PARIS 1919 (99 page)

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Authors: Margaret MacMillan

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Zimmern, A.
The Third British Empire.
London, 1926.

Zinner, P. E. “The Diplomacy of Eduard Benes,” The Diplomats: 1919–1939, ed. G. A. Craig and F. Gilbert. New York, 1963.

Zivojinovic, D. R.
America, Italy and the Birth of Yugoslavia,
Boulder, 1972.

MARGARET MACMILLAN received her Ph.D. from Oxford University and is provost of Trinity College and professor of history at the University of Toronto. Her previous books include
Women of the Raj,
a selection of the Book-of-the-Month Club and the History Book Club, and
Canada and NATO. Paris
published in the United Kingdom as
won the Duff Cooper Prize, the Samuel Johnson Prize, and the PEN Hessell Tiltman Prize. Margaret MacMillan is the greatgranddaughter of David Lloyd George. She lives in Toronto.

2003 Random House Trade Paperback Edition

Copyright © 2001 by Margaret MacMillan

Foreword copyright © 2002 by Richard Holbrooke
Maps copyright © 2002 by Jeffrey L. Ward

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.
Published in the United States by Random House Trade Paperbacks, an imprint of
The Random House Publishing Group, a division of Random House, Inc., New York.

RANDOM HOUSE TRADE PAPERBACKS and colophon are trademarks of
Random House, Inc.

The author and publisher would like to thank the following for permission to
reproduce illustrations: Plates 1 and 7, Princeton University Library; 2, 4, 5, 8, 9,
11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 and 28, Hulton Getty; 3 and 29, The Trustees
of the Imperial War Museum, London; 10, 14, 18, 25 and 26,
The Illustrated
London News
Picture Library; 15, 19 and 30, Mary Evans Picture Library.

MacMillan, Margaret Olwen.
Paris 1919: six months that changed the world / Margaret MacMillan.
p. cm.
Originally published: Peacemakers. London: J. Murray, 2001.
Includes bibliographical references.

1. Paris Peace Conference (1919–1920) 2. World War, 1914–1918—Peace.
3. Treaty of Versailles (1919) 4. Germany—History—1918–1933.
5. Wilson, Woodrow, 1856–1924. 6. Germany—Boundaries. I. Title.

D644 .M32 2002
940.3′141—dc21 2002023707

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eISBN: 978-0-307-43296-4


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