Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One (10 page)

Read Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One Online

Authors: Bria Marche

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor

BOOK: Payback and a Bottle of Merlot: Like Sisters Series Book One
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Mia and Ann entered the room where her dad lay sleeping. There were monitors and tubes hooked up to him. The doctor walked in after they arrived to check on Tom. Mia introduced herself and asked how long her dad would be in the hospital.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. James. Your father will have surgery tomorrow, and if all goes well, he’ll be transferred to a private room the following day. We’ll keep our eyes on him for a few days and see how he progresses. If there are any disabilities severe enough for him to need rehabilitation, we’ll know that soon enough too.”

“Thank you, doctor. Mom, have you gone home at all today?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“When did you eat last?”

“I don’t remember.”

“Well, let’s go home. I’ll make something to eat and we’ll get some rest tonight. You’ll feel better after a hot shower too. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

“That’s a good idea, honey. I’ll see you at the house.”

Mia followed her mom out of the parking garage and turned her cell phone back on. The blinking light told her a message came in. It was Jack. Mia glanced at the time on her phone. It was eleven-thirty. She listened to the message, already irritated.

“Hey, Mia, I got your call. Sorry to hear about your dad. If you need anything just let me know. I’ll talk to you soon.”

“So you aren’t even home, you son of a bitch. If you were, you’d ask where Reggie was.” Mia deleted his message and tossed the phone back in her purse. “Damn you, Jack, you make my blood boil.”


It was after midnight when Jack pulled into the garage. He entered the house through the kitchen service door like always, and noticed right away the dog dishes were gone. He walked around the corner and saw a void where the kennel normally sat.
Mia must be planning to be away for a while. She even took Reggie somewhere. This is the perfect time to go on that vacation with Sasha.
Jack sat down at the computer and booked two tickets to the Cayman Islands, leaving Saturday morning. He left a message on Sasha’s cell phone to get ready for a fun filled week together in the Caribbean. He’d call her in the morning to set up dinner. They could discuss all the details over a romantic meal tomorrow night.

Jack reached up and turned off the light. Almost twelve hundred miles away, Mia said good night to her mom and switched off the light too. It was a long day, and as she drifted off to sleep, her mind was on two men. Her dad was in her thoughts and prayers, and Aaron was in her heart.

The surgery Thursday morning went without complications. Mia’s dad, Tom, was in good hands. He slept most of the day.

Jack called Sasha from work. “Hello, beautiful, did you listen to my message from last night?”

“I did, and I’m so excited. I can’t wait to hear all the details over dinner.”

“Great, I’ll pick you up at six-thirty. We’ll go to Antonio’s. It’s romantic and quiet. Is that okay with you?”

“It sounds perfect. This trip will give me a good reason to go to Sylvie’s and get my hair trimmed and nails done. I need to buy a sexy new bikini and a few sundresses too. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay, gorgeous, just don’t trim your hair too much. You know what I think of that beautiful, long hair of yours. I love getting tangled up in it. I’ll see you tonight.”

Sasha set up an appointment at Sylvie’s for one-thirty. She spent the morning shopping on 5th Avenue and Madison Avenue. She had an arm load of bags by the time she returned to her apartment. There was enough time to drop things off, grab a quick lunch and head over to Sylvie’s for her hair appointment and mani-pedi.

Sylvie’s was a very high end salon where all the “beautiful” people in Manhattan had their styling treatments done. It was the place to be seen. Gossip and the latest happenings spun around the salon like small hurricanes. Sasha dropped into the waiting chair as Bradley lifted her long locks to secure the cape around her neck. The five hundred dollar treatment would cover everything Sasha needed today.

“Sasha have you heard about the audition being held at Hair Brained in Tarrytown for a model search? Seriously, dahling, you should try out for it. You would totally be the one picked, as beautiful as you are. The winner gets to be on the cover of a brand new magazine. Check it out, dahling.”

“I haven’t heard anything about it, Bradley. I’ve never been to Tarrytown in my life, or know of that salon. It must be an old lady beauty parlor where they do the blue hair, perm look right?” Sasha asked, laughing.

“Actually, sweetheart, it’s a pretty happening place, if I do say so myself. I know the owners, and they do know their business… I’m just saying. Check out their website and see for yourself. You may end up on the cover of a new magazine. That would be to die for, dahling.”

