Owned By The Alphas: Part Three (3 page)

BOOK: Owned By The Alphas: Part Three
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Chapter 4

er hair whipped
behind her as Ali held on, weak and aching. He was going so fast and she didn’t know how much longer she could do this. Fear of both falling and of what they might find at his den, mingled nausea in her empty stomach. Her teeth chattered as she called out, “How much longer? I don’t think I can hold on!”

He barked and somehow she knew he meant they were almost there. Her heart thudded in her chest.
Please let them be alive! Please, please, please let them be alive!
He rounded a bend and she rose up a little at the sight of a sequoia tree far greater than any she’d ever seen, laying on its side.
That hole was carved on purpose. They are here.

He screeched to a halt and Ali toppled off him. She bit back a yelp at the pain, staring at the tree, a warm glow illuminating the entrance from inside. Scared, she looked to him for what to do. He shifted quickly, stretching out his fingers as they formed. He helped her up. “You should stay here.”

She surprised herself by whispering, “No! I’m coming with you.”

He was too worried to debate it. He gave a brief nod and walked toward the tree. She jogged to keep up with his long strides, both of them fearing the worst. But then he paused and she looked up to see why. His brow was twisted with confusion. Walking faster, he whispered, “What the hell?”

“What?” Ali ran up. “WHAT?!!”

“They’re arguing over cupcakes.”

Ali whispered back, “Cupcakes??”

They were so close now that Ali could hear voices, but they were muffled. The thought of delicious cupcakes made her mouth water; she hadn’t eaten all day. Even if she had, cupcakes would still make her salivate. Let’s get real. But Calt appeared in the doorway with a torch in his hand, and all thoughts of food vanished instantly. The sight of him literally threw her back.

Ali gulped hard and balanced on shivering, weak limbs, staring at him in guilty amazement. The anger on his face made him all the more strikingly handsome, the light of the torch extremely flattering to the knots of muscle on his naked form. But when his nostrils flared, she knew he smelled her, that she couldn’t hide her infidelity. Her eyelashes fluttered to the ground as Red stepped between them.

There was a rustling inside. Calt yelled, “Leave us!” before anyone else appeared. The rustling stopped.

Red had been listening closely. “They’re all there. They’re alive.”

“I don’t think the same can be said of me in a few minutes,” she muttered back.

Calt crushed the grass beneath his stomping feet, the flames reaching out from the torch, thrown in all directions by the wind. “Ali!”

“Oh, Calt. I’m so sorry!” She covered her face with her hands, ashamed. “I don’t know what to say to–”

Red cut her off, his deep voice booming. “I should have known you would come here when you discovered her missing. Have you harmed any of my pack?”

Ali held her breath for the answer and was shocked by it. “I did not know she was with you until your pack told me. They did not know where you were. Poorly handled. Is it true you two know each other from your human lives?”

What the fuck?
Ali dropped her hands. “You didn’t come here to find me?” She looked to Red. “Maybe because we weren’t here, your pack was saved!” He cut his gaze to her. “He couldn’t kill them without you being here to make it a fair fight.”

Calt scoffed, “It would not have been a fair fight either way.”

Red bristled. “I am confused. Did you come here to kill us? Why would she think you would do that? I should have known!” he snarled.

Seething, Calt growled back, “Answer the question. Did you two know each other?”

“If not for Ali, what did you come here for?”

“Did you steal her or–”

“Have you harmed my pack?!”


Ali closed her eyes, shivering.

“KYREN!” Red shouted to his den.

From inside the tree came an urgent female voice: “I’m here!”

Calt got in his face. “They have some cuts and bruises. I showed them mercy. Now answer the fucking question.”

Red puffed up his chest. “Ali is MINE.”

Ali jumped out and nearly fell because her legs were only cold, wet noodles now. “Now, wait a minute!” She held up her hand. “That’s not true. I am
his. He just keeps saying that.” Calt cracked his neck. She’d seen him do that before and she took a shivering step back, tightening the pelt around her against the cold night air.

“Did he take you against your will?”

Her hair whipped around her face as she hugged herself for warmth. “No,” she confessed. The light died behind his eyes, and seeing that, she hastily explained, “I’m lost! I don’t know who I am anymore. Last night when I went outside, Red was there. I was shocked to see him! We hadn’t seen each other since we were kids. But he said you were murderers and I argued with him and, oh God. I hate it when your face does that. Are you going to explode? You look like you’re going to explode.”

Calt locked threatening eyes on Red. “You were at my den last night? You were at MY HOME?”

Red’s chest expanded with unbridled rage. “I needed to make sure you wouldn’t murder her, like you murdered him.”

Calt dropped the torch and punched Red hard in the face. Red barely flinched. As Ali scrambled to get the torch before the grass and dried pine needles caught fire, Red threw a punch just as great as the one that hit him. Calt snarled, remaining like stone. They were evenly matched.

Horrified, Ali backed away on the ground, pointing the torch so she could see. After a few more full-on face punches that would have toppled any other wolves, Ali noticed in horror their fingers extending, nails growing into sharp lethal weapons. She cried out, “STOP! You’re going to kill each other! Someone, help!”

