Physical Education (15 page)

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Authors: Louisa Bacio

BOOK: Physical Education
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Chapter Twenty-Three


Over the next few weeks, Amanda focused on her studies. She saw Reed occasionally, but he always seemed busy with one thing or another. She figured it took a lot to wrap up a case as big as the sex-ring sting. Plus, there was that little matter of Willow, who was probably taking up plenty of his free time away from the school.

Graduation loomed, and Amanda felt a bit nervous about what she was going to do next. Everyone she spoke with mentioned that she shouldn’t “worry” about it, but it was kind of hard not to. After all that she had been through over the summer, and the connections that she had made, she found it hard to imagine renting an apartment, going back to college or finding a 9-to-5 job like an average Jane Schmo. Plus, there was the final hurdle of anal sex hanging over her. Since she had returned to the school, all the instructors handled her with kid gloves. It wasn’t like any of them were going to proposition her into bed. It was as though they all felt like she’d already been through enough, and that now might not be the time to try something new.

Determined to get the de-flowering done before the end of the program, Amanda headed to Ms. Lucy’s office to speak with her. She was surprised to see a message on the door, instructing all visitors to go around back to the headmistress’ private quarters.

In contrast to the rest of the building, the front door was painted cornflower blue. Amanda thought about what the color signified and then dismissed the thought. After pushing the doorbell, Amanda heard a voice call out, “I’ll get it,” from behind the closed door.

As the door swung open, she first noticed a pair of bare feet with sparkling purple toe nails. Her eyes raised up to meet those of her friend Clarissa.

“Claire! What are you doing here?”

The young woman, who held herself with more self-confidence than Amanda had seen in her the entire summer, stepped forward to embrace Amanda.

“My Mandi,” she said, “So good to see you, girlfriend!”

Amanda hugged her back. “You, too. I thought you left the campus for home…”

As the sound of another’s approaching footsteps, Claire glanced back with a huge grin on her face. “Lucy convinced me to stay, and she has been giving me some private lessons.”

Amanda raised one eyebrow in question.

“We’ll talk more later,” Claire said. “Right now, I think you’re probably here to see someone else.”

Ms. Lucy came into sight, and Amanda took in the woman’s white flowing chiffon skirt and lavender V-neck shirt. Claire reached her in the hallway, and the two women briefly touched hands as they passed each other. Amanda had the feeling that something special had passed between them. They seemed like equals in the household. Had she come to the right residence?

“Do come in, Ms. Wilkinson,” Lucy said. “I’m sorry that I’m not dressed to properly meet guests.” She appeared to try to smooth down her skirt, but there was no straightening the folds. “Let’s go into my greeting chambers.”

Feeling like she’d stepped into some sort of alternate universe, Amanda followed the headmistress into a den. The surprise on her face must have been apparent because Ms. Lucy said, “we all have different facets to our personality, don’t you think, Ms. Wilkinson?”

“Yes, of course. And about that, I’m here to talk to you about something special.”

“I’d be more than happy to speak with you,” Ms. Lucy said. “Before we get started, can I offer you some tea?”

Amanda felt too weird being offered tea in such a setting, and by the headmistress. She’d more likely imagine her tying her up in some hidden dungeon in the basement and whipping her for an infraction. “No, thank you. I won’t keep you long.”

She explained about the impending graduation and her lack of recent extracurricular activities.

“I’m sure that Reed is busy now that Willow was found, but I had been hoping that he would be my first,” Amanda explained. “But maybe Willow doesn’t want him to be with any other women.”

“Why would Reed’s sister care who he slept with?” Ms. Lucy asked.

“His sister?” Amanda said. “I thought she was his girlfriend… or something more.”

The sound of Ms. Lucy’s laughter unnerved Amanda. She felt overwhelmed with new information and the sights around her.

“No, you thought wrong, Amanda, dear. Willow is definitely Reed’s sister, and while I’m sure he’s been wrapped up in making sure that she’s adjusted well, she does not have anything directly to do with whether he sleeps with you or not.”

Amanda thought back to the time she’d spent with the kidnappers and her interactions with Willow. The woman had never said anything about Reed romantically. Just that his love would save her. She had automatically assumed that meant that they were a couple. Maybe because it was actually she who loved Reed. Now that she knew that something between them could be a possibility, she knew she loved Reed. Now, she had to find out how he felt about her, and to let him know.

“So would you mind, then?” Amanda asked. “If I chose Reed to sleep with before the end of the program?”

