Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series) (32 page)

Read Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series) Online

Authors: Lisa A. Olech

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #spicy, #model

BOOK: Picture Me Naked (Stoddard Art School Series)
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She squeezed his fingers. “I love you, Jagger. I love you more than I knew it was possible to love someone. You’re wild and free and the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on. And not just on the outside. I love that you love your family. I love the way you hum in my ear when you’re falling asleep. I love how you wash dishes. And I love how you make me feel.” A small sob caught in her throat. “You…you make me feel sexy and desirable and pretty. You make me feel loved and wanted. Hell, you just make me

“Before you blew into my life I just followed the rules, you know? Colored inside the lines. Lived in my safe little box of a life. My art wasn’t alive.
wasn’t alive. But then I met you…that first amazing kiss… It was as if I started to breathe.” Zee took his hand and kissed the back, resting her cheek against the warmth of it, closing her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you. Please, I love you so much
. Please don’t die

The nurse came in carrying a plastic bag printed with the hospital’s logo. “Sorry we couldn’t save the tuxedo, Mr. Jones.”

“Under the circumstances, darlin’, I didn’t give the poor thing much hope.”

Zee’s eyes flew to Jagger’s face. His eyes were open. He stared at her intently and gave her hand a mighty squeeze. She gasped. “You’re alive?”

“Of course, he’s alive,” chuckled the nurse. “You don’t expire from a few stitches and a broken arm.”

Jagger shot a wink at the nurse. “Just playing possum with her. Got her to finally tell me she loves me.”

The nurse laughed. “Watch out, she just may kill you yet.” She looked at Zee. “You’re the girlfriend, I gather. The doctor will be in shortly. Are you all right?”

Zee’s head spun. She felt the color draining from her face.

“You may have done her in, Mr. Jones. Here, dear, sit here.” She led Zee to a chair, sat her down and pushed at the back of her head. “Put your head between your knees. I’ll get you some water.” The nurse hurried out.

“Zee. Are you all right?”

Zee slowly lifted her head. “Did she say tuxedo?”

“A man can’t attend a fancy gallery opening naked, can he?”

“You were coming to the opening?”

“I couldn’t miss your big night. In fact, why aren’t you there looking as gorgeous as you do? And you do look especially gorgeous, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“None of that matters now. It’s over. When I heard you were here, I couldn’t think of anything but getting to you. I had to know you were okay. And I wanted—needed to ask you something.” She rose on shaky knees and moved to his side.

“What did you want to ask?” His healthy arm snaked around her waist.

Zee leaned over him. She brushed at his hair and laid gentle fingertips along his bruised face. Her gaze fell to his lips. “May I kiss you?”

He whispered, “That’s always a yes.”

She lowered her mouth to his and kissed him with great tenderness. Jagger’s hand slid down past her hip to the hem of her dress and swept up her stocking clad thigh. When his fingers reached the band of lace captured in the clip of her garter belt, he moaned into her mouth and broke the kiss.

“So, you knew I was coming.” He slipped a teasing finger under the strap of the garter.

“I hoped.” She trembled as his hand slipped over her skin.

His touch rose boldly to the fullness of her bottom as she kissed him again.

The cool air of the room tickled the warm flesh of her behind.

A quick knock gave them little warning of the doctor’s arrival. Zee jumped back and tried to straighten her skirt with as much grace as she could muster.

The doctor’s eyebrows rose toward his hairline.

Jagger growled. “We really need to start locking the damn doors.”

“Well, Mr. Jones, it appears you’re no longer feeling as much pain as before.”

Zee shot a look at Jagger and reached out to wipe the lipstick smudge off his mouth while wiping at her own.

“The tests results don’t indicate any internal injuries. Frankly, I’m amazed. You’re a lucky man. If not for your seatbelt, you’d never have survived a crash like that. I was going to keep you overnight for observation, but it seems to me you’re in, um…capable hands. I’ll see if the nurse can round you up some clothing and you’ll be free to go home. If you feel nauseous or lightheaded, come straight back here. Agreed?”

“That’s a promise.”

Zee felt a cool breeze across her buttock just before Jagger gently tugged the back of her skirt back into place. Her cheeks blazed just as the nurse returned.

“You were white as a sheet when I left; now, you’re practically purple. You need to sit down.”

“I’m fine. Really. I just felt a draft.”

