weekend. Something came up and I have to stay here.

Oh, oh, he’s already bored princess.
I had always been practical, if this had happened before Dylan, I would have thought, “Thank God, I’ll sleep this weekend.” Nothing more, no suspicious theories, no shady motives. But this was fucking Dylan Berkeley, he had slept with half of the female population between ages 22-30, his demographics were, let’s say, crowded. And being together four days out of forty, was a low, low rate for me, and a large one for Cubs sluts.

My conference call had already lost my attention. After brain storming with myself about the situation, I went for the lethal answer. The one that would bring more damage.


Of course, the second I pushed SEND, he was writing back. Men are stupid, they say we always talk a lot, but when we don’t talk they get scared.

DYLAN: Since I am not going to see you, can you send me something so I don’t miss you?

KATHERINE: Like what?

My phone rang in my hand. Fear, I probably have special powers, because I could feel the fear through the phone. “I am sorry doll, this is a mess and I have to stay here to solve it.”

Be calm, be cool, be you.
“It’s ok Berkeley, I’ve already told you.”
But if you think I’ll drag my ass to Chicago again, you are fucking nuts.
“So, what do you want me to send you?”

The raspy, low voice he only used when I was naked resonated on the phone. “A picture, of you, the way I want you now.”

I pulled the phone out of my face and laughed. Was he kidding me? He really thought I was going to take a naughty selfie for him? I was not seventeen, my mom did pay attention to me, and I had no need to be approved by the jackass on the other side of the phone. But I missed him and I noticed this was the first time I laughed out loud since the last time we saw each other. So I took a picture and sent it. I lowered my voice, almost a whisper and answered. “Check your messages, you’ll find something until you can come, and see it for yourself. And Dylan, I can’t wait for you to see it.” I hung up and laughed, laughed my heart out. A text arrived a second later.

DYLAN: Katherine, you are a lady, don’t ever take a picture of your middle finger again. What would your mother think?

After my great selfie incident I kept working and after a while Kevin met me at my office, so Joe could take us to a pizza place. I told him about Dylan’s messages and I did a great job dismissing the fact that he was not coming home.
This is not his home stupid!


So show me the picture, babe. The way he hates your swearing, this probably made him furious.” I gave Kevin my cell phone. “Oh God, this is awesome! A perfect dirty picture!” We were already on our fourth slice, it was nice to get back to the way we were before all the accident drama. “Are you missing him?”
We were in the fun part, I hadn’t even thought about it before, I knew I hated the fact that he was alone in his fucking Ben & Jerry’s world, but I hadn’t thought about any other feelings.

“I guess, but I can be perfectly functional without him. It’s not like I need him.”

This was Kevin, who had watched enough Oprah to be a certified psychologist, so he went for more. “I know, but I didn’t ask that. Are you missing him?”

I hated his attempts at deeps conversations. “I hate the idea of him with someone else. I don’t even lend my dresses to my best friend, there’s no way I could share a man. And the only thing I hate about him being without me, is the fact that he has more options and more opportunities.” There, I said it, I voiced my stupid insecurities. But he kept silent. “Oh fuck yes! Sometimes, at night and on the weekends I miss him and I want him here, with me. Are you happy now?”

“Not particularly, but I really like to make you crazy.” I showed him my middle finger, just like in my nice selfie. “And it is perfectly normal to miss him, and to be jealous. But you have to know that even when his days are filled with scoops. Did I use your Ben & Jerry’s concept right?” He laughed at me. “If he wants to be with you, it doesn’t matter how many offers he has, he won’t accept them. That’s what honorable men do.”

He was right, we were together because we wanted to be together, we didn’t have any expectations to fulfill but ours. I messed with his hair, and talked as if I were talking to a little boy. “Oh, it is so sweet that you think your new friend is an honorable man because he buys you tickets to hockey games.” I just could hope he would be honorable, otherwise I would be forced to cut off his balls.

Finally on Wednesday, after being Lonely Little Miss Bitchy for almost a month, I was getting my game and natural self back. I was working on a new whiskey campaign and having the time of my life planning stuff for our ads.

“Kiddo, you can’t leave the office every day after 11 pm, it is unhealthy!” My boss was faking interest in my ads proposals to make it easier to speak about his concerns.

I tried his tactic and didn’t approach his eyes. “I’ve been doing it since I came to work for you and it has never bothered you, boss.”

He scratched his head absentmindedly. “Yes, but you were by yourself back then. Now you have a relationship to develop, you can’t hide behind tons of work.”

Oh no he didn’t!
After years earning my position in this agency, I was being reduced to the little wifey. Thank God I love John more than life, because otherwise he would be picking his teeth from the floor. “Boss, what does a stupid man that kisses me have to do with my job and my performance in this office?”

“Kiddo, don’t. I am just saying this is new for you. And I know what I am talking about, I’ve done it. You have to develop that relationship, participate in it. Being here that long won’t do any good, he deserves your attention and your time.”

