Persuading Him (4 page)

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Authors: Michelle Dare

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Love, #Sex, #erotic romance, #Series

BOOK: Persuading Him
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I needed to get to bed.  If I wasn’t in peak form tomorrow my dad would know and ask what was going on.  Of course, if I appeared in the media in a bathrobe with a man outside of my hotel room he’d come to his own conclusion as to why I was sleep deprived.

Radek was the one man who made me want him as no other ever had, but wouldn’t succumb to his desire to be with me.  This was all unchartered territory for me and something I needed to amend.  I wanted him and nothing would get in my way.

Sleep overtook me quickly.  My dreams were about my pilot.  Only that time he wasn’t denying me.  He was fucking me.  There was no foreplay.  He slammed me up against the wall in my bedroom and plunged his hand between my legs.  When he was sure I was ready to take him, he sunk into me fast.  Relentless in his pursuit to get me off, he fucked me hard.  I was screaming out in frustration.  No matter what he did I was forever on the brink, unable to climax.

I woke suddenly, drenched in sweat with one of the bed pillows shoved between my legs.  The need to finish what was started in my dream was too powerful.  I bunched the pillow up and ground my pussy against it over and over again.

I used one hand to push the pillow as close as possible while my other hand pinched my nipple.  I loved having my breasts played with.  A few times I’d been able to come with only nipple stimulation and it was amazing.

My legs and hips drove my cunt into the cotton fabric and before long I was lost in sensation.  Muscles contracting, my pussy pulsating, I would never tire of getting off.  The dream felt so real.  I would have never made it through the day without taking care of my needs first.

Even after the orgasm was over I sat and played with myself.  Looking at the clock, I noticed I had plenty of time until my meeting.  One more time.

After finally sating my libido for the morning, I got dressed into my custom tailored black pantsuit, deep purple blouse, and black heels.  I wasn’t a skirt kind of chick.  The summer was about the only time I didn’t mind wearing a dress or skirt.  When it was hot there wasn’t much that was more comfortable.

Before stepping out in the hallway I called the front desk and made sure they were ready to usher me out of the back door.  They told me my car was already waiting.  I knew the paparazzi would be out in full force.  My phone blew up with alerts that morning from my publicist asking if I was dating Radek and did I want to comment.  Hell no I didn’t want to comment.

It didn’t take long for them to figure out who he was.  I ignored her and everyone else who decided to be a pain in my ass.  I had no time to entertain their bullshit.

Stepping out of the elevator, I was sure to go nowhere near the lobby.  The front desk informed me that they were keeping all of the photographers outside, but I still didn’t want to give them the chance to see me through the glass doors.  When I rounded the corner, one of the hotel’s staff was waiting for me and escorted me out back.  The chauffeur opened the door for me and I slid onto the cool leather seat.

As soon as I got inside I scrolled through my phone and saw a missed text message.  It was from a number I didn’t recognize, but I still clicked it to see what it said.

Call me when you can. – Radek

Not even hesitating, I called him.  He answered on the first ring.  “Kasi, are you okay?”

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?”

“I woke up to a hundred new messages from people seeing my picture on the internet and asking if we were dating.  I told the first few no and then it became too much.  I ignored the rest.”

Groaning, I said, “Why would you answer them?  Never answer them.  It only fuels the fire.”

“I told you that I don’t want you dragged down because of me and I meant it.  I want this to go away.  You don’t deserve to be mixed up in my mistake.”

“Radek, we went through this last night.  Listen, don’t answer, text or email anyone.  Ignore all contact with the outside world.  I should be back from my meeting around three.  I will come find you and we can talk.”

“I don’t think that’s a…”

“Good idea.  Yes, I know.  Enough already.  We are talking when I get back, so man up.  Listen, I gotta go.  Talk to you soon.”

I hit end before he could respond, not giving him the chance to argue with me anymore.  Next I decided to tackle my email.  There was about fifteen more minutes until we would arrive at my dad’s company.  I still didn’t know what the meeting was about.  Scrolling through my email I saw a message from my dad’s assistant, Karen.  It was the agenda for the meeting.  Basic stuff up front, seemed like a normal board meeting.  What drew my attention was item number four.  Retirement of Kaleb Markson, Founder and CEO.

