Pieces Of You & Me (20 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Pieces Of You & Me
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Chapter 37



My mother came in and found me in the same fetal position two hours later. She sat crisscrossed on the floor, gently placing my head on her lap as she stroked my hair, and I cried some more.

Without words, she comforted me—just like old times—but this time, she didn’t have any cure for my broken heart.

After an hour of silence, she finally offered me dinner, which I immediately declined. I needed some time alone.
To cry some more and mourn.

My heart was broken and I doubted it would ever be whole again.

I was in bed, thinking and just crying… up until late at night, when someone knocked on my door.

"Oh my God! It's past midnight! Are you drunk?" I shrieked, not about the time, but at seeing him outside my bedroom door.

He gave me his signature smile. "A little." He paused, unsure. "Were you sleeping?"

I was thinking about you.
It’s bad, really bad. "No, I was reading actually. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be asleep so you won't be late tomorrow?" After the night I’d had, I knew my eyes were going to be puffy as marshmallows tomorrow.

"I don't know why I'm here, to be honest…" He looked in pain, confused. "I just know that I want to see you."

He was drunk. That’s all this was. Earlier, he had been so eager to leave… it was the alcohol talking for him now. "Grey! Go home and sleep."

When he was just silent, staring at me, I began getting nervous; merely being around him was making me dizzy.

Greyson stepped closer, almost kissing me. "Tell me not to get married tomorrow, Liv.”

I caught my breath, paralyzed at being close to him again. "Why would you want that? You're in love with Edith." He had to be. He was, after all, marrying her tomorrow. It was best to remember that.

His nose was on my cheek, so were his lips. "Am I? I don't know anymore. Seeing you again—it's fucking with me, Liv."

I was dying. I wanted him, but I knew I shouldn’t.

"I don't know what it is about you, but you never fail to take my breath away. From the second I saw you in third grade… to now." Grey came closer, brushing his lips against mine, ever so slightly. "I want you, Liv. Be with me."

Don’t do this
, I begged silently. "You're getting married tomorrow!" If this was wrong, why did it feel so good?

"Tell me not to and I won't. There's nothing in this world that I want more than you.
It's always been you
—even if I didn't agree with it."

"Go home."
Back to Edith

He kissed my cheek, his nose caressing me. "I love you, Liv," Grey whispered, parting from me, walking away with his head down. “I’m still so fucking in love with you.”

I wanted to tell him how I felt, yet that would be too selfish. My being here alone was selfish enough. “Goodnight, Grey.”

“Goodnight?” He sounded in disbelief.

“Get some sleep,” I pressed on, but his face turned angry. He was almost red with it.

“You’re right. This was a waste of time,” he shot the words out, leaving again. I hoped that, this time, it was for good. For both our sakes.


I didn’t’ sleep well that night. I decided during the wee hours of the morning that I didn’t want to see him marry her. That it was best to leave what we had before in the past.

I was just barely out of the shower at seven thirty in the morning when I found him sitting on my bed. Dressed in the same clothes he’d worn last night.

He looked disheveled and tired.

With only my robe wrapped around my body, I stared at him wide-eyed. “You’re here.”

He had his hand in his pocked before he stood up, slowly walking towards me. "
Here." He handed me something. "It’s kept me safe all this time. I thought if I held on to it that it would bring you back to me, but I don’t want to do that anymore. No matter how much I prayed, it never worked. So here is your lucky charm. I hope this still brings good luck for you."

It was the token I had given him in the closet during spin the bottle.

"You've kept this after all these years?" I had it in my palm, cradling it as my finger traced the back of the threaded bracelet.

"It was the only thing I had of you. I held on to it thinking and believing that your promise held the power to bring you back to me." He paused while tears pooled in my eyes once more. "So I'm giving it back. I don't think it's right to hang on to it, knowing it was never going to happen."

He truly was saying goodbye to me now. There was no mistaking it.

“Thank you for bringing it back to me.” I wiped a tear that rolled down my face. “Grey…” I looked up to him, raw and pure with pain.

He looked torn, wretched. “Is it too late?” he whispered.

“I don’t know.” Should I be selfish and keep him to myself? If I did, could I handle the consequences?

He cupped my cheeks and I relished in his touch. God, I missed him. “If there is a chance, tell me. I can still back out—I’ll explain to Edith, I’m sure she’ll understand.”

Would she? Could I take this chance with him?

“How long will it take you to convince her?” I whispered back to him, hopeful.

