Passion Light (9 page)

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Authors: Danielle Elise Girard

BOOK: Passion Light
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“I can see some things, mostly if people are ill enough to die soon, but some other things, too. It came to me after the wars. I can tell about people better if they are naked, though it can get embarrassing. If we live together I can’t hide it from you and you need to make up your mind if it’s too weird for you to tolerate. I don’t want your people to start calling me a witch or something.”


He gave another grunt and a nod, which seemed to be a regular form of communication for him. “Such things are viewed differently in our society. We try to encourage people to pay attention to things that are hidden or a form of knowing that is different. It’s part of what makes us…you and I compatible. Instinct is something we consider to be important. Some of what we can do would be considered magical in your world.”


He was now completely naked and he wasn’t shy about it, either. He stood and let her look without any apparent worry.


He was very tall, about seven feet and lean but muscular and beautifully made. His shoulders and torso were heavily muscled and looked exquisite to her. It had never occurred to her that she might be attracted to a man’s looks, but she was. His physical training had made him into a remarkable and strong looking man unlike any other she had ever seen. He looked heavier naked than he had clothed. He had hulking, muscled shoulders and arms, a washboard stomach and he looked really attractive. He had a few scars on his smooth bronze skin but they did not detract from her appreciation of his beauty.


She walked around him and reached a hand to stop him as he started to turn with her. She wanted to see his backside. His hair had come loose from the tie and hung past his strong shoulders. His back was long and straight, his buttocks were firm and his legs were also long and strong. He looked very healthy, too. She saw no form of illness.


She circled around to the front of him and finally took a good look at his male parts. He looked enormous, bigger than her old boyfriend or other men she had seen. It was more than a bit intimidating.


“It worries you,” he said.


“Yes,” she agreed.


He walked to her and took her in his arms again. “Don’t worry. You were made for me and I was made for you. We fit.” He pulled the tunic from her body and dropped it on a handy chair. Then he began to pull the rest of the clothing from her. She made an attempt to stop him until he said, “You looked at all of me. I want to look at you, too.”


Well, it did seem only fair. He sat her on her bed and pulled off her boots and wool socks. He pushed off her pants and underwear and then eased her shirt over her head. He held her hand and encouraged her wordlessly to stand and then he looked her over as thoroughly as she had him.


The arm and breast Luther had squeezed were already starting to show bruises and he checked them, looking annoyed. “Luther did this?” She confirmed it with a nod. “He will never get another opportunity to hurt you,” he said.


“I made him mad,” she told him. “He likes to ambush me if he can catch me when I’m alone. He wanted me and I have repeatedly rejected him. He’s holding a grudge. I go to great lengths to avoid him. He would love to catch me alone and defenseless. I have to sneak around intentionally avoiding him. He might get over his vendetta if I wouldn’t annoy him, but it’s hard to resist poking at him verbally. He’s both stupid and brutal. I’m lucky enough to know some stuff he doesn’t or he would have had me long ago.”


“His time is limited. Don’t worry about him,” he said, as he took in her lovely form. It was certainly what he dreamed of and what he wanted. It occurred to him it just might be better than his dreams. Seeing her in the flesh was very stimulating.


She was tall, too, 5 foot 10 inches in her bare feet. She had a long body and long legs, a small waist and breasts that were high and firm, if not spectacular. Her legs were outstanding and her behind was well shaped and womanly. He liked the way she was made. She was everything he found attractive in a woman.


“You are beautiful,” he said as he wrapped her in his arms. “You were made for me. You were made to do what we will do together. I will be careful with you always and I will give you pleasure as many times as you will let me for all of our lives. You will be mine and I will be yours like wolves and eagles. I will take no other lover as long as we both live. Our children will have all that you and I can give them and we will prepare them to be adults. ”


Wow! she thought. Who needs a patriarchal faux religious representative when a man gave you vows like she had just heard, words that he had given her freely, openly and without reservations. It had not even occurred to her that such a simple group of words could sound like the most sacred of vows without her demanding them.


She felt she had just received a better offer than what Uncle thought he’d crafted for her. What he had done to her was really a punishment…a way to humble her or break her pride. He wanted her to see him as her superior, in spite of the fact that she could only see him as the weasel he was. He had chosen a man who looked grim and brutal, hoping he would hurt her, but Evan was not quite what he appeared to be. He was something else.


So…what if she accepted the offer. What if she took Evan and what seemed like a MUCH better offer?


So she did it. She took him.


“And I will give to you, too.” she said. “I will do for us and our family and be only your lover.”


He picked her up easily, held her to his hairy chest and carried her to the bed. Being that close to him was very exciting. She knew he was going to do intimate things with her and she was breathless with anticipation. He came into the bed with her and into her personal space. He was naked and very warm and she felt overwhelmed. He began to kiss her and touch her as though she was something he truly treasured, calming her and easing her into what he wanted. Brian’s touch on Glory was similar if not identical.


