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Authors: Shelley Martin

BOOK: Phoenix Tonic
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Chapter Twenty-Seven



As the print of the sonogram came out, the animal specialists happily chatted with Hailey. “They seem to be doing very well.” One lady said, as she loaded the koalas back in the carrier.

Hailey shrugged. “They're so easy. I don't really do anything but feed them and take them out to go to the bathroom.” She grimaced in horror as Ian's jaw clamped down on the woman's gloved hand.

The lady winced before moving him farther back in the cage and wiggling her hand free. “Yeah, they're real easy, all right.” The woman laughed at Hailey. “Oh, don't worry. He does this all the time.”

The crew filed out the door, smiling and blushing over the magazines in their hands.

Once the coast was clear, Dawn flashed a brilliant smile. “I can't believe he asked you to do those pictures for him. I am so jealous. But at least you came to me for the resolution and digital editing. Did you like the ones where I spliced in the jungle scene?” She handed her a file folder with the koala’s information.

Hailey couldn't tell her how hard she was trying to
look at Markham’s pictures. It was bad enough she could practically taste him as she took the stupid photos. “Uh, Dawn, I need to ask you to forgive me. If you don't, I understand.”

“Forgive you for what?” Her voice filled with concern. Hailey knew Dawn well enough to know the concern was for Hailey and not for herself.
If only she knew how conniving I was.

“Markham didn’t ask me to take those pictures. Actually, he had no idea I took them at all.” She took a step back, and Dawn’s face melted to disbelief.

“But, why would you do that?”

Hailey bit her lip. Shame filled her at her betrayal. “I can’t tell you why. But I wanted you to know just in case they found out you helped me. That way you can let them know it was all me.” The look on her innocent face wrenched at her heart. Her voice dropped to a whisper from the guilt. “I used you, and I’m sorry.”

Dawn didn’t even have a moment to let the betrayal sink in, before Markham brushed into the room. “Hi there, ladies.” He lifted the carrier and started back out the door, talking as he moved. “How was the sonogram?”

“Uh it- it was good, sir,” Dawn stuttered, chasing after him. “Hailey has a copy of all the stats. Sapphire and the baby are proceeding well.”

“That’s good.” He turned down one hallway, and another. Dawn and Hailey exchanged nervous glances.
This could be it
, Hailey realized.
He’s definitely agitated.
He might be waiting to have the discussion once away from Dawn.

Markham rubbed his temples with his free hand. “Dawn, do me a favor,” a door to the parking lot swung open before them. “If my brother doesn’t come back tomorrow, I’m leaving you in charge. Please inform him of my decision before I leave on my trip, so he can give you the codes.”

“I- What?” She paused for a moment, falling behind. “Yes, sir.” She caught back up as they reached the limo. “But, the magazine...”

“Wasn’t your fault,” he finished for her. “I know.” He placed the animal carrier on the seat. “I trust you, Dawn.”

She blinked and nodded. “Thank you, sir. I’ll go let Dr. Markham know right away.” She turned and hurried back to the lab, her heels clicking on the pavement.

Hailey stood and stared at Markham as he got into the limo. Dawn was gone, and a confrontation would be better here in the open, than in the close quarters of the car. “And me?” Readying for his dismissal from his life brought a sudden pang of regret. The sensation took her aback. She hadn’t realized how attached she’d grown to him.

“And you?” He leaned his head out, the bright sun illuminated just how pale his skin had become.

Hailey gulped, waiting for the angry words that would set her free. “Don’t you have any words for me? I mean, you have to know it was me.”

Markham pulled sunglasses from his pocket and put them on. “Yes. Thanks for not sending those pictures to a gay magazine. Cristoff Aberdeen would have demanded my head on a platter. Now let’s go, it’s time to get out of here.” He slid over and patted the seat beside him.

She stared at the open door a moment longer. He’d forgiven her. Just like with his clothes. The ace in the hole didn’t work. She wasn’t going anywhere. And for some odd reason, she felt relief.
Why is it when I hurt these people they keep forgiving me?

Shocked, Hailey climbed in the car and closed the door.


Kallian wondered if Dawn could handle things. Certainly Phyllis could help out as well. Together, the three of them could keep things going. Couldn’t they? His foggy mind wouldn’t fire fast enough to focus on the current crisis. He’d have to deal with this after his burning.

The air in the limo hung heavy and silent. He didn’t look at Hailey until manners demanded he accord her due attention, while boarding the plane. The normally soothing blue interior caused him to draw his arms in tight as the engines pushed them upwards. How he wanted to spread his own wings and let the fire consume him. Being in his true form recently brought back those dangerous longings. He had Hailey to think of, now.