“She’s here doing her make-up and hair right now—or maybe she might be in church doing all that. I’m not sure, but since the church is right in between us, do you want to meet me there in an hour?” He was smiling down at me, kissing me before I got to respond to his suggestion.

His kiss revived me. It was what I needed to snap me out of my trance.
To come back to him.

In a flash, he left with a winning, happy smile. I was smiling, too, as I dressed up to meet him in an hour’s time.

Twenty minutes later, someone was ringing the doorbell.

Was I surprised to see that Edith’s mother, Margaret, was standing outside the door? No. In fact, I had expected it, but not from the mother, from her daughter.

“I’m sure you know why I’m here,” she stated coldly.

I did. I wasn’t going to act dumb and stupid, either. “Of course I do.”

“My daughter—my only daughter—is heart broken right now. She’s pouring her heart out, still not giving up on trying to convince the guy that promised to marry her not to cancel their wedding in an hour’s time.” She eyed me with those eagle-like, sharp eyes cutting through me. “Even as a child, I wasn’t very fond of you. With our differences aside, I’m here to let you see and hear the big picture.” She paused, looking teary-eyed.

“The truth is, my daughter is terminally ill. We found out the day after her graduation that she had a little over a year to live. Her bucket list consisted of a lot of things—one of them was to marry Greyson Edwards. Since he was helping her out with her list, he didn’t hold back in making her wishes come true—including this marriage.” Her eyes were red with moisture. “So if you have any heart at all, you’re going to walk away. Give my daughter the last bit of happiness she’s asking for.”

After she left, I was still standing there with my hand gripping the door handle, feeling like the earth had been pulled out from under my feet.

I had big decisions to make… decisions that could alter someone’s life; Edith’s, Grey’s, and mine.

I held the lucky charm bracelet in my hand, feeling the depth of what I was about to do.

“I love you. I’ve regretted the times that I haven’t told you, but I’ve loved you all along.”

There was no room for tears—that could be done later—there were big decisions to be made and I hoped that I would be making the right one.


To be continued in their next novel, Pieces Of Us.

Release date to be announced










































The Torn Series Order ****


1) Scornfully Yours (Emma #1)

2) Scornfully Hers (Carter Mason Novella)

3) Frayed (Trista)

4) Blasphemous (Emma #2)

5) Undeniably Yours (Bass Cole Novella)

6) Scorned (Lindsey)

7) Fixated On You (Emma #3)

8) Christmas With You (Emma: A Novella)

9) Unveiled (Lindsey #2) TBA 2014

10) Crushed (Amber) TBA 2014

11) Damaged TBA 2014


coming in 2014

Monza (Luca)

Barcelona (Andrès)

Nice (Jacques)




Lily’s Mistake

Loving Drake
(# 1.5)
Coming Soon

Loving Lily
(Lily’s Mistake)
Spring 2014


Falling For My Husband (British Billionaires)

Falling For Ava (British Billionaires) TBA 2014


The Chasing Series:

Chasing Beautiful

Chasing Imperfection

Chasing Paradise

Chasing Forever
(Toby + Lucy)
TBA 2014

Chasing Mrs. Knightly
(The Epilogue)
TBA 2014

Chasing Memories
TBA 2014


Pieces Of You & Me
(Book 1 of 2)

Pieces Of Us
(Book 2 of 2)
TBA 2014


Coming Soon




Follow me for chats, updates and sneak previews for upcoming releases on Facebook or Twitter.

Thank you!




Much love,

Pamela Ann






























Here’s a sneak peek at Façade by Ashley Suzanne

Release Date
February 17, 2013



“What if I don’t want this to be casual anymore?  What if I want more?”

Mother fucking hell.

What am I supposed to say to that? 
Yes, I want more and I’m going to open myself up so you can shatter everything I thought I knew?
  That’s not going to happen.  Ever.

Jacoby’s silently waiting for an answer; demanding one.  I can’t blame him, really I can’t, but it’s not possible for me to give him what he’s looking for.  Instead of trying to talk my way out of an argument, I go to the next best plan.

Sauntering over toward the bed, I pull my shirt over my head, letting it dangle from my index finger before dropping it to the floor.  With one hand, I reach behind my back and unhook the clasp holding my bra in place.  With my eyes firmly planted on his, I slowly pull my left arm through the strap and then my right, still holding the actual cups over my breasts. 

“What are you doing, Kylee?” Jacoby chokes out, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed.  If I didn’t know any better, I would swear there’s a small amount of drool trailing from the corner of his mouth.  His gaze burns through me, his eyes no longer demanding answers but something more erotic in mind. 