He was no longer staring at the ads, his eyes were on me and I decided to take away his misery. “Boss, if it makes you feel better, Dylan is still in Chicago. Even then his presence in my life has no repercussions in my job, I am not avoiding him. He’s just not here. And thank you for your concern. I know it comes from a good place, but the truth is this is too new. We have nothing to do with the wonderful relationship you have with your wife.”

He smiled calmly, with a spark in his eyes. “Every love story has a beginning.”

My sweet boss thought that Dylan and I were in love, but I was not that sure. I had never felt it before, so I was oblivious to its signs. I knew I wanted to see him, but I definitely didn’t need him, I was happier with him, I didn’t want to share him, but I was fine without him.
Yes, keep trying to rationalize it princess, you are almost fooling NO ONE!

To avoid any further girly talk, I changed the subject. “Boss, how about the His Magazine anniversary edition?”

“Oh Katie, they are thinking about massive events and ads. We need to nail that campaign.” The biggest campaign in years, and lots of sharks were fighting for it.

Exactly what I needed, a big account to get back to my old self. Since the accident I felt weird and disconnected to my job. “I know, I would kill to get it.” Dramatic pause. “You know I would do it.”

With a deep chuckle, my boss stood up to leave my office. “I don’t doubt it, but it won’t be necessary. They are just between two agencies.” The way his eyes stared anywhere but mine, I knew which agency it would be, backstabbing bitch included. “McQueen and us. But baby, I’ve seen your proposals, the only way we could lose this is if you do not attend the meeting. Otherwise it is yours.”

Not only did I want the account, the biggest of my career, I also wanted to teach a lesson to stupid Jenny. You get what you want by working, not by lying and going to the competition. My boss left my office and I started working, if I was going to get this, I needed to be at the top of my game.

I missed Dylan for one more week, but the His Magazine campaign consumed my soul. I knew that receiving it would only mean more work, but I couldn’t care less. My head was focused and for the first time my team was working like a well-oiled machine. More hours in the office meant less time to interact with Kevin or my quick chats with a whining Michelle, which made me a solitaire workaholic.

When I saw Blue Eyes’ name on my cell phone on Wednesday, I couldn’t avoid the smile that appeared on my face. “Perky and flirty hot girls, this is Kiki speaking.”

“Keep with that and I’ll make you play the hotline role for real Katherine.” His voice was serious, but I could hear the smile in his face.

“What’s up Berkeley?” Casual, not clingy mode on.

“We are having lunch.”

“You are in New York!” The shout in my voice was definitely not casual, not casual at all. But of course I had a packed day, and a lunch meeting was on my schedule. I hate change of plans, but then I hadn’t seen him in weeks. The voice of my boss appeared in my thoughts, I needed to develop something.

“No, but you’ll take the next flight here. I need to attend the company’s annual lunch, and there’s no way in hell I’ll walk in there without you.”

That would mean a day out of the office. Who organizes a company lunch on a Thursday? “Since when did you know about this?”

“I was not going, I needed to go to L.A. to sign some papers, but the board thinks it is important for me to be there.” I threw my head back and closed my eyes while listening to him. I made a quick list of the things that were still missing for my presentation. The proposals were supposed to be presented on Tuesday, and after really thinking about it, the entire thing was ready.

But the most important thing was that I missed him, I missed him with all my soul. I felt the pearl pressed against my skin, reminding me how much I wanted to touch him. It would be a pain in the ass, but just for one kiss I would get on that plane. “Arriving tomorrow and leaving tomorrow night Berkeley. You get it?” That way I would have enough time to fix anything that could be out of place before the presentation.

I could feel the smile in his face when he answered. His voice soft as velvet, low, and hot. “I am dying to see you doll.” We both stayed on the line completely in silence for what seemed like an eternity. “Come home as quick as you can doll, I’ll be waiting for you.”

              I got home and packed like a crazy woman. Kevin was not there, he was probably out with some coworkers or a slutty woman, ok, we all know he was with a slutty woman. That night I couldn’t sleep, after a long period away, I was finally going to be with Dylan. The anticipation was killing me and I rolled on my bed all night. Joe drove me to the airport on Thursday morning and we both took the flight.

My midi light pink skirt matched perfectly with a light beige blouse and my ivory stilettos, were a killer combo. I put my hair in a low messy bun, I was ready for a company lunch, not so ready to be presented as Dylan’s girlfriend. But since it was my only chance to see him in weeks, I was going to suck it up and enjoy every second.

When I arrived at his apartment, Max was not at the front door waiting for us. So Joe took my luggage, yes, I packed for a couple of hours, and we walked inside the house. Mrs. Danvers came to me with a big but cautious smile in her face. “Ms. Bianchi! I am so glad to see you again!”

“Mrs. Danvers, it is really nice to see you too. Where is that boy of yours?”

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