Overcome (20 page)

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Authors: Emily Camp

BOOK: Overcome
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“Well it’s funny how you can hold a conversation with Kammie,” Carly’s arms flew toward Kamberlee. “And … and Miley, but not me.”

“So I’m not allowed to be friends with my brother’s sister or my boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend because it takes away from you? Is that how it is? Are you the only friend I’m allowed to have?” Her shrieking voice echoed off Kamberlee’s bedroom walls.

Carly didn’t respond. She stepped around Bree, gathering her things.

“You’re impossible. It’s
about you!” Bree stomped out of the room.

Carly found her pill bottle by the bed post on the floor. She stuffed it in her bag and zipped it.

“I just wanted to be friends with you guys.” Kammie spoke softly, reminding Carly she was there. Her throat tightened.

“Kammie,” Carly’s eyes watered as she turned toward her.

Kammie’s lips where pressed inside her mouth and she shook her head.

Carly frowned, “I’m sorry, I … I didn’t mean-” Kammie rushed out of the room right behind Bree. 





Chapter 42



Parker held the napkin against his throbbing lip. His entire faced ached, though he’d got Spencer as good as Spencer got him.

He watched his dad pinch the bridge of his nose. Spencer sat in the chair beside Parker.

Kurt’s elbows rested on the cherry desk and when he was done pinching his nose his hand ran over his head.

“What is wrong with you two?” He asked, exasperated as he looked from Spencer to Parker.

“He kissed Carly.” Parker pointed to Spencer.

His dad rolled his eyes. “Why does it always have to be a girl?”

“Dad, it’s not my fault. Carly came here for me. She’s my girlfriend.” Parker spoke fast as he lowered the tissue.

Spencer chuckled. Parker resisted the urge to go after him again.

A long sigh came from their father. “I just buried my wife.” He took his time looking both boys in the eyes. “Your mother … I don’t understand why you two can’t get along long enough to get through this. It’s not like you’re little kids anymore. You’re both adults. You need to act like it.”

Spencer let out a half-laugh and shook his head as he leaned back in the seat, tossing one foot over a knee.

“Dad …” Parker whined.

Kurt shook his head and held his hand up. “This is ridiculous. I don’t want to hear excuses. I need it to stop. For me … for your sister … for your brother and most of all for your mother. She’d want you two to get along.”

Spencer crossed his arms. “You mean she wouldn’t want me tormenting her precious baby boy.” He glared at Parker.

“What the heck, Spencer?” Parker spat at him.

“Boys!” their dad’s voice was deep and he rubbed the bridge of his nose again. “I have a houseful of people. I need to be out there … not in here playing referee.”

“I’m in love with Carly.” Parker had to get his point across. It wasn’t him. Spencer was out to ruin his life.

“She must not be in love with you.” Spencer mumbled with a smirk as he stared at his dad.

“Enough.” Kurt slammed his palm on the desk.

Parker jumped. “Spencer hates me, dad, he always has and I don’t know what I did.” Parker knew he sounded like a little kid, but it was true.

“How’s it feel?” Spencer narrowed his eyes at Parker.

“How’s what feel?” Parker snapped his head toward him, meeting his daring gaze.

“To have someone you love stolen from you?”

“What?” As far as Parker knew, Spencer had never been in love. What was he talking about?

“We were fine … we were happy. I was her favorite … then you came along.”

“What the …”

“Mom, you idiot!” Spencer shot up out of his seat. “She was my mom.” He slapped himself in the chest. “Then you came here and stole her from me. She had to spend so much time putting her precious Parker back together, she didn’t care about me anymore.” His voice was solid, but his eyes watered as he spoke.

“Spencer, your mother loved you as much as she loved Parker.” Their dad’s voice was loud in the small space and he rose to his feet.

Spencer’s gaze could have burned a hole in Parker, his jaw jerked and his nostrils flared.

“She should have loved me more, I was hers. He’s not even related to her by blood.” Spencer’s words shot at Parker’s heart.

Spencer stalked toward the door, but his dad stopped him before he could go.

Parker just sat watching a side of his brother he’d never seen before, a human side as he finally crumbled. The room was too small. Even though Parker had been around crying people all week. He’d even done his fair share. It was more than awkward to be crammed in the little area while his dad stopped him from leaving the room.

He felt like it was never going to end. Parker tapped his heal off the hardwood floor and stared at his stubby fingernails. All he wanted was to escape and get back to Carly, but they were blocking his exit.

“I can assure you, she cared about you, don’t think she didn’t.” His dad’s hands cupped Spencer’s shoulders.

Parker scratched the back of his head and continued to stare down.

Spencer made some muffled sound as he swiped his face.

