Read Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949 Online

Authors: Antony Beevor,Artemis Cooper

Tags: #Europe, #General, #Modern, #20th Century, #Social Science, #Anthropology, #Cultural, #History

Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949 (63 page)

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p. 142  ‘police spy’, Annie Cohen-Solal,
Paul Nizan,
p. 253
p. 143  ‘Not stupid…’, Galtier-Boissière,
Mon Journal depuis la Libération,
pp. 15–16
p. 146  ‘Any news?’, Marguerite Duras,
La Douleur,
p. 15
p. 146  ‘The days of tears…’, quoted ibid., p. 41
p. 146  ‘Their faces were grey-green…’, Janet Flanner,
Paris Journal,
p. 26
p. 146  ‘a greenish, waxen…’, Jean Galtier-Boissière,
Mon Journal depuis la Libération,
p. 244
p. 147  ‘Gare de l’Est…’, Louise Alcan,
Sans armes et sans bagages,
p. 118
p. 147  ‘You must see this…’, Mary Vaudoyer, conversation, 23 November 1992
p. 148  ‘the best of the French’, Annette Wieviorka,
Déportation et génocide,
p. 88
p. 149  ‘still dressed in the striped uniform…’, Galtier-Boissière,
Mon Journal depuis la Libération,
p. 231
p. 149  ‘musulmans’, from Dr Dvojetski,
Revue d’histoire de la médecine hébraïque,
Paris, No. 56, July 1962, pp. 55–91, CDJC
p. 149  ‘Joy did not come…’, Pierre Daix,
J’ai cru au matin,
p. 143
p. 149  ‘
univers concentrationnaire
’, Dvojetski,
Revue d’histoire
p. 149  ‘She had bought me…’, Raymond Ruffin,
La Vie des Français au jour le jour,
p. 171
p. 151  ‘All the pictures…’, Gertrude Stein,
Wars I Have Seen,
p. 174
p. 152  ‘an Aztec eagle’, Anne Chisolm,
Nancy Cunard,
p. 207
p. 152  ‘a tall lanky Irishman…’, Deirdre Bair,
Samuel Beckett,
p. 207
p. 152  ‘It’s better not to ask…’, Julien Green,
p. 668
p. 153  ‘Paris seemed terrifying to me…’, quoted Susan Mary Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 33
p. 153  ‘There was a terrible moment…’, 10 September 1945, LDCP-CR
p. 154  ‘the most expensive discomfort…’, quoted Philip Ziegler,
King Edward VIII,
p. 509
p. 154  ‘One of the best dinners…’, 17 October 1945, DD
p. 154  ‘At fifty…’, Jacques Dumaine,
Quai d’Orsay, 1945–51,
p. 42
p. 154  ‘so anxious to do right’, 28 October 1945, DCD
p. 156  ‘his neat, sallow head…’, Malcolm Muggeridge,
Chronicles of Wasted Time,
vol ii, p. 20
p. 156  ‘The purge trials…’, Susan Mary Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 46
p. 157  ‘it was not possible…’, Claude Bouchinet-Serreulles, conversation, 23 November 1992
p. 157  ‘One sees more and more…’, Philippe Boegner (ed.),
Carnets du Pasteur Boegner,
p. 335
p. 157  ‘
la stricte exécution
…’, Article 3 of decree of 28 November 1944, quoted Jacques Charpentier,
Au Service de la Liberté,
p. 256
p. 158  ‘silently to surrender…’, Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 27
p. 158  32 per cent, Bulletin 16 August 1945, fieldwork 11–25 July, IFOP
p. 158  ‘furious with de Gaulle…’, 30 April 1945, DD
p. 159  ‘Why do you not…’, Charpentier,
Au Service de la Liberté,
p. 267
p. 160  ‘The assembly exploded in anger…’, stenographic version of Comrade Popova’s report to the International Section of the Central Committee, 16 July 1945, RGASPI 17/128/748
p. 161  ‘I made a fine speech’, Jacques Isorni,
Philippe Pétain,
p. 477
p. 162  ‘They are putting the armistice…’, Charpentier,
Au Service de la Liberté,
p. 267
p. 162  ‘was not a dishonourable…’, quoted Haute Cour de Justice,
Le Procès du Maréchal Pétain
p. 163  ‘The fat of his face…’, Janet Flanner,
Paris Journal,
p. 39
p. 164  ‘for several months’, quoted Isorni,
Philippe Pétain,
pp. 400–401
p. 165  ‘For four years…’, quoted Jean-Pierre Azéma, ‘La Milice’,
20ème Siècle,
No. 28, December 1990, p. 104
p. 165  ‘I amnot…’, Haute Cour de Justice,
Le Procès du Maréchal Pétain,
p. 257
p. 165  ‘Each day…’, quoted Isorni,
Philippe Pétain,
p. 476
p. 165  ‘Trust me…’, ibid., p. 393
p. 166  ‘he was incapable…’, Comte René de Chambrun, conversation, 16 October 1992
p. 166  ‘The examination procedure…’, article by Madeleine Jacob,
6 October 1945
p. 167  ‘Like Andalusian…’, Charpentier,
Au Service de la Liberté,
p. 268
p. 167  ‘The Laval trial…’, Boegner (ed.),
Carnets du Pasteur Boegner,
p. 352
p. 168  ‘If Laval is executed…’, ibid.
