Phantoms (42 page)

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Authors: Dean Koontz

Tags: #Suspense, #Fiction, #Thrillers

BOOK: Phantoms
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“Such as?” Bryce asked.
“I’ve no idea.”
“And they died fast,” Lisa reminded everyone.
Sara leaned back in her chair, tilting it onto its rear legs, and looked out the window again. Up the hill. Toward the labs.
Bryce said, “Dr. Yamaguchi, what’s your opinion? Not your professional opinion. Personally, informally, what do you think’s going on here? Any theories?”
She turned to him, shook her head. Her black hair tossed, and the beams of the late-afternoon sunlight played upon it, sending brief ripples of red and green and blue through it the same way that light, shimmering on the black surface of oil, creates short-lived, wriggling rainbows. “No. No theories, I’m afraid. No coherent thought. Just that . . .”
“Well . . . now I believe Isley and Arkham were wise to come along.”
Jenny was still skeptical about extraterrestrial connections, but Lisa continued to be intrigued. The girl said, “You really think it’s from a different world?”
“There may be other possibilities,” Sara said, “but at the moment, it’s difficult to see what they are.” She glanced at her wristwatch and scowled and fidgeted and said, “What’s taking them so long?” She turned her attention to the window again.
Outside, the trees were motionless.
The awnings in front of the stores hung limp.
The town was dead-still.
“You said they were packing away the decon suits.”
Sara said, “Yes, but that just wouldn’t take this long.”
“If there’d been any trouble, we’d have heard gunfire.”
“Or explosions,” Jenny said. “Those firebombs they made.”
“They should’ve been here at least five . . . maybe ten minutes ago,” the geneticist insisted. “And still no sign of them.”
Jenny remembered the incredible stealth with which it had taken Jake Johnson.
Bryce hesitated, then pushed his chair back. “I suppose it won’t hurt if I take a few men to have a look.”
Sara Yamaguchi swung away from the window. The front legs of her chair came down hard against the floor, making a sharp, startling sound. She said, “Something’s wrong.”
“No, no. Probably not,” Bryce said.
“You feel it, too,” Sara said. “I can tell you do. Jesus.”
“Don’t worry,” Bryce said calmly.
However, his eyes were not as calm as his voice. During the past twenty-some hours, Jenny had learned to read those hooded eyes quite well. Now they were expressing tension and icy, needle-sharp dread.
“It’s much too soon to be worried,” he said.
But they all knew.
They didn’t want to believe it, but they knew.
The terror had begun again.
Bryce chose Tal, Frank, and Gordy to accompany him to the lab.
Jenny said, “I’m going, too.”
Bryce didn’t want her to come. He was more afraid for her than he was for Lisa or for his own men or even for himself.
An unexpected and rare connection had taken place between them. He felt
with her, and he believed she felt the same. He didn’t want to lose her.
And so he said, “I’d rather you didn’t go.”
“I’m a doctor,” Jenny said, as if that were not only a calling but an armor that would shield her from all harm.
“It’s a regular fortress here,” he said. “It’s safer here.”
“It’s not safe anywhere.”
“I didn’t say safe. I said
“They might need a doctor.”
“If they’ve been attacked, they’re either dead or missing. We haven’t found anyone just wounded, have we?”
“There’s always a first time.” Jenny turned to Lisa and said, “Get my medical bag, honey.”
The girl ran toward the makeshift infirmary.
stays here for sure,” Bryce said.
“No,” Jenny said. “She stays with me.”
Exasperated, Bryce said, “Listen, Jenny, this is virtually a martial law situation. I can
you to stay here.”
“And enforce the order—how? At gunpoint?” she asked, but with no antagonism.
Lisa returned with the black leather bag.
Standing by the front doors of the inn, Sara Yamaguchi called to Bryce: “Hurry. Please hurry.”
had struck at the field lab, there was probably no use hurrying.
Looking at Jenny, Bryce thought: I can’t protect you, Doc. Don’t you see? Stay here where the windows are locked and the doors are guarded. Don’t rely on me to protect you because, sure as hell, I’ll fail. Like I failed Ellen . . . and Timmy.
“Let’s go,” Jenny said.
Agonizingly aware of his limitations, Bryce led them out of the inn and up the street toward the corner—beyond which
might very well be waiting for them. Tal walked at the head of the procession, beside Bryce. Frank and Gordy brought up the rear. Lisa, Sara Yamaguchi, and Jenny were in the middle.
The warm day was beginning to turn cool.
In the valley below Snowfield, a mist had begun to form.
Less than three-quarters of an hour remained before nightfall. The sun spilled a final flood of bloody light through the town. Shadows were extremely long, distorted. Windows blazed with reflected solar fire, reminding Bryce of eyeholes in Halloween jack-o’-lanterns.
The street seemed even more ominously silent than it had been last night. Their footsteps echoed as if they were crossing the floor of a vast, abandoned cathedral.
They rounded the corner cautiously.
Three decontamination suits lay tangled and untenanted in the middle of the street. Another empty suit lay half in the gutter and half on the sidewalk. Two of the helmets were cracked.
Submachine guns were scattered around, and unused Molotov cocktails were lined up along the curb.
The back of the truck was open. More empty decontamination suits and submachine guns were piled in there. No people.
Bryce shouted: “General? General Copperfield?”
Graveyard silence.
Surface-of-the-moon silence.
“Seth!” Sara Yamaguchi cried. “Will? Will Bettenby? Galen? Somebody, please answer me.”
Nothing. No one.
Jenny said, “They didn’t even manage to fire one shot.”
Tal said, “Or scream. The guards at the front door of the inn would’ve heard them even if they’d just screamed.”
Gordy said, “Oh, shit.”
The rear doors on both labs were ajar.
Bryce had the feeling that something was waiting for them inside.
He wanted to turn and walk away. Couldn’t. He was the leader here. If he panicked, they would all panic. Panic was an invitation to death.
