Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One (5 page)

Read Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Online

Authors: Bria Marche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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“Damn, I wish I was a smoker right now. I’m so friggin nervous, a cigarette would calm me down. A glass of wine may have helped too.”

Since the drive was only a half hour long, there wasn’t much time for Mia to quiet her nerves. She pulled up to the address she wrote down yesterday. A beautiful, quaint, Cape Cod styled house with dark green shutters stood in front of her. A boulevard was nestled in the center of the street with every imaginable flower planted and blooming.

Well, at least we like the same kind of houses. This isn’t what I was expecting, but what do I know? I pictured her living in a high rise in Manhattan. So far, so good.
Mia parked the car and got out. She made her way up the sidewalk of red brick pavers and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.

The woman who answered the door looked much different than what Mia imagined in her mind. Karen appeared to be in her mid-thirties, with beautiful, shoulder length auburn hair and doe-like brown eyes. She wore very little makeup, but she didn’t seem to need it. She had a natural beauty.
Damn you,
Mia thought, as she sized her up. Karen was slim and petite, not at all like Mia, who was tall and athletic.

“Hello, you must be Mia. Come in.”

“Thank you, Karen. I won’t take up too much of your time, I promise. There’s a few concerns and questions I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me understand.”

“That’s kind of funny, coming from you.”

“I’m sorry, I don’t understand what that means.”

“Why don’t you sit down and tell me what you want, and why you’re here. Would you like a glass of water or something?”

“Okay… thanks.” Mia’s hands were shaking as she took a sip of water. She stammered as she began. “Well, first off, I’m really surprised you live here.”

“Excuse me, why is where I live any of your business? I’ve lived here for almost four years.”

Mia’s eyes began to well up. “I’m not trying to get on your nerves, and I really don’t know why you’re being hostile toward me. I’m just surprised you live here, that’s all. Jack tells me how often he stays over in the city so he can be with Claire. Now you’re saying you’ve lived here for close to four years?” Mia burst out crying. “I don’t even know my own husband. The only thing I do know about him is, he’s cheating on me, and he’s a liar. That much I’m certain of.”

“You should know a cheater will always cheat, Mia. After all, you are the woman that took him away from me, aren’t you? You have long blonde hair now, but didn’t it used to be dark?”

“What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve always had blonde hair, and I met Jack at the beginning of 2011. He said he was divorced for a year at that time. He said you grew apart, but it was an amicable divorce, and you remained friends. Jack told me about Claire. You have shared custody, and he visits her all the time in the city. That’s all he’s ever told me about either of you.”

“Would you like to meet Claire, Mia?”

“Well sure, if it’s okay with you.”

Karen left the room and came back a minute later with a Persian cat tucked in her arms. “This is Claire.”

“No, this can’t be happening,” Mia said, as she sobbed out loud.

“Mia, it’s obvious that Jack has serious issues. I didn’t know he went this far with the lying and betrayal though. I’m sorry. Jack and I divorced because he was cheating on me with someone. When you showed up, I thought it was you. After you started talking, I realized you weren’t the same woman. I divorced Jack because I gave him an ultimatum. He could either stop cheating and quit being so controlling, or we were finished. Well, it’s obvious how far that got me. We haven’t seen each other since we divorced. Greenwich is beautiful, and I didn’t want to run into him in the city, so I moved here. I’ve always loved this area anyway.”

“But I got your phone number off his cell phone. I figured you saw each other regularly because of Claire. Oh… never mind. I guess that doesn’t mean anything, now that I know Claire is your cat.” Mia began crying again.

“Mia, what can I do for you?”

“I don’t know… I’m confused. I saw Jack last week at the Grand Central Terminal with a dark haired woman. They were kissing in front of everyone. Of course he didn’t see me. Then I found emails to her, going back years. And now, the lies about Claire are unforgivable. What a horrible thing to do to someone. To make up a daughter that doesn’t even exist.”

“Mia, describe this woman to me.”

“Well… she is beautiful, with long dark hair. She looks exotic.”

“That sounds very familiar. Give me a second.”

Karen walked over to a cabinet in her dining room and pulled a box off the top shelf. She returned and sat next to Mia on the couch. Karen opened the lid and Mia stared wide eyed at its contents. Pictures of Jack and Sasha filled the box.

