Persuading Him (2 page)

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Authors: Michelle Dare

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Love, #Sex, #erotic romance, #Series

BOOK: Persuading Him
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I threw my purse on the bed and began to strip.  If I was going to get off I was going to do it where I had access to every part of my body.  My clothes went flying and I didn’t even care where they landed.

Once my body was bare I pulled down the comforter.  Sliding on top of the sheet, I grabbed my purse and went to my little zippered pocket in search of my vibrator.  I opted for the cordless one.  I needed sleek and discreet.  The cord would just get in my way.

I found what I was looking for and laid back on the bed.  My thoughts drifted to Radek.  Immediately my imagination took over and I thought of my bullet as his tongue.  I turned it on and placed it against my clit.

My other hand went to my nipple, pinching and pulling it.  If only it were his strong hands doing the work.  Massaging my breast, lapping at my core, sending me slowly toward a blissful release.

I took the bullet and slowly brought it down to my center.  One hand inserted it while the other moved down to rub circles on my swollen nub.  Faster and faster I pumped the vibrator.  My climax built quickly.  Radek was in the front of my mind, coaxing me to come in that smooth voice of his.

I cried out as my body trembled from my orgasm.  Not wanting the amazing feeling to stop, I kept rubbing myself until I couldn’t take anymore.  When done, I was left panting, trying to catch my breath.

Shit, I wondered if anyone heard me.  I wasn’t exactly quiet when I came.  Taking my time getting dressed, I decided to stay on the bed and relax for the rest of the flight.

Five minutes later there was a soft knock on the door.  I was too lazy to get up, still relaxed from climaxing.  “Come in.”

My pilot opened the door and peeked his head in.  “Sorry to bother you.  Maria said she heard you calling for me.”

Oh.  My.  God.  I must have called out his name when I came.  I needed to play this cool.


“The stewardess.”

“Oh, Bubbles.”

He smiled and I got wet all over again.  “Bubbles?”

I motioned for him to come forward.  “Come in and shut the door so she can’t hear us.”

He did as I asked.  Nice.  He obeyed me.  I could work with that.  “Doesn’t she drive you a bit crazy?  She’s like one of those wind-up toys on crack.”

I got a full, hearty laugh out of him that time.  “She is perky, that’s for sure.”

“Anyway, she must have been hearing things.”

“I don’t know.  She was pretty adamant she heard you call my name over and over again.”

I blushed.  Fuck!  If that didn’t imply guilt I didn’t know what did.  How was I going to get out of that?  I stood and walked to him, stopping only inches away from his hard body.  I had to tip my head back to stare into his gorgeous brown eyes.

“What if I were to tell you I was calling your name?”

“Oh, did you need something?”

“I took care of it myself,” I said as I ran my hand up his tie.  His eyes didn’t leave mine, but I could tell he was affected by my touch when he shifted his stance from one leg to the other.

“I’m glad you were able to handle it.  I should really get back to flying your jet.”

“Would you like to
me with my problem next time?”

“I don’t think that’s very wise, Kasi.”

He took a step back, letting my hand fall to my side, and turned to leave.  I was stunned.  Absolutely stunned.  No one ever turned me down.  I went over to my purse and pulled out my mirror to make sure I looked good.  Yup, that wasn’t it.  Why didn’t he want me?

Like a predator after their prey, that just made my chase all the more interesting.  Game on Radek Cole, game on.


~ 2 ~

The plane arrived without incident at a small airport in Kansas.  I had to return to my seat for landing, but took my time collecting my belongings in hopes of seeing Radek before I left.  Rob came out and removed my bag from storage.  He leaned against the door and flirted with me.  Ugh, he needed to get the hint already.  Luckily, this also stalled my departure from the plane.  I let him carry on, talking about nonsense for a good five minutes before giving up that my pilot would appear.

“Rob, I gotta go.  You’re blocking my exit.”

“Want to have dinner with me tonight?  There is that great steak house we went to on our first flight here.”

“I can’t.  My dad is taking me out tonight.”  Lies.  I wasn’t seeing him until tomorrow.

Enter Bubbles.  She placed her hand on his arm, but he shook it off.  “I’ve never been here before.  Could you show me around?”  I thought her voice got more annoying as time went on.

“What?  Hold on.  Kasi, you know where I’ll be if you need me.”