Sara started toward the rear of the first lab.
Bryce stopped her.
“They’re my friends, damn it,” she said.
“I know. But let me look first,” he said.
For a moment, however, he couldn’t move.
He was immobilized by fear.
Couldn’t move an inch.
But then at last, of course, he did.
Computer Games
Bryce’s service revolver was drawn and cocked. He seized the door with his other hand and threw it wide open. At the same time, he jumped back, pointing his gun into the lab.
It was deserted. Two crumpled decon suits lay on the floor, and another was draped over a swivel chair in front of a computer terminal.
He went to the rear of the second lab.
Tal said, “Let me do this one.”
Bryce shook his head. “You stay back there. Protect the women; they don’t have guns. If anything comes out of here when I open the door, run like hell.”
Heart pounding, Bryce hesitated behind the second field lab. Put his hand on the door. Hesitated again. Then pulled it open even more carefully than he had opened the first.
It was deserted, too. Two decontamination suits. Nothing else.
As Bryce peered into the lab, all the ceiling lights winked out, and he jerked in surprise at the sudden darkness. In a second, however, light sprang up once more, although not from the ceiling bulbs; this was an unusual light, a green flash that startled him. Then he saw it was only the three video display terminals, which had all come on at once. Now they went off. And came on. Off, on, off, on, off . . . At first they flashed simultaneously, then in sequence, around and around. Finally they all came on and stayed on, filling the otherwise unlighted work area with an eerie glow.
“I’m going in,” Bryce said.
The others protested, but he was already up the step and through the door. He went to the first terminal screen, where six words burned in pale green letters across a dark green background.
Bryce glanced at the other two screens. They bore the same words.
Blink. Now there were new words:
Bryce frowned.
What sort of program was this? These were the words to one of the songs that had come out of the kitchen drain at the inn.
THE BIBLE IS FULL OF SHIT, the computer told him.
The latest three words remained on the screen for several seconds. It seemed to Bryce as if the green light from the display terminals was cold. As fireplace light carries a dry heat with it, so this radiance carried a chill that pierced him.
This was no ordinary program being run on these displays. This was nothing General Copperfield’s people had put into the computer, no form of code, no exercise of logic, no systems test of any kind.
Gazing at the screen, Bryce felt a primitive, superstitious terror rising within him; terror and awe, twisting his gut and clutching his throat. But he didn’t know why. On a deep, almost subconscious level, he sensed that he was in the presence of something evil, ancient, and . . . familiar. But how could it be familiar? He didn’t even know what
was. And yet . . . And yet perhaps he did know. Deep down. Instinctively. If only he could reach inside himself, down past his civilized veneer which embodied so much skepticism, if he could reach into his racial memory, he might find the truth about the thing that had seized and slaughtered the people of Snowfield.
The use of his name jolted him. And then a far bigger and more disturbing surprise followed.
The name burned on the screen, the name of his dead wife, and every muscle in his body grew tense, and he waited for something more to flash up, but for long seconds, there was only the precious name, and he could not take his eyes away from it, and then—
He couldn’t breathe.
How could it know about Ellen?
What kind of shit was this? What was the point of this?
The prophecy glowed, green on green.
He gasped. “No,” he said softly. For the past year, he had thought it would be better if Timmy succumbed. Better than a slow wasting away. Only yesterday, he would have said that his son’s swift death would be a blessing. But not any longer. Snowfield had taught him that nothing was worse than death. In the arms of death, there was no hope. But as long as Timmy lived, there was a possibility of recovery. After all, the doctors said the boy hadn’t suffered massive brain damage. Therefore, if Timmy ever woke from his unnatural sleep, he had a good chance of retaining his normal faculties and functions. Chance, promise, hope. So Bryce said, “No,” to the computer. “No.”
you?” Bryce demanded.
The moment he spoke, he felt foolish. He couldn’t just talk to a computer as if it were another human being. If he wanted to ask a question, he would have to type it out.
Bryce turned away from the terminal. He went to the door and leaned outside.
The others looked relieved to see him.
Clearing his throat, trying to conceal the fact that he was badly shaken, he said, “Dr. Yamaguchi, I need your help here.”
Tal, Jenny, Lisa, and Sara Yamaguchi stepped into the field lab. Frank and Gordy remained outside, by the door, nervously surveying the street, where the daylight was fading fast.
Bryce showed Sara the computer screens.
He told them what had flashed onto the video displays, and before he was finished, Sara interrupted him to say, “But that’s not possible. This computer has no program, no vocabulary that would enable it to—”
“Something has control of your computer,” he said.
Sara scowled. “Control? How?”
“I don’t know.”
,” Jenny said, putting an arm around her sister. “More like
“Yeah,” Tal said. “This thing, this killer, whatever the hell it is,
has control of your computer, Dr. Yamaguchi.”
Obviously doubtful, the geneticist sat down at one of the display terminals and threw a switch on an automatic typewriter. “Might as well have a print-out just in case we actually get something from this.” She hesitated with her delicate, almost childlike hands poised above the keyboard. Bryce watched over her shoulder. Tal, Jenny, and Lisa turned to the other two screens—just as all the displays went blank. Sara stared at the smooth field of green light in front of her, and then finally keyed in the access code and typed a question.

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