The building frustration gave him a burst of energy, despite his weakened condition. He frowned. How could he make amends to Malachi and Kira for all they had done? They were right, after all. But so was he.

He sighed, leaving his blue velvet seat in favor of pacing. He had much to do. He needed to set his brother clear of his own foolish actions. Maybe he could do that much before the weakness took hold too greatly.

He didn’t doubt Malachi would stay with him through any hardship. But Kira would pull him back. She would keep him safe no matter what.

Absently, he clicked a pen until Hailey leaned forward and yanked it from between his fingers. The brush of her delicate hand against his made his body keenly aware of her closeness. His eyes slid over her form. Soft blond hair hung in a ponytail, accented by gentle curves hidden by denim and a snug cotton shirt. She also had her poker face on. But her eyes betrayed her, like always. He could see hurt behind them, and confusion.

“You know,” she began softly, “all you have to do is let me go and this will stop. This doesn’t have to continue.”

He stopped and stared at her. What was she talking about? Oh, the magazine prank. Here he was, lost in his own problems while she, undoubtedly, had been watching him like a hawk. Unfortunately, she had no idea how impossible her wishes were. “Oh, that.” He flashed a bitter smile. “No, that’s not what has me irritated. I deserve whatever punishment you have for me. I expected your wrath. Though,” he raised his brows, “you’ve shown yourself to be quite inventive.” He couldn’t help but smile at her attempts. If he’d been human, he probably wouldn’t have been able to endure.

“Inventive?” The book she was reading snapped closed in her hands. “I’m spiteful and vengeful and devious. You don’t want to be married to someone like me, and you know it. I know it. You want someone who loves you. You’ll never get that from me.”

Kallian could feel the heat of her anger across the aisle. “Calm, Hailey. We’re sitting on gallons of jet fuel.” Her lips pressed together as he allowed her a moment to breathe. Should he tell her the truth? Well, she’d find out one way or another. She was his wife, and he needed to be open with her. “I just walked away from my family. For you.”

Her shoulders dropped. “You what?”

He shook his head. How was he supposed to explain without making Malachi look like an advocate for rape and Kira a supporter of murder? Even though they kinda were. “My family cares about me.”
Yeah, lame
. He needed to leave them out of this as much as possible. “Do you remember when I tried to explain the situation before? After you encountered your brother?” She stared at him blankly. He knew she was too traumatized to understand the depth of his words back then. But if she guessed, and her own mind recognized the truth, that would mean she was ready to acknowledge that truth. He wanted her to know, but at the same time she was much safer staying in the dark, away from the truth.

“I remember you called me a butterfly.” Her soft voice burned like acid. “You said all I would have to do is marry you and the roller coaster would straighten out. You said I wouldn’t lust after men as much.” Her voice built in strength. “Well, I married you, and guess what? Nothing has changed.”

Kallian scratched the back of his neck.
How to explain this delicately? Maybe it’s best just to apologize?
“I’m sorry. I guess ‘marry me’ wasn’t the right words. I, uh… meant…”

“Sex. You meant sex. Right?” Her hazel eyes challenged him.

All he could do was nod. “I could put you out of your misery. I’m supposed to.”
Crap, that sounded bad.
“But I’m selfish, as I’ve said before. You’re right, I do want someone who loves me. But I want someone to choose to love me for who I am. And that someone is you.”

Hailey rolled her eyes. “What you’re seeing is the tonic at work. Me, the real me, hates you.”

He shook his head. “No, you don’t. You’ve loved me from the start. I could see it in every breath you took, every kiss, every caress of my skin. And I’ve loved you just as much, if not more. You just can’t see it through the anger.” He took a breath, waiting for the rejection. But she only stared at him. A spur of hope led him to utter a few more words. “I know you. I trust you. And I will never let you suffer again. I will do all the suffering for both of us.”

She blinked. And stared. Then she stood and threw her hands in the air. “I don’t want you to suffer for me. I want you to let me go. That’s all.”

His legs wobbled and he clutched and airplane chair to steady himself. Great. His energy spurt had come to an end. And he’d apparently lost another round with Hailey. “If you didn’t want me to suffer, then what have you been doing all this week?” His voice came controlled and steady, despite the beads of sweat gathering on his forehead. His body wanted sleep. “I have willingly taken your punishment. I have given you Ian and Sapphire when asked. And I will continue to go like a lamb to the slaughter to make amends.”

