A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution (9 page)

Read A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution Online

Authors: Saxon Andrew

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: A Pirate's Tale: The Only Solution Is Retribution
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Leo paused for a moment and continued, “Evidently, one of the pirate ships managed to follow us to Jergan and called in the survivors of the pirate attack.  I was on the planet’s surface purchasing supplies when they boosted in and surrounded my ship and blasted it into rubble; Mark contacted me before he died letting me know that a John Blakely was leading the pirate fleet.”

The table looked somber and the woman said, “Mark is gone?”

Leo nodded, “He is and I intend to make the ones that killed him pay for it.”

The woman’s sorrow was clear as she said, “I’ve been looking for both of you since the unit disbanded.”

Leo slowly shook his head, “Mark told me that he felt you should get out of the business of war and settle down, Desiree.  He didn’t want you to die.”

“He didn’t have the right to make that decision without discussing it with me, Leonidas.”

“He did what he thought was best and you would be dead with him if he had taken you with us.”

“But I would have at least had some happy moments instead of the miserable life I’ve lived since the two of you flew away and disappeared.  Count me in on this!”

“Lieutenant, I don’t know if taking you with me would be a good thing.”

The woman stared at him and sternly said, “The same thing goes for you!  You’re emotionally involved in this just as much as I am.  If you can maintain control, you know I can as well.  Would you want to be left out in punishing his killers?”  Leo stared at her.  “WOULD YOU?!”

Leo stared a moment longer and said, “No, I wouldn’t.  However, if you do anything to endanger this mission I will personally toss you out of the airlock and not give it a second thought!  You got that!”

The woman nodded, “Yes, Sir!  I expect nothing less.  I want to be there with you when you confront his killers.”

Jack looked at Leo, “How many will you need to go with you, Sir?”

“I don’t know yet.  I’m going to arm our ships and the armaments will determine how many I need to operate them.”

“You will need twenty to operate the armaments on your ship,” the Insectoid said behind Leo.  Leo turned around and looked at him as it said, “I will arm the two ships and take on training Victoria as you’ve requested to learn the skills she’ll need to survive.”

“Will this cause you an issue with your leaders?”


Leo smiled, “Ok, this is how we’re going to do it.  Desiree along with Barney’s group will join me on my ship.”

Barney’s eyes narrowed, “Why are you choosing me to go with you instead of others that served with your CO?  They deserve the right to make the pirate pay for his killing one of their own.”

Leo smiled, “Because you actually look like pirates, Captain.   With the way you’re dressed along with your beards and long hair, you’ve learned to live like a pirate on this planet.  You’re going to have to teach the others chosen to serve on my ship how to play the role.”

Barney stared at Leo, looked around at the others, and then smiled, “Arggg, Captain, we be pirates.”

The gathering burst out laughing and Leo looked at the others, “The remaining fourteen members of my crew will be selected by drawing lots to determine who goes with me and who stays with Victoria.  I want those of you that go with Victoria to understand that if any harm comes to her while you’re on this assignment, I will hold all of you personally responsible for it.”

Jack quickly said, “Sir, we don’t have any personal arms.  They were confiscated by the Unity Forces.  We have nothing to defend her.”

“I will provide what you need,” The Insectoid answered immediately.

Leo reached in his backpack and pulled out a velvet bag that jingled.  He took out the coins from it and took a marker out of the backpack’s side pocket.  He marked fourteen coins with the marker and put thirty-five back into the bag.  He handed the bag to Ana, “Please mix them up.” 

Jack quickly said, “Gem said that you’d only need twenty crewmen.  Barney’s group has eight and Desiree makes nine; fourteen more totals twenty-three.”

Leonidas smiled, “I’ll need twenty to operate the weapons.  I’ll also need three others to man the bridge and fly the ship.  Since Desiree will be one of the three, I’ll need fourteen others.”

Jack rolled his eyes, “Sorry, Sir.  You’re absolutely right.”

Billy spoke up from the end of the table, “What about Victoria’s ship?  I understand it’s much larger than yours.  Won’t it need more crewmembers than yours?”

