Phoenix Tonic (14 page)

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Authors: Shelley Martin

BOOK: Phoenix Tonic
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Chapter Twenty-One



Kallian knew Hailey would be embarrassed about their kiss, but he didn’t realize it would be this bad. He stared at Kira.

“You’re serious? She doesn’t want to ride with me?”

“No,” she said. “She’s asked me to be her escort.”

Kallian’s eyes narrowed. “There’s only one plane.”

Bored, Kira looked at the several burnt spots on Malachi’s floor. “She said you’d understand.”

He did, actually. But that didn’t mean he had to like it. He’d already made up his mind not to force her. Once they’d taken away the promise of divorce, her heat level had risen.

If her anger still raged hot enough to burn holes in the floor, he couldn’t leave her alone for long. And he didn’t dare let her enter his home without him. “I need to be at the house when she gets there. I don’t think public planes would kindly drop me off at my place.”

She stared at him, her face blank. “Then fly.”

It took him a moment to realize she was talking about flight without a plane. He groaned. “But I like this suit.”

She fiddled with the hem of her cute black and white Lolita dress. “So get undressed.”

She said it so flatly, but Kallian couldn’t help but tease her. “Why Kira, are you propositioning a married man?”

She rolled her eyes and walked away from him. But, before she turned, he could have sworn a blush lit up her cheeks. That was the most emotion he’d seen from her in a while. Chuckling at her expense, he headed back to Malachi’s office.

His brother looked up from studying documents and smirked. “What are you doing here, brother? You should be making out in a back seat somewhere.”

“In due time.” Kallian headed to the walk-in closet and peered around.

Malachi went back to his paperwork. “Looking for something?”

Kallian scoured the suits, shirts and ties hanging in neat order. Most of his brother’s clothes would be too big… He sighed when he found the shelves off to the left. Several sets of shoes filled the compartments, and in one he found what he was looking for; pants with a draw string. “I’m just borrowing some clothes, that’s all.”

“What’s wrong with your clothes?”

“I don’t feel like burning them up,” he said through a partially closed door. “And I don’t want to walk to the launch pad naked.”

Malachi’s rustling papers quieted as Kallian slid his pants off and pulled up the navy sweats. He walked out as he yanked a gray t-shirt on.

Malachi raised an eyebrow. “How long has it been since you’ve stretched your wings?”

Kallian smiled as he peeled off his dress socks. “About a decade.”

He dropped his papers and leaned back against his chair, steepling his fingers. “You were rather large last I saw you, little brother. Ten burnings have passed, that’s a lot of growth. You may be too big for the launch pad now.”

Kallian’s brow creased. “You think so?”

Malachi nodded. “You might have to start traveling like father.”

He made a face at the thought. “A wet take-off? I don’t even know if I can do that.”

“You have the power.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know how to use it.” Kallian sighed. “I guess I need to work on that. I have a wife to protect now.” He stood, thoughtfully. “I’ll have to dig a lake on my land.”

“Remember to give it a cement base or you’ll be muddy when you get out.”

He nodded and dialed a number on his phone. The estate caretaker answered. “William, did you get the room ready? Great. I also need you to leave a set of clothes for me out at the gazebo in back. The one by the marble patio.” He chuckled. “No, no. Just a set for me. She’ll be arriving with Kira later. Oh, and I want you to have fun in Hawaii. I’ll give you a call when you’re needed again.” He thanked him and hung up. After powering the phone down, he handed it to Malachi. “Overnight this to my house, please.”

Malachi took it and pulled a manila envelope from his desk drawer. As he dropped the cell phone in, his brow creased. “It’s almost fall. You don’t have much time, do you?”

Kallian shrugged as he headed for the door. “I’m already feeling tired. I have about a week before it takes over.” He chuckled at his brother’s sympathetic face. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing I haven’t done hundreds of times before. Kira will handle everything, and you can even stop by if you want to.”

He smiled and shook his head. “No. I’m taking the brunt of Hailey’s hatred right now. And I’m glad I can finally put you in a better light.”


Kallian stood on the layered titanium and cement launch pad. In the distance he could see the lights for Eden power down. That was his signal.

Taking a deep breath, he held his arms out. His muscles stretched, like one might do after a long nap. His original form pulled from the all-too-familiar human guise he lived in. The flame consumed his body, like a rush of freedom. Shuddering in bliss, the power coursed through him. Flaming wings spanned far beyond the launch pad. He was in full Phoenix form now. If he could frown, he would have. Undoubtedly, he was going to burn a pretty big swath upon take-off. He guessed his body mass matched that of a two story house.

