Pariah #1: New Arrival: Perils of Azure City (5 page)

BOOK: Pariah #1: New Arrival: Perils of Azure City
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Even as she savoured Lenny's deep kiss, she realised that this was still a fight. It wasn't some kind of sensual dream; she needed to do something. Her mind was a fog of lust and desire, and she wanted him so much. She wanted to be taken by him, to just surrender and feel the pleasure that the choir was promising her. It felt so good. How could anyone not want this?

Yet she needed to fight. A deep, animal part of her psyche - even deeper than the primal desires that Lenny was kindling - demanded resistance. The conflicting needs clashed in her mind before the animal won out - just.

With immense effort she pulled away from the kiss, trailing their mixed saliva between them. The look of subjugation in her eyes hardened into defiance. She drew both her hands down to her belt, reaching for the pouches concealed there.

Before she reached the pouches, she felt strong hands lock around her wrists before guiding them behind her back. Looking over her shoulder she saw Tyrone had come up behind her, amusement and attraction written over his face. He pressed himself up against her back, allowing her to feel the fullness of his presence and pressing the erection in his pants into the cleft of her ass.

'You are a wonder, Pariah,' his deep voice growled into her ear, 'Aren't you tired of fighting it? Isn't there something much more enjoyable that you could be doing with your efforts? Just
give in

Part Five: Dark Desires


It was all going so wrong.

Pariah had come expecting underhand tactics and trickery. She had expected a tough fight. She had been warned that Underhaven had means to coerce and control.

What she he had not expected, however, was the betrayal of her mind and body.

Barely minutes earlier she had them on the run. She had demolished almost the entire crew - sixteen tough and trained men - with brutal efficiency. Those two that remained had almost fled for their lives in the face of her imposing might. She had almost taken the whole facility in the space of barely a minute. Almost added another impressive chapter to her list of achievements in Azure City.


The intervention of the nefarious tool known as the aria had struck her in a way that no weapon ever had before. Its relaxing, arousing effects had dulled her senses, taken away her focus and inverted the scales of power within the depot. Pariah had gone from top predator closing in on the hunt, to prey about to be devoured.

Under the aria's power she had been led down the rabbit hole by Lenny, a low life abuser of women, and he had used all his seedy charm to entangle her mind in a web of submissive desire. His experience in seducing women was clear as he perfectly read her body, touching her in just the right way to turn her on, and leading her astray with his domineering words.

It was like he knew her better than she knew herself; always doing just the right thing to weaken her and tempt her to submit.

She had tried multiple times to muster her resistance, but he had spotted each attempt and expertly manipulated both her mind and body at each turn, diffusing her will even as she gathered it.

Under the mixed influence of a talented womaniser and powerful manipulation from the aria, Pariah's body had reacted profoundly against her will. She felt heat surging through her, making her weak at the knees and short of breath. Her mind had been similarly treacherous, following her body into a state of need and desire. Fantasies of being dominated and taken to the limits of ecstasy came unbidden to her mind, and she had found it increasingly difficult to think of this as something that she didn't want.

The effect had been something she was unprepared for. She found it was her own body and desires that she was fighting, their treachery leaving her helpless and easy pickings for Lenny. It had been what he had used against her, the weakness that he had targeted to defeat her. Her mistake had been trying to fight him and the aria, when she first needed to defeat herself - to defeat the vulnerability that was being used to dominate her.

Deep in her mind, the angry animal within her had fought with the dark, primal urges that were holding her down and she had ripped herself back from the brink of complete surrender.

Regaining some control over her will, she had come close to finishing Lenny a second time. Almost reaching the weapons she needed in her belt to fight the dangers that her body and powers no longer could.


Instead, Tyrone, the handsome alpha of this pack of miscreants had stepped in just in time - adding his own skills into the mix to pull Pariah down into the depths of their combined desires. It frightened her and excited her to think that all three of them probably had the same fantasy that they each wanted to enact right here, right now.