“You two need to get along. We need to stick together. We’re stronger as a team.” His dad looked from Spencer to Parker. Parker tried not to be offended by that. He wasn’t the one causing the problem. The wrinkles in the corners of Kurt’s eyes deepened and he looked away from Spencer toward Parker, “Maybe it’d be best if Carly went home.”

“What?” Parker rose from his chair. He glared at Spencer. If his dad wanted him to not hate his brother he wasn’t helping any.

“Dad,” Spencer’s voice was scratchy. “No, I was just messing with her to get to Parker. I’ll leave her alone.” He nodded. Parker didn’t know if he was more surprised by the crying or that last line that came out of Spencer’s mouth. Was he hallucinating?

Kurt narrowed his eyes with his jaw set. He looked at both the boys again. “If it happens again, she has to go. I don’t need this right now.”

“It wasn’t Carly’s fault.” Parker whined.

His dad looked at him, his face was flat, bags rested under his eyes and wrinkles sketched in the corners. “Just don’t let it happen again.” He reached for the door handle behind him. His shoulders slumped. “Now, I need to get back out there and tend to our guests. Can I trust you two to get along?”

Parker clenched his fists and glared at Spencer, who answered for the both of them, “Yeah, Dad.”

Dad gave Spencer another tap on the back and a slight smile before he opened the door. The light mumblings of the funeral goers filled the office like it was some kind of party going on out there.

Spencer ran his hand across his over-gelled hair. “I’m sorry.” It came out a hoarse mumble. How could Parker accept that apology when Spencer almost ruined everything?

Parker didn’t respond. He hurried out the door, and rushed toward the stairs in search of Carly. His heart sank when he saw her—red eyed with her cheetah bag slung over her shoulder, barreling down the steps. Her blond curly pony tail bounced on the back of her head.  Her mom was only a few steps behind her with her own bag. Parker rushed up the stairway, two at a time, until he was level with her.

“Carly, what are you doing?” His attempt to touch her was left void as she pulled her elbow away.

“I’m going home.” She swiped at her eyes.

“Carly, I’ll be in the car.” Her mom said before looking at Parker. “I’m truly sorry about your mom.” She touched his shoulder and her lips curved down.

Parker couldn’t speak. He only nodded.

Amy paused and looked back up at Carly—who was not looking at either of them now. She had her arms across her chest as she stared at the chandelier above. Her mom nodded and hurried down the rest of the staircase.

“Are you going to talk to me?” Parker hated that his voice came out whiney.

Carly’s eyes did that rapid blink thing before they met his. “I don’t … there doesn’t need to be anymore drama because of me.” She tried to step around him.

“Wait.” He moved with her. “It wasn’t your fault. It was Spencer. He said he’s going to leave you alone now.”

Her shoulders and jaw were stiff. “I’m just going to get out of the way. You won’t have to worry about it.” Her tone was flat, making Parker’s gut twist. She stepped around him now with more force than the first time and hurried down to the front door.

Parker wasn’t letting her go that easy. He rushed out right behind her, hopping off the front porch, grabbing her elbow and spinning her around right before her feet hit the driveway filled with vehicles.






Chapter 43



Carly kept her eyes on the gravel under her feet when Parker spun her around. The breeze blew her skirt. His hands were warm on her arms.

“Carly, look at me,” he spoke in a quick, quiet voice.

She blinked before tilting her head up. She held her lips in between her teeth. His brown eyes glistened and were like two copper pennies staring at her. “I love you.”

Her immediate response was to shake her head.

“Yes, I do,” he whispered, sliding his hands up and down her arms.

Carly was afraid to speak. She was afraid if she opened her mouth, the dam holding back her tears would break. She pulled her arms across her middle and glanced back at her mom, seated in the front seat of her silver Nissan. Her sunglasses already sat on her face and cell phone was to her ear.

“Carly, please talk to me. I love you,” Parker whispered and Carly turned back toward him.

She shrugged a shoulder. “You just lost your mom,” she said through the lump rising in her throat. “You do and say crazy things when you’re …”

“No, this isn’t about that. I do love you.” Parker’s eyes were wide. His lips were in a frown. Carly wished the stupid breeze would quit blowing his woodsy cologne toward her.

“You don’t even know me.” Carly bit her bottom lip, trying to look anywhere but him.

“I know you enough to know I do,” his voice cracked.

“Trust me, you don’t know what you’re saying,” she whispered back at him. “After Colten’s …” her heart was heavy when she spoke his name and somehow in between when she first met Parker and now, she felt like she had betrayed Colten. “When … at his funeral … I kissed your sister’s boyfriend.” Carly’s hand flew to her forehead. Her headache hadn’t subsided.

“You kissed Garrett?”

Carly looked up at the sky. “That’s not my point. My point is, I wasn’t thinking clearly. Garrett wasn’t thinking. We were …” she bounced her leg. “You just do and say stupid things when you’re hurting. I expect your mind to be muddled. You don’t know what you’re saying. And you can’t hold what Spencer did against him.”