“Considering that we only have a few days left, are you sure that this is something you want to do? There’s no need to rush anything, you know.”

Amanda didn’t even hesitate in her response. “I’m not hiding from anything, and I’m not rushing anything. I came to Sex U. for a reason, and I’m more than ready to fulfill my contract.”

“Then that’s settled,” Ms. Lucy said. “Would you like me to call Reed to let him know?”

“If you could have him come to the school, I’ll do the rest,” Amanda said. “Oh, and can we make some special arrangements?”

* * * *


Reed spent his time away from the university wrapping up the loose ends of the case. As he looked over the case files, something snickered at the back recesses of his mind. He felt like he had missed something, but he wasn’t quite sure what it could be. Plus, as time passed by, it was getting more and more obvious that he wasn’t going to be able to keep both jobs. Ms. Lucy had offered for him to come on staff full-time and continue to help behind the scenes with security.

The wheels of his desk chair squeaked as he rolled backward. Beneath the standard-issue desk, in his cramped cubicle, he felt boxed in. He’d worked this job in this same location for years without any problem. He cracked his neck from side to side, trying to further block out the chaos around him so that he could focus on the papers spread out over his desk.

Across from him, Officer Morales sat a new “guest” down in order to do the necessary paperwork. Reed took in a whiff that reeked of old urine and fresh booze. He felt the bile rise up in the back of his throat, and he tried to imagine being somewhere more pleasant, definitely somewhere with better smells. His mind turned then to Amanda: the soft lushness of her skin and her fresh, sultry scent. If she were to walk up behind him right now, he knew that he’d probably be able to tell who it was just by the way she smelled.

In addition to finishing up the case and overseeing Willow’s return back to normalcy, Reed had purposely been giving Amanda some breathing space of her own. After everything she had been through, the last thing he wanted to do was pressure her into something that she wasn’t ready for. A long-term relationship with a San Francisco detective? Sure, they had an obvious physical connection, and if he let himself think about it, she meant much more to him.

Choices. It all came down to the choices that he made, and that they made.

Reed pushed aside a piece a paper on the desk and went over the other students in Amanda’s dorm. Two of the women who had gone missing had come from that tribe. Perhaps there was some connection there that he wasn’t seeing.

From another file, he took out the copy of the roster from when Willow was enrolled. As he went through the names, his finger stopped at one, and then he went back to the other roll sheet. Same last name? Could there be a connection? He brought the paperwork together. If the student had anything to do with Amanda’s kidnapping, then she could be in danger.

* * * *


After leaving Ms. Lucy’s quarters, Amanda was ready to put her plan in motion. Ms. Lucy was going to call Reed and request his presence at the school. When he arrived, he’d be shown to a room where she waited. First though, she needed to get beautiful.

The dorm was deserted. Amanda wondered where everyone had disappeared to in the middle of the day. With only a few days left in the program, though, all of the students were probably out having a good time. More time and space for herself, she thought.

As she entered the bathrooms, she first turned on the shower to warm it up, and then she brushed out her hair. She lifted the long locks. Should she wear it up or down? Steam started to emerge from under the shower door, and she stepped in, relishing the warmth flowing down her body. She lathered up with an oatmeal and vanilla scented soap, and then rinsed off. After sudsing up her hair, she moved under the water to remove the shampoo. That’s when the lights went off.

“Hello,” she called out. “Someone’s in here. Can you turn the lights back on?”

No one responded. She remained in darkness. Despite the heated water, chills ran up her back. Someone was in there with her, and every one of her senses was telling her to run. But in order to escape, she’d have to get by whoever was there. Probably better to let him come to her.

She tucked into the corner of the stall and cranked up the heat of the water. The scalding offspray hit her calves. The only makeshift weapon she had was the sturdy back brush, which she held gripped with both hands.

The shower stall door opened ever so slowly, and she readied herself. As soon as the head peeked in, she struck out with the brush, smacking her attacker first in the face, and then, when he bent over, hands over his nose, she cracked him in the back of the head. Off-balance, he fell into the steaming water and screamed.

Amanda didn’t wait to see if he got up. She scrambled over his body, wet feet slipping on the tiles, and headed out of the bathroom. She ran right into Reed’s arms.

“Someone. In there. Attacked me,” she managed to get out.

Reed took it all in quickly. He grabbed a blanket from a nearby bed and wrapped it around her. “Get outside where it’s safe,” he instructed. “I’m going in.”