Gem shook his head, “Victoria’s vessel has twice the room inside it which allows for much larger weapon consoles.  She will only need nine crewmen for the missile controls and nine for the blasters.  That will leave three to man the bridge.  Since all of the weapons will be hidden inside the ship’s hull, the control panels will have to be more extensive than the smaller ship.  It will also be more powerful than the smaller ship because of housing more weapons.”

Ana took the bag and began shaking it from all different angles.  The coins were all the same size and the group knew that this was truly going to be done by the luck of the draw.  She handed the bag to Leo and he opened the top, “I want all of you to understand that Victoria is possibly in more danger than I am.”

Barney’s head went back as he asked, “How can that be?  We’re going after Pirates and she says that she is going to fly around the universe having a good time.”

Leo looked at him, “She didn’t tell you who was trying to capture or kill her.” 

Everyone stared at her and Ana said, “My father is Serge Romanov.”

The gathering was shocked by the admission as Leo said, “And he possess the wealth to go after her with forces that are beyond your wildest dreams.  She is going to do all she can to avoid being found but the Romanovs are a lot smarter and more powerful than any fleet of pirates we go up against; they will be using modern warships and arms to attempt to capture her along with the most modern scientific methods to find her.”

Leo held out the bag and Desiree said, “Before you start drawing coins, you need to put another marked coin in the bag.”

Leo lowered the bag, “Why is that, Desiree.”

Desiree sighed, “Victoria is going to need a woman to go with her as an attendant. There will be places she will have to go where a man can’t go with her.  If I don’t go with her, you are going to have to hire a female to do it and I don’t know if you can find anyone that can’t be turned by Romanov’s wealth.  I want to go and kill this John Blakey with you more than you know but the scope of this assignment calls for me to put my personal feelings aside to do the right thing.  The mission requires a female to be on her ship and I don’t think anyone else around this table can pass that physical.”

Leo smiled as he reached in the bag and took out an unmarked coin.  He marked it and put it in the bag.  “Lieutenant, you were always the best officer in the battalion at developing strategy.  I honor you for your willing sacrifice in making this plan stronger and you’re absolutely right about needing another woman on board Victoria’s ship.”

Desiree looked at the Insectoid, “Would it be possible for you to train me with her?”

The Insectoid stared at her before saying, “Some of the training is very painful.”

Desiree looked at Ana, “If she can take it, I believe I can as well.”

“It will be as you request, Lieutenant.  However, I can only train two.”

Leo looked at the group, “Desiree will be in overall command of those that go with Victoria’s Ship and will develop the strategy to keep her safe.”  He handed the bag back to Ana, “Please mix them up again.”  Ana took the bag and shook it again.  She stared at Desiree as she shook it and wondered if this was a good thing or not.  She handed the bag to Leo and he opened the top, “Pull one, please.”

The thirty-five remaining warriors began pulling coins and some of them said, “Damn it, man,” when they pulled an unmarked coin.  At the end, Leo said, “Those who are going with me will go with me to my ship.  The others will go with Victoria to her ship.”  Leo turned around, “Gem, we’ll follow your ship to where the ships and crews will be armed and you can join Victoria’s crew there.”

Victoria quickly said, “There’s an issue we’ve not addressed.”

Everyone was standing up and they immediately sat down.  Jack looked at her, “What issue is that, my lady?”

“Leonidas will determine the pay for those that go with him on his ship.  Those of you that go with me will be paid a hundred thousand credits a week for spending money.”  The sudden intake of breaths was loud.  “That’s not all; all your expenses while serving on this assignment will be paid and if at the end of it we’re successful, each of you will receive ten million credits.”

Desiree’s mouth fell open, “Are you serious?!”

“I need to find a way to set up an untraceable account for all of you but, yes, I’m serious.”

Gem said, “I will set up the accounts, if you will give me the names you wish to attach to each of them.”

Leo looked at his crew, “You will not be going to planets to party and have a good time.  You will be playing the role of pirates and there is a good possibility that all of us might be killed.”  He looked at Gem, “Is it possible for you to also set up an account for each member of my crew and transfer fifteen million credits into them?”

“Do you have the funds to make the transfer?”

“I do and I’d also like a beneficiary listed on each account in the event the worst happens.”

“Have your crew provide the names and I’ll have the cards for them before the ships are finished being armed.”

