Parish (9 page)

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Authors: Nicole Murphy

Tags: #Zombies

BOOK: Parish
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              Emily jumped down and reached over to grab Wren’s hand as they ran behind Artemis and Wade.  Jamie was tucked safely into Artemis’ large arms.  The simple thirty yard dash felt like a mile, and when they went through the front door an immeasurable sense of relief settled on them.  Artemis gave Jamie to Emily, who lovingly took him and sat down, cradling him in her arms.  He turned his attention to securing the door. 

              “I’ll help.” Wade walked over to Artemis.

              “Thanks, we’re gonna pull those shelves over here to block off the doors and windows ok?” He put his hand on Wade’s shoulder.

              “Got it.” Wade nodded as they headed over and began pulling the shelves.

              “The back is secure.  Emily, bring Jamie back here, there’s a sofa in the office he can lay on.” Jack called out from the back of the store.  Emily slowly raised herself from the floor and carried him back.  The fever had pulled him into a deep sleep, and Emily sat down on the floor next to the sofa.  She was holding his tiny hand.

              “I’m worried, Jack.” Emily looked up to her husband as tears filled her eyes.  For the first time since everything started she allowed herself to feel her emotion, and fat tears began rolling down over her cheeks.

              “I’m worried too, but we’ll make it through this.” Jack stooped down rubbing his hand over her back in large circles.  Emily let out a brief airy laugh.

              “Wren is right.  Honey, I appreciate that you’re trying to keep our spirits up though.” Emily turned and faced him.  “I just hope you’re right.”

              “I will say, I sure am glad that you’re a doctor.” Jack chuckled as he pulled her to him and kissed the top of her head.

              “Doc?” Artemis’ voice cut into their moment.

              “Yes?” Emily replied.

              “I found some acetaminophen on a shelf out there, it’s for kids and it says it will bring a fever down.” He tossed the bottle to her, and she caught it.

              “You’re a life saver, Artemis!” She exclaimed.

              “That’s me alright.” He smiled and walked away, back out into the store.








Chapter Eight



Everyone had attempted to make a place to rest.  They broke down cardboard boxes and stacked them flat on each other to make beds.  Building a fire inside to cook with was out of the question so they had to settle for eating beans, cold, straight out of the can.  Conversation had ceased not too long after they had secured the building.  Everyone sat in awkward silence, the sucking sound of spoons in beans were the only sounds made.  Occasionally the groan of a zombie passing by outside would be heard, but it soon faded when it was obvious that it wouldn’t find a meal there.

              Emily had administered the medicine to Jamie, but he was still asleep and they left him to get his rest.  Jack and Emily were taking turns going to check on him, and it was decided that Emily, being a doctor in addition to his mother, would sleep on the floor in front of the sofa in case he should wake and need something.  She also wanted to keep an eye on him in case he worsened, but she kept that to herself.

              She would look to her twins at every other bite.  She was surprised at how Wade had stepped up, eager to help them survive.  Wren’s reactions seemed to be all over the place, one minute she would be fine and the next she would be freaking out.  Emily sighed.  Everyone handled trauma differently, and she knew Wren would find her new normal and be fine.

              Emily looked over at their new friend, her protector.  She was grateful that he had helped her when he could have easily left her to her own devices. Smiling to herself, she knew she would still be at the hospital, probably watching Burt aggravate his cirrhosis.  Hell, at some point she would have given up and joined him.  She pressed her mouth into a thin line.  Burt.  She hoped he had made it out alive.

              “Hey.” Jack nudged her.

              “Yeah?” Emily turned as she was pulled from her thoughts.

              “Penny for your thoughts?” Jack smirked.

              “Oh, just thinking about everything and worrying about Jamie.” Emily looked down to her half eaten can of beans.

              “Jamie probably got a virus or something.  I just took him for his checkup last week, his pediatrician said he was in fine health.  No reason to be concerned about anything.” Jack shrugged.

              “He had a doctor’s appointment?” Emily furrowed her brow.  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

              “I did.” Jack replied.

              “I think I would remember that, Jack.” Emily’s tone changed, it had a bite to it suddenly.

              “I don’t know why you’re getting all worked up.  I always take them to their appointments.  You’re never home.  Who else would take them?” Jack shot back.

              “I know, Jack, but you at least keep me informed.” Emily stood up and made her way back to the office where Jamie slept.  Jack followed.