Amanda moved back, but she wasn’t about to leave. She wanted to see who her attacker had been, and she wanted for it all to be over. With one hand, Reed pushed the door to the bathroom open, and then switched on the light. No one rushed him. He walked in, and Amanda looked around him. Two feet stuck out from the shower stall.

“Did I kill him?” she asked.

Reed knelt by the prone figure. “Doesn’t look like it,” he said, “but in any case, he’s all washed up.”

He pulled the man out of the shower. An abundance of blood flowed out between the man’s hands. Reed pulled the hands behind the man’s back and cuffed him.

Amanda gasped. “Clyde?”

“Yup,” Reed said. “Mr. Sotherson here and his family have been stocking his whorehouse in Ohio with unwilling victims. Their supply has run out.”

“Now, if you don’t mind, Amanda, I’m going to deliver this piece of shit to some of my colleagues who should be arriving any moment. Then, we have some unfinished business to attend to.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


Anticipation coursed through Amanda’s body. As promised, Ms. Lucy had set her up in a special seduction room. A king-size round mattress rested on the floor; it was covered in red satin sheets and a rainbow assortment of pillows. Flickering candles danced from holders on the walls of the room.

Amanda couldn’t imagine a setting more perfect. Well, maybe not being attacked beforehand, but with the events of the past behind her, she lay naked in bed, waiting for her instructor, protector and lover. Reed didn’t make her wait long.

Walking into the room, he didn’t pause a beat before he found her under the covers. As he walked toward the bed, he quickly shed his own clothing.

“Been waiting long?” he asked.

“Feels like I’ve been waiting forever for you,” she replied.

No build-up needed. Everything that had come before had readied Amanda for this moment. Their kisses only increased the fervor that she felt for Reed.

He pulled her arms above her head, and she basked in the beauty of his body. She could see admiration in his eyes as he gazed at her alert bare breasts. “I’ve done my best to stay away from you,” he said, “but it’s a losing battle. I want you too much.”

“Never asked you to,” Amanda said. “I thought you didn’t like me anymore.”

“Didn’t like you, are you crazy? I couldn’t stop thinking about you. It’s you I didn’t want to scare away.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

Still restraining her wrists with one hand, he dipped down to nip at one of her nipples. She squirmed in response, aching for more. His tongue lashed across the other nipple, teeth scraping against the already-hardened point.

Between her legs, she could feel his thick cock waiting to enter her. She pushed her hips up toward him, and then finally he was there, inside her, where he had belonged all this time.

Reed drove down into her, hard, as if he couldn’t wait any longer himself. Instantly, she felt herself coming, the sensations starting where their bodies met and flowing through her body. He filled her so gloriously. Feeling her orgasm start, he continued to pump into her, fueling the passion; yet stopping before he finished.

“Still an impatient vixen, aren’t you?” Reed asked, pulling out, and rolling her over onto her stomach.

The moment he left her, she whimpered, missing his closeness. “Think of that as a little warm-up, with the main event still to come.”

As soon as Reed touched the curve of her bare buttocks, Amanda felt herself tense up and tighten her muscles. After all her training, and all that stretching, she was right back where she started.

“Relax,” he soothed. “I’ll be gentle.”

In her mind, she knew that this was something that she wanted, desired, hell, she’d been fantasizing about it for long enough. Yet, something about the final act of giving up her anal-flower officially scared her. It was almost like the last stance, the final giving up of herself.

“Mandi, honey, you gotta unclench those butt cheeks just a little bit, or else I’m not gonna be able to do anything,” Reed said with more than a hint of humor in his voice. “Or, do you maybe need a public spanking to remind you of who’s still the master around here?”

Being punished, and possibly taken, in front of others was the last thing that Mandi wanted. No, tonight was about being alone with Reed. He wouldn’t do something like that, would he?

A sharp slap surprised her as Reed brought his palm down onto her rounded ass.

“Oww,” she said, turning around and looking back at Reed. A playful grin spread across his face. “What was that for?”

“Are you going to listen to me?” he asked, and then brought down another palmful. She felt herself bounce up a bit on the pillow, and her ass began to burn, igniting the already-sore flesh. “One way or another, Mandi, you’re mine tonight.”

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to relax. Seconds later, she felt his fingers opening her.

“Such a pretty little hole,” Reed said, and then she felt a flicker of moistness as he twirled his tongue into the creases of her asshole. The tiny muscle probed deeper, opening her, and she felt his saliva flow down her crack to intermingle with her already-flowing juices.