What?  My father was retiring?  Why wouldn’t he tell me?  He was only fifty-eight.  It didn’t make sense to me.  He was too young to retire.  From previous conversations I had with him I knew he wanted to work as long as he could.

I then noticed that the meeting didn’t start until noon even though he told me I needed to be there by eleven.  Something was wrong.  I could feel it in the pit of my stomach.  I was suddenly dreading the meeting.


~ 5 ~

By the time the car pulled up to the guard station I was a nervous wreck.  We got buzzed in and the driver took us to the tall, glass office building.  My father owned a vast amount of land.  The offices were situated apart from the giant buildings that the planes were built in.  There were walkways connecting all of them in case the weather was bad no one would have to walk outside.

The security guard at the front desk welcomed me before I climbed into the elevator that would take me to the top floor.  A special key card was needed to get up there since it was where the executives were located.

When I got to my dad’s office I was greeted by Karen.  She had been working for my father for twenty years.  In her mid-forties, she had naturally red hair that she kept short.  It complemented her petite frame and showed off her flawless skin.  I’d always been envious of that.  She smiled at me, but it wasn’t the wide, warm smile she usually greeted me with, letting me know something was indeed up.

“Kasi, so nice to see you again.”

We hugged each other, her squeezing me tight.  “You too.”  I couldn’t stand out there and chit chat with her.  I needed to know what was going on.  “Is he ready for me?”

“Yes, you can go right in.”

I nodded and knocked before opening the wooden door to his office.  My dad’s office was very traditional.  Large, cherry wood bookshelves on one wall, small round table and chairs on the other, with a whiteboard behind it.  A small bar was next to the table and the door to his private bathroom was along the same wall.  The desk was an original.  He had it made by a local wood carver and it was stunning.

There was a view of a big expansive plain behind him, but that wasn’t what held my attention.  My father had always had a commanding presence, but I saw the softer side of him.  The side that when I was a kid would throw me up in the air in play and take me for ice cream on hot summer nights.  His blonde hair was short as always and as soon as he saw me a smile formed on his face.

“Hi kid,” he said before engulfing me in a big bear hug.

“Can’t.  Breathe.”

“Sit, let’s talk.”

My ass hit the plush leather chair on the opposite side of his desk.  “You’re making me nervous.  Whatever it is, please say it.”

“Before I start I want you to remember not to yell.”

My eyes narrowed.  “Why would I yell?”



“I was diagnosed with colon cancer.”

I shot to my feet.  “What?”

“Sit down.  You didn’t let me finish.”  I did as he said, but not happily.  “I was diagnosed earlier in the year and had surgery to remove it.  I’m fine now and cancer free.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?  I could have been here helping you recover.  Holy hell, Dad.”

“I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want to worry you.  It was stage one and the doctors were able to get it all.  I’m now healthy as a horse.”

“You should have told me.  You should
tell me.”  I thought about it for a second.  “If you’re healthy then why are you retiring?”

“When someone tells you that you have cancer it puts everything into perspective.  I’m only stepping down as CEO.  I’ll remain on the board and continue to hold the majority stake in the company.  I want to live my life, not sit here behind a desk all day.  I want to be out there on a beach somewhere, sipping a drink and relaxing.”

“Okay.  I guess that makes sense.”

“Kasi, I need to ask you an important question.  Do you want to run the company?”

I swallowed hard.  “Ummmm…”

“If you don’t it’s fine.  I know you’re not cut out for this kind of work.  The job is grueling and work is eighteen hour days, sometimes more.  You rarely get a vacation.  It’s not easy.”

“Honestly, I don’t want to.  I have my small business back home and I enjoy that.”

“Then it’s settled.  We will appoint a new CEO.”

“Dad, are you okay?  I mean really okay?”

“Yes, better, as a matter of fact.  There’s something else I need to tell you.”

“There’s more?”

“I’ve been seeing someone.  I didn’t want to tell you about it until the relationship became serious.”