              “Do you really want to do this right now?  Argue over stupid doctor’s appointment?” Jack took her by the shoulder and spun her around to face him.  “Do you see how stupid fighting about this is?”

              “Did he get any shots?” Emily asked, forcing herself to calm down.  “It could just be a side effect of a shot.”

              “No, he’s all caught up on his vaccinations.” Jack shook his head.  Emily took a deep breath as she turned back to look at Jamie.  “Oh, wait!  The school district has a new policy, I forgot.  Wren and Wade didn’t have to get it because they’re in high school, it only applies to elementary school children and will be required for all kids starting school…”

              “What will be required?” Emily asked crossing her arms.

              “All children must have the Nazarene shot to be enrolled in school.  No big deal.  He did get that one while we were there.  The boy has…had…to go to school.” Jack shrugged.  Emily spun around, fire filling her features.

              “You let him get that!?” Emily screamed.

              “It wasn’t a choice, he had to.” Jack replied, confused.  “Why are you mad, you created it?”

              “Dammit Jack!”  Emily raised her hands to rest on the top of her head.  “Dammit! Oh, god!”

              “What?” Jack asked.

              “You should have called me, Jack.” Emily dropped to her knees beside her son.  She began to sob, putting her head down next to the boy, lifting his limp hand to her cheek.  “You should have called me.”

              “I don’t understand what’s happening.” Jack walked over and knelt beside his wife.

              “Oh, Jack, I can’t tell you, I can’t…oh my poor baby.” Emily continued to sob.

              “Emily, tell me what in the hell is going on, right now!” He took hold of her and pulled her upright to look at him.  “Tell me right now! He’s my son too!”

              “Nazarene isn’t safe!” She spat out.  Jack froze, his confusion turned to panic.

              “What do you mean it isn’t safe, Emily?  Millions of people have gotten that shot.” Jack leaned towards her slightly.

              “I know!” She dropped her head, her shoulders shaking.  “Oh, I god I know.”

              “When you say it isn’t safe, what does that mean?” Jack’s voice grew soft.

              “All of those people that got the shot…they’re out there Jack.” She replied, putting her head back on the couch near Jamie’s hand.

              “Well, they’re not on the moon.” Jack shook his head.

              “That’s not what I mean.  All of the people who got the shot are out there right now, they’re eating people and spreading it.” Emily could feel the beans she had eaten rising in her throat.

              “Wait…you know what caused this?”

              “Yes.  It was Nazarene.” Emily shook her head.

              “How long have you known this?” Jack asked as he narrowed his eyes.

              “Since day one.” She replied, unable to look at him.  Jack stood up and backed away slowly.

              “Day one as in when this started or…”

              “Day one as when we first started developing it.” She cut him off.

              “Oh my god Emily!” Jack cried out.  “This is your fault?”

              “No!  Well…partly I guess.  I was told to do it and I had to sign confidentiality papers and everything.  I couldn’t tell you, I couldn’t tell anyone.” He wiped her nose on the back of her hand.

              “Who told you to do it?” Jack asked.  He was so angry he was visibly shaking.

              “The government told us to create it.  They wanted a way to bring the population down, worldwide.  It won’t last forever, the virus has a kill time just like it had an activation time.” Emily explained.

              “How long, Emily?”

              “It will run its course in a week.  After that it’s done.” She closed her eyes.

              “What about Jamie?” Jack asked.

              “I don’t know.” Emily shook her head.  “He may pull through.”

              “May?” Jack repeated the word.  “That means there’s a chance he won’t.”  Emily nodded slowly, unable to articulate the words.  “If he dies, Emily, I swear to Christ I will kill you with my bare hands for being the one that killed him. Do you understand me?”

              “Please, Jack.” Emily begged, turning to grab at his hand.  Jack pulled away harshly.

              “Don’t touch me.” Jack turned and went to leave the office.  He froze at the door, his hand on the doorframe and his back to her.  He inhaled deeply and dropped his head.  “I won’t tell them what you just told me.  But what I said stands.  If he dies, Emily, I’ll kill you.”  Jack disappeared leaving her alone.

              Emily backed up, her hand at her throat, trembling.  Her eyes welled up once more.  Dropping her head into her hand she stood there trying to calm herself.  Jamie moaned in his sleep, pulling her attention to him.  She quickly dropped to her knees beside him, examining him for signs of improvement.

