Out Of The Friend Zone (32 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Nicole

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Out Of The Friend Zone
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Chandler returned to the vehicle and hopped into his seat. As the engine roared to life, Chandler looked over at Brynn. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," she said, and took a deep breath. "Just go easy on me."

Chandler knew this was the perfect time to lighten Brynn's mood, and she left herself wide open for it. "Isn't that what you said the first time we made love? You didn't think you could handle a stallion like me."

Brynn nearly choked on her laughter. "Yeah, because you were such a smooth operator, huh?"

"Hey, I didn't hear any complaining...I seem to recall screams of pleasure though," Chandler reminded her. "I think I had you begging for more too."

He made a few turns, driving them further from the hospital and closer to their destination. "Oh Chandler! Give it to me! Oh, harder! Oh yes, that's it right there! Oh yeah! Give it to me!" he teased in a high-pitched voice, sending them both into fits of laughter.

"Ah, but the begging went both ways, didn't it?" Brynn laughed. "I remember a night not too long ago where you could barely wait to get out of the bar before having your way with me."

Chandler nodded. "I think the feeling was mutual that night. I don't think either one of us could think of anything other than being together," Chandler recalled. "But just think of all the fun we had making that baby, whether we were aware of what was happening in your body at the time or not," he said, as he pulled into the driveway and turned the engine off.

"We're here already?" Brynn asked, looking around. Chandler had kept her talking and distracted during the entire drive. .

Chandler slid out of the vehicle, and ran around the front to get to the passenger side. He opened the door and began to gather Brynn in his arms. "Thank you," she said.

"Hey, what are fiances for if not to carry their future wives?" Chandler asked, with a soft smile.

"No, not just for that, well, yeah that too, but for everything. For loving me, for caring about me, for loving the kids...for everything. Thank you for being you most of all. And thanks for helping me get through my first car ride without having a nervous breakdown," Brynn said, as her eyes started to mist over.

"Well, thank you for not leaving me," Chandler said, as he wiped the tears from her eyes. "Now, let's get you inside," he said, picking her up in one fluid motion, never breaking a sweat.

"You know, you're going to have to let me walk sometime," Brynn pointed out.

"I know, but let me enjoy this while it lasts," he said, walking up to the front door. He gave the door three sharp kicks down in the bottom corner, and like magic the door opened.

There were the people she loved the most - Nyla and Zaiden, and the kids. Madilyn was there too, all with smiles, waiting for her. Chandler sat Brynn down on her feet and the two kids ran into her open arms. She hugged them tight as tears spilled down her face. None of them wanted to break the embrace. She just wanted to hold them and never let them go...not realizing that each kid was feeling the same way.

Zaiden held up a pink cake box. "Hope you're hungry!"

"Welcome home," Madilyn said. Brynn laughed at the group as they all gathered around her. She was finally home, it felt so right...and home never felt sweeter. She knew she was on a long road to recovery, but with the help of her wonderful family, everything would be alright.

They spent the night sitting around eating cake, listening to the kids telling stories about things that happened in school, and talking. As the sky got darker, the kids began to lose steam. Chandler took that as his cue to put the kids to bed.

Barrett leaned over his mom and gave her a big hug. "I missed you and I'm glad you're alright."

"I missed you too, kiddo," Brynn said, and ruffled his hair.

"I'll let that slide this time," Barrett smirked, making Brynn laugh at her son's antics.

Next was Willow's turn. She wrapped her arms tightly around Brynn's neck and hugged her tight, not wanting to let go. "It's okay, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you wake up," Brynn reassured her.

"Daddy told me that you're getting married. Does that mean I can call you mommy now?" Willow whispered in Brynn's ear.

"If that's what you want, sweetheart. You don't have to if you don't want to, though," Brynn whispered back.

Willow released Brynn from the tight hold she had around her neck, and ran up the stairs after her father and Barrett. As she got to the top landing she turned around and yelled, "Goodnight, Mommy!"

Then she giggled and ran into her room.

As Brynn looked back on the night, she couldn't have imagined a better, more perfect homecoming, and she owed it all to Chandler.

Chapter 30

rynn shifted on her side, feeling the soft feathery pillow beneath her head give ever so slightly as she moved, the mattress hugging every curve. The strong, comfortable arms of the man she loved with all her heart tightened around her, reassuring Brynn that he was still there. Somewhere between a dreamy state and being awake, Brynn smiled at the feel of his body next to hers.

It was one of the things she missed most while she was in the hospital, not being able to sleep in the comfort of her bed with her loving fiance. Her mind pondered that thought for a moment...her fiance, the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with, the father of her unborn baby, her lover, best friend, and protector all rolled into one. Brynn no longer thought about what her life was like before Chandler. It was almost as if she really started living the day they met. And now, they were engaged to be married. She felt like a giddy schoolgirl.

"Isn't it too early for you to be smiling, and in such a good mood?" Chandler whispered as he kissed Brynn's cheek good morning.

"I can't help it. I'm alive, I'm home, and I'm back in your arms. How could I not wake up happy?" Brynn said, as she grinned from ear to ear.

"You know what? You're absolutely right. That definitely makes it a perfect day," Chandler smiled.