“What? I’m not worried about Spencer right now. I don’t want you to leave.”

“Maybe it’s what you need.”

She couldn’t even think of going back in there now, both Parker’s sisters in that house hated her. She was sure his dad hated her and it was hard to tell what all the others thought.

“What I need is you.” His voice was strained. She looked up to see tears falling out of his eyes. “Please don’t do this now.”

“I’m sorry. I’m not who you think I am. I can’t …” she squeezed her lips between her teeth and looked up at the cloudless, bright sky. The sun beaming down was hot on her skin. “I can’t be that.”

“You can’t be what?”

“What you need me to be.” Her heart rose to her throat and she turned away, hurrying to the car, ignoring him as he called after her.

Carly tossed her bag in the backseat before climbing in beside her mother. Cold air blasted out of the vents, causing Carly to shiver.

“Are you sure you want to leave?” her mom asked.

Carly crossed her arms and stared straight ahead. “Yes.”




“Carly.” There was a light knock on her bedroom door before it eased open. Carly barely remembered getting home and crawling straight to bed. Her mom peeked her head inside the door. “Khloe’s here.”

Carly blinked as the room came into focus. Her headache was gone. “Okay.” Her voice was scratchy as she sat up. Khloe bounced in when Amy pushed the door open a little wider.

“Thanks Amy,” Khloe said in her hyper-cheer voice.

“It’s good seeing you again, Khloe,” Amy said with a smile.

“You too.” And as if it was possible Khloe’s smile became even wider, almost taking up her whole face.

Carly’s mom nodded and turned to Carly. “Your head feeling better?”

“Yeah.”  Sitting up, Carly tossed her legs over the side of her bed as Khloe continued in like it hadn’t been three years. Amy closed the door.

Carly watched as Khloe waltzed around and examined everything from the fabric hanging off the walls to the framed photograph sitting on her nightstand. “Everything’s still purple.”

“What …”

Khloe sat down on the edge of Carly’s bed and picked up the bright pillow shaped like a peace sign. “You still have this?”

Carly had almost forgotten Khloe gave it to her for her thirteenth birthday—the last birthday that they were still friends. 

“It goes with my décor.” She motioned around the room with her hand.

Khloe pulled the pillow against her stomach and curled her long leg under her. “I’m glad we’re friends again.”

Carly glanced at her purple bedspread.

“So, anyway.” The bed bounced as Khloe spoke like she was hyped up on caffeine or something. “I need some advice.”

This took Carly by surprise. “Wha …” She looked up at Khloe’s round eyes blinking rapidly.

“I figured you’d be the least likely to … I trust you.”

Guilt twisted Carly’s heart.

“Well see … um …” Khloe held the pillow tighter and looked at Carly’s ceiling. “Do you still hide things up there?”

Carly had to stifle a laugh that Khloe would remember that. She’d found out early on, the only way to keep her older brother from finding certain things, most importantly her diary, was to keep it behind the ceiling tile. For her twelfth birthday sleepover, she hid a can of beer for Bree, Khloe and her to try. They’d all agreed it was the most horrible thing they’d ever tasted. Though between the three of them, they finished it off and pretended to be drunk.

“Not very often.” Carly laughed at the memory of Khloe and her holding each other up even though she was sure they were both sober.

Khloe’s hand waved in the air. “Anyway … so … I kind of have a … well … tonight.” Khloe’s chest inflated and her shoulders tensed before she let out a long breath with her next statement. “Tonight is going to be like
night for me and Jake.”

“Wait … what?” Carly tilted her head. “You guys haven’t?”

Khloe bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “I’m a virgin. I mean we’ve done other stuff but.”

“You’re a …”

“Please don’t tell anyone. That’s why I came here. Paige doesn’t know this … actually she doesn’t even know I haven’t been with Jake. Bree will tell me not to. I thought you’d be the only one to understand.” Khloe shrugged.

“But …” Carly’s squeezed her eyes shut. Khloe really did think they were friends again.

“All I did with Colten was kiss.”

Carly hated Khloe had to bring that up. “Why … what did you need exactly?” she said as she opened her eyes.

Khloe was staring at the ceiling again. “I don’t know, like what should I wear or like how bad does it hurt? I guess … I just never really
about it with anyone before. And I’m so nervous. I’ve been putting it off, but I think I love him.”

“Khloe, don’t do it.” Carly could barely get the words out.

“Why? He’s my boyfriend. We’ve been together for months. I’m like the last virgin in our class.” Khloe ticked off each reason why she should on her fingers.

“He …” Carly bit the inside of her lip. She was a horrible person. “Jake’s been trying to get with me.”