Jagger laughed, then winced.

“I wouldn’t suggest anything too strenuous for the next couple of days,” the doctor continued. “I’ll want to see you in my office in a week so I can take out those stitches, and we’ll run another x-ray on that wrist in about six weeks. Take it easy with your ribs. They may not be broken, but they are going to cause you some discomfort for the next few days.” He scribbled on a square pad. “I’m giving you a prescription for pain meds.”

“I’ll make sure he rests,” Zee offered.

“Nurse, could we get Mr. Jones a pair of scrubs or something to wear out of here other than the ventilated scrap he has on now?”

“Certainly, doctor.” The nurse was eyeing Zee as if she expected her to keel over at any moment.

“Good. My office will call tomorrow to set up your appointments.” Both the doctor and the nurse went their separate ways.

“You’ll come home with me. Oh, wait, the damn stairs. You can’t climb all those stairs like this. We’ll have to use the elevator.”

“You need to go back to your party.”

“The party’s over.” She’d tell him about the scene with Daniel Bruce eventually, but not now. “I’ve had enough party. There were too many people. I’m no good with crowds. Besides you weren’t there.” Zee picked up his hand. “I want to ask you another question.”

“Yes, you can kiss me again, but lock that door first.”

Zee smiled. “No, not that question. This one’s bigger. It’s one I shouldn’t be asking. One I have no right to ask.” She looked into his eyes. “Stay?”

When he didn’t answer right away, Zee felt the panic she’d felt all week rise up her spine. “I know, I’m a crazy sheila. I know I hurt you. I shouldn’t even ask you, but I-I don’t think I can live without you. When school finishes, will you take me to Paris? Make love to me in Paris?” A sob caught in her throat. “W-we can go to London and we can see the rest of the world, and maybe you could take me back to Australia. I’ll make sure your mum doesn’t shoot you. Then we could go to China or Japan maybe and, and India or Africa. Timbuktu. Wherever you want to go, I’ll go. Just right now, will you stay? With me?”

Jagger was quiet for a moment. His thumb rubbed over her chilled fingers. “May I ask
a question?”


“Didn’t you find the little box behind the ice bucket?”

Chapter Forty

Zee looked panicked. “We can’t be stuck. I knew we shouldn’t have tried this damn elevator.” She pounded her fist on the scared gray doors.

“That’s one way to lock the door.” He smirked at her.

“This isn’t funny. Who knows how long we’ll be in here.”

“We can survive three days without water.”

“Don’t say things like that.” Zee punched frantically at the buttons on the panel.

Jagger leaned into the corner. The meds they’d given him in the hospital gave the world fuzzy edges, and the cast on his arm weighed a ton. “If I wasn’t so banged up, this could be fun.” Jagger slid slowly to the floor. “Come here.”

Zee shook her head at him, and knelt next to him. She wiped at his damp forehead. “You’re half dead and all you can think of is seducing me in an old rusty elevator?”

He ran his fingers down her smooth, shining hair. He missed her curls. “I can’t help it. It’s been five days since I’ve seen your beautiful face.”

“Five horrible days.” She sat beside him and leaned her head on his shoulder. Her fingers laced with his.

“It’s been a hell of a week.” Jagger leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.

“You quit class,” she whispered. “You quit being groundskeeper.”

He squeezed her hand. “Everywhere I went reminded me of you. I couldn’t take it. I figured I’d head down to New York again. But the further away I got, the worse I felt. I didn’t know how I was going to fix us, but I knew I had to come back and try.”

Zee’s hand stroked his arm. “I looked everywhere for you.”

“You did?”

She raised her head and looked at him. “Of course. I knew I’d made the biggest mistake of my life when you left. I looked for you all that night…all the next day. You vanished. When I heard you gave up your job at the estate, I never thought I’d see you again.”

He pulled her to him. “All that’s over. We’re together now, and as soon as we get out of this elevator, I’m getting down on one knee and making sure we’re together for the rest of our lives.” He lifted her hand and kissed the backs of her fingers. “And then, I’m taking you to bed.”

“The doctor said—”

“To hell with him.” Jagger released her hand and found his way to the lacy top of one stocking. “We’ve got five days to make up for, and there’s a garter belt calling my name.” His hand moved higher across silky skin, past a thin barrier of lace.

“Jagger,” Zee whimpered seconds before she gave a little gasp.

