Overcome (19 page)

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Authors: Emily Camp

BOOK: Overcome
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Chapter 41



Spencer was the first to look at her when she descended the stairs. She’d heard bickering on her way. Parker’s back was turned toward her.

Spencer’s lips twitched up and he winked.  The look made her stomach turn. “Well, hello.” His eyes traveled down her body, suddenly she wished she would have brought something that covered more of her.

Parker swung around. The back of the barstool made a crack when it hit the counter. “Shut up, Spencer.” Parker rose to his feet his arms claimed Carly.

Spencer’s laughter echoed off the tall ceiling.

“Hey Carly,” Garrett said. She was thankful for the break in the tension. She felt like she was a rope in a game of tug-of-war. But she didn’t want to be. She didn’t even find Spencer attractive anymore. Maybe the first couple times she met him, but with this side of him showing, she was on the verge of hating him. She cared about Parker and it seemed like all Spencer wanted to do was ruin things for him.

That’s when she noticed Nate and Lexi, which made Parker’s display of affection even more awkward.

“Hey,” she replied to Garrett and Parker’s arms grew tighter around her, suffocating her almost.

“Carly, we haven’t seen much of you this summer. How’s school going?” Lexi spoke in her usual super-sweet voice.

“Well,” Carly began to say.

“She’s doing great in math, thanks to yours truly,” Parker interrupted.

Carly plastered on a smile, but she didn’t like him talking for her. She could speak for herself. 

“That’s great,” Lexi replied. Nate’s arm drifted around her shoulders. At least Carly felt a little better by the fact that they displayed affection as well even if they were all ‘celibate for Jesus’ preaching to the youth. Bree tried to explain to Carly they didn’t think sex was a bad thing, just outside of marriage. The whole concept was still way over Carly’s head.

“Hey, are you hungry? We have just about anything you could want.” Parker said.


Parker slid out the barstool for her. Kammie and Bree came down the stairs giggling and talking about fictional characters Carly had no idea who they were.

“Well, hello there.” Spencer’s voice was a slow drawl.

Carly took her focus off Bree and Kammie to see Spencer eyeing Bree now. What a player. Carly rolled her eyes and turned back to Parker.

“Spencer,” Parker clipped, “Owen, this is my sister Bree. Bree these are my brothers. Just ignore Spencer.”

“Hey.” Spencer whined. Owen erupted into laughter that boomed off the ceiling.

Bree giggled, “Hi.”

Garrett stood and made his way to Bree, placing his arm around her shoulders. But Carly didn’t miss the flirty smirk Bree gave Spencer. She knew it meant nothing. All the guys at home knew she was with Garrett and had a baby with him.




“Why didn’t you tell me how good looking Spencer is?” Bree gripped Carly’s wrist and whispered in her ear when she slid into the barstool next to her.

“Trust me, it goes away when you get to know him.”

Bree glanced over her shoulder where Spencer and the rest of the guys were hanging out at the kitchen table. Carly was even surprised Parker left her side long enough for a guy visit. Since she’d been there, Parker had been glued to her side. At first she felt it was sweet, now she was beginning to find it a little overwhelming. It was as if he needed her too much.

“Oh my gosh, but seriously …” Bree gushed.

“He doesn’t need anyone stroking his ego.”

Bree giggled again. “I didn’t say I’d be stroking anything.”

“Now you’re starting to sound like me.” Carly nudge her with her elbow and smirked.

“Somebody’s got to.” Bree nudged back with her shoulder.
What was that supposed to mean?

Bree’s phone chimed. She held up a finger as she reached into her bra and pulled it out. “It’s Garrett’s mom, she has Bailey … I need to take this.”

“Okay …”

Bree rose from her seat and opened her phone. “Hey Robin.”

Garrett glanced up at Bree who shrugged before making her way out of the noisy kitchen. Garrett followed her. Carly was sure neither one of them had been this far away from the baby yet.

Carly went back to her doughnut. Parker’s arm came around her when he slid in Bree’s spot. He pressed his lips to her temple. “I’m gonna go shower now.”

Since her mouth was full of doughnut, her response was only a nod.

He chuckled in her ear. “I love that you eat.”

Carly swallowed, “Why wouldn’t I eat?”

“Well because most girls …”He scratched the back of his head. “I’m just gonna go get ready now.”

Carly smiled before he ducked out of the room. If it wasn’t for Kammie she may have been a little uncomfortable. Kammie began to talk to her asking her questions about Hudson this time. One thing she and Kammie did have in common, older brothers.




The last funeral Carly attended was Colten’s six months ago. She had to push back the flashes of standing at the casket. He looked like he was sleeping. She’d know. She watched him the few times they’d snuck around and stayed the night with one another. She stared at his chest and wanted it to move under his crisp button up and tee shirt. His mom had dressed him in Carly’s favorite shirt. She hadn’t known that of course, but Carly had to hold back the knot in her chest knowing she’d spent the last few hours of his life mad at him.

Parker’s mother was sunken in and actually looked dead, not like she was sleeping. In the pictures that were around the coffin, her hair was longer and darker. Her cheeks were rosy and full.

Parker held on to Carly like she was some kind of security blanket, like she was magical and could take everything away. Carly couldn’t take it all away. It was like the burden only made it worse on her. She didn’t want him to hurt, but she couldn’t be what he needed either. He had no clue who she really was. She was just a screwed up sixteen-year-old. Sure, she’d used guys to forget her pain, but never had she put the burden on just one. Besides, what she wanted from them, they wanted, too.

By the time they’d arrived back to Parker’s, she’d developed a slight headache and almost would welcome her migraines if it meant a minute to not be Parker’s strength.