She stood pressed in tightly between the attractive men, their lean bodies pressing into hers and leaving little to the imagination as she felt them through her bodysuit. Tyrone held both her wrists in each of his hands and he pressed them into the small of her back, forcefully keeping her in place each time she attempted to move. She felt the hard erections of both men pressing against her through their pants and knew that her own crotch was equally ready.

Both men had made a risky choice. They passed up the chance to escape in favour of pushing their luck and trying to use their skills to seduce her, boldly trying to control her as they would their victims. They were committed to it now, either they would use the aria to tame her wild spirit or they would fail - and there would be a reckoning.

Lenny grinned at the arrival of his leader and took advantage of Pariah's inability to resist, sliding both his hands to her chest and rubbing just above her breasts.

'Oh, baby girl, are you still fighting this?' He spoke softly as he plied her flesh, reaching inside the top of her suit to massage the sensitive skin of her throat, 'Or are you just
to fight?'

It would be so easy to just go where this was leading. It seemed inevitable now, and Pariah could not deny that she felt the prospect shamefully appealing. Though recently freed from the trance the aria had put her in, it was already pressing back in on her, lulling her back into its silk embrace.

The situation had spiralled out of control. Pariah couldn't believe how drastically things had changed in such a short space of time, and she struggled to understand how it had happened.

It's not over yet. You can still fight, Evelyn
, she thought, staring angrily back at Lenny as he touched her.

She tried again to pull her hands free from Tyrone, but in her weakened state his strength was more than enough to hold her steady. Unable to move her arms, she tried to knee Lenny in the crotch but found that they were pressed in so tight that she had no room to raise her leg; instead just rubbing her thigh against his and weakly half-kicking his shin. Groaning in frustration from her ineffectual moves, she tried to toss her head back and butt Tyrone.

Tyrone saw the move coming and allowed her head to come passed his before leaning around and kissing deeply into her exposed neck.

'Ugh...,' she moaned at the unexpected sensation, and her eyes fluttered as she allowed herself to enjoy his attentions, easing up on her attempts to wrestle free.

The aria responded to her moment of weakness, soothing her and easing her back down into its thrall.

'That's it,' Lenny said, savouring the sight of her, 'Settle back down now, baby. Settle down.' He rubbed his hands down either side of her lithe body, feeling the sides of her firm breasts through the skin-tight outfit. He ran his hands down across her stomach and settled them on the sides of her belt. 'You don't really want this, do you, baby?' he whispered as his fingers played across its surface towards a clasp at the centre. 'Here, let me unburden you.'

Pariah squirmed in Tyrone's grip as a metallic
sounded out from her belt before she felt it being pulled away from her waist. She tossed her head to the side to try and strike Tyrone but he simply took that as license to kiss into the other side of her neck.

Pariah felt so slow. She felt so helpless.

'Ngh...I'm going to...ugh... You're going to regret this,' she managed through gritted teeth, trying her best to sound menacing but unable to stop it coming out as a whimper.

'That's it baby, keep pretending you don't want this,' Lenny said slyly as he dropped her belt to the floor and ran his hands back up the sides of her toned body. His fingertips danced over the tight fabric until he reached the zip at her chest. 'Keep pretending you're not trembling with anticipation.'

She struggled meekly in Tyrone's grip. The gesture was half hearted, almost more for show than because she thought it could possibly free her. She began to wonder if Lenny was right - did she really want this to stop?

'Uhhh... Don't...'

Tyrone interrupted her, kissing into her ear and whispering to her, 'It's okay, Pariah. This is what you want. Don't deny it.'

The combined influence of their domineering, insidious words played through her mind along with the enrapturing tune of the aria, and Pariah watched in resignation as Lenny slowly pulled the zip of her bodysuit all the way down. As she watched, she absently undulated her body against both men, unconsciously enjoying the feel of rubbing against them. She could feel their hard cocks pressing into her and started to focus on the feel of them both as she rocked between them.

'That's good,' Tyrone whispered into her ear, 'Just let yourself go, one step at a time.'

The zip was pulled all the way down the front of her body to her crotch, revealing pristine white skin. The top of a black thong was visible under the outfit and further up, her breasts were concealed beneath a skin-tight black sports bra. The stretchy fabric of the top clearly revealed that her nipples were hard and excited.