But he couldn’t wait. Someone would spot him from all those satellites circling above. In one smooth motion, he flapped his wings and shot into the atmosphere. The power grid blinked out beneath him as he soared at unimaginable speed. Technology always shut down when exposed to a phoenix’s true form. They emitted a signature similar to a solar flare.

His eye twinkled. His speed increased far beyond what he’d managed on his last flight. He wondered how that could be possible, when he didn’t practice much.

He rose higher and higher, until the earth became nothing but pin prick cars and dotted trees. As he ascended, he saw the lights in the heavens blink out, one after another. He leveled out there. As he flew, the satellites shorted out as if exposed to an EMP. He didn’t have to fly far before he began his descent to North Idaho. He flew high enough so that his heat signature shouldn’t have affected any planes, but landing would be tricky. He’d have to make sure to avoid any aircraft at all cost. Including the one Hailey was on.

He leaned left to avoid a cargo plane, giving it enough room to let it pass. The next one was a small prop plane. It moved slowly, annoying Kallian. He couldn’t slow down, he had to get back to his human form with speed. That little plane needed to hurry along.

He puffed up his great, fiery chest, and blew air in the direction of the retreating plane. It wobbled as it sped along the heated air currents, but it didn’t lose control. And more importantly, it wasn’t close enough to lose its instrumentation due to him.

He spotted the large marble patio miles behind his house. Focusing on the gray and white circular shape in the distance, he closed in on it quickly. At the last moment he held out his wings to slow him. The impact of his phoenix form against the patio hit hard. A single fracture split under him as the fire receded. He quickly folded all that immense energy and power inside his muscular human frame. Shrinking down and snuffing out his fire took a great deal of concentration. He loved his true form. But with the current technology, no phoenix dared stay in their true form long. And his growing size made him that more visible to the eyes in the sky.

He calmed the rest of his power, standing on his own two feet. The remaining roar of his own flame dispersed inside his human flesh. And then, he was naked. The most annoying side-effect of coming out of his phoenix form had him rolling his eyes.

The breeze blew over his tanned flesh, causing him to jog for the gazebo. It stood about a hundred yards away, to avoid taking on damage from landing phoenixes. The little building had been modified to include removable panels for privacy.

He quickly buttoned up a dark blue shirt and tucked it into khaki pants. He frowned at the brown loafers. Not exactly hiking shoes. The house stood nearly three miles away. But, he never specified to William. It would have to do.

As he wandered along the edge of the forest, he thought of Hailey. His wife. He smiled, trying to imagine how small her phoenix form would be. She would be lovely. Dainty. Petite. And as dangerous as a dragon.

He entertained what she would do over the next several days. Though he knew whatever she did to him, he deserved it.



Chapter Twenty-Two



Hailey held her breath. She got out of the limo in front of Kallian’s house. No, make that a mansion. Her father had many houses, but none of them presented the grandeur of this structure. Elegant scroll work graced the edges of its arching, glass window. The black roof rose and fell in high peaks, complementing the mocha paint work.

When Kira opened the door, Hailey took in the gorgeous renaissance paintings and sweeping grand staircase to the right. She glanced at the marble, tiled floor. It boasted a precisely cut golden phoenix, its wings spread wide, welcoming all who entered.

She stepped around the glittering bird and followed Kira up the staircase. Her limbs trembled by the time she reached the top. She could smell Markham somewhere on the second floor. Her body reacted twofold. It reacted to him, knowing that his hands and lips and breath would be on her soon. And it also reacted out of fear. She didn’t know what to expect. She and Kallian had never made love before. Oh, she had tried during that short time they were together, but he refused. He always refused.

But her resolve stood strong. She knew what marriage meant, and she let Kira lead her like a lamb to the slaughter. Hailey would give herself to him, and then tomorrow she would begin her attack.

Her heart fluttered as Kira stopped before a door and opened it. Hailey expected to see Markham waiting for her, but instead she found an empty room. Done in shades of periwinkle and white, delicate white furniture lined the room. Even the fireplace had a snowy gracefulness to it. A distinctly feminine touch reigned here.

“This will be your room. The closet has been stocked with clothing ranging your size. Also, there is an assortment of shoes.” Hailey stared at her, annoyed. “Don’t lose control in here. The nearest clothing store is more than an hour away.”

Hailey sat on the corner of the duvet covering the king sized bed. The room stretched out on either side, almost as big as her last apartment. She spotted an open bathroom around the far left. A flat screen TV filled the wall in front of the bed, and a desk was situated under another spacious window. On it sat a new laptop and cell phone. But she wasn’t processing well. She didn’t know what to focus on. All she knew was she wanted to get the hard part over with.

Hailey swallowed. “Um, when am I supposed to see Markham?”

Kira stood in the doorway, her little yellow dress making her look younger than she probably was. “He has asked that you join him for dinner. That will be in an hour.”