“Whatever… I’ll think about it. Anyway, did I tell you Jack and I are leaving for the Caymans on Saturday?”

Shut up!
I am
jealous of you. You’re such a yummy couple. Why you aren’t married yet, I’ll never know. Seriously… I could eat you both. Where do I find a hunk like him? Can’t he hook me up with a hot piece of manflesh?”

“Bradley… really? I can’t help you with that. I don’t think Jack has many gay friends. I’m sure plenty of boys are fawning over you already.”

“Well, not enough in my opinion. I’m just saying… ”

“And marriage? That is
ten minutes ago. Besides, we’re both too busy and driven with our careers. Our relationship is fine the way it is.”

After four hours in Sylvie’s, getting the best service in Manhattan, Sasha was back home. She had just enough time to get ready for dinner.

The front door opened and Jack entered her apartment with a bouquet of roses. “Hey, babe, I’m here.”

“I’ll be ready in a second, Jack. Pour the wine please. I have a bottle chilling.”

She glided into the living room like she was on a Milan runway while securing the diamond earring on her right earlobe.

“Holy Mother of God, do you have any idea how sexy you are, Sasha?” He met her with a long, lingering kiss on her full, red lips. “Is that one of your new dresses?”

“Yes, do you like it?”

Jack gave an approving nod of his head as he looked her up and down. She wore a silver beaded mini that barely covered her derriere. Her breasts poured over the corset-like bodice. A diamond pendant fit snuggly in her cleavage, dangling from a platinum, filigree chain. Her hair was styled in a tousled, up swept, Bridget Bardot, “take me to bed” look, and she finished it off with six inch stiletto heels.

“Can you really walk in those things?” he asked, completely amazed.

“Of course, my love. I am a model after all.”

Jack’s cell phone rang. “Yes, we’ll be right down. The cab is here. Are you ready lover?”

She smiled and licked her lips while closing the door, “I’m always ready, Jack. You should know that.”

They sat at a small intimate table in a dark corner of the restaurant. Fresh flowers on the white linen tablecloth and a flickering candle created a romantic ambiance.

“So, beautiful, we’re staying at the Ritz-Carlton on Seven Mile Beach. We’re in an enormous suite with an ocean view and a large balcony. We have the entire week to make love and indulge ourselves in every decadent pleasure we can think of. How does that sound to you, my love?”

“It sounds delicious. I can’t wait to get there. Will you spend the night on Friday?”

“Of course I will. We can begin our vacation by me giving you a sensual massage in bed tomorrow night.”

“Hmmm… that sounds dreamy.”


“Hi, Matt. Give me a second to grab a piece of paper and a pen. Okay, your flight gets in at eleven o’clock, Saturday morning. You’re on Delta #1254. Got it, no problem. Yeah, Dad came through the surgery just fine this morning. The doctor said he can be transferred to a private room tomorrow afternoon. They have to see how well the medication worked before they know if the stroke did any permanent damage. He may need rehabilitation, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, okay?”

“Sure, Sis, give Mom and Dad my love. Bye.”

“Mom, are you ready to call it a night? You need to take care of yourself too.”

“You’re right, Mia. Let’s sit with your dad for another half hour, then we’ll head home.”

Back at her parent’s house in the spare bedroom, Mia relaxed on the bed with pillows bunched up behind her back. The TV was turned down and played a weekly police series. She made a phone call to Tina to update her on her dad’s condition. Mia didn’t realize how draining it was to sit in a hospital all day. She looked forward to her brother’s arrival. With Matt on board, their mom could have a break for a day or so. She needed time to unwind at home and just breathe.

Chapter Thirteen

Jack had the boarding passes in his hand as he and Sasha went through security Saturday morning at LaGuardia.
This can’t be right.
He handed them to the TSA officer.
It connects in Tampa, damn it! I didn’t even notice that.
He was so excited about the trip, he never paid an ounce of attention to the connecting city.
I guess I shouldn’t freak out since Mia’s been there since Wednesday. There’s no reason we would run into her, or anyone else we know at the airport.
They boarded the plane, ordered two Mimosas’ and relaxed as the jet engines revved up on the runway. Within seconds the plane surged forward, and they were heading for Tampa.