They circled.

Calt snarled, “This ends now!”

Red shouted back, “YES!”

Shaynah appeared in the doorway. “Calt!” When he did not respond, she waved to the others. Dak, Calus and two males Ali didn’t know, ran out, two per alpha, dragging them apart. A beautiful raven-haired she-wolf appeared and she and Shaynah rushed to help. The two females used their calming energy to face their respective alpha, standing between them.

“Red, don’t do this. We need you.”

“I will not be the one to fall!” he growled. His eyes remained locked on his opponent as he struggled against the wolves who held him back. His muscles expanded and it was only moments before he’d throw them off. Dak and Calus were stronger and had a greater hold on Calt, but he fiercely pulled at their restraining hands and soon would also free himself. But would it be too late? Red clearly had the advantage with his wolves not being as strong, and not as able to hold him. But Dak and Calus would surely finish him were he successful in ripping out Calt’s heart.

From where Ali shivered on the grass, she watched Shaynah touch Calt’s shoulder. A light glowed around the elder wolf’s hand. Ali blinked, thinking she was losing her mind. She pointed the torch at the sight, but the white glow remained as Shaynah said with unearthly calm, “Hear me, Great One. There has to be another way.”

Ali whispered, “Please! Listen to her.”

Then everything went dark.

Chapter 5

rom the tree’s entrance
, a young chestnut-haired she-wolf from the other pack cried out, running forward, “Fire!” Red whipped his head to the right.

Ali was in a heap on the grass with the torch fallen beside her, a ring of flames building and inching nearer. The war between the males evaporated in an instant as both were released and raced to her. The other alpha got there first. He lifted Ali away from harm, her body completely limp in his arms, her long hair cascading down. Red glowered at him as he stomped out the growing fire with his bare feet. A thick layer of smoke wafted around him as he demanded, “Give her to me!”

With a jerk of his chin, Calt called the white-haired wolf to him. He placed Ali in her arms with a look that held Red at bay; it was so filled with caring for the unconscious woman.
Could he truly care about her already?

“Shaynah is our healer. She will take good care of Ali.”

Red lowered his hands. Shaynah turned to him, her smooth voice filled with respect for his position. “Has she eaten?” He thought back to the hours he’d spent with Ali and kicked himself for not having thought that she might be hungry. He should have provided for her. He shook his head, trying not to show his embarrassment.

The healer nodded, turned and carried Ali back to the den. The younger she-wolf who’d spotted the fire threw a glance over her shoulder before she disappeared inside, too.

Kyren motioned toward the den. “Come, let’s all eat.”

“This is not over.” Red threw Calt a dark look as he passed.

“No,” Calt returned, following him.

, Red’s pack was bruised and battered, but at least they were alive. It was fucking crowded in here and he hated it, but they were outnumbered and obviously had not won a battle. He would bide his time until he had a plan.

Glowering at the unwanted guests, Red walked to the long flat rock in the center of the room. On it was human food, enough for several families. Fried chicken, watermelon, mashed potatoes, biscuits, and of course, cupcakes.

“What’s this?”

A sexy wolf he’d seen a few times back in the days of Canada, stepped forward. Her light blue eyes gazed at him with a question in them. “I brought it.”

His patience was gone; he had no time for confusion. “You brought food with you to a battle? Is this some kind of joke? Explain.”

Calt walked to pick up a container of mashed potatoes. He stuck his forefinger in and scooped out a glob. “Yes, Tawny. Please. Enlighten him.” He slid the glob into his mouth and shrugged. “Not bad.”

She threw a surprising sneer to her alpha, but when she looked back to Red, her expression melted at once.
How interesting.
Red crossed his arms with his stance strong, his eyes locked on the she-wolf. He had to work to ignore Calt picking up a chicken thigh next, inspecting it.

Tawny gritted her teeth, also distracted, but trying not to show it. “I went into human territory and found these unattended in a campsite. The humans had run from a bear.”

“A grizzly, Tawny?” asked an Asian, gray-eyed female.

“Yes, Bloo. A grizzly.” She cut her eyes back to Red and her expression softened. “I wasn’t seen. I waited until they’d run to their cars. The grizzly was scaring the crap out them, bouncing their vehicles one after the other, rearing up, the works. While it wasn’t looking, I grabbed the food by pulling up the table cloth…” She pointed to a checkered cloth that was folded neatly next to the wall. “… like a bag to bring it all back here. It wasn’t that heavy.”

Red knew from the amount of food that it wasn’t light, either. He glanced around the faces of Calt’s pack to ascertain their overall mood. All were watching, and none were smiling, save for Calt. But his smile was disturbing, like he knew something Red didn’t.

“Go on,” he said, slowly.

“Tawny,” she offered.

“I got that.”

Calt tossed a thigh to the large African wolf. Tawny barked, “Would you stop acting like a pup!”

Calt turned with feigned surprise. “What?” He tossed a fried chicken breast, a drumstick and a neck to three more of his own.

What in the hell was going on?

She bit back a snarl, and turned to Red. “Can we talk somewhere alone, please?”

Both of his eyebrows flew up. He looked at the other alpha, expecting an objection, but instead received an amused smile.

