Passion Never Dies (8 page)

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Authors: Joy Tremay

BOOK: Passion Never Dies
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Diana placed her arms around his shoulders and clung to him as he eagerly explored her mouth with his tongue. He tasted so good that she moaned in pleasure as he continued to delve deeper, his mouth devouring hers. The skirt of her dress was now bunched up around her waist and she felt his hand caress her soft thighs. His fingers skimmed her pink, lace thong panties and gently delved inside. Her temperature soared even higher as she heard him groan.

“Damn, you’re so wet,” he muttered against her lips. She opened her eyes slowly and caught him staring down at his fingers as they gently explored her between her legs.

“Jake, I -” started Diana, embarrassed at what he was doing.

“Shh, sweetheart,” Jake interrupted. “I promise you’re going to like this.”

Once again, Jake bent down and captured her lips, his tongue entwined with hers as his fingers rubbed at her below. He was so turned on that he couldn’t stop kissing her and touching her. Her lips were so soft and her body was so responsive to his touch. He loved the way her tongue tangled eagerly with his and how she was so moist between her legs. His erection became even more uncomfortable as he heard her ragged moan. He pressed himself against her even more as he gently tugged down her bodice and captured one erect nipple in his mouth and sucked. He groaned as she gasped and squirmed against him, his hand getting wetter and wetter below. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded softly as he swallowed her breast and cupped her between her legs.

“I want you so badly, Diana,” he muttered.

He felt her reach between their bodies and unzip him. He was so turned on by her bold action that he inserted a finger inside her and felt her shudder in excitement. His manhood felt as if it were going to burst as she writhed against him. He continued to suck on her turgid nipple as he rhythmically pumped his finger in and out of her wet mound. Suddenly, she cried out and felt his finger drench in her wetness. Her orgasm suddenly made him clench to keep himself from coming. He released her nipple and stared into her eyes. She looked dazed and shocked, but she smiled in satisfaction causing him to stroke her one last time between her legs before withdrawing his hand from underneath her skirt.

“Wow, that was something,” she said, breathless.

“It surely was. You’re so hot, Diana,” he said as he adjusted himself and zipped up reluctantly. Now was not the time to take her no matter how badly he ached to.

“I’m overwhelmed,” she confessed, raking her hair back behind her ears. He sensed that she was embarrassed by her behavior, but he bent down to kiss her comfortingly.

“So am I, sweetheart,” he said. “I should say I’m sorry about what just happened, but I’m not.”

She looked at him silently for a few seconds, but then smiled.

“I’m not sorry. This just took me by surprise.”

“Me too and I promise you that there will be more surprises later. But we’ll take it slow,” he reassured her, although he didn’t know how he was going to slow down with her. His member was so hard it ached and he didn’t know if he could sit through lunch without touching her.

The car slowed down to a halt in front of a seaside area. They hadn’t even noticed that they had arrived at their destination.

Diana felt completely shaken and flustered by what just happened between her and Jake. She couldn’t believe that she had just experienced the ultimate pleasure with him a few minutes ago in the car. She knew she had it bad for him, but now she was afraid that she no longer had any control over her wild attraction. She was relieved that there was a divider between the driver and Jake and herself. She was already utterly mortified by her uninhibited behavior.

“Come,” Jake said, a mischievous glint in his voice as he stood outside the car and held his hand out to her. She recognized the double entendre and placed her hand into his, smiling wryly as he grinned boyishly.

“You’re looking pleased with yourself,” she said as he led her up the steps to the restaurant, which was perched upon a hilltop overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

“Well, it’s not every day I can make a girl have a good time on the way to lunch,” he teased.

“Are you sure?” she asked, feeling insecure all of a sudden. Maybe he did this all the time and she was just one of many who fell for his seductive charms. Jake halted abruptly and lifted her chin. He looked at her seriously and what she saw in his green eyes made her pause.

“You’re special, Diana. Someone I wouldn’t just play around with. Please believe me,” he said solemnly.

His heartfelt statement soothed her troubled thoughts and she smiled as he captured her hand and continued to lead her up the stairs.

A young waitress in a starched white uniform smiled at them as they entered the restaurant. The turn-of-the-century looking restaurant had the charm of a beach house with many customers sitting and eating on the large patio deck.