His hand reached beneath her, fingering her crack as he slipped a finger and then two into her pussy, all the while licking her ass. She moaned into the pillow. “What are you doing to me?”

The ministrations to her ass stopped. “Making you feel good, and making sure that you never forget tonight.” And then he was there again, probing, hungry for her opening. The warmth of his tongue felt nothing like the foreign plastic piece that had filled her for so long. This was living, real, and attached to a man that she trusted and loved.

“Ah, yes, Reed, give me more. That feels so good.”

Once again, maddeningly, he stopped, continuing to rub her clit. “What do you want Mandi? You have to tell me.”

* * * *


He knew what she wanted.

The pleasure points of her body alighted. Her nipples rubbed against the silky sheets, his fingers continued to plunge into her pussy, and she wanted to be taken. That’s what she wanted.

“Tell me,” he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her back. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you.”

“I want you to fuck me.”

“Good,” he said. “Where? Where do you want to be fucked? Here?” His fingers played in her pussy, drawing out the wetness.


He brought one of his fingers, wet from her juices, to her mouth. “Suck it,” he instructed.

She greedily sucked on his fingers, drawing him into her body. “Do you want me to fuck you in your pretty little mouth?” he asked, as he simultaneously pressed his pelvis into her lower back. She could feel the length of his cock nestled in the crook of her ass.

“Ah, no,” he said, pulling his fingers from her mouth and leaving her feeling empty. “Perhaps you want me to fill you here?”

And then she felt his tongue return, probing deeper and further into her ass.

She moaned in reply, “yes.”

“You need to ask me, then.”

“Fuck me, Reed. Please, fuck me in the ass.” There. She’d said it, and she meant it. She was ready for it to happen, with him.

“Ah, that’s my girl.”

She felt a warm liquid flow down her crack as Reed further lubed her up. She held her breath and then slowly let it out. He slipped a finger into her dark recess, and then spread her cheeks apart. “Ready yourself,”

She tried, she had waited for this moment for so long, she could feel the warmness, his maleness probing the outer ring, and she felt herself panic and clench up, but no, this is what she had wanted, and this was Reed. She took another deep breath and willed herself to open under his care, and then he was in, ever so slowly.

So big, he stretched her, and she felt so full and fulfilled at the same time. She didn’t think she could take much more of him, and then he would slide in just a little bit more, and somehow, she would open beneath him, until she felt totally impaled upon his manhood. Skewered by his sex. The thought, combined with that feeling of being taken, was enough to send her once again over the edge. He reached around and sunk two fingers into her pussy, and then, with his other hand, slipped a finger into her mouth.

“Mine,” he said. “You’re all mine.” She twirled her tongue around his finger, just to let him know that she was indeed, at his control, and then he started to move, rocking with a gentle motion in and out of her ass, her cunt and her mouth. Totally filled and totally taken. She lost herself in the pleasures.

“I love you, Amanda Wilkinson, I love you. Now, come for me,” he said, pushing her further and further over the abyss. Her ass felt like it was on fire, the cheeks rubbing up against his thighs, her rectum filled with his cock. She started to spasm around his fingers and suddenly wished for more... more, and she rocked herself back against his hips, pushing herself and Reed further past the point of no return. “Aw, gawd, baby,” he moaned into her hair, “You are so, so tight and hot.” Frenzied, was all she could think.

“Fuck me. Reed, fuck me harder.”

And somehow, harder, he did. Fingers flicking, cock thumping, and suddenly she felt alive and afire, every nerve stood at attention. Taken. Mind. Body. And soul. Taken.

Her body tensed, and the climax rushed over her, clenching her pussy muscles and her rectum. “Oh, yes,” Reed said, “Come for me.”

And then she felt him pumping his seed into her ass, swelling up even more in his last moments of pleasure. He slumped against her, his weight pushing her further into the bed, and then he pulled her onto her side and nestled against her back, kissing the back of her neck. “That’s it baby,” he said, gently stroking the soft down of her pussy. Tiny shivers glimmered through her body. Aftershocks of pleasure.

“How did that feel?” Reed asked, soothing her hair back.

She turned toward him and cuddled her face into the crook of his neck. Within his arms, she felt completely safe. “More, please.”

Reed laughed, a deep-throated chuckle, one that came from his heart. It had been a while since he’d felt as light as he did now with Mandi.

“We have eternity to fill that request,” he said.

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