Outside the Box (12 page)

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Authors: H. M. Montes

BOOK: Outside the Box
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She was leaning against the door watching me, “I just want to see what kind of moves you’ve got.  With that massive thing I’m sure you could make any woman scream your name for hours.”

I shook my head, “I’ve been known to do that from time to time.” I winked at her as I walked past her and back to my seat.  She buckled herself into the small seat at the front as we both stared at each other.  I gathered my stuff as the plane came to a stop, when I walked past Lacy she stopped me.  “One of these days you’ll let me back there with you.”

“You keep hounding me and I’ll fire you.” I told her causing her to step back with a shocked look on her face. 
Stan was waiting outside the limousine when I exited the plane, I laughed at his board shorts, tank top, and flip flops. 

“Tell me you don’t wear that at the club.” I said and shook his hand.

“Hell no, I wear a monkey suit just like you have on.” He looked past my shoulder, “I don’t have a sexy flight attendant like that though.  Please tell me you nailed that once or twice?” He said then opened the door so we could both get in.

“I’ll never tell.” I responded
with a grin.

“Lucky fucker…Anyways,” he rubbed his hands together, “We are going to be a guest at my own club so I can get your input on what needs changed.  I thought we could go out later.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

We arrived at his club almost an hour later,
this club was completely different than mine.  This club was a mansion house where mine was a warehouse that I custom built for the rooms that people were paid to perform in.  Stan walked me through the entire club, room by room, then we went to the bar area and sat in a booth in the darkened corner. 

“Well, break the news to me, what’s it gonna take to make this the next “Box”” he
asked using air quotes.

I pulled the blue prints out and laid them out across the table, the entire inside would need to be gutted to put in plexi
glass rooms, his privacy for the employees would have to be changed, and the business name would become “Box2”.  He listened intently and asked very few questions.  The waitress came by and refilled our drinks while we were still going over the prints. 

“Fuck man, do you think it’ll take off as fast as yours did?  That’s a lot of work.”

“Yeah I really do, the clients love it.” I pulled the blindfold out and handed it to him.

“Sorry but I don’t do that shit man.” He said.

“Just put the fucker on, it’s the UCSS1.”

He slipped it around his head and fastened the Velcro at the back so it was tight, “Whoa, what the hell.
  What does the UCSS1 stand for?”

I laughed
“It means You Can Still See, In MY club, you put this on before you even enter the main part of the building, AND the employees where them as well, including the people in the box.”

“So you don’t have a clue what anybody actually looks like in there?”

“Nope, the security guards for the employees are the only ones that do.  Should something happen to one of them they will release a photo of the person.”

He slid the blindfold off, “Let’s do this then
, let me give the clients and my employees this week then we’ll shut down so the renovations can start.  I agree to the seventy-thirty split, where do I sign?”

I pulled the contract out of my briefcase and slid it across the table to him, “It took a year for the Box to become a hit but with this location I’d say nine months max then you’ll have a waiting list of people wanting in.  I’ve enclosed a copy of the requirements to be a member, follow them EXACTLY and things will go smooth.”

He signed on the dotted line and snapped his fingers, the same waitress walked over to the table.  He told her to get his checkbook, she quickly left and came back a few minutes later, he wrote me a check for seven hundred thousand dollars.  “I’ll have the rest to you when the demolition crew shows up.  Now let’s get out of here so we can get some drinks.”

“By the way, another rule is, I don’t fuck my employees no matter how good they look.  If they work at the warehouse they are off limits.  The ONLY time I fuck one of them is if I have to go in the Box.”

“Well that is fucking stupid…or not.  I think I could do that.”

I checked into the penthouse of the five star hotel, went to the room and changed out of my suit into a pair of blue jeans, grey button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and my black Harley Davidson boots. 
When I came out of the room Stan shook his head, “You know I think I’ll just go without you, all the women are going to pawing away at you and throwing rocks at me.”

I laughed, “Nah, I got laid on the flight here so you’ll have first choice.” I told him.

“You son of a bitch you did nail that attendant!  Lucky bastard.” He muttered as we left the room.

We went to one of the clubs that was owned by his brother, clubs never did interest me.  I enjoyed watching the women in their half there skirts and tops but couldn’t stand when they rubbed their fake tits against me.  I leaned back against the booth looking out over the dance floor, the waitress came over wearing a micro mini silver leather skirt with a
strappy black bikini top and knee length leather boots.  Stan had two busty blonde women pawing at his chest, one whispered in his ear while the other nibbled on his other ear.  I shook my head and took a drink of my Jack and Coke, one of the blondes moved off of his lap over to mine.

“What’s your name handsome?” she asked and ran her bright red fingernail down my chest while biting her bottom lip. 

“Jasper.” I took another drink.

, what brings you to L.A.?”

I shrugged a shoulder then finally looked at her, “Business.”

She leaned down and pressed her lips to my ear, “I know what kind of business Stan over there runs, I’m guessing you run the same kind.  Let’s go to a private room, we can have a little fun without the cost.”

I looked over at Stan, he was standing up from the booth and leaving with the other blonde.  “I think Stan could use the attention more than I can.” I nodded a head at him, “He likes to have two
chics at one time.”