She pinched the bridge of her nose, undoubtedly trying to keep her temper down. “I don’t want you to be a lamb and I don’t want to make amends. I want you to come at me like a lion.” The idea made his lips twitch. He wanted to come at her like a lion as well, but he figured her imagery was different than his at the moment. “I want to piss you off so much that you can’t wait to get rid of me. I want you to throw me out on the curb. I want you to set me free.” She grabbed up her cup of clear soda and threw it at him. He closed his eyes in time to feel the slight plastic bounce off his nose. His hand shot out and caught the napkin following the drink. The cool liquid soothed his burning skin as he licked the sugary drink from his lips.

“I would give you anything if it would make you happy. But I can’t give you freedom. You know why.” He dropped his body in the cushioned seat and dabbed the soda from his face. “It’s too dangerous.”

Hailey’s hand clenched the seat-back in front of her. “That’s right, I am dangerous. But I think I’d rather be dangerous than weak. I’m weak around you and I hate it. I hate you.”

His eyes closed slowly as she vented. He heard the depression of her seat cushion and felt the breeze of the overhead fan as she cranked it to full blast. He knew she still loved him, but maybe she didn’t know how she really felt?
Maybe it’s time to try some of Malachi’s Jedi mind tricks?

“I could be wrong, but I think you think you
to fight. You’ve needed to fight over a year to stay alive. You needed hate to keep you going, and that was placed on me. You need to control the situation so something like cancer won’t broadside you again. You say your want for me makes you feel weak. But you can turn it into strength. There’s nothing weak about giving yourself to someone. Two is always stronger than one. And Hailey,” he opened his eyes and turned to see her staring at him. “You’re awfully close to me, in an enclosed cabin. Your body usually has a degree of compliance or want for me. But, you’re raging. Have you realized that, at this moment, you are not weak against me?” Kallian needed to see her reaction. He wanted to hear her words and see if his diagnosis made sense to her. But he didn’t get to hear her reaction. His strength bled out as his body slipped into the sweet oblivion of sleep.



Chapter Twenty-Eight



She scowled at Markham’s slumped figure. “Hey, we’ve landed.” His chest moved up and down in a slow rhythm. Still nothing. Maybe he really was worse than he looked? And he looked bad. The blood had completely drained from his face, not to mention the sheen of sweat covering him.

His words came back to her. She hadn’t noticed until he mentioned it, but he was right. Her body didn’t want him. In an enclosed jet cabin, with his scent unable to escape, she should be trying to rip his clothes off. Last night she nearly gave him a tongue bath, but not now. Maybe the phoenix tonic was wearing off?

Wondering just how far her new-found freedom went, she dared to touch his forehead. As her palm made contact she quickly realized his skin didn’t burn her in passion, it burned with fever. A very high one. If it were her, she’d be close to flames. Good thing she’d never seen anything in Markham to suggest otherwise. He was just a normal guy with funky blood.

Still, he looked pretty sick. She probably shouldn’t take any chances. Dawn had made it clear they needed to keep themselves secret and safe, but how was she going to get him off the plane?

Noises from the door hatch drew her attention. They were attaching the steps and unsealing the cabin. She moved the koalas to the doorway as it opened. The pilot tipped his cap at her and his electric male scent flooded the plane. She took a step back as her body urged for what he had to offer. Apparently the tonic wasn’t wearing off, just Markham’s attraction factor. “Is there any luggage you’d like me to help you with?”

“Uh, yes.” She held up Ian and Sapphire’s carrier. She needed to get away from this guy pronto. “Can you take them to the car and put them in the back seat?” He took it and immediately Ian began to protest. “Thank you. And be careful of your fingers.”

Smiling, he tugged at the brim of his hat and walked back down. She froze as she watched the pilot pass a familiar form at the bottom. His innocent face and wayward hair stuck out the same as the last time they’d encountered. Only this time, he sported a brown bomber jacket and snug blue jeans instead of a white lab coat.

“What do you want, Redding?”

With hands shoved in pockets he tipped his head up toward her. He resembled the same sweet college guy she’d flirted with before. Only she knew better this time. “I want to know what happened to the drug research, Hailey.” His rich voice moved through her, beckoning her to spill every secret at his feet.

Hailey sighed in frustration. She might have liked Redding, but he was Markham’s enemy. And she was stuck with Markham. At least for the time being. “It was a vitamin they were working on, not a drug. I misspoke, okay?”

He shook his head. “Your words have confirmed suspicions. What he’s doing to those animals is wrong. It’s dangerous, and I won’t leave until I speak with him.”

