Over the Edge of the World: Magellen's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe (61 page)

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uzanne Gluck, my literary agent, provided invaluable assistance with the development of this book every step of the way; it is a privilege to have the benefit of her keen insights and good judgment. At William Morrow, I owe a vast debt of gratitude to my editor, Henry Ferris, for his steadfast belief in this book and editorial expertise. I am also grateful to Trish Grader for her enthusiasm and guidance, and I wish to extend additional thanks to Juliette Shapland and Sarah Durand. At HarperCollins UK, I must acknowledge Val Hudson, whose editorial contributions and friendship I have long prized, as well as the support of Arabella Pike.

Magellan’s circumnavigation concerns many different fields, and I conducted research in a wide variety of institutions. In New York, I was fortunate to be able to use the resources of the following institutions: Butler Library, Columbia University; the Center for Jewish History Genealogy Institute; the New York Society Library, where I wish to thank Mark Piel and Susan O’Brien for help with the interlibrary loan program; the Hispanic Society of America; the New York Academy of Medicine Library; and the New York Public Library. I also want to express my appreciation to Columbia University’s John Jay Colloquium, led by the inspirational Peter Pouncey, where I had the opportunity to study classical approaches to writing history with numerous distinguished colleagues.

I owe special thanks to the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University, where Richard Ring, reference librarian; Susan Danforth; and Norman Fiering, director, offered assistance, encouragement, and a sustaining belief in the importance of discovery and exploration as the engine of history. I also received assistance at the Harvard University Archives from Melanie M. Halloran, reference assistant, and Harley P. Holden, university archivist, in researching the papers of Samuel Eliot Morison. My appreciation goes to Mrs. Emily Beck Morison for granting me access to the papers. I must also mention the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, the repository of the Antonio Pigafetta manuscript; the Library of Congress, Manuscript Division, Washington, D.C.; and the Special Collections Department, Brandeis University Libraries, where Susan C. Pyzynski, Eliot Wilczek, and Lisa Long guided me through their documents pertaining to lawsuits arising from Magellan’s voyage; the Peabody Library, Johns Hopkins University; and John Hattendorf of the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

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