She bit her lip at the time frame. He wanted her to dine with him? How could she enjoy a meal, when all her body wanted to consume was him?

She fell back on the bed and groaned. “I just want to get this over with,” she said to the ceiling. Still trembling, she draped her hand over her eyes.

Kira’s monotone voice broke the silence. “So, you
want to be with him?”

“No,” she sat up. “And I can’t even leave. They made me sign a pre-nup.
has to divorce me if I’m ever going to be free.” She wanted to say how much she loathed and hated him, but the look on Kira’s face silenced her. With lips turned down and a drawn brow, the girl looked like she wanted to take a bite out of her. It was the most emotion she had ever seen on the girls face in the six weeks she’d known Kira. “What did I do?”

Dark eyes locked onto hers. “I serve the Markham brothers because I am honored to be in their presence. They have a drive to do good. That drive is what saved me. But he has given you the tonic when you did not want it. He has married you and you did not want it. And he will take you into his bed, and you do not want it.” She crossed her arms. “What he is doing is not good.”

Hailey could only nod. Kira was sympathizing with her?

Kira’s head cocked to the side. “Do you know what he is?”

She began to open her mouth, then decided she didn’t want to ruin this possible olive branch extending from the girl. “I’m not sure I understand the question. Besides being an animal savior and a jerk, he’s just some guy with funky blood.”

Kira raised her eyebrows. “Just some guy with funky blood?” Her brows dropped and she went quiet a moment. “You are obviously ignorant. If you value your freedom, you will take action. What will you do?”

The question startled her. She could only stare at Kira’s set jaw and wonder if she was going to burn through her dress. “I- I was going to try and make him upset. So he’ll divorce me.”

She nodded. “You will have to do it quickly. While I strive to honor him, I will help you dishonor him.”

Hailey sat up straighter. “You’re going to help me?”

She nodded once. “You and Kallian Markham should not be together.”


She really didn’t want to go to dinner. Now that she had an ally, Hailey’s mind wouldn’t stop running. She had to make this work. The faster he hated her, the faster she could get out of this blackmail marriage. Then Kira could teach her how to live without letting her emotions get the better of her. She doubted she’d ever be as emotionless as the girl, which was why she planned on finding a very secluded place.

Tentatively, she made her way down a more private, and less grand staircase, in the back of the house. Kira would not be eating with them tonight. She went to town to fetch items they would need soon, and she mentioned the distraction of dinner would be a perfect time to shop without being noticed.

She held her head high. She could do this on her own. Even if the man she was having dinner with tonight was going to have her, later. Or would he want her right there on the table? Oh my gosh, what if she was dessert? Her cheeks burned. Her whole body trembled while her mind screamed against it. She knew she wouldn’t be able to hold back. And, according to the pre-nup, she wasn’t allowed to.

The scent of Alfredo sauce met her as she turned the corner and entered the kitchen. Sizzling chicken made her mouth water. Markham stood with his back to her, cooking at the stovetop. His broad shoulders flexed under the snug black t-shirt. Her eyes drifted down to the pockets of his fitted jeans, and she forced them back up. This was the man that was going to have his way with her tonight. She gulped. The rush of lust and hatred made her head swim. Or was it the dinner? She hadn’t eaten all day, she realized.

The sight of fettuccine noodles and Parmesan cheese gave her pause. Was he making her favorite food? He couldn’t be.

Kallian looked over his shoulder briefly, and smiled. “You look lovely tonight.”

That stupid voice of his made her freeze.

His smoldering eyes held her for a heartbeat longer before turning back to the stove top. “Go ahead and sit at the table. The food will be ready in just a moment.”

She wanted to slip her arms around his waist and breathe him in. Instead, she went to the table. She took in the grandiose kitchen, trying to place her attention elsewhere. Stainless steel pans hung from a rack over the island, beyond them a double oven and giant fridge stared back at her. Gray stone tile lined the counters and polished wood accented the steel appliances. She’d love to have a kitchen like this one day. At least Markham cooked in it, because if such a spectacular area went unused, she’d have to burn someone.

A moment later, he set a steaming bowl of homemade fettuccine Alfredo in front of her. She didn’t dare look at him as he sat directly across from her, with a basket of garlic bread. Their plates almost touched on the circular wooden tabletop.
There’s no way the two of us could fit on this table. He’s too big…

“Are you hungry?”

The simple question hung in the air as she fumbled with her silverware. She couldn’t stop thinking about what she had to do. It was for the good of everyone. Each minute that past brought her closer to his arms. “Uh, not really.”

“Hm…” He unrolled his silverware from the linen napkin and set them aside. “I just wanted to let you know that I don’t expect anything of you tonight.” She met his gaze and noticed the warm blush that colored his cheeks. He let out a deep breath. “I hope, soon, you will choose to come to me. But not tonight.”