p. 169 ‘The only time…’, Baronne Élie de Rothschild, conversation, 30 October 1992
p. 169  ‘black-market queens’, Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 52
p. 170  ‘To be twenty…’, Simone de Beauvoir,
La Force des choses,
p. 19
p. 170  ‘Oh wonders!’ Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie,
p. 25
p. 171  ‘resistance, black market…’, Marc Doelnitz,
La Fête à Saint-Germain-des-Prés,
p. 98
p. 173  ‘We have only to imagine…’, 25 July 1945, DCD
p. 174  ‘reactionary bourgeois philosophy’, A. A. Zhdanov, 11 June 1946, RGASPI 17/125/454
p. 174  ‘a pretentious metaphysical thesis’, A. J. Ayer,
Part of My Life,
p. 284
p. 174  ‘a charm…’, Beauvoir,
La Force de l’âge,
p. 576
p. 175  ‘overflowing with charm…’, quoted
p. 14
p. 176  ‘
désordres amoureux
’, Beauvoir,
La Force de l’âge,
p. 589
p. 176  ‘Sartre had a rather diabolical…’, quoted Deirdre Bair,
Simone de Beauvoir,
p. 345
p. 176  ‘He discovered…’, J.-P. Sartre, ‘Merleau-Ponty’,
Les Temps modernes,
October 1961
p. 177  ‘The impression…’, Beauvoir,
La Force de l’âge,
p. 586
p. 177  ‘the Proust of marginal Paris’, Edmund White,
Jean Genet,
p. 196
p. 177  ‘distrustful…’, Beauvoir,
La Force de l’âge,
p. 595
p. 177  ‘a tall, blonde, elegant…’, Beauvoir,
La Force des choses,
p. 29
p. 179  ‘he takes himself…’, ibid., p. 87
p. 181  ‘first anti-revolutionary…’, Jean Cocteau,
pp. 554,565
p. 181  ‘Joining…’,
30 October 1944
p. 182  ‘This emaciated…’, 26 March 1947, DCP
p. 182  ‘I must tell you…’, Signor to Stepanov, 22 April 1946, RGASPI 17/128/967
p. 183  ‘What did you…’, Dominique Desanti,
Les Staliniens,
p. 6
p. 183  ‘Monsieur, I would have you know…’, Jacques Dumaine,
Quai d’Orsay, 1945–51,
p. 27
p. 184  ‘the bourgeois theatre…’, Jean-François Gravier,
Paris: Le Désert français,
p. 87
p. 185  ‘a nostalgia for…’, Edmund Wilson,
A Literary Chronicle of the Forties,
p. 112
p. 187  ‘You just don’t…’, Nancy Mitford,
The Blessing,
p. 173
p. 187  ‘One rule here…’, Susan Mary Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 34
p. 188  ‘expecting to be treated…’, General Count de Rougemont, as told to Susan Mary Alsop, conversation, 2 November 1992
p. 188  ‘One asked nothing…’, Martha Gellhorn,
A Honeyed Peace,
p. 11
p. 188  ‘A Free French officer…’, Guy de Rothschild,
The Whims of Fortune,
p. 149
p. 188  ‘Oh! All that’s…’, Prince Jean-Louis de Faucigny-Lucinge,
Un Gentilhomme cosmopolite,
p. 189
p. 189  ‘Führer of Champagne’, Odette Pol Roger, conversation, 10 October 1989
p. 189  ‘the house smelled…’, Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 27
p. 190  ‘We were told…’, Popova’s report to Ponomarev, 16 July 1945, RGASPI 17/128/748
p. 190  ‘has more orders…’, 29 November 1945, LDCP-CR
p. 191  ‘They crouch…’, Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 35
p. 191  ‘Today I heard an old…’, Charlotte Mosley (ed.),
Love from Nancy,
p. 96
p. 191  ‘Monsieur le duc…’, Duc de Brissac,
p. 151
p. 191  ‘The French…’, Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 5
p. 192  ‘a Scandinavian student…’, Claus von Bülow, conversation, 14 December 1992
p. 192  ‘He can do no good…’, to Lascelles, 26 November 1945, DCP
p. 192  ‘to entertain official personages…’, to Lascelles, 5 November 1945, DCP
p. 192  ‘Wally drew me aside…’, 12 December 1945, DD
p. 192  ‘I told him…’, 15 December 1945, DD
p. 192  ‘The famous charm…’, Lascelles, letter, 17 November 1945, DCP
p. 193  ‘You ought to marry…’, to Diana Mosley, 15 June 1946, NMP
p. 193  ‘the rights of passion…’, Mosley (ed.),
Love from Nancy,
p. 218
p. 193  ‘I end up…’, ibid., p. 215