Rubbing her temples, she leaned against the door frame. “Redding, I told the press I didn’t know what I was talking about. Besides, Markham’s sick. He’s not talking to anybody.”

He held up his hand. “Don’t try that with me, Hailey. I know you’re not some clueless pretty face. You’re
him now. That means you are one of them and have firsthand knowledge. And as such, you and I both know that means you were telling the truth about a drug, and that Kallian Markham can’t get sick.”

Hailey rolled her eyes. “Wow, you sure do assume a lot, Redding. Let’s just get the record straight, I am not
Markham. And he’s so stupidly sick he’s passed out in his chair. If you don’t believe me, just come take a peek.” She waved at the door way behind her.

The coy smile on his face slowly melted to disbelief. “Wait. It’s October.”

Hailey’s brow drew together. “Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?”

His mouth dropped open. “What do you mean? It’s his
. And you’re just going to leave him sitting on a jet? Are you insane? Get him out of there.”

Oh, so now he believed her? And he was pretending to be serious as well. But she’d fallen for his acting before. She wasn’t going to play the fool twice. “I’d love to get him off the plane. Unfortunately the guy probably weighs twice as much as I do. If you’re so concerned, then why don’t you be a good boy and help out.” She thought the sarcasm was thick enough to send him away. Of course he wouldn’t help Markham, he was trying to bury him. But Redding didn’t seem to get the hint. He was still standing there.

His brows drew low over his eyes as he shifted uncomfortably. “I can’t help him. And what are you talking about? You’re his wife. A couple hundred pounds should be nothing to you.”

Being called Markham’s wife did strange things to her insides. Butterflies and warmed cheeks betrayed her, and she didn’t like it. Sure, he was being all awesome and sweet lately, but she wasn’t sure she was ready for awesome. Or sweet. Or him. “Stop saying that. I’m only his wife on paper.”
Crap, I shouldn’t have said that to a journalist.
“That was between you and me, Redding. You print that and I’ll personally rip your head off.”

His eyes narrowed as a hand drifted to his neck.
Did he actually take that seriously?
“You have me confused. It almost sounds like you don’t know what you are. Or what Markham is.”

“And what is that?” She crossed her arms.

“Apparently he’s a monster and you’re ignorant of your situation.” He blew out of gust of air. “I can’t believe he’s finally done
and left you like this.”

Now he was seriously starting to irritate Hailey. It almost sounded like he knew more about her situation than she did. “Look, if you know something then you need to tell me, otherwise get lost. I have other things to worry about right now.”

“Yeah, like your 'husband' is about to blow up and take a terminal of innocent humans with him.”

That gave her pause. She was the dangerous one who might blow things up, not Markham. How had Redding found out about the blowing-up factor? Markham’s fever was crazy high, but could it get high enough to be a danger to people?

Redding rubbed his temples. “Look Hailey, do us all a favor. Go pick up your husband, stick him in that limo, and get him home.”

She sighed and shrugged. “I told you, I can’t.”

“Yes. You can.” His gaze locked hard onto hers.

She stared at him. He stared back. And Hailey finally realized he wasn’t joking. His eyes twitched with a hint of fear. And the clip in his voice held a note of superior understanding. “What is it you aren’t telling me?

He shook his head. “Your only job right now is protecting these humans. Go, pick the bird up. It will be easy for you.” His voice softened. “I promise.” His disheveled hair blew in the breeze as he turned away. She watched his leather-clad figure grow smaller as he traveled down the tarmac and into the terminal.

Pick the bird up? What a strange thing to call Markham.
She swallowed as she reentered the plane. Markham’s limp form wasn’t breaking from its siesta any time soon.
I could probably heft him up on my back. It might be easier that way.
Her whole body sighed as she inched her arm under his. With one arm over her shoulder, and hers around his ribcage, she pulled him up. His body easily came to its feet. She stared at his pale figure. It was as if he weighed no more than a small child. But the muscles under her touch reminded her that Kallian Markham was no child. He was strong and rippled and dangerously hot. In more ways than one.

Is it possible that Redding actually knows what he’s talking about?
Leaning forward, she slipped her other arm under his legs. “One. Two. Three.” She heaved him up, only to have his body lift so easily, he almost went clear over her head.

“Whoa.” She drew him back down to her chest and stared at him. Then she moved him up and down slightly. Carrying Markham was like carrying a six-foot body pillow. Only this body pillow needed some serious medical care. Or at the very least, rest.

As she angled her way out the door, the limo pulled closer. The driver hopped out and opened the back door. His jaw fell to the floor. “Can I help?”