Mia and Ann sat in Tom’s private room discussing how pleased they were with his progress. He was coherent and talking the best he could. His speech was slurred and his left arm didn’t work yet, but the diagnosis was favorable. They breathed a sigh of relief. So far, so good. Tom would spend time at the rehabilitation center, but they weren’t sure if would be as an inpatient or not. Mia kept her eye on the clock. She’d be leaving soon to pick up Matt at the airport.

“Mom, I’m going to head out. Matt and I will be back in an hour or so, okay?”

“Sure, honey, don’t worry about it. I’m good, and it looks like your dad is waking up anyway. I’ll talk to the doctor about the rehabilitation center. Let’s go over there when Matt gets in and tour the facility. We’ll be fine until you get back.”

“That sounds great. We’ll be back soon.” Mia gave her mom a peck on the cheek and a hug, and her dad the same. Her mind wandered back to Jack as she drove the short distance to the airport. She hadn’t spoken to him since Wednesday morning when he darted out of the house. The only communication between them were the short messages they left on each other’s voice mail. “Wow, do we have a great relationship or what?” she said, grumbling out loud. Just thinking about him put her in a lousy mood.
When I get home, the plan is going into high gear. I want him out of my life as soon as possible.

She parked the rental car in the short term parking lot and waited inside the airport. Mia sat at a cafe table in the main terminal enjoying a latte grande and checked her watch. Matt’s plane just landed at Airside E on Delta #1254.
A few more minutes and I should see him.

Jack and Sasha just landed too at Airside E on Delta #1109.

Matt exited the airplane and made a quick stop at the restroom before meeting up with Mia. It was a long flight, and he wanted to freshen up. He set his backpack on the floor next to the sink and pulled a few paper towels out of the dispenser. He moistened them with hot water and held them against his face. It felt good. The steaming towel warmed his skin and woke him up. Matt rubbed his eyes and wiped his neck. Just as he shot the paper towel into the garbage can, he caught a glimpse of a man leaving the restroom.
I swear that was Jack. He must have gotten in just now, and Mia’s picking him up too.
Matt grabbed his backpack and looked both ways out the door, but the man already disappeared into the crowd.


“Hey, gorgeous, do you want to make our way to the other concourse and grab a bite to eat before we head to our gate?” Jack asked, as Sasha exited the restroom.

“That sounds great. We do have a two hour layover, right?”

“That’s right. Let’s find a nice restaurant and relax over lunch.”

Mia glanced up from the emails she was reading on her phone to see Matt approaching. “Hey, bro, how are you doing? How’s Liz and the kids?” she asked, as they embraced each other with a big hug.

“We’re good, Sis. That was a long flight, and I’m beat.”

“Well, let’s go then. It’s a short drive to the hospital but you can relax once we get there, unless you want to stop at Mom’s house and grab a nap for a few hours.”

“No, I’m okay. I’ll wake up on the drive. I’m sure Jack will talk my ear off about his wonderful career. Where did he go anyway?”

“Jack? Jack isn’t here. What made you think he came?”

“I just saw him leaving the restroom. I swear it was him. I figured you were picking him up too because he worked during the week.”

“No… Jack didn’t come. I haven’t even spoken to him since Wednesday. I bet you’re over tired.”

“I guess so, but he must have a twin out there. They say everyone has one somewhere. Let’s head to baggage claim area, then we can be on our way. It looks like it’s downstairs.”

Mia had an uneasy feeling about Matt’s alleged sighting of Jack.
Could he really be here, and why would he be? He never said he was coming.

Matt stepped on the down escalator with Mia right behind him. She took one last look around, before the floor they were leaving was above them. The long dark hair caught her eye. There they were. Mia could see them from the waist up. Jack and Sasha, arm in arm, walked past the escalator on their way to another concourse. They strolled by on the floor Mia just left. Mia held the handrail for support, frozen in place, with nowhere to go, but down. She stared at them from the descending escalator until they disappeared from her view.
Oh my God… Matt was right. That son of a bitch and his lover are actually here.

Mia couldn’t focus on the drive back to the hospital. Matt was talking her ear off, but she hadn’t heard a word he said.

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