Passion Light (14 page)

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Authors: Danielle Elise Girard

BOOK: Passion Light
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“I have people coming,” Evan said softly so that only Isabelle could hear.


The noise level rose and Angela screeched when a man pinched her breast hard. Isabelle knew it had to hurt and she winched in sympathy. The group was getting more and more rowdy by the second. The whole thing was getting impossible to ignore.


Uncle appeared at the top of the stairs and could see Angela and her tormenters. He yelled for his guards and some of them came running, but they lacked leadership. Uncle missed poor dead Luther even if no one else did.


Just then several Evan’s people ran into the great hall. They surrounded Angela and gently escorted her back to her office and sat her down so she could catch her breath. She was nearly naked and her eyes looked bruised and exhausted. “I thought they were going to rape me,” she said weakly. She was shaking with fear and shock.


Isabelle hurried to her and placed a soft shawl around her shoulders, for warmth. Angela still looked like she might go into shock and her hands were cold and trembling


“It’s why I never have actual face to face contact with the guests,” Isabelle told her. “They sometimes act like mad dogs. We try to keep them well entertained and pampered partly because it improves their manners. Even a hint of elegance and snobbery can alter the way they react to certain situations and are part of what we have to do to maintain some civility. They are still pretty rough but if we stay on guard we can nip most serious problems in the bud.”


Uncle burst into the room and ran to Angela. “What were you doing down there?” he asked. “You should never have gone there with all those men in the room, especially in your delicate condition.”


Then he turned on Isabelle. “What the hell were you doing to let her do this?”


“She didn’t ask for my advice,” Isabelle said, “besides Evan and his people handled the problem, even if you didn’t want them inside the castle. They’ve left and we have a greater concern. I think Angela should lie down if you can clear out that bunch in your room.”


Angela looked ready to drop and even Uncle could see it. He went next door and got everyone out of the room so Angela could have privacy. Isabelle came with her and helped her undress and get into bed. Evan and the guard turned away as Isabelle helped her into a gown.

Chapter 13


“I have a medical question for you,” Angela said. She seemed unconcerned with the presence of either the guard or Evan.


“Of course,” Isabelle replied. “I will help if I can,” but she knew she was on dangerous ground. Angela’s days were numbered. Her health had only gotten worse. She was beginning to look ill. It would soon be evident to anyone, even people without Isabelle’s unusual talents. She resisted the urge to look at Evan but she felt him come to attention.


“I have had some bleeding and some pain with the baby,” Angela said. “I am becoming concerned and I don’t feel well, especially after what just happened.” Her hands were shaking still after her encounter with the men in the great hall.


Isabelle felt as sorry for Angela as she would any other sick person. She wanted to help the woman. “Do you know how far along you are?” Isabelle asked. “When did you have your last period?”


“It’s only been three months,” the woman replied, “but I am enormous, larger than I thought I would be, but then I’ve never before been pregnant.”


“You said you did not feel well,” Isabelle probed. “Describe what you feel.”


“I feel feverish and my belly hurts quite a bit, even to touch. Sex is very painful. I was horrified at the thought of having to service all those men. Group sex generally grosses me out, especially if I am the only woman in the group.”


Well, that was a revelation for Isabelle. The poor woman had obviously had some bad experience. No wonder she liked Uncle better. At least he was only one guy with a pencil dick. It was just the thing for a woman who and been used too often and roughly, too. It made her feel a lot of compassion for Angela…reluctantly.


“Have you had nausea?” Evan asked. He had sensed Isabelle was distracted momentarily.


“Only in the past few days, but I have not actually thrown up. Today I haven’t felt like eating at all. Normally I love my meals, but right now I can’t bear the thought or scent of food.”


Isabelle had to ask, based on what she felt about the woman’s health, so she did. “Are you sure you are pregnant?”


Angela rubbed her swollen belly. “What else could it be?”


“It could be an infection,” Isabelle said. “I think you are running a fever. Do you feel weak?”


Isabelle could see the truth in Angela’s desperate eyes. The poor woman was now very alarmed and she was also getting angry.


Angela looked horribly frightened and gasped out a breathless objection. “It can’t be true. Don’t touch me. You can’t possibly know what you are doing. You’re just jealous because I’m taking over from you.”


“That’s not it at all,” Isabelle said. “I’m just concerned about you.”


“I don’t believe you,” Angela snarled. “I want you out of here.”


“I’ll leave if you want,” Isabelle said, “but I think in light of your symptoms you need to avoid intercourse and rest as much as you can. Bed rest would be best.”