“Please, follow me,” said the waitress as she smiled and led them to a corner alcove near the edge of the outside patio that had breathtaking views of the ocean below.

“This is a stunning view,” Diana said as she looked out over to the shimmering, blue sea.

She looked at the kayakers and sailboats out in the ocean and felt the soft, warm breeze sift through her hair. It was a beautiful day without a cloud in the sky and she smiled as Jake leaned toward her.

“I agree. I have the best view of all,” he said as he studied her intently.

She blushed at his perusal and then looked down at the menu before her. Unable to focus on her lunch choices and still feeling unsettled from her heated encounter with Jake in the car, she placed her menu down and found him watching her.

“I’ll take your recommendations on what to order,” she said.

“So trusting, Diana. What if I recommend something greasy?”

She laughed. “Something tells me that this restaurant doesn’t serve greasy meals.”

“They do serve the most fantastic pasta dishes. Do you like seafood?”

Diana nodded, scraped back her chair, and then stood up.

“I’m going to freshen up in the ladies’ room. Be right back,” she said, taking her small, white clutch purse with her.

In the bathroom, decorated tastefully with nautical décor, Diana splashed a few drops of cold water onto her hot cheeks and stared at herself in the mirror . What happened in the car had shocked her. It had been too heated, too much, and too soon. Nothing so unbelievably passionate and uninhibited had ever happened between her and Richard. She felt overwhelmed by the powerful lust she felt for Jake. Being with him was like riding a roller coaster without the safety bar holding her in place.

Diana tucked a few strands of flyaway hair behind one ear and then quickly peeled down her moistened thong, wrapped it in a paper towel, and tucked it in her purse. She was glad no one else was in the bathroom to witness her unusual behavior. She would have preferred not to go commando, but it was too uncomfortable to walk around in moist underwear. The growing intensity of her feelings for Jake was unnerving. Diana walked out of the bathroom still feeling unsettled, but the excitement of being with him overrode her anxiety at not being able to control her impulsive desires.

As Diana sat down, Jake said, smiling mischievously, “I suddenly find myself not very hungry.”

“Why not?” Diana asked curiously. She glanced at the dishes that a waiter was serving at a nearby table. “The food looks delicious.”

Jake leaned over, his gaze steady on her face.

“I’m just hungry for one,” he said, making her heart leap in response to the heated look in his eyes.

Trying to sound nonchalant, she replied glibly, “You already had dessert. Now it’s time for the main course.”

He laughed and leaned back in his chair, allowing her to breathe a little easier.

“I think I’ll have the seafood chowder and a slice of the Mediterranean pizza,” she said, closing the menu and sweeping her hair back away from her face.

“My kind of girl,” he said. “Their pizza is great here, full of olives and flavor.”

“Is this your favorite restaurant in San Diego?”

Jake nodded. “One of them. I love the view from here. I try to come back to San Diego every summer for a few weeks primarily to visit my family, but I also enjoy the ocean and sunshine.”

“I miss the ocean, too. Sometimes living in Vegas has its drawbacks,” said Diana softly. “But I do like living close to my mom.”

“You and your mom are close?” asked Jake curiously.

Diana nodded. “She was always my rock. My dad and I have had a turbulent relationship.”

“I remember that night he showed up at the beach and nearly chewed me out.”

Diana flushed at the memory.

“I’m so sorry about that -”

“No, don’t apologize,” Jake interrupted. “Any father would have done the same thing if he had found his daughter in a compromising situation.”

Diana smiled. “I was so embarrassed that night.”

Jake reached over to touch her cheek and caress it gently.

“You were beautiful,” he said. “All innocently sweet but sexy.”

Diana blushed under his warm gaze.

The waiter approached them and took their orders. Jake ordered a seafood pasta platter and a bottle of red wine.

“I’m glad you decided to come with me today,” Jake said after the waiter left.

“You’re welcome. Thank you for inviting me. It’s not every day I leave the state for lunch.”

Jake chuckled. “I’m just glad you didn’t faint when the plane took off.” He paused and said in an apologetic voice, “I’m sorry that it frightened you.”