“Follow me.” He walked out ahead of her and called to his second in command, “Kyren, keep an eye on things for me.”

Her green eyes flashed acceptance.

Outside, Red put enough distance between them and the den so that they could talk without being overheard. The cold wind made him wish he’d gotten a pelt, but he wasn’t about to show weakness by going back for one. The female was naked, too, so they were both uncomfortable. He admired how, like him, she didn’t let it show. “I know you. I’ve seen you around before.” He leaned against the trunk of a tree and crossed his arms.

“Yes. I’ve seen you, too.”

“We’ve never talked.”

“No. I hope I was never rude or anything.”

Red ticked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, remembering their exchanged glances and wordless greetings across the barrooms back in Canada. “No. You weren’t. But I find it very odd you saying that to me. You don’t strike me as someone who cares if you’re rude or not.” This produced a small smile. He noted her reaction, and dove in to uncover the mystery. “What is going on with you and your pack? Is this some kind of trap? I should warn you, I could rip you to shreds without even bruising my fingers.”

She wrung her hands, blinking to the ground, the smile gone. “It’s not a trap.” She met his eyes. “I want to join you.” When she saw the surprise spark in him, she added, “I see you need more females. I will be useful. Not only in fun, but I can hunt better than any female I have ever known, and I am not easily frightened…of anything.”

“Except me.”

She flushed and gave him a short nod. “I am afraid you will turn me away.” Then, she admitted with a voice that didn’t suit her, “I will have nowhere to go.”

He took a few moments to consider what this meant. In truth, he could not believe it. This was the last thing he had expected from this pack. In Canada, Rait’s family was widely known in werewolf circles to be a group feared and looked up to for their intense loyalty. But Rait was not in charge anymore, was he?

Red let his glance slide down her body, taking her in inch by inch. She was impressive. He could hear her heart beating faster as he asked, “Were you thrown out?”

She hesitated. “In a sense.”

His eyebrows drew in. “No riddles. Were you or weren’t you?” He could see her mind working and he exhaled. “It’s an easy question.”

She swallowed. “In speaking ill of my alpha, you might perceive that I would do the same of you. The truth is that Calt was not my alpha until recently, as you may know?”

The reminder of the old wolf’s murder, and of the man who did it, rankled Red’s nerves enough for him to tense, his voice now edgier. “All too well.”

She blinked. “Yes, well, I am not a part of that whole thing, just so you know. Um…that’s not what I was going to talk about. It’s a whole other thing. You see, Calt was…a friend, before he was my master. And the transition has been difficult. I spoke my mind as I always have, only this time, he didn’t want to hear it. He was showing his power to impress the human.” She spread her hands, palms up. “But I have good ideas! I have things to offer, and I will give them to you, if you’ll let me.”

Red frowned. “How do I know this is not a trap?”

Tawny glanced back to the den. “Believe me, I would no rather serve him than I would a rabbit. You may not believe me now, but in time you’ll see that the only thing I want from Calt is for him to realize what he has lost.”

Red smirked. “You have no feelings for him, then?”

“Only hatred,” she snarled.

Red knew what heartache looked like. It dawned on him as he watched the angry flame flutter in her eyes, that she was in love with Calt. And maybe didn’t even know it. Here might be the answer Red had been searching for. He pushed himself off the trunk.

“You can stay.”

Her mouth slackened for a beat. “Thank you!”

“Just one question.”

She could not stop smiling. “Of course. Anything!”

“Why the human food?”

She paused, clearly hoping she wouldn’t offend him by bringing up the thing that they were most sensitive about, their human upbringings. “I thought maybe you were like me, and you missed cupcakes, too.”

He chuckled. “I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but I’ve got my sights set on the mashed potatoes.”

Her light-blue eyes sparkled as she relaxed. “There were several cartons full! I’ll run back and make sure no one’s eaten them all.”

He watched her race to the den eager to please him, her lithe form and high ass flashing away with all of her speed. His smile vanished as he thought about the situation, staying back to have some time alone.

He and Calt needed to talk. Calt didn’t know the whole story, the part that Red had withheld for too long. He would have to confess his secret, because his need for vengeance had been replaced by something altogether different. Ali Latham’s arrival was a twist of fate. She had Red thinking about things he’d never thought about before.

If he fought Calt and lost, his pack would be at his mercy, and these new dreams he had of a life with Ali, would be gone. He knew his own power well. It did not seem possible for him to lose, but those protectors he saw today were larger than he would have liked, and two of them together?

“Dammit!” he swore to the winds.

Appearing in the doorway, Tawny ran back to him with a container in her hands and a smile on her face, long hair whipping behind her. “Here’s a whole container full!”

Red took it and cracked it open.
Mashed potatoes. What a sight for sore eyes.
Using his fingers, he scooped some into his mouth. “So good,” he groaned, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Sorry they’re cold,” she offered, watching.

He scooped more into his mouth and closed his eyes as he chewed. “Cold potatoes are better than no potatoes. My grandfather used to make mashed
potatoes. God, I miss those.”

“I’m glad you like them.” She glanced to the ground and stayed at his side as they walked back in.

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