Evan took Isabelle’s hand and was already walking toward the door, pulling her with him. She could feel his concern. The guard flung it opened and slammed it shut in their wake. They could hear Angela crying like a hurt child. It broke Isabelle’s heart.


They went toward the stairs as Evan leaned toward her and asked, “Do you know…see what I see?”


Isabelle shook her head and said, “Wait until we get to my room.”

Chapter 14


As soon as the door closed she turned to him and said, “She’s not pregnant. She’s got an infection and she is dying. I don’t think I could save her now no matter what I did. It might be better if I’m just not involved in what’s going to happen.”


Evan took her in his arms. “I think you are right about what’s happening to her. She looks and worse still, smells ill. I’m sure she is going to go faster than ever now, after the shock she had earlier.”


“What will happen when she dies?” Isabelle asked. “Uncle will be furious.”


Evan shook his head. “We need to make some plans. Knowing what’s coming gives us an advantage, but we have to be ready.


Isabelle stopped her hand wringing, which was unproductive at best and nodded. He was right. They did need to make plans,


“Can we get a bath?” he asked.


“Come, I’ll show you,” Isabelle said as she pulled him toward another door they had not yet explored. A hot bath waited for them thanks to Albert’s primitive hot water system. The water was heated in covered tanks on the roof by the weak sunlight and piped into some rooms, Isabelle’s being one of them. The guests shared a bath if they liked to bathe in public. Others paid for private baths.


Isabelle filled the tub.


Evan found a small pouch in his clothing and added some herbs to the water. A gingery scent rose but there were hints of other things, too. They stripped off their clothing and sank into the huge bathtub, one of them at each end with their legs tangled in the middle.


She wasn’t expecting what Evan said next. She was expecting something more sexy and romantic.


“How extensive are those passages we were in today?” he asked.


She felt a bit of the compulsion he seemed to use so easily on Heather and it annoyed her.


“Stop it,” she said. “I can feel you trying to compel me. I will not be your slave to order about anytime you want. I never would have married you if you had tried it before.”


“It just came out because I feel like we don’t have much time,” he said. “It happened because I’m concerned, not because I want to force you. Besides,” he said looking chagrinned, “it didn’t work, did it?”


She had sensed what he wanted her to do, but she had still felt free to do as she wished. That reassured her that she would not turn into some woman who only existed to serve her husband or master. He did seem to respect her and he did seem to want the best for her. It was nice to feel someone cared for her, not just what she could do. She decided to cut him some slack.


“What are you thinking?” she asked.


“Your uncle wants you under my control and for me to be his man, a fighting man and nothing else. He wants me to be his new guard captain. He wants me to help him do whatever he wants with this place. He wants it to be a bad place and an unhealthy place. This world has too few healthy spots left on this planet to let it happen here, too,” he said.


He’d dropped the compulsion but he was still trying to get her to go along with him. He wondered whether their mind connection would ever happen. The mating would not be complete until it did, but Isabelle resisted him. He could feel her tension and was helpless to reassure her.


He just sat and looked at her trying to look like someone she could trust.


“OK,” she said. “I know you are right. I haven’t been able to do enough to stop him on my own and I know I can’t. I just don’t have a large enough fighting force.”


“In my mind I can see the opportunity we have to make this another healthy spot in this world, something we can protect and mold into something positive,” he said. “But I would still rather return to my world after we have resolved some of the problems here.”


“What do you mean by that?” she asked. “What’s your world?”


“I come from a twin planet to this one. Our world is called Terra…Earth in a different language. They, Terra and Earth were colonized at the same time from a far planet system. Our worlds are similar in many ways, but Earth has suffered from internal wars and pollution from development. Additionally most religions on this planet have virtually completely removed the Goddess and her magic from religious traditions on Earth. When men rule without the wisdom and sensitivity of women you get people like your uncle and that priest, and even Angela.”


“You worship a goddess?” she asked. It was intriguing. A female deity was something religions she knew ignored. Females were considered the weaker, more sinful sex as far as patriarchal religions were concerned.


“We have both a God and a Goddess,” he said. “The combination is better than either without the other. It’s our way. The fear Earthlings have of femininity seems very strange to us. Your uncle is your enemy because he fears powerful and accomplished women. I’m worried about him hurting you, perhaps even killing you. We have to prevent that from happening.”


She nodded her agreement but still had concerns. “I’ve considered poisoning him, but then I would have to deal with his men. They would not be happy taking orders from me just because I’m a woman. The only way I could make it work is to gain their loyalty. If I make them fear me they might turn on me at any time. That’s been Uncle’s way with Luther’s help, but it’s not mine.”

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