This little trick works for me each and every damn time.  Men are so predictable.  Dangle a little bit of sex in front of them and they turn into incoherent cavemen.

“What do you mean?” I ask, feigning innocence.  Once I’m standing directly between his legs, I can very noticeably see the effect I’m having on him.  The white sheet that is draped across his lap has a very delectable impression of an erect penis, just waiting for me to reach out and touch it. 

I slowly move my arms, letting the pink lacy material fall into his lap.  He picks it up and tosses it to the floor on top of my shirt, never breaking his glare of my now bare tits that are only inches from his face.  As he moves forward to capture one in his mouth, I turn around and casually sit in his lap.  Slowly grinding my ass onto his cock, I lean back putting my back to his chest and rest my head on his shoulder, still gently gyrating.

“I think
is what we’re good at, Jacoby. 
, I can give you more of.  A lot more,” I whisper.  Jacoby’s hands come around my waist to cup my tits, nuzzling his face into my neck and nipping at my exposed flesh.  I stand up, pushing my pants over my hips and down to the floor, exposing my entire body for his eyes to feast upon. 

“You think you’re so smart, do ya Red?  I’ve got your number.  You might have me at a loss right now but don’t for one second think that I don’t see right through you.”  Before I know it, Jacoby has pulled me back to him, pushed me down on the bed and he nestles himself between my thighs.

Well played, sir.  Finally, someone who plays dirty, like me. 

“Again, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  The innocent act I’m going for is becoming less and less detectable with the want rolling off my body.

“I’m sure you don’t,” Jacoby says, sarcastically.  “I’ll play along though.”

With a harder bite to my nipple, I squirm under his touch.  I always do.  Something about the way he takes control and commands my attention leaves me breathless and craving more.  One bite, one kiss, one orgasm; it’s never enough.

While expertly rolling my nipple with one hand, the other sneaks down my stomach leaving a wake of fire in its path until he reaches my core.  Rubbing my clit with his thumb, Jacoby inserts one finger inside of me, making me ache even more.

“Jacoby, please,” I mutter, wanting more than just a single digit – I want

“It’s not so funny when it’s flipped back on you, now is it?”

“This isn’t fair.”

“Oh, but shoving your tits in my face when I’m trying to have a serious conversation is?  And mighty fine tits they are.”  He pinches down on my nipple, pulling it until I moan with the sensual mix of pleasure and pain.

“That’s not what I was …” My train of thought is completely lost when Jacoby sticks a second finger into me, pressing harder on my clit, trying to manipulate an orgasm out of me.

“A little lost for words, are you, Red?”  I’ll probably never use my body against Jacoby again.  The man is too good.  He knows this game and I’ve just lost.

Rocking my hips into his hand, finding a perfect rhythm, I’m almost there – the orgasm starting to roll through me, begging for release.  The sly grin on his face tells me he already knows what’s about to happen and he pulls his hand completely away from my body, leaving me frustrated beyond words.

“What the fuck, Jacoby?  I was right there,” I pant, slamming my arms down on the bed.  Yes, yes I do act like a petulant child when I don’t get my way.  I wanted that orgasm and he just stole it from me.

“Let’s talk about what I said.”  Jacoby leans back, sitting on his heels, his erection proudly on display almost begging for me to taste it.  “I might just finish what I started if we do.”  Jacoby puts his index finger in his mouth, sucking off my essence.

“Jacoby, it’s a lost conversation.  We’ve been over this before.  There isn’t more I can give.  You can take what you get or I can leave.”

“And why is that?  It seemed like a few months ago, you were ready to try.  Now, I can’t even get you to entertain the idea.”

So here’s the
clusterfuck.  He’s right.  The one time I ever, in my entire life, wanted to try to have a real relationship I was slapped in the face with the stone cold reality of why that can’t ever work.  I was about to fuck an up and coming rock star and all I could think about was Jacoby.  I wanted to give it a try.  I called him and was brushed off.  I decided to surprise him, so I went to his house after leaving the concert.  Instead of him being elbow deep in contracts, I run straight into a Barbie doll type blonde who basically staked her claim. 

We’d been fucking for months.  I know what I am and I’m not ashamed.  I’m a bit of a slut, but in a good way.  I don’t fuck around with random guys and I at least have the decency to only fuck one guy at a time.  I thought that was something Jacoby understood about our arrangement.  Granted, we weren’t a couple or anything but I was solely his and I thought the same about him.  I was fucking wrong. 
Dead ass wrong. 

~Thank You~

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