“It didn’t really,” Diana said lightly. “I’m just going to have to be braver if you intend to whisk me off to far-off destinations.”

Jake laughed and said, “You bring out the adventurer in me.”

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she said, smiling.

He frowned slightly and placed his hand over hers on the table.

“Only you, Diana, only you.”

Diana swallowed the sudden lump in her throat as she stared into his brilliant green eyes. She felt as though she was drowning in them and everything around her disappeared. It was just the two of them alone with the sun warming their bodies and his hand caressing hers.

“I’m definitely going to need dessert after lunch,” he teased, breaking the spell.

Diana blinked and licked her lips nervously. He was too mesmerizing and she was too vulnerable around him. She was going to have to be extremely careful with her emotions or she was going to be in danger of falling down the proverbial rabbit hole.

“Like I said, you’ve already had dessert,” she quipped back as casually as she could.

Jake smiled, “I know - but I want more, much more.”

The waiter came back with their meals and poured some red wine into their glasses. Jake kept the rest of their conversation light and free of innuendo, which Diana appreciated, so she could concentrate on enjoying her meal. She did notice, however, that several women sitting close by them couldn’t help but give Jake interested, surreptitious glances now and then.

Sitting back in his chair almost an hour later, Jake grinned widely as he watched Diana take one last bite of her pizza.

“Good, wasn’t it?” he asked, a satisfied smile on his face.

“It was,” she agreed. “I haven’t had pizza this good in a while.”

“Then I’ll have to take you back here sometime.”

Diana laughed, “Another plane ride for pizza?”

Jake leaned forward and traced his finger down the side of her mouth. He gently swept away a trace of pizza sauce. She felt her mouth tingle at his gesture as he licked the pizza sauce from his fingertip sensuously.

“Mmm,” he murmured, “so good.”

Diana felt her breath hitch as she watched him and looked around to see other women watching him, too.

“You have quite a fan base here,” she said, a little disgruntled.

Jake looked around and smiled back at her boyishly.

“The only one I care about is you.”

Her heart did a somersault in her chest as she looked at his handsome face.

“Well, thank you for the delicious meal and for the wonderful view.”

“You’re welcome, Diana,” he said, the mischievous glint back in his eyes.

The waiter came back and asked them if there was anything else they wanted. Jake shook his head and asked for the bill.

“Did you want to order a dessert?” Diana asked.

“That’s for later, sweetheart,” Jake said casually before winking at her. Diana’s eyes widened at his remark and she shook her head.

“Jake, I do believe you have a one-track mind.”

“What can I say? You’re too beautiful to resist.”

Jake stood and Diana rose, feeling conscious of the looks they received. She felt the heat of his hand as he placed it on her lower back and guided her out of the restaurant. They walked outside and she carefully stepped down the steep staircase leading down to the pavement where their car was parked.

“Where’s the driver?” she asked.

“I’ll call him when we’re ready to leave. Let’s take a stroll first.”

Jake took hold of her hand and entwined his fingers around hers. He led her across the street to a pathway curving down toward some small shops. Diana admired the view below of the sparkling, blue ocean as she savored the feel of Jake’s hand holding hers. Suddenly Jake stopped and turned her to face the ocean view. A white, wooden railing kept strollers from the edge of the cliff side and Diana leaned against it as Jake stood closely behind her. She could feel his muscular length pressing into hers as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Great view, don’t you think?” Jake asked, his breath teasing her ear.

Placing her hands on the railing, Diana tried to slow her breathing, feeling lightheaded at his nearness.

“It’s beautiful,” she replied. She could feel him nuzzling her hair.

“Soft and silky,” he muttered as he continued to rub his cheek against her hair.

Diana’s breath quickened as she felt his hard body press even closer. She knew that he was aroused and felt his excitement through his jeans. Her own excitement rose to a fever pitch and she turned her head toward his, desperate for his kiss.

Jake bent and kissed her, his tongue delving deep. He groaned into her mouth as she met his tongue eagerly. She moaned as he kissed her leisurely, controlling the kiss. It was so delicious and she never wanted their kiss to end. She heard voices nearby, but the noise didn’t detract her until Jake reluctantly lifted his head from hers.

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