A few minutes later, Chandler scooped Brynn out of bed. He carried her into the bathroom where he had filled the tub with bubbles, and the air was filled with the scent of plumeria. He carefully set her in the bathtub, then climbed in behind her.

"You know, I can walk from the bed to the bathroom," Brynn told him.

"I know, but it's so much fun carrying you, and thinking that you depend on me. You've always been so independent. It's nice to feel like you need me for something," Chandler admitted.

"Oh, honey, whether I am independent or not, I will always need you," Brynn said sweetly, as she took his hand in hers. "I'm sure there will always be a bug I need killed, or a jar I need opened," she teased.

Chandler pulled Brynn back to him and hugged her tight. He began washing her body, being extra careful around her cuts and bruises. Next he grabbed a cup from beside the tub and filled it with water. When Brynn tipped her head back, Chandler slowly poured the water over her forehead, so that the water would run backwards into her hair. After it became soaking wet, Chandler poured some shampoo in his hands and massaged it through her hair. His fingertips ran along her scalp, sending a tingling feeling throughout her body. She was so relaxed, that by the time she was all clean, she was almost asleep again.

Chandler let Brynn stand on her own, but held her hand tightly. He didn't want her slipping in the tub and hurting herself even more. He helped her out and grabbed a big fluffy towel to dry her off. He wrapped the towel around her naked body, then pulled her close to him, his lips softly caressing her neck, sending shivers all the way to her toes. Chandler was getting turned on, even though he knew there was no nookie to be had for a while. He forced himself to stop with the kisses, because if he hadn't, he'd want to go much further than that. Instead, he inhaled deeply through his nose, trying to get the romantic thoughts out of his head.

Brynn went to the bench in the bathroom, sat down next to the clothes Chandler had laid out for her, and began getting dressed. She put on some loose cotton shorts that fit perfectly around her protruding stomach. Next she reached for her Yankees jersey. As she spun it around to put it on, her brows furrowed.

"This isn't my jersey," Brynn said, looking to Chandler for an explanation.

"Well, I noticed the last time you wore yours that it was getting a little too tight around the stomach, so I had Mike get you a new one. Actually, he got you three, all in different sizes, so you won't grow out of them," Chandler laughed nervously. He knew how sensitive Brynn was about getting bigger.

A wry smile spread across her face as she looked at the back of the jersey. "And I'm guessing they all say Mussina too?"

"Of course! Do you think his ego could take it if he had to give you another Giambi jersey? I think it killed him the first time he saw you in a jersey that didn't have his name on it," Chandler laughed.

Brynn happily put on the jersey. It fit her perfectly. "Come on, let's get you downstairs to the couch, so that I can get the kids ready for school," he said.

Chandler drove the kids to school, then headed back to the house. When he walked back through the doors, he was on his cell phone, talking business with someone. After a little bit of arguing and even more negotiating, Chandler hung up the phone satisfied.

"Honey, if you have to, go to work. You don't need to stay here and babysit me," Brynn told him.

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you mind if I infiltrate your office for a while, just until you get back on your feet?"

"What's mine is yours, but really, if you have to work out of your office, I can handle myself."

Chandler shook his head. "You can't get rid of me that easily." He bent over the couch and placed a soft kiss on Brynn's lips. "Oh, there's one more thing I forgot to tell you..." he began but was interrupted by the doorbell.

Chandler opened the door to find a woman with her purse clenched between her teeth, and two big boxes in her arms.

"No thanks, we don't want any," he said, and began to shut the door.

The eyes of the woman narrowed to slits, as her lips curled into a snarl. She was yelling at him, but all he heard was, "Mphnmp ror hss!"

"I'm sorry, I don't speak your language," he said, trying to hold in a laugh.

The woman gave him a gesture that might have been obscene if the boxes weren't obscuring her ability to make it. Chandler laughed out loud and took the boxes from her.

With her hands now free, she took the purse out of her mouth. "You're lucky you're my boss, or I would seriously kick your ass. Now let's get moving. We've got a lot of work to do," Rylee said, as she shoved the man holding the boxes, while he still laughed at her. "Are you sure this is okay with Brynn? I mean she just got out of the hospital and all."

The two of them walked into the living room, where Brynn was lying on the couch, watching some daytime TV. "Um, Brynn, this is what I forgot to tell you. Not only will I be working out of your office here, but Rylee will too. Do you mind? There's just a few things we can't let go, especially not since I haven't been to work in over a week."

Brynn looked up from the couch to see Rylee standing there next to Chandler. "No, that's fine, I guess," she said. Unconsciously, she began rubbing her belly, as if to tell the baby everything was going to be alright. Sure, she trusted Chandler, but she just couldn't help feeling some sudden resentment towards Rylee. For the first time, she wondered if Rylee really did have a thing for Chandler.

"Hey, why don't you take those boxes to the office, and I'll be there in a minute," Rylee said, motioning that she wanted to talk to Brynn.

"I'll be right back," he said, as he looked between the two women with worried eyes.

After he left the room, Rylee sat in the chair that was facing Brynn. She leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and took a deep breath. She wasn't quite sure what she wanted to say, or how she wanted to say it, but she knew that there were words that needed to be said.

"I know you're probably upset with me, but you have to trust me...I have no romantic interest in Chandler," Rylee said.

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