A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution

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Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution
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Table of Contents
A Pirate’s Tale
The Only Solution is Retribution

Books by Saxon Andrew

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five


Books by Saxon Andrew
The Annihilation Series

Love Conquers All

The Power of a Queen

A Rose Grows in Weeds

Tommy’s Tale


Demon’s Sacrifice

Finding Keepers
(The Seven books above are audio books at Audible.com)

Prequel-Psychic Beginnings

Searching for a Hero

Dahlia’s Deception

Annihilation-The Complete Series Box Set

Ashes of the Realm

Juliette’s Dream

Greyson’s Revenge

Death of an Empire

The Return of the Realm

Lens of Time

The Pyramid Builders

Planet Predators

Pray for the Prey

The End of Time

Star Rover-The Worst of Time

Star Rover-Running Out of Time

Lens of Time-Chosen To Die

The Fight for Creation

Life Warrior

Scout Warrior

Ultimate Warrior

Star Chase

The Lost Prince
(An audio book at Audible.com)

Nowhere to Run

Nowhere to Hide

Probe Predators

Jesse’s Starship

Mike’s War

Joshua’s Walls


Revenge is Best Served Hot

The Search for Orion

Trapped in Time

The Time Takers

Taming A Planet


Escape to Earth

Running From Fate

Fighting for Space

Defending Holy Ground

The Legacy of a Conqueror

Living Legends

Defending Earth
The Sequel Series to Escape to Earth

Searching for Death Feeders

Discovery Means Death

The Death Prophecies

The Coming of the Prophet

The Eyes of the Prophet

The Unknown Enemy Will Kill You

No Technology Is Invincible

Survival is Never Free

The Last Prophecy

Stories from the Filament Universe

Gregor’s Run

A Pirate’s Tale

Coming soon

The Death Filament

Chapter One

he tall pirate looked at the assembled passengers and crew in the commercial liner’s landing bay as he stared at the images on his communicator.  His crew had gone through the ship and moved everyone on board to the bay, except for the small babies in the nursery, which were left unattended.  He glanced at the back wall and saw the armored safe with green lights still glowing above the rotary dial.  He took a piece of paper out of his pouch and said, “I’m looking for a passenger named Serge Ohaulo.”  No one moved and he nodded to the pirate holding a blaster next to him.  The Pirate walked forward, grabbed a woman out of the crowd, and threw her on the deck away from the others.  He fired the blaster and the woman didn’t have time to scream before the upper half of her body disappeared.  The tall man sighed, “Serge, I’ll keep doing this until you step forward.”  The pirate nodded again and four passengers grabbed a man and shoved him out of the crowd.  A middle aged woman along with two dark haired girls came running out of the crowd and stood beside the man.

The pirate smiled, “Good, I was hoping I wouldn’t have to find the three of you as well.”  He turned to the man, “Serge, I need the code to open the safe.”

The man raised his chin and said defiantly, “I won’t give it to you.  Too many families have trusted me with their life savings and I’ll not betray them.  Kill me if you must but I will not give you the code.”

The pirate walked over in front of the middle aged man and shook his index finger at Serge, “Tisk, tisk!  I wouldn’t be so stupid as to kill you.  Then how would I get the code.”

Serge smiled, “Exactly!”

The pirate pulled a dagger out of a scabbard on his belt, moved forward, and jammed it into the top of the woman’s head standing next to Serge.  It penetrated all the way to the hilt and the woman fell right where she was standing without making a sound.  Serge’s mouth went wide open as one of the young girls standing next to him fell to the floor on top of the dead woman wailing and sobbing.  The Pirate shook his head, “Serge, Serge, why does it have to be like this?  The next one to die will be one of your daughters here and if that doesn’t work, I’ll have her baby brought down from the nursery and continue this exercise.  Why don’t you save me the trouble and just give me the code.”

The young girl looked up at the pirate, “You’re nothing but a coward!!”  She turned to her father, “Don’t tell him anything; he’s going to kill all of us anyway!!”

The pirate put his hand to his chest just under his neck, “You cut me to the quick.  I never kill needlessly.  Your mother would still be alive but for Serge’s reluctance to do as I request.”

A young man standing in the crowd said where everyone could hear, “He’s being honest.  He won’t kill us if you give him what he wants.”

The woman looked at the young man and sneered, “You must be one of them!!”

The tall pirate looked at the young man and asked, “How do you know this?”

The young man shrugged, “You’re Captain John Blakely.  You are known for your ruthlessness but you’re also known for not killing needlessly.”

“And you know this because….”

“I’ve read about you.  You once said it was bad for business to kill needlessly.  You said you could always recapture those you freed later, hold them for ransom, and continue to profit.  They would be a gift that keeps on giving.”