              “Jamie?  Sweetie?  It’s Mom, can you open your eyes?” Her voice was soft and comforting.  Jamie stirred and his lids finally lifted, opening his eyes slightly.  He searched for a moment before his attentions landed on his mother’s face that rested near his own. Emily smiled broadly.  “Hey, there big guy.  Are you feeling any better?”

              “Tired.” His voice made tiny by exhaustion and illness squeaked out.  Emily reached up and smoothed his sweat laden hair back from his face.

              “I know, babe.  You need to drink some water and try to eat something, okay?  You have to keep your strength up.”  She nodded, still forcing her calm smile as not to frighten the boy.

              “Where are we?” He flicked his tongue out to moisten his dry cracked lips.

              “Well, the truck we were in ran out of gas.  Daddy, Wade and Artemis found this little grocery store and now we’re in here, all safe and sound.” Emily replied, explaining what he had missed.  It seemed to take a moment to register with Jamie.

              “I feel really sick.” He squeezed his eyes shut.  “My brain hurts.”

              “I know, honey.  Look, Artemis found you some medicine.  I need you to take it okay?  It will make you feel better.”  She reached to the small table that sat beside the sofa and grabbed the medicine, measuring out a dose for him.  Emily reached beneath his head and helped lift him up a bit so he could swallow it down.  Laying him gingerly back down, she wiped his face with the palm of her hand.  “There you go, that’s a good boy Jamie.”

              “Mom?” Jamie whispered.

              “What is it buddy?” Emily replied.

              “Where’s Dad?”

              “He’s out in the store with Wren and Wade.  Do you want me to get him?” She pointed with her thumb over her shoulder to the door.  Jamie nodded weakly, causing her to jump up and     sprint to the door.  “Jack!  Come in here, Jamie is awake and asking for you!”  She returned to his side as quickly as she had left, Jack stumbled in a moment later, tripping over his own two feet.

              “Hey guy!” Jack smiled down at Jamie who raised his hand a bit.  Jack took hit eagerly.  “How are you feeling?”

              “I want to sleep.  Mom gave me some medicine because my brain hurts.” Jamie replied.

              “Well, it’s best to stick to the doctors’ orders, right?” He smiled down at him, stepping forward his toe hit something beneath the sofa.  He bent down and grabbed it, pulling out he saw it was a radio.  Jamie saw it too and smiled weakly.

              “Is it going to be over soon?” His voice was painfully full of hope.

              “I don’t know bud.  But I’ll see if this works, and maybe we’ll find out.” Jack replied.  He was avoiding having to look at his wife.  Emily knew he didn’t want to be near her, he was merely putting up with her presence for Jamie’s sake.  Emily sighed.

              “Honey, I’m going to get you some water and food.  I would like you to at least try to eat before you sleep anymore, ok?  Do you think you can do that, for me?” She uncrossed her arms.

              “Yeah.” Jamie replied, his eyes glued to Jack who was fiddling with the radio.  Emily walked back out to where everyone was.

              “Is Jamie ok?” Wren asked, sitting up straight on her pile of flattened out cardboard boxes.

              “He’s awake.  I’m going to try to get him to eat something and drink some water, he needs to keep his strength up.” Emily replied as she ran her hand over the top of her head.

              “Here you go, doc.” Artemis called out tossing a bottle of water her way.  She caught it and gave him a smile. 

              “Thanks.” She held up the bottle of water a bit to show her gratitude.  “Did you happen to find some broth in a can or maybe some chicken soup?”

              “I can check, just give me a minute.” Artemis pulled himself up and walked over to the remaining set of shelves where he and the twins had gathered and stacked all the goods that had been left in the store.  “You’re in luck, doc, we got a few cans right here!”

              “Great!  Wade, hand me the can opener please.” She pointed to the opener that was sitting beside him on the floor.  He handed over to her, at the same time Artemis had walked over to her and was holding the soup out to her.  “Thanks guys.”

              “Go on, do what you gotta do.  We got it out here, right?” Artemis smiled as he turned to the twins.

              “Yeah, Mom, we got it.  Tell Jamie we hope he feels better.” Wade nodded, and went back to picking his thumb nail.  Emily paused for a moment regarding her older kids, marveling in their strength and courage before bracing herself to reenter Jamie’s sick room where her husband sat.

              “Jamie, I got some water and chicken noodle soup for you.” Emily smiled as she walked over to where his little body lay.  Jack was sitting on the floor now, crossed leg, pulling the batteries out of the back of the radio and putting them back in.

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