Over the Edge of the World: Magellen's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe (60 page)

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The full text of Elcano’s evasive letter to King Charles is reprinted by Morison (pp. 471–473).

Mitchell (pp. 178–182) provides the relevant documents pertaining to the subsequent inquiry into the expedition, and Joyner (p. 242) tells of Juan Rodriguez’s fate. Espinosa’s last days are accounted for by Joyner (pp. 265, 277–278) and Morison (p. 456). Morison (p. 477) also discusses the ill-fated Guadiana River conference. Those seeking still more detailed information on lawsuits arising from the loss of the armada’s ships should consult the Special Collections Department of the Brandeis University Libraries; documents there shed light on Cristobal de Haro’s efforts to recover the cost of backing the expedition.

Accounts of Elcano’s last voyage and death can be found in Mitchell (pp. 148–157), Morison (pp. 475–483), Parry,
The Discovery of the Sea
(p. 257), and Nowell (p. 338).

Lawrence C. Wroth’s
Early Cartography of the Pacific
(pp. 149–150) details the ultimate outcome of the struggle between Spain and Portugal for the control of the Spice Islands.

The mournful tale of
’s final voyage is told by Parry (p. 261), Joyner (p. 243), and Mitchell (pp. 106–107).










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