“I want you to give the cards for my crew to Victoria to hold until my mission is over.”

“Why?” Carl quickly asked.

Leo smiled, “Because some of you will really be tempted to use those funds and that could blow our cover of being poor pirates.”  Leo looked at Carl, “Captain, buying the Romulus Gold Chronometer you’ve always wanted could get us all killed.  I will take care of any expenses during the mission but most of you will be living on a small amount each week.  That’s why your end bonus will be fifty percent larger than the crew with Victoria.”

Leonidas looked at Desiree, “You’re not only protecting the Lady but our futures as well, Lieutenant, and you are now promoted to Captain and will be in command of Victoria’s vessel.”  He looked at Ana, “You will follow her orders just as you would mine.”

Desiree rolled her eyes, “As if I needed more pressure.”

Ana said, “Gem, could you hold on to those cards and make sure Leonidas’ Crew’s beneficiaries receive them if they kill that bastard and don’t make it?”

Leo shook his head, “No, you will hold the cards!”  She tilted her head as he said, “I’m holding them responsible for your safety.  Being responsible for the safety of their comrades’ future retirement makes sure they make their best effort to keep you safe.”

“But they will lose their own reward if they fail.  Isn’t that enough?”

Desiree sighed, “Victoria, losing ours won’t be near as hard to accept as losing those belonging to our brothers.  Leonidas is right, it should be done this way.”

Victoria looked at her and said, “Then Leo will hold the cards of my crew.”

Leo looked at her and smiled, “I will put them in a safe place.  Is there anything else we’ve not done?”  Ana shook her head.

Leo raised his hands as everyone started to stand up, “There is one other issue.  Jack, you and Desiree will start a physical training regimen to get the crews in top physical shape.”  Ana rolled her eyes but noticed that none of the others showed any reluctance. 

Glenny leaned over and whispered to her, “My Lady, we all know that if we’re not in combat physical condition, we won’t be at our best.  Most of us aren’t after the long layoff.”  Ana nodded and smiled.

She looked at Desiree and saw her nod, “That includes both of us as well, My Lady.”

Leo stood up, “Alright, let’s go to the bus parked outside and I’ll take you to our ships and get this thing started.”  The gathering stood up and started moving toward the exit.  Leo saw Gem moving toward the bar.  He rushed up to him, “What’s going on?”

“The bartender took a photograph of our meeting.”  Leo followed the Insectoid to the bar and the bartender was looking extremely nervous.  “I noticed that you took a photo of our gathering.  Would you mind telling me why you violated our privacy?” Gem asked in a calm voice.

The bartender was shaking as the owner walked up, “Is there a problem?”

Leo looked at him, “Your employee took a photo of my friends and me; I’d like to know why.”

The owner looked at the bartender, “Is this true?”

The bartender made a break for the exit but Gem blew something out his mouth and he dropped in his tracks before he reached the end of the bar.  “Get his communicator!” Gem said calmly to Leo.  Leo went over and took the bartender’s communicator out of his shirt pocket as Gem turned to the owner, “He is not harmed and will wake up not remembering anything that happened for the last twelve hours.  Do I have to destroy the camera and recording device you have behind the mirror?”

The owner stared at the Insectoid before saying, “I record everything that happens here in the event someone starts a brawl.  The recording helps in the following court proceedings.”

“If you don’t mind, I am going to erase the recording.”

The owner stared at the large Insectoid and nodded, “Go ahead.”

Gem pulled a device off his belt and pointed it at the mirror.  A moment later, he pointed it at four other places scattered around the tavern.  The owner’s eyes narrowed and Gem said, “I assumed you wouldn’t mind my clearing all of them.  You will need to power them back on once we leave.”  Gem turned and followed Leo out of the tavern. 

The owner stared at them and knew he was missing an opportunity but he didn’t know what it was.  But he had taken a photo on his communicator earlier and he pulled it out to take a look at it.  He started cursing.  His communicator was fused solid.  Something important happened in his tavern but he had no idea what it was or who to contact to sell the information to.  He intended to start inquiries the next day but died from an aneurism that night.  The small micro-bot shot into his skin while Gem erased the recordings moved through his blood vessels and carried out its programed instructions when it arrived at his heart.  The bartender died three days later.

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