Green eyes blinked, her mouth opened, but nothing came out for what seemed like forever. Khloe’s shoulders rose and fell and she gripped the pillow tighter. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Khloe,” Carly couldn’t look at her now, “I … It was me … my idea in the beginning. I only forgave you so I could get back at you by fooling around with Jake.”

The plan had back fired and she hated herself for what she’d done. Khloe was her only friend at the moment, which was soon to change. After waiting for a response, a slap, or a shouted curse that never came, she said, “I’m sorry. I suck.”  But she still couldn’t bring herself to look at her.

“So, you’ve been messing around with him … for how long now?”

“No, I haven’t … I started to but changed my mind and he … he’s been bugging me with texts and phone calls. And I’m not just saying this because you just said it about Colten, but we only kissed.” Carly stood. She had to stretch her legs. She paced the length of her room as she talked. “I’m sorry.”

Khloe’s red pony tail bobbed as she shook her head and blinked her watery eyes. “But … Colten didn’t
to make out with me. He never called me nor did he ever promise to. I was just there. I listened to him talk about
. I know what I did was wrong, but I can tell you, no matter what he did with me that night, he
you.” Her voice cracked and Carly’s heart crushed at her words.

“I’m …”

Khloe stood up and threw the pillow down. “No you’re not … All I want is for someone to love me, Carly. Colten was the spur of the moment. Jake … you deliberately pursued him and he’s been trying to get with you all the while trying to …” she hugged her arms around herself. Now that the pillow was gone she seemed small.

“Yeah, I’m sorry.” Carly’s voice shook and tears began to fall.

“Now I remember why I quit being your friend in the first place.” Khloe’s words stabbed Carly’s gut.

“We stopped being friends because when you came back from cheer camp you were stuck up all the cheerleader’s butts.” As soon as she said the words she instantly regretted it.

Khloe paused when she reached the door and turned back toward Carly. “No, Carly, the reason why I quit hanging out with you is because it was always about you. I thought that after the thing with Colten happened you’d change.” She glared at Carly, her plump lips sat in a straight line. “But you didn’t. You’re still the self-centered brat you always were.” And then she was gone.

Carly flopped face down back onto her bed and let her bed muffle her scream. Nobody could hate her worse than she hated herself right now. Bree said it was always about her, now Khloe repeated the same words. Was she really

Chapter 44



“Here.” Bree pointed to the rundown apartment building. “At least this is where it was last time I heard.”

Parker glanced at her from the driver’s seat.

“She moves around a lot.”

The lump forming in his throat made it difficult for him to breathe. No matter what, going into this, he knew he would never care about Mindy like he should a mother. He was here to see Maggie and Bryson.

Bree climbed out of his Jeep and opened the back door. She wrestled to get Bailey out of her car seat.

“She hasn’t seen her yet?” He finally spoke as he walked around the vehicle and offered a hand. Bree smiled at him and handed him the bright pink diaper bag, like that was going to make him feel awkward. It would take a lot more than that. He tossed it over his shoulder and stood tall.

“Garrett hates that bag,” Bree giggled.

“Well he’s just not man enough to accessorize with pink.”

This made Bree giggle even more. “Did Kammie teach you that word?” She cradled Bailey and Parker shut the door.

“Nah, I don’t need my little sister for help with my vocabulary.”

Bree walked in front of him, over the gray sidewalk that was cracked and looked like it been through miniature earthquakes. It made him nervous. With Bree carrying the baby, he didn’t want her to trip.

She stepped up to the middle door in the brick building. Static blared from the television inside. She looked up at Parker, one of her arms was completely around Bailey’s legs, making a ledge for Bailey’s rear, and the other hand cradled the back of her head as Bree held her against her chest. “Are you ready for this?”

Parker shrugged. “Gotta face it sometime.” It wasn’t like he could hurt any worse than he already had been this summer, between Carly leaving him and his mom dying. So far since he’d picked Bree up, neither had brought up Carly.  He wasn’t even sure if Bree was still fighting with her. If they were talking again and Carly had moved on with another guy who did use her, Parker didn’t want to know.

Bree glanced at the doorbell, which was cracked and beginning to hang from the frame. She rapped her fist on the door instead. Bailey let out a small squeak and Bree’s hand went back to patting her again. Just as Bailey quieted the door swung open, letting out a smoky fog.

Parker turned from his sister and niece.

A raspy cough came out of the thin woman standing in the doorway. Her hair stuck out of her bun in several directions like greasy spikes. She looked years older than the mother that adopted him, though she was dressed like a teenager in a pair of tight cut off jean shorts and a dingy tank. “Breanna,” she smiled, exposing a mouthful of yellowed teeth.  Smoke snaked from the cigarette dangling between her boney fingers. Parker’s gut twisted when she winked up at him. She was definitely friendlier than he remembered. Sounds of virtual gun fire spilled out of the doorway.

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