Out Of The Friend Zone (27 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Nicole

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Out Of The Friend Zone
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"Well, congratulations! I'm a little surprised!" Rylee said.

"Tell me about it!" Brynn exclaimed, laughing.

"We were too. But we're happy. Not many people know, so we'd appreciate it if you'd keep this quiet for now. We're going to wait for a while to tell everyone, especially with the threat of a custody battle from Linda," Chandler told her. "Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, I moved in with Brynn over the weekend too, so I'll give you my new phone number when we get back to the office, in case you need to reach me."

"Wow, you guys move fast!" Rylee joked. "But it's obvious that you two were meant to be together, and I guess in that case, there is no such thing as too fast."

"It's fast, but it's right," Brynn said, as she looked into Chandler's eyes.

The rest of the lunch was spent with lighthearted chit chat as they ate their meals. Brynn was finally feeling better, even indulging in some dessert, much to her boyfriend's enjoyment. After lunch, Chandler and Rylee dropped Brynn off at home, then they headed back to the office to get some work done.

Brynn made her way through the house, cleaning each room, even though she was supposed to be resting. She just couldn't sit still, waiting for the doctor to call her with her test results. Each time the phone rang, Brynn jumped to answer it as fast as possible, hoping it was the doctor, but each time it was Chandler checking up on her.

Finally, when she didn't think she could stand it any more, the phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID, she saw it was her doctor's office. Brynn gave a sigh of relief before picking up the phone.

"Good afternoon, Brynn!" the doctor said.

"Good afternoon! Do you have good news for me?"

The doctor laughed. "I certainly do. We got your blood results back."


"Your beta levels came back with strong numbers, so according to your last menstrual cycle, it appears that you are just under eight weeks along. The numbers I see here are indicative of a strong and healthy pregnancy. Congratulations! I'll see you in a few weeks for your first ultrasound."

"Thank you, Doctor!" Brynn said, then as she hung up the phone, she let out a yelp of happiness. Before she could call Chandler, the phone rang. Caller ID said it was him.

"Hi, honey. I was just wondering if you heard from the doctor yet," Chandler said.

"As a matter of fact, I just hung up with her. She said that my numbers are really good and strong, and that I'm about seven and a half weeks preggo."

Chandler did the math in his head. There was a long moment of silence.


"So it's not mine then?"

The words sounded so sad that for a moment Brynn thought she didn't understand what he had said. But then things began to sink in.

"What do you mean? Of course it's yours, Chandler! How could you ask that question?-Brynn, the first time we slept together was only over five weeks ago. How can you be almost eight weeks pregnant and still be carrying my child?" he asked her, as if she was ignorant.

Brynn laughed. "Chandler, they measure it from your last menstrual period. It's been almost eight weeks since that, and I ovulated right around the time we made love the first time. So, even though that was only five and a half weeks ago, it still makes me almost eight weeks along. Do you understand that?"

Chandler was so relieved he wanted to cry. "Oh God, Brynn! I am so sorry. I didn't know that was how they measured it."

"I understand and I'm not upset. It's an easy mistake to make," Brynn told him.

"So, our baby seems healthy?" Chandler asked.

"That's what she said. The next appointment will be for an ultrasound. You have to be there with me for that, come hell or high water!"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I will be there no matter what," he said happily. "Well, I better get back to work now. I'll be home in about an hour or so. I love you Brynn."

"I love you too," Brynn told him, and hung up the phone, finally able to relax for the first time that day.

Chapter 25

he week passed by rather slowly for Brynn. She couldn't wait for the weekend, when she and Chandler could spend more time together. Brynn spent the weekdays trying to get her home office ready for her to work out of, while trying to tie up loose ends at her office. She was also inundated with calls from people wanting to see their other house, in response to the 'For Rent' sign in the front yard.

When Friday afternoon rolled around, Brynn was relieved. She had just gotten home after showing the house to a young couple when Chandler pulled into the driveway with Barrett and Willow. The kids ran to her and gave her a hug before running into the house to play with the dog. Brynn laughed, knowing they were just as excited for the weekend as she was.

"How did the showing go?" Chandler asked.

"It went pretty well. They really liked it, and seemed to be a pretty responsible couple, so we wouldn't have to worry about them paying the rent on time," Brynn said. "We should hear back from them sometime this weekend, or so they said."

"Good," Chandler said as he put his arms around her. "So, how are you feeling this afternoon?" "Not too bad, a little tired though."

"So, how would you feel about a kid-free night? Both kids were asked to sleepovers for tonight, and I thought it would be okay with you if I said yes."

Brynn looked a little relieved. "That sounds good to me. At least we aren't pushing them off on another babysitter."

"They both begged me the whole way home, so I think they'll be fine with it. We can drop them off, then pick up some dinner and head home to eat. How about we order some pay-per-view tonight and just relax?"

"Sounds good to me," Brynn said, with a sigh of relief. She just didn't have the energy for much more.

Brynn went into the house and got both kids packed for their sleepovers, then loaded up the SUV. She called in a food order to Olive Garden, then they headed out. After the kids were dropped off, with their promises that they'd behave, Chandler drove to Olive Garden and picked up their 'To Go' order. When he got back in the SUV, Brynn's head was against her window, and she was fast asleep.

Chandler gently shook her awake when they got home. Brynn was startled and woke up with a shot.

"Wow," she mumbled. "I was so exhausted..."

"You don't have to lift a finger for the rest of the night," he promised. Chandler helped her out of the vehicle and into the house, where he put their dinner on plates and lit the candles in the dining room.

Just as they were about to eat, the doorbell rang. Brynn rose to get the door, but Chandler put his hand on her arm and told her he'd get it. A minute later, he returned to the dining room, carry a vase of two dozen roses. When Brynn saw them, she gasped.

"Chandler, who are those from?"

"Read the card and find out."

Brynn stood from her chair and plucked the card out of its holder. She opened the envelope and read the card, tears filling her eyes.

To the mother of my child- Thank you for making me so happy. You have given me my life back, and so much more. I can't thank you enough for everything you have brought back into my life. I am here for you every step of the way. I love you