The pirate chuckled, “You’re right.”  He looked at the girl still on the floor with the dead body of her mother, “I will set you free if Serge here will just give me the code.  I‘ll really take no pleasure in killing you, your sister, and your nephew.  But if he continues to refuse to give it to me, I will do it.”

Suddenly, Serge grabbed the dagger protruding from his wife’s head, pulled it out, and stabbed it into his heart.”  The girl screamed again as the huge pirate lunged to grab Serge’s arm and stop him.  He didn’t make it in time and he looked up and rolled his eyes as Serge died in front of him, “Hell’s pus bucket!!”  He looked at the pirate beside him and saw he was quivering, “He moved too fast, John!!”

The pirate sighed and then shook his head, “Recall the crew.  Serge was braver than I ever thought him capable.” 

“John, we could take the liner and disassemble it elsewhere,” a pirate holding a blaster pointed at the passengers and crew suggested.  The tall pirate started shaking his head, “Jeremy, when we stopped this ship, it automatically sent out a distress call.  It will continue to send out distress signals and attempting to tow this ship away will only slow us down and allow the Proctors on Unity Warships that are coming this way to find us easily.”  The younger pirate opened his mouth and the big pirate said, “And before you start suggesting we just cut the safe out of the wall, the safe will auto-destruct the moment we interrupt the power source to it and take us out with it.  Serge won this round and there’s nothing we can do about it now.”  The pirate looked at the crew and passengers packed into the landing bay and then turned to the young man, “Its times like these that really try my patience.  I should kill everyone here but that would be…” 

He lowered his head and stared at the young man, who said, “Bad for business.”

“Can you tell me why it would be bad for business?” the pirate asked with a smile.

“Because if you killed everyone you captured, what would be the incentive for anyone to ever give the code to a safe?”

The pirate laughed out loud and then said, “Very good!!”  He looked down at Serge and sighed, “You earned the faith of your investors.  It’s such a shame that the brave are always the first to die.”  The pirate turned and walked out of the landing bay into the port of the starship connected to its hull without looking back.  The five other pirates backed out behind him covering the landing bay with their hand blasters, and exited the port.  The room was silent except for the young woman’s wails as they waited for the pirate ship to fire on them.  They watched the huge vessel move away from the hull, ignite its boosters, and disappear.   Most of those in the landing bay fell to the floor in relief.

The Captain of the commercial liner walked up to the young man who had called out the pirate with two crewmen behind him, “Tell me how you know so much about that pirate!?!”

The young man looked at the two large crewmen and shrugged as he turned to the Captain, “It’s like I told him; I’ve read a lot about him.  John Blakely killed my brother on a ship like this a year ago.  I’ve come out here to hunt him down and kill him.”

The Captain stared at the young man and started shaking his head.  He was about six foot two and had a lean physique.  His facial features were sharp and his green eyes didn’t waver.   “You aren’t big enough to handle my sailors much less that giant pirate.”  The young man shrugged and the Captain said, “Put him in lockup for the authorities to question when we land.”

The young man lowered his eyes and said, “I’ll gladly go to the authorities when we land but I paid for a first class trip and I intend to take advantage of my fare.  I will not allow you to, as you say, lock me up.”

The Captain sneered, “Lock him up!!”

The two crewmembers came around the captain and in an instant, they were on the deck writhing in pain.  The young man moved forward until his face was an inch from the Captain’s, “Would you like to be next?”

The Captain’s eyes went wide in fear as he heard his sailors moaning in pain, “No!  That won’t be necessary!”

“Good.  I told you that I’ll meet with the Proctors without resistance when we land.  I won’t be going anywhere.”  The young man turned and walked out of the landing bay toward the first class corridor.  The young woman watched what happened in silence as she held on to her mother and father’s bodies.  She looked at her sister and said tearfully, “You should go to the nursery and stay with Ethan.”  Her sister nodded and walked away weeping as she turned back to her dead parents in her lap and closed her eyes as she quietly wept.

One of the passengers said loud enough that everyone could hear, “That young man probably saved us by reminding that brute that he doesn’t kill needlessly.  He certainly doesn’t deserve to be incarcerated.”  The other passengers applauded his remarks.

• • •

The young man sat in his chair in first class and heard the passengers behind him start murmuring.  He exhaled sharply and turned around.  The Captain and a crewman holding a hand blaster were walking up the aisle toward his row.  He looked at the passenger sitting beside him and said, “We really should trade seats.”

The man sitting next to the aisle stood up and the young man slid into his aisle seat.  The Captain walked one row past him and turned, “You will go now to our lock up or I will order you to be shot.”

The young man smiled, “Ok, order it.”

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