Hailey shook her head. “No, I’m okay. You can get back in the car.” A thud made her wince as she glanced at Markham’s head. She’d cracked the side of his face against the air plane door. “Oops. Sorry.” She jostled him a bit and hurried down the steps. She did feel bad for whacking a sick man on the face. But what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.

After she laid him out on the seat of the limo they took off toward the house. Her body sank into the soft, comfy seat across from Markham. Her brain was coming apart. Redding knew stuff. Stuff he shouldn’t know. Stuff that he hadn’t printed in the newspaper. And he’d called her ignorant, just like Kira had. They were all hiding something from her.

The worst part was the bad guy, Redding, had told her more than all those who were trying to do “what was best for her.”

A sharp left turn of the car sent Markham’s body lurching forward. Hailey leapt from her seat and braced her body against his. Her new-found strength caught his rolling momentum easily. “Oh, no you don’t.” She adjusted him back in a safe position. “Now, you stay put.”

His breathing remained slow and steady through the ordeal. How could he not wake up after so much abuse? Her heart slowed as the memory of him resting returned from the far reaches of her mind. She used to watch him sleep in what seemed a lifetime ago. She remembered laying her head on his chest, riding the steady rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat. She used to think he was the most magical thing in the world. Maybe her first assessment of him wasn’t so far off?

“What are you hiding from me?” She brushed the strands of hair from his contented face. “You have a lot of explaining to do, Kallian.”


Kallian’s head screamed. He cradled his forehead in his hands until the spike of pain passed.

“Here, drink this.”

The cool edge of ice water flowed between his lips and he gulped greedily. His drained and sticky body refused to fully obey. He hated this part, the slow degeneration of his body. The weakness humiliated him. Not to mention the danger, since he could barely defend himself. “Thank you.”

He was about to roll over when her soft, sweet voice came to him again. “You lost a lot of fluids. I have some soup for you, too. I couldn’t remember what you liked so I made chicken noodle.”

Kallian’s eyes fluttered open to see his beautiful Hailey hovering over him. “You’re not Kira.”

She smiled. “Thank goodness for that, huh?”

He couldn’t agree more. She held out a tray of soup and he struggled to sit up. “How long have I been out?”

“Half a day.” Her gaze lifted toward the window. “It’s already dark outside.”

Half the day? What did I miss?
The trip to Eden came back to him. And the plane ride home. He studied the food in front of him— a simple white bowl of homemade soup, a tall glass of milk, and a stack of saltine crackers. Even the silverware rested on a clean, white napkin. She sure put some effort into making his dinner nice. “You’re not trying to poison me again, are you?” He smiled at her and she actually grinned back.

“No. This is untainted food.” Her fingers tugged at the top sheet hugging his body, sending warmth through his limbs. She was tucking him in bed.

He nodded and crumpled a few crackers into the broth. “I was thinking, maybe we should call a truce. Just until I get back from my trip.”

Her brows shot up. “You can’t be serious. About the trip, I mean. You can’t go. You’re too sick.”

She was worried about him? Kallian’s mouth turned up at the corners. “So we have a truce?”

Hailey rolled her eyes. “Yes. Now you need to stay in bed until this fever goes down.”

His exhausted eyes closed for a moment. “I’m sorry, but I have to go, no matter how pathetic I seem.” Her lips turned down at the corners. “It’s really not as bad as it looks.”

“Oh yeah?” Her shoulders dropped. “Can you please tell me the truth? Not just about this, but… Jeez Kallian, you know how much I hate liars.”

Uh oh. That wasn’t a good response. “What do you mean?”

“How do you think you got here?” Her body leaned back against the nearby chair and she shrugged. “Never mind. You eat your soup first. I’m going to go check on the koalas. We’ll talk when I get back.”

He nodded and dove into his mushy crackers and soup. The broth cooled his tongue, probably because his fever had reached the point that everything else seemed cold. But that didn’t matter to him as much as Hailey. She actually smiled at him. Her eyes weren’t filled with hurt or longing or lust. They were kind. Her whole body had taken on a measure of lightness. Something had definitely changed, and he had no idea what that was. But whatever had changed had to be good, right?

His mind wandered to other pressing issues as he gulped milk. He wasn’t expecting the fever and sleep spells for another couple of days
. Looks like the family tiff had more of an impact on me than I thought.
But, if he stayed calm he should have another three or four days before he had to disappear. It would be nice to have someone with him during those difficult times, but he’d gone it alone before. He could do it again. For the good of everyone, he couldn’t drag anyone else into his mess. Especially Hailey.

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