“That’s great! I’m happy for you.  How did you meet her?”  My dad didn’t date much when I was growing up.  His focus was always on me and his business.

“I’ve actually known her for quite some time and she’s sitting right outside of that door,” he said as he pointed behind me.


He nodded.  “She’s an amazing woman.  I already knew she would be able to deal with me.  She supports me when needed and puts me in my place if I’m being a pain in the ass.”

“I’m happy for you.”  I meant it.  He deserved someone in his life that would make him truly happy.

The next half hour was spent talking with my dad.  He knew about Radek of course and told me to do whatever made me happy.  That life was too short and if people wanted to judge him for a mistake he made in the past then they could go fuck themselves.  All that mattered was my happiness.  Everything else would fall where it would.  He told me to live each day to the fullest and to have no regrets.

I saw a subtle change in him.  He’d always been a glass is half full kind of guy, but was ruthless when need be.  Now he seemed to be more carefree.  He wanted to go and enjoy life, not live it behind a desk.  I guess cancer would do that to you.  I’m glad he was cured and healthy, but that didn’t change the fact that he had kept it from me.

The board meeting was boring as hell.  Luckily, the lunch was good.  I pretended to pay attention, but my thoughts kept drifting to what my dad had told me.  I needed to live my life to the fullest.  We didn’t know what tomorrow would hold.

I gave him a huge hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving.  He promised me that he would never withhold anything again.  I gave Karen my love and told her that if he so much as stubbed a toe I wanted to know.  To see the two of them together, my dad wrapping an arm around her shoulders, they fit and both deserved to be happy.

The drive back to the hotel went fast.  I decided to go in the front door.  Given all I’d learned that day, I decided to give the media a little show.

The Town Car pulled up and the flashbulbs went off.  Two doormen rushed to push the paparazzi aside and make room for me.  Once my door was opened I stepped out and walked toward the building like I was on top of the world.

Photogs were yelling at me.  “Ms. Markson is it true you’re dating Radek Cole?  Do you know about his past relationship with a married woman?”

I put my hands up in front of me in an effort to quiet them down.  “Hi everyone.  By the way, I’m fine, thank you for asking.  I will not now or ever tell you about my personal life.  As for Radek, call off the hounds.  His past is just that, the past.  I will not tell you if I am or not dating him.  It’s none of your business.  Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an appointment to keep.  I suggest you all go home.  You won’t be seeing me out here again.”

The two doormen walked at my sides, not letting anyone get close enough to touch me.  Once in the hotel I thanked them for their assistance and rode the elevator up.  I thought about getting changed, but wanted to see Radek too badly first.

I was a woman on a mission.  Knocking on his door, it took only seconds for him to open it.  I didn’t give him the chance to say anything.  Pushing my way in, I backed him to the wall and took possession of his mouth.

At first he didn’t respond and then tried to push me away, but I was relentless in my pursuit.  It didn’t take long before he gave in.  Our kiss was rough and greedy.  Tongues clashing, fingers digging into flesh, and the next thing I knew, he was the one that had me pinned to the wall.

His hands moved to my breasts and massaged them roughly.  My suit jacket was in the way.  In an effort to get it off, we broke the kiss.  Throwing it to the floor, I stepped into him, but this time he backed up.

“We talked about this, Kasi.  You caught me off guard just now.”

“Oh my God!  Get over it man!  This is bullshit and you know it.  I have been through a hell of a day and my only focus after leaving the meeting was you.  You!  You are what I wanted to come back to.”  This man was infuriating!  “Do you know what I found out today?  That my dad had colon cancer.  He didn’t tell me until today, he had already had surgery to remove it and has been given the all clear.  Do you know what he told me?”

His posture relaxed and he shook his head.

“To live every day like it were my last.  If you don’t want me, honestly don't want me, then I’m done trying.  I will not waste any more of my time chasing you.  We have known each other exactly one day, but I feel like I’ve known you for years.  I don’t know how to explain any of it.  If you let me walk away now then any relationship from here on out will be strictly professional.  So what’s it going to be?”

He didn’t say anything, but the muscle in his jaw moved slightly.

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