“Yup, we’re all in the same hotel.”

Radek appeared.  He walked to Bubbles and spoke so low that I couldn’t hear him.  What I did hear was her enthusiastic response.  “Yes!  I would love to.”

“Great,” he smiled.  “I’ll meet you in the hotel lobby at seven.”

She was beaming, completely giddy that the hot man asked her out.  He nodded to me and Rob before stepping off of the plane.  What the fuck?  He asked the ditz out, but ignored me when I talked to him before.  He even laughed when I called her Bubbles!

I was so pissed I considered taking Rob up on his offer and that was saying something.  Grabbing my suitcase and purse, I stepped off of the plane.  At the bottom of the stairs was a waiting SUV to bring us all to our hotel.  The crew at the airport took care of my jet and stored it until we were ready to depart after the two day trip.

Radek and Bubbles climbed into the middle seat in the SUV.  There was a seat in the far back, but I had zero desire to sit near or look at them so I took the seat up front.  Rob scowled when he saw what I was doing.  Did he think I was going to sit back there and chat with him?  Ummm, no.  I was not in the mood.

The ride to the hotel was short.  My father paid for the accommodations and put us up at a beautiful hotel with a spa.  After a flight I loved nothing more than to unpack and get a massage.  He knew me very well.  I raved about this place every time I came to visit.

Not looking back once I exited the SUV, I walked to the check-in desk to get my room key.  I could hear Radek talking with the other two behind me.  Even though he wasn’t addressing me, his voice sent shivers up my spine.

Shaking it off, I grabbed my key and went to my room.  A bellhop followed me, carrying my bag.  I tipped him and then changed into a bathrobe for my massage.  Why was I still pissed that he asked her out and not me?  I needed to relax and focus on something else.

When I left my room I wasn’t paying attention and slammed right into someone.  My purse hit the floor causing some of its contents to spill out.  I bent to pick it all up, trying to collect my belongings, but when I stood I smacked my head into the other person.

Before my eyes moved to see who it was, a hand touched my head and rubbed it gently.  Looking up, I saw him, my pilot.

“Are you okay?”  That voice of his could make a woman come all by itself.

“Yeah, I’m fine.  How about you?”

He rubbed his jaw and said, “I’m good.”

Without thinking I reached up and moved my fingers along his jawline.  He had a bit of stubble which only added to his raw sexual appeal.  His jaw clenched under my touch making me wonder if he really didn’t find me attractive.  Maybe I wasn’t his type.  The thought bothered me.  I needed to be his type.  I wanted this man more than I’d wanted any other person.

He looked down, eyes stopping on my chest.  I looked down too on instinct and realized the bump with him had pushed my bathrobe open a little and one of my breasts was dangerously close to being completely exposed.  Moving fast, I tucked it back in and tightened the robe.  Had we been behind closed doors I wouldn’t have covered myself.

Before I could speak, a bright flash went off.  Looking over, I saw a photographer.  What the hell?  They weren’t supposed to be able to get up to the guest rooms.

“Ms. Markson, welcome to Kansas.  Who is this with you?  Is he your boyfriend?  Is he staying with you?”

One of the hotel personnel ran up and stood between the photog and myself.  “I’m so sorry ma’am.  I don’t know how he got past us.  Sir, you need to go, now.  This hotel is only for our guests.  You are not permitted to be up here.  You need to leave.”

Radek took the room key from my hand and used it to open my door.  He dragged me inside, locking us away from the paparazzi.

“Does that happen often?”

“Yes.  They know who my father is and tend to hang around the hotel on the off chance I’ll show up.”

“You should try staying somewhere else.”

“I like it here.  They have a great spa which was where I was headed when that guy with the camera showed up.”

“Oh, that’s why you only have a robe on.  I couldn’t figure out why you would leave your room like that.”

“If I had known someone might take my picture I wouldn’t have.  This has never happened before.  They usually make them stand outside.  The elevator takes me right to the spa.  I always get changed before I go.”

Walking over, I sat on the couch in my suite.  There was a large sitting area with a television and a separate bedroom.  Radek sat too, but made it a point to sit as far away from me as possible.

“How long should we wait?”