“Oh my God, you had him followed?”

“Yes I did. Is this the same woman you saw?”

“Yes. Her name is Sasha, but that’s all I know about her. When are these pictures from?”

“These pictures are from 2009. Who knows how long he was seeing her before that. The question is, why did he marry us, and why does she accept it?”

“Maybe she doesn’t know he’s married. The emails sound like he’s stringing her along with all the lies he’s told, but she could be the one he actually loves.”

“Then why didn’t he marry her a long time ago?”

“Karen, do you think Jack is sick? I mean mentally?”

“No, I don’t. Jack is a sick son of a bitch, and he thinks nobody will ever catch him. He controlled my life for years, and it sounds like yours too. He’s playing mind games with this woman and has for a long time. I think Jack Barnes needs a thorough jacking up. He has to learn women aren’t his playthings, and if he needs to be publicly taken down a few notches, then so be it. I’m sorry I was so angry toward you, Mia. I had the wrong information and the wrong person. You aren’t to blame for anything. I was so bitter before, but now it’s time to let go. You need to take back control of your own life too. Jack will never change, so what do you want to do? Do you want me to help you take him down, or are you going to divorce him without consequences, so he can continue lying to woman?”

“Jack needs to go down. I have a few friends on board, but with your help, he won’t see it coming. We have to figure out how to tell Sasha what he’s doing. She needs to know the real man she’s been with all these years. Can we get together next week, here? I can’t risk having you come to my house. My friends will come along if that’s okay.”

“Yes, but give me your phone number, so I have it. I’ll talk to you soon. We’ll come up with something. Don’t lose any sleep over him, he isn’t worth it.”

“Thanks, Karen. I’m so glad we talked. I’ll see you next week.” Mia left in better spirits and was relieved as she drove back to Tarrytown.
It isn’t about me. I haven’t done anything wrong. You’re just a lying jerk, Jack, and you’re going to pay.


Mia couldn’t wait to tell Vic and Tina what she found out. It was almost unbelievable what she learned from Karen. She checked the time, four o’clock. She knew Vic and Tina were still working.
I’ll stop and visit Aaron for a while. He always makes me smile.

Mia drove into downtown Tarrytown and parked at the town square parking lot. She walked the two blocks to Daniels Camera Shop and entered the store. Aaron was helping a customer pick out a telephoto lens. His eyes lit up at the sight of Mia walking through the door. He gave her a wink and a grin as he rang up the customer’s purchase.

“Thank you, and come again,” he called out as the customer left. “Hey, beautiful, how did I get so lucky to have you visit me on a Wednesday?”

“Aaron, I’d visit you anytime. You know how much I love this store, and you aren’t so bad yourself,” she teased.

“Wow, I must be making progress. Am I wearing you down? How about dinner? I could close up early,” he said, pleading and joking at the same time.

“Sorry, but let’s sit and have coffee. When did you make this pot?” she asked, before beginning to pour.

“Sweetheart, you don’t even want to know.”

“That’s fine, you goof, I’ll make a fresh pot.” Mia looked at Aaron with his huge smile and knew in time, everything would be okay.

They sat together at the small wooden table which had been in the corner of his shop for decades. That tiny table held a long lived tradition in his store. It was a custom started by his grandfather that continued on, and the patrons enjoyed it. They could help themselves to cookies, cocoa and coffee as they browsed his wonderful shop.

“Is everything okay, Mia?” Aaron asked, being the intuitive friend he was. He could tell since she wasn’t there to buy anything. Her body language said something might be amiss.

“Aaron, you know me so well. Let’s just say things aren’t the way they ought to be. I don’t think I’ve ever known the real Jack. It makes me doubt my own judgment.”

“Mia, if you need anything, just name it. I’ll never give you a reason to wonder if you can trust me. That goes for the other two stooges in your life as well. Vic and Tina love you like a sister, and they’ll always protect you. The three of us will listen, talk, laugh and cry with you whenever you need us. You know that, right?” Concern was written across his face. “If there’s anything you ever want to talk about, day or night, just call me. I’ll always listen.”

“Thanks, Aaron. I know I can count on you for anything. It’s hard to talk about my marriage with you though. You know why.”