The house began to fill with fellow mourners who came to join them for the luncheon. Parker was distracted with one of the older ladies asking him a million questions about what his plans for his future. Carly took the opportunity to slip upstairs. She needed to get her hair off her neck and the shoes off her feet.

She padded across the carpet and slipped off one heel then the next as she ascended the stairs. She made her way to Kamberlee’s room and pushed the door open. It was quiet. It was nice.

Carly dug through her bag searching for her headache medicine and a hair tie when her phone buzzed against her chest. She reached into her bra only to find it was Jake again. This was getting to be stalkerish. Carly was going to have to hold to her promise to go to Khloe even if she was the one who started it all. She pressed ignore before deciding to turn it off all together. Anyone she wanted to talk to was in the same house as her.

Her shoulders were achy and stiff when she finally found pill bottle and her purple band. She lifted her hair up and twisted it into the ponytail holder, holding the medicine bottle in her mouth as she did.  Carly startled when the door slipped open, her pills fell to the floor and rolled under the bed. 

“I was coming right back.” She turned toward him, dropping her hands to her side.  It wasn’t Parker. It was Spencer.

He stood in the doorway with his sideways smirk and his eyes devoured her as they creepily traced her body.

“What’s the hurry?” He spoke slow and stepped inside the room, closing the door behind him. Carly swallowed the panic in her throat.

“Parker’s waiting on me.” She pointed toward the door and stepped around him. He shuffled with her, blocking her path.

She didn’t want to show him her weakness. She fisted her hands at her sides.

“He’s preoccupied.” Spencer tilted his head and gazed at her lips. His tongue darted out of his mouth like he was getting ready for a meal.

Carly didn’t know what he thought, but she couldn’t let this happen again.

“My mom just died too, why don’t you comfort me?” Spencer stepped forward. His breath smelled like a mix of alcohol and cinnamon. She closed her eyes and bit back the tears. He smelled like Colten, but he acted like Lewis. Like girls existed for his pleasure.

“What do you even see in Parker?” Spencer was too close.

“Parker’s a better person than you.”

Spencer chuckled at this as he glanced down at her chest, then her lips again. “You don’t even know us.”

He was right. How well
she know Parker? It’d only been a few weeks.

She attempted to step around him, her head throbbed. He side-stepped again, blocking her in. Her heart thundered and she tried not to show she was freaking out. She didn’t like not having control.

When Lewis took advantage of her, she couldn’t move. She’d been passed out in his bed. Colten was supposed to come get her when he was done partying. She woke to Lewis instead, unable to fight him off.

Carly hadn’t had a drink since.

Spencer’s hands gripped her cheeks and his mouth pressed against hers. Her fist rose to his chest as memories of how helpless she was, pinned under Lewis, flashed in her mind.

Spencer slipped his yeasty-cinnamon tongue in her mouth. She pushed and punched on his chest. He didn’t budge.

Lewis didn’t have to hold her down. Her limbs were numb from the drinks.  Carly tried to cry out and no sound came as his huge frame hovered over her.

Tears spilled out of the corner of Carly’s eyes. She hated Spencer for making her feel helpless again. He held her tight against him so she couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe. Just when she was almost completely paralyzed with fear, he was gone.

Carly’s head spun, her vision clouded with tears.

Shouting was distant and she collapsed onto the ground. She stared at the bodies wrestling each other, knocking against the bookshelf. Paperbacks and hardbacks spilled over them.

Cursing and rolling, the heap hit the vanity, make up and nail polish trickled off like rain in a thunderstorm. More cursing. Carly curled her legs against her chest.

“What the …” Owen rushed into the room, followed by Garrett, then Bree, Kammie, Kurt, Amy.

Owen pulled Spencer off while Garrett grabbed Parker. They held them back. Parker shouted curses and flailed his arms. Tears poured from his eyes.

She did this. It was her fault.  Kurt, Garrett and Owen ushered the boys out of the room. Amy knelt in front of Carly. Bree was on one side of her and Kammie on the other.

“We need to go home, mom.” Carly wiped the tears from her cheeks. She hated crying, especially in front of people.

“What happened?” Bree asked.

Carly blinked toward her, Bree’s wide-dark eyes reminded her so much of Parker’s. “I kissed Spencer.”

Bree jerked back like Carly had come at her. “What?” she shook her head. “You can’t stand Spencer.”

“You know that doesn’t stop me.” Carly sniffed.

Amy tilted her head. “Carly, what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Carly stood up and straightened her shoulders. “I just want to go home. Parker and I aren’t going to work out.”  She felt like she wanted to puke at the thought of what she’d told Parker’s mother before she died. She’d be careful with his heart, but this may have been the easy way out, just let him believe she kissed Spencer willingly. She also didn’t want anyone to know she wasn’t strong enough to fight him off. Carly hated being weak.

Carly ran her hand over the front of her, smoothing out her dress.

Amy hesitated a second, still on the floor looking at Carly with narrow eyes. She stood up and frowned. “I’ll get my stuff, but we’re having a talk on the way home.”

Carly held back the snarky comment that was on the tip of her tongue, only for the sake she just wanted to leave.

“Spencer did it, Carly, admit it was all him.” Kammie’s eyes were wide.

“You don’t know me very well. Bree, tell her.” Carly remained steady as she stared at Bree.

“How could you?” Bree shot up, tears pooling in her eyes. “He just lost his mom.”

“And I’ve lost my best friend.” Carly’s heart clenched that Bree actually thought it was true.

“What are you talking about?” Bree’s voice was a high squeak.

“I’m talking about how this summer you’ve had time for everybody else but me.” Carly’s voice began to crack. She hated herself for it.

Bree’s face contorted and more tears poured. “I’m sorry my helpless two month old comes before you, Carly, but I’m not going to be like my mom and abandon her.” Bree’s hand shot to her chest.

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