“What, you don’t want people thinking you're my boyfriend?  Those pictures will come out tonight online and be in tomorrow’s paper.  Your face will be everywhere.  ‘Who is the mysterious boyfriend of Kasi Markson?  Was she saying goodbye to him after a night in her room?’”

He raked his hand through his hair.  “It’s fine.  It’s not like I have a wife and kids back home.”

I never thought to ask if he was married.  There I was hitting on him and he could have belonged to someone else.  I was such an asshole and damn lucky that he was single.  Now if I could only get him on board with fucking me we would be in business.  I needed to gauge his reaction to my body.

Leaning against the arm of the couch, I stretched my long legs and very dramatically crossed one over the other, making sure to show as much of my thigh as possible.  The bathrobe did a good job of riding up, exposing my toned leg.  Twirling my hair, I pretended not to notice all of the skin I was showing.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him glance over and stare at my leg.  Oh yeah, I had him.  I bounced my foot slightly making sure to keep his attention.  He stood abruptly.

“I think he’s gone now.  You should go to the spa before you miss your appointment.”  He looked toward the door. 

“It’s okay, they know I’m coming.  They will hold it for me.”

“That’s good.”

Why the hell wouldn’t he look at me?  Standing, I walked over and placed my hand on his arm.  He jumped at my touch and turned slightly to look at me, but still kept his body facing away.

“Thank you for thinking fast and bringing me back into my room.”

“It was nothing.  I should go unpack.”

I walked to the door first and turned to look at him.  He stopped short and that’s when I saw the reason why he wouldn’t face me.  The bulge in the front of his pants was enormous.  My thighs squeezed together in response, putting delicious pressure on my cunt.

He muttered under his breath, “Shit.”

I couldn’t move.  The size of his cock had me transfixed.  He knew I was staring, but I was blocking the door.  He couldn’t leave without me moving aside.

“Kasi, I need to leave.”

Blinking a few times, I looked up and could see the look of torment on his face.  “Stay.  I want you to stay here with me.”

I started to undo my robe, but he quickly gripped it, putting it back on my shoulders.  “We can’t do this.”


He gently moved me over so the door was now accessible and left without answering.  Why wouldn’t he give in to me?  He clearly found me attractive.  Now I was turned on and didn’t have anyone to take care of it for me.  Sure, I had my vibrator, but didn’t want to use it.  I wanted him, only he wouldn’t take me.


~ 3 ~

I entered the spa fifteen minutes late for my appointment.  They didn’t say anything.  My father paid for anything I may need while I was there and they knew it.

“Ms. Markson, we’re so happy to have you back.  Troy will be right out.”

My eyebrow quirked up.  Troy?  I usually saw one of the women.  I had no idea they even had a male masseuse there.  I would have requested him long ago.  I preferred a firmer touch when I was being massaged.

Taking a seat in the waiting area, I flipped through the email on my phone to kill time.  Five minutes later I heard a husky voice.


Looking up, I saw an Adonis. 
Hello Troy
.  He could have been one of the Greek gods.  Tall, muscular, tanned skin, short dark hair, and a chiseled face, he was damn good looking.

“You must be Troy.”

I stood and followed him to a door at the very end of the hallway.  We passed a few empty rooms making me wonder why he was so far removed from the others.  Entering the room, he handed me a sheet and instructed me to lay face down with only the sheet covering me.

There was a soft melody playing in the room and the lights were dimmed for ultimate relaxation.  I removed my robe and laid down on the plush table, placing my head in the rest.  A little maneuvering and the sheet was covering me from the waist down.

Troy knocked before entering.  I yelled that I was decent so he knew it was clear to come in.  I didn’t need to see him to know what he was doing.  I could hear him rubbing his oiled hands together, getting ready to touch me.  The thought of him massaging my body turned me on.  I was still a little revved from seeing Radek.  If he wouldn’t take care of my itch, maybe Troy would.

“Are there any areas you’d like me to focus on?”

“The tops of my thighs have been bothering me.  I’m a runner.”  I was so not a runner.  I did exercise, but running, no.  I didn’t have that kind of stamina.

“I’ll start there for you.”

He adjusted the sheet to cover my ass, but left access to my upper thighs.  Large, oiled hands began to rub my legs.  He worked up from my knee and back down again, rubbing my muscles with precision.  Every time his fingers got close to my upper, inner thigh I became wetter.

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