“I do, but I don’t care about Jack’s feelings or issues. It isn’t about me either. I only want to be there for you. If talking helps, I’ll listen, no matter how weird it is for me. Do you want me to close up the shop? We can go somewhere quiet and talk.”

“Not yet, but soon. I’ve got some thinking and soul searching to do first. You know how much I love and appreciate you, don’t you?”

“Of course I do. I’ve never doubted that.”

“I should go,” she said. They got up and Mia gave Aaron a hug and kissed his cheek. Her eyes welled up as he hugged her even longer. He buried his head in her hair. The scent of honeysuckle shampoo filled his nostrils. He inhaled it deeply. His love for her had no end. They looked into each other’s eyes and soul for a moment before Mia turned and walked out the door.

Chapter Six

Mia decided to go home. She would talk to her friends about everything tomorrow. Right now, she needed to think.

In the kitchen, mindlessly preparing dinner, she heard the sound of a car door slam. Reggie ran to the front door, barking and wagging his tail with excitement. She looked out the window above the sink, and was surprised to see Jack coming up the sidewalk.
Hmmm… you’re home at dinner time. That’s not like you.

He entered the house, walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Reggie wagged his tail, begging for attention, but Jack ignored him. Mia didn’t acknowledge Jack’s presence. She took a sip of wine and put the pot roast with carrots and potatoes in the oven. The atmosphere in the house was cold. Of course he didn’t know why, but Jack wondered where this air of indifference was coming from. Something about her changed. She didn’t seem to notice him, or care about anything he did anymore. She wasn’t catering to his needs, or trying to cozy up to him at all. It was irritating Jack because he expected it from her.

“What’s going on with you anyway?” he asked, while she continued making dinner. “You’re aloof and standoffish.”

“You mean like you’ve been since the day you moved in here?”

“Yes, that’s what I mean. Or… no… don’t turn this around to be about me. What I’m saying is, this isn’t like you, that’s all.”

“Does it bother you that I’m not kissing your butt and trying to please you? I guess I’m feeling a little different these days. Why try so hard when I don’t get any positive feedback or attention from you anyway?”

“You get plenty of attention,” Jack said, now becoming angry. “I’m the one bringing in the big bucks and working my ass off to support us.”

“Jack, just stop talking. I’m not listening to you anyway. Dinner’s in the oven. It still has an hour to go.” Mia opened the coat closet and grabbed the dog leash. “I’m walking Reggie. I’ll be back when I’m back.” She took Reggie and left, slamming the front door on her way out. Mia walked down the driveway and turned to the left. She saw Jack staring at her through the kitchen window from the corner of her eye. She had no intention of turning to acknowledge him, but she did like keeping him off balance and wondering.
You need to wonder what I’m up to, jerk! You’ll find out as soon as I figure it out.


Mia called the girls early the next morning. It was time to have another lunch date so she could tell them how the meeting with Karen went. There were ideas to formulate and plans to go over. With her best friends in the world ready to help, she knew they would come up with the perfect blindside. First, they had to figure out how Sasha would play a part in their scheme to unravel and humiliate Jack. Mia already had Karen on board.

The three met at Bottoms Up at twelve-thirty. Mia told them how there wasn’t a Claire in the picture. “Jack never had a daughter, just a cat with that name. Seriously, can you believe what an ass he is?”

“What a bastard. How can you be in the same house with him anymore?” Vic asked, with disgust.

“Well it isn’t easy, but we have to plan this right. He needs to go down, but the timing needs to be perfect.” Mia explained how Karen had a box full of pictures of Jack and Sasha. “You guys, she’s been in his life for years. What the hell is that about? Can she be that naive and gullible, or does she know he’s married, but doesn’t care? I don’t understand any of this. I want to know more about this Sasha woman, but now she’s seen my face. Running into her again would be too obvious. Before anything, I need to know her last name, and find out where she lives. When I get that information, I’ll figure it out.”

“We’ll help you with whatever you need. Jennifer sets up the appointments at the salon anyway. We can be at your beck and call. We’ll give more appointments to the stylists that want extra hours. It isn’t a problem. We can be the Sleuth Sister’s Investigation Team,” Tina said, chuckling.

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