She rolled her eyes and stood up from my lap, “Whatever, your loss.” She told me and hurried to catch up with the other two.  I finished my drink, threw some money on the table and left the club
.  When I got back to the hotel room, I stripped out of my clothes that reeked of cheap perfume and no doubt had some body glitter on them.  The shower steamed up as the water heated up, after the shower I called room service and order a quick snack before I called it a night.  It was normal for me to not go to bed until two sometimes three in the morning.  I finished the croissant and yogurt then went to bed. 

The following morning I was woke up by my cell phone ringing and somebody beating on the door of my room.  I rolled over and looked at the caller ID, Stan was calling me and
was no doubt the person beating on the door since he was the only one that knew where I was staying.  I ignored the call and headed for the door, I swung it open and there stood Stan with his cell phone in one hand and his fist raised to knock on the door again. 

“You ditched out last night man, you really should have let that one chick take you to a room.  Christ man with that thing you’d be set for life!” he said pointing at my morning wood that was tenting my boxers.

I shook my head and turned away from him, went into the bathroom relieved myself then slipped on a pair of gym shorts.  He was in the small kitchen looking through the refrigerator, “What are the plans for today?” I asked as I poured myself some orange juice.

“Well, I don’t really know, I wasn’t expecting it to be so detailed and clear last night.  What time does your flight leave?”

“Six tonight.” I told him.

Right on, well…should we go back to my club and break the news to everybody?” he asked me.

“Sounds like a plan.” I turned and went into the bathroom and took another quick shower, found more jeans and t-shirt along with my Harley boots again and slipped a baseball cap on. 
Breaking the news to the employees was going to suck but they would have a chance to get their position back provided they could meet all of the requirements. 

The employees all gathered in a large meeting room on the main floor of the mansion, “Okay everybody this is Sp…I mean Jasper, he’s here to tell you about the changes that will be coming soon.”

For the next four hours I answered questions and showed a slide show of what my business looked like and what his would look like after the renovations.  Surprisingly most of them were excited about the changes and agreed to taking the blood test and wearing the blindfolds.  Stan was pretty pissed at the ones that admitted that they wouldn’t be able to pass the blood tests due to drug use and he fired them immediately.  Just as the last employee left the room my business cell phone chimed with a new text message from Peaches.


Ember was here shortly after you left yesterday!


And?  You are just now telling me this why?


She’s a virgin, not into porn and not a whore lol her words not mine.  I left my phone in my desk and didn’t find it until this morning…sorry.


How many cards did it take for her to come in?  If you think she’s worth it give her the pass for her friends.

Of course a new recruit would come in when I’m not there to make the decision myself, Peaches knew what I was looking for so I trusted her judgment.
We found out pretty quick that the new recruits usually sent friends to scope the place out before they made the final decision on taking the job or not.


Two cards…MOST DEFINETLY worth it!


Any luck on a guy yet?


Nope, I’m guessing you’ll have to go in there?


If I have to that’s not a problem, I can do it until a replacement comes in.

I wasn’t too keen on the idea of this chic being a virgin, but more than likely she was going to last a week then quit.  It would be a matter of time before she got in contact with Peaches about needing guest pass’s.  Those were allowed to a designated box only, they weren’t allowed to go from box to box with a guest pass. 
I put everything back in my briefcase, Stan asked, “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just having some recruitment issues.  You’ll be amazed at how many people can’t pass a fucking blood test.” I told him and shook my head.  We left his club and went to a restaurant downtown, just as our food was served to us another text message came through it was Peaches telling me that Ember had text her about getting guest pass’s. 

“What’s the problem now?” Stand asked as he cut into the T-bone steak.

“The new girl is a virgin and I have no replacement for the guy so it looks like I’ll be filling it until somebody else comes in.”

He looked at me with big eyes, “You’re actually going to go in there?”

“If I have to, I’m not real happy about a virgin but the customers will pay double to see it happen.”

“Christ man, can’t you have your brother do it?”

I snor
ted, “He refuses to bang a virgin after his last girlfriend cheated on him.”

Stan just shook his head, “I think I’ve taken one woman’s virginity, like my sophomore year of high

“I might luck out and not have to do it.” 

He just shook his head again, we finished our meal only talking about my brother and his soccer career and my substitute job at the local college.  That I luckily hadn’t been called in to do for a couple of months.  Stan shook my hand and told me he would be in touch with me throughout the renovations of his club.  I got in the awaiting car and went back to the hotel to get my stuff and head to the airport.  My phone rang showing it was my mom calling, I hesitated to even answer it, I knew that she was only calling to ask for money, money to support her drug addiction. 

“Yeah.” I answered with a flat tone.

“Spencer sweetie how are you doing?  I haven’t talked to you in a while.”

“You just talked to me two weeks ago, did you go to rehab yet?”

“What a way to greet your mother, I’m going to check into rehab next month.”

“Sure…so, what do you need now?”

“Maybe I just wanted to talk to the only son that’ll still talk to me.”

“Derrick doesn’t talk to you because you tried to wipe out his college savings, had I not given him money he wouldn’t have had a place to live during college.”

“Oh poo, he could have lived on campus!  He had his scholarship too..”

I interrupted her,
“What do you need?” I asked again.

“Just a couple thousand please?  And if you talk to your dad…”

I interrupted her, “I haven’t talked to him in weeks, him and his twenty something girlfriend are out of the states for a while.”

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