‘Maybe I’ve been hanging out with the wrong guys,’ she thought.


In Evan’s mind it was important for her to be ready for him, not dragged or forced into something she did not want. Men in his culture were good at making the right woman want them. They were trained to do it from an early age. He thanked the God/Goddess for the magic he knew. He touched her carefully, always with just the right touch to escalate what she was feeling and never hurting her.


It worked for her. She began to feel enthusiastic and less anxious and more ready. She began to touch him, too. They rolled together over the bed exploring each other and getting heated. Just as she was ready for it he began to touch her more intimately. His hands finally went to her breasts. He still did not touch her nipples, but he explored all around the other territory very thoroughly. When he did touch her nipples with his fingers, first and then his mouth she was desperate to be touched there.


She was astounded by the intense feelings he gave her. Her body responded in ways she had never experienced. He wasn’t the handsomest guy she had ever seen, but his hard face with its prominent bones was growing on her. Part of it was his self-mastery. He never stopped thinking and he had an awareness of her that seemed remarkable. His every touch aroused her and he had a magnificent body, too. It was such fun to look at him, but touching his hard body was incredibly simulating. She allowed her hands to experience his body as completely as her eyes had earlier. He seemed to want her but he was too good a lover to leave her behind unsatisfied.


The attention he gave her breasts made her want to be touched somewhere else, too. It was like an electrical line went directly from her breasts to her crotch. He seemed to sense what she wanted, too.


“Let me hear you,” he encouraged in his dark manly voice. He was looking at her crotch and she knew suddenly what he wanted to do to her. She tried to push him away, but he said, “It’s a good way for us to be together before we have intercourse. I am larger than most men here. I need for you to be really ready for me, right now…with my tongue and my hands and then with my organ. We will have intercourse eventually but you will not conceive until this place is much safer than it is now or we leave here and go to my world, so don’t get too anxious and worried about us being together.”


He kept touching her and her excitement grew as his fingers found her clit.


“You are wet for me,” he said as he slipped his fingers in the cleft between her legs. He kissed his way down her body and up her legs. He knelt between her legs and pushed them wider so he could look at her. “You are beautiful here,” he said, obviously liking what he saw. He touched her and spread her so he could see everything he wished.


Oddly now she did not mind being so exposed. He began to arouse her with his hands. She laid back allowing him to explore her with his talented fingers, lastly dipping a finger into her to feel all her wetness before sliding his hands up her body to her breasts as he began licking her wet pussy while his fingers played with her hard nipples.


His tongue was even more talented than his fingers. He knew just how to work it, encircling her erect nub as his lower lip moved on her opening. Isabelle had never experienced such pleasure. Wave after wave came over her as she came in a burst of light. Her whole body clenched in waves of pleasure as she came. She barely managed to stop a shocked and aroused shriek of pleasure with her hand. The light confused her but she attributed it to the best sexual experience she ever had.


He came up next to her and held her as she recovered, touching her soothingly and avoiding her most sensitive spots until she turned and looked at him.


She squinted her eyes accusingly and asked him, “You’re good. It’s been years since the last time I came with someone else.”


“Do you pleasure yourself?” he asked. His interest was obvious. His organ twitched in approval and seemed to get even larger. His eyes looked both darker and warmer than they had in the great hall. They spoke wordlessly of intimacy and maybe more.


She had never been one to hide her feelings. She could keep secrets and in fact did so every day, but her feelings and emotions came through in her expressions and her voice.


“It helps me sleep,” she told him. “Sometimes I’m so worried about stuff around here that I can’t get to sleep even after a long work day. All my days are filled with work and tasks that sometimes seem endless. So I get a couple of orgasms to help me sleep. It’s better than either herbs or drugs. But you didn’t answer my question,” she continued. “Where did you get your obvious expertise? I don’t want to marry a man slut.”


It was a fair question. He didn’t want her to think he was like the men who visited this place.


“Medicine workers teach us,” he said. “We know people make better marriages if they have pleasure together. It’s an important part of our lives, and much more vital to us than the way people here make relationships.”


“So you don’t run after anything that you can catch like the men who come here.” She asked.


“No, we don’t,” he said. “We are very selective about who we have sex with. Marriages are considered sacred. Mates, both men and women, are very important to our society and our traditions. We are trained to have wonderful and monogamous sex lives. We also know a variety of ways and scenarios to bring pleasure and variety to our lovers. Workers and counselors train young members in our society to give and take pleasure in the context of marriage. We learn to play in bed together, too. One thing we like to do is create our lover’s fantasies, and of course our own. They also train men to delay orgasm so that we have more self-control than men here. Most of all we tend to mate for life. It is a natural progression of our growth to adults. It is different from your society. Many people here are promiscuous and even diseased. The selection of a mate is written in the workings of our individuality. The dreaming, like what I had about you all of my life is the way we find and choose mates. It truly is magical.”

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