Her head dropped in relief. Hallelujah, she had been spared. He was going to wait on her. She smiled. Hell would freeze over before she willingly climbed into his bed. The weight of the fearful act gone, Hailey suddenly felt much lighter. At the same time, she tried to ignore that little sadness in the pit of her stomach at, yet another, rejection by him. She focused on the food, instead. “You even cut up the grilled chicken.”

“Yes.” He breathed in the heavenly steam. “Pepper?” He scooted the shaker toward her.

Her body braced as his hand came closer, then retreated. She remembered how that hand made her submit with just a touch. “Yes.” While sprinkling the noodles, he grabbed her glass and went back to the fridge.

“What would you like to drink?”

She shrugged. “Water.”

Kallian’s head lifted from the refrigerator. “No wine? I thought you used to—”

“I gave it up.” She schooled her emotions. “You know, the whole cancer thing.”

“Oh.” Two ice cubes clanked in the glass and the soothing sound of water trickled over them. “I guess you gave up a lot during that time.”

She said nothing as he set the glass beside her plate.

“Bon-appetite.” He settled back into his chair and started mixing the sauce, chicken and noodles together.

Hailey speared a noodle and ate it. The rich cream mingled with the cheese and starch made her stomach ache for more. Without a word to the chef, she shoved another bite in her mouth, going for the chicken next. She groaned in satisfaction. How had she not known how hungry she was?

Markham chuckled and tipped the basket toward her. “Bread?”

She looked at the bread, not him, and reached for the biggest golden crusted piece. As she did so, her arm knocked the glass of water, sending it spraying across the table. With lightning fast reflexes she snatched the bread from the path of the water, leaving Markham to take the brunt.

They both froze. Hailey with her garlicky treasure safe and Markham drenched in water. The drip, drip of the puddle leaking off the table brought a mixed melody of their dual laughter.

“Well, at least the bread is safe.” Hailey picked up her napkin and dropped it on the mess.

“No, no. It’s okay. I got it.” Markham hopped up and returned with a few kitchen towels. “Guess I should have put your cup on the other side.”

Hailey chewed her bread as she watched him lean over the table in his damp shirt. It clung in all the right places, which was all wrong for her. She had to make herself reign the stupid lust in. “You know, I’m going to let you blame yourself for that one. It’s all your fault, and I’ll add that to your tab.”

“My tab?” He crooked his lips as he dipped under the table to mop up the floor and chair. “Are you keeping score of how much I suck?”

“Yup.” She shoveled a mound of noodles and swallowed. “And you owe me plenty. At this rate you’ll soon owe me my own island. Or a cruise ship. Or maybe Ian… What are you doing?”

Markham stopped in front of the sink and dropped the wet towels in the basin. Along with his damp shirt. Hailey’s muscles tensed as she drank in his gorgeous, muscular form.

“I’m soaking wet. I was just going to towel off real quick.” He walked forward and grabbed another dark blue kitchen towel from a drawer. His gaze locked on his food as he came back to the table, wiping himself down as he moved.

Hailey leaned back in her chair. She couldn’t have him any closer with all that skin right there for her to touch. He just couldn’t come any closer like that. “Put a shirt back on, first.” She flicked her fork at his naked torso, accidentally causing a stray noodle to launch into the air.

Markham stopped mid-step when the saucy rectangle slapped onto his chest. He stared at it until it slowly peeled away and fell to the tiled floor. His eyes zeroed in on her with a raised brow. “Really? First water, now noodles?”

She gulped. “Put your shirt back on.”

“The food will be cold by the time I go upstairs, walk to the other side of the house, and get back here again.”

Her breathing picked up. “Then put the wet one back on.”

“It’s going to be even wetter now that it’s been the sink with the towels.”

Her lips turned down as her mouth moistened. She needed him dressed. Now. “I don’t care, Markham. Get dressed.”

His brows rose. “Well, I do care. And call me Kallian.” He scooped the sauce off his chest with his finger and licked it. Oh… to be that finger. “What’s the big deal, anyway? Is my lack of clothing bothering you?” His voice came low and seductive. A sultry smile turned his lips.

She was trying so hard not to lunge at him, and the jerk was smiling. “You said ‘Not tonight.’ Just put something on, I don’t care. Anything.”

“No.” He inched closer.

Her heartbeat raced and her toes curled. “Markham!”

“I said I’d let you come to me, but I never said I wouldn’t try on my end.” He smiled devilishly. “You used to run your hands over my stomach when we were in the hot tub. And you loved it when I nibbled on your ear.”

“Shut up.”

“Make me.”

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