Lenny marvelled at her chiselled body and ran his hands up the bare skin of her stomach, pleased at how she quivered under his touch. 'You are stunning, Pariah,' he exhaled as his hands cupped her breasts through the fabric of the sports bra. 'I wonder when the last time was that someone touched you,' he mused, 'It's been a long time, hasn't it, baby?' His thumbs found her stiff nipples and teased them through the fabric, arousing them further.

Pariah moaned softly as she watched his hands touching her body. Her cheeks blushed red with a mixture of shame and excitement. She was completely relaxed in Tyrone's grip, no longer resisting at all.

Ugh... Oh God...

Her options were rapidly closing down and her attention wavered between thoughts of escape and thoughts of surrender. Increasingly her mind was awash with anticipation for where this was going. As she watched her hard nipples being toyed with, she forced her mind once again to think how she could end this.

Her belt was gone, or at least it was beyond her reach for now. She was in no physical state to mount a fight even if she could be released from Tyrone's grip. The aria threatened to steal away her will at any moment, and the longer this went on the more it took control of her thoughts. Her telekinesis would fix this dilemma in the space of moments if she could just muster the focus to bring it to bear. But with the aria all around her and the two hunky men mercilessly pleasuring her, it was next to impossible.

But not completely impossible
, thought the angry hunter in her. It could still be done. She had done it while under immense strain in the past - it was just a very different kind of strain to this. The pleasure she was experiencing now was difficult to pull away from, where times in the past where she was in pain were much easier to deal with. Even so, she could still do it.

The flicker of hope set her mind working again, keeping her just on the limit of submission.

She shut her eyes to blank out the lights and the sight of the beautiful man doing wonderful things to her body. She tried to send her mind somewhere else, tried to leave this moment and find an inner peace from which she could focus her power. The aria begged for her to stop, and a part of her begged along with it, but she pressed on.

'God, you are so turned on,' whispered Lenny as he touched her, 'You love it, don't you, baby?' Lenny's own breathing was fast now. He was even more intoxicated in the moment than she was.

He reached under the fabric of her sports bra and pulled the stretchy material up and over her luscious breasts, rolling up the fabric to stay put where he lifted it to.

She shuddered with excitement at being bared this way, feeling the cool air of the room meeting her exposed nipples.

Ignore it. Concentrate.

'Oh, Pariah, baby,' Lenny gently kneaded her soft flesh, allowing his hands to completely explore her sensitive breasts, occasionally letting his fingers teasingly flick her taut nipples.

She bit back a moan, trying to keep her mind on track. The storm of feelings was close to uprooting her from her place of calm but she just held on. When Lenny pinched one of her hard nipples and rolled it between his fingers, she couldn't hold back a weak moan.

Lenny noticed her reaction, and adapted his technique to better seduce her.

'That's what you like, isn't it, Pariah?' He said softly as he alternated between teasing her nipples and pinching them. 'You love that. Moan for me, baby.'

'Uhhh...ooooo...,' she mewled as he squeezed down on both nipples, both unable and unwilling to hold it in.

'Yeah, good girl,' Lenny cooed, 'Let it out... let it all out.'

His touch was divine and Pariah felt her body sing out under his attentions, begging for more. She had never allowed anyone to control her like this, but Lenny was doing it so easily, making her feel like a helpless piece of meat instead of a strong heroine.

Her lips trembled as she fought the erotic sensations and the urge to give in.

Ugh... almost there...
Despite the rising tide of pleasure, she felt something like focus start to form in her mind. She only needed a little bit - just enough to end the aria.

Tyrone had been enjoying the show, occasionally switching between kissing into her ear and kissing into her neck, but he noticed the concentration etched on her face and realised she was trying something. He pressed his lips to her ear and spoke into it, his voice deep and powerful.

'Open your eyes, Pariah. Look at how much your slutty body loves it. Look at how your nipples are begging for more.'

His command was enough to make her addled mind obey and she opened her eyes to look down at herself. The pale blue of her eyes had the faint embers of glowing blue light returned to them. The erotic sight threatened to overtake her, sapping her focus.

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