“That’s the name.”


The night’s rain had stopped, but water still sparkled in the leaves of the trees and shimmered on the surface of the roof. A thousand tiny lights glittered against the darkness taking the place of the stars.

The champagne sat exactly where he’d left it. Its label floated in a watery bath. How had she not seen the ring box?

Jagger lowered himself to one knee before the woman he loved with all his heart and took her hand.

“Z. Z. Lambert.” He watched tears well in her eyes. “I’ve been traveling halfway around the world. Not just for my father, for me, too. I left Australia a stupid kid and I’ve been trying to find myself along the way. Find out what kind of man I am. What I found was you. You’ve shown me the man I want to be. You asked me once, why? Why you? For the last three years, I’ve only thought about where I would be next. Next month, next year. Now, every time I try to picture where I’m going to be, you’re there. I can’t imagine a future where you’re not with me.”

He pulled in a long breath. “You loved me so much you were willing to let me go. Tell me you still love me enough to let me stay with you for the rest of my life.” He opened the soggy ring box. “Good thing diamonds are waterproof.” He held it up to her.

Zee took the box with a shaky hand. She dropped to her knees and laid a hand on his cheek. He looked deep into her shimmering eyes. “If you’ll have me, I’ll never take another step without you next to me. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered. Tears ran down her cheeks. “Ask me.”

“Zee, will you marry me?”


Zee stood naked on her roof. Well, nearly naked. Does jewelry count? She lifted her hand and looked for the hundredth time at the lovely ring on the third finger of her left hand. It was perfect; a single oval diamond …beautiful.

Bathed in the morning light, the sun kissed each pale inch of her skin. A gentle breeze tickled her. Zee realized that this roof was like being with Jagger. She was free out here, yet perfectly sheltered and protected. In this private garden she could strip away all the walls. She was safe. Loved. Neither self-conscious or shy. She felt empowered and liberated, uninhibited…released.

Jagger came up behind her and slipped an arm about her waist. His skin against hers, his hand caressing her, warming her as his mouth teased the side of her neck. His morning’s beard rasped against the sensitive crook between neck and shoulder. A delicious shiver ran through her.

“Good morning, beautiful.”

“You should be in bed.”

“You weren’t there. Besides, I’m feeling better.”

“But the doctor…” She turned into his embrace.

“Doesn’t know you’re all the medicine I need.” He gave a low growl as his hand swept over her. “You do realize you’re standing out here bare-ass naked?”

“I’m wearing my ring. See?” She held up her hand and watched the stone sparkle in the sunlight. “Besides, you’re naked, too.”

“That doesn’t count. I’m always naked.” The faint roar of a passenger jet drove home his point.

Zee stepped away from him, threw open her arms and did a sassy little spin.

“I’m coming to understand what you feel in just your skin. There’s this thrilling little zing at first, then the ultimate feeling of freedom.” Zee returned to his arms. “You gave me this. This piece of heaven where I feel safe and loved, just as I am.”

“I do love you. You’re beautiful and sexy and mine.”

Zee kissed him then. Her fingertips skimmed his bandage. She kissed the swollen fingers of his injured arm. “When Leah told me you were in the hospital, nothing else mattered. Not the show, not Daniel, not Madeline…nothing but getting to you.”

“It’s over. I’m fine. A bit banged up, but nothing that will keep me down long. You can stop worrying.”

“Do you think they’ve charged Ed?”

“I left the police this number. They said they’d call.”

“You gave them

“Is that a problem?”

“No, not unless your fiancée decides to shut off the ringer of the phone so you won’t be disturbed.”

“Say that again.”

“I shut off the ringer so we wouldn’t be disturbed.”

“Not that part.” He heated a trail of blazing kisses across her shoulder. Zee’s knees weakened. “The
your fiancée
part. Say that again.”

“Oh, that part. Jagger, when you kiss me like that…”

“Say it.” He growled against her skin.

“Y-your fiancée. I am your fi— Oh God, Jagger. I am your fiancée. W-we’re getting mmmmmmarried. I’m going to be your…
!” Zee shrieked with delight as he nipped at a sensitive rosy tip.


In the kitchen the answering machine flashed. Zee was able to push the button before Jagger pinned her against the counter. His mouth captured hers as bold fingers left fiery paths upon her skin. He pushed a knee between her thighs.

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