p. 194  ‘we hadn’t been there two minutes…’, 5 June 1946, NMP
p. 194  ‘Does it not occur to you…’, quoted Selina Hastings,
Nancy Mitford,
p. 179
p. 195  ‘I’ve seen this man…’, Jean Galtier-Boissière,
Mon Journal depuis la Libération,
pp. 254–5
p. 197  ‘at least one girl…’, Susan Mary Alsop,
To Marietta from Paris,
p. 31
p. 197  ‘This victory had been far away…’, Simone de Beauvoir,
La Force des choses,
p. 42
p. 197  ‘too exhausted…’, Galtier-Boissière,
Mon Journal depuis la Libération,
p. 252
p. 197  ‘the principal reason…’, Stepanov for Dimitrov, received 2 February 1945, RGASPI 17/128/43
p. 199  ‘Every week…’, NARA 851.00/2-1445
p. 200  ‘
tristement petit-bourgeois
’, Dominique Desanti,
Les Staliniens,
p. 53
p. 201  ‘efforts to bring about…’, NARA 851.00/6-2245
p. 201  ‘No word…’, NARA 851.00/6-1445
p. 202  ‘cynical Hitlerian…’, Musée des Deux Guerres, Buton, p. 154
p. 202  ‘For the whole period…’, 15 June 1945, RGASPI 17/128/748
p. 203  ‘De Gaulle is much blamed…’, 9 June 1945, DCD
p. 203  ‘When I asked him…’, NARA 851.00/6-1545
p. 203  ‘When people…’, Claude Bouchinet-Serreulles, conversation, 23 November 1992
p. 203  ‘a hypersensitive loner…’, Philippe Boegner (ed.),
Carnets du Pasteur Boegner,
p. 343
p. 204  ‘England was preparing…’, Charles de Gaulle,
Mémoires de guerre,
vol. iii, p. 181
p. 205  ‘owing to recent events…’, 28 June 1945, DCD
p. 205  ‘intended to retire…’, 27 June 1945, DCD
p. 205  ‘
l’intendance suivra
’, quoted Frank Giles,
The Locust Years,
p. 20
p. 206  ‘with de Gaulle…’, Winant to Secretary of State, NARA 851.00/ 6-1845
p. 206  ‘why France saw the world…’, de Gaulle,
Mémoires de guerre,
vol. iii, p. 181
p. 206  ‘A country which…’, General Impression of France, NARA 851.00/ 8-2445
p. 209  ‘I never liked or admired…’, 13 November 1945, DCD
p. 209 ‘
le caractère national
…’, quoted Jean Lacouture,
De Gaulle, Le Politique,
p. 217
p. 209  ‘It’s de Gaulle…’, Luizet’s report to Ministry of the Interior, 20 November 1945, AN F/1a/3201
p. 211  ‘Yesterday we were tricked…’, Directeur des RG au DG de SN, 21 November 1943, AN F/1a/3201
p. 211  ‘that the Communists…’, 3 December 1946, DCD
p. 211  ‘There are only two real…’, Caffery, secret telegramto Secretary of State, 6 December 1945, NARA 851.00/12-745
p. 212  ‘You talk of greatness…’, Jean Monnet,
p. 270
p. 213  ‘was looking ill…’, 1 January 1945, DD
p. 213  ‘their games…’, André Astoux,
p. 79
p. 213  ‘felt bound up…’, Claude Bouchinet-Serreulles, conversation, 23 November 1992
p. 214  ‘On January 20th…’, Duff Cooper,
Old Men Forget,
p. 365
p. 214  ‘Gentlemen, I have decided…’, 21 January 1946, DD
p. 214  ‘was as usual very interesting…’, 22 January 1946, DCD
p. 214  ‘a political crisis…’, NARA 851.00/1-2046
p. 215  ‘caused hardly a ripple…’, NARA 851.00/2-2546
p. 215  ‘demonstrated their satisfaction…’, AN F/1a/3201
p. 216  ‘You cannot imagine…’, Hervé Alphand,
L’Étonnement d’être,
p. 192
p. 216  ‘His stomach…’, Malcolm Muggeridge,
Chronicles of Wasted Time,
vol. ii, p. 213
p. 217  ‘Passy said that…’, Brigadier Daly, Top Secret to Deputy Director Military Intelligence, 21 April 1946, DD
p. 221  ‘
cette femme
’ and ‘Very well indeed…’, 4 April 1946, DD
p. 221  ‘The severe judgements…’, Philippe Boegner (ed.),
Carnets du Pasteur Boegner,
p. 323
p. 222  ‘unemployed’ [‘
en chômage
’], 22 November 1945, DCD
p. 222  ‘the Communist Party had paid…’ 17 December 1945, DD
p. 222  ‘How many pupils…’, quoted letter to Deputy Director Military Intelligence, 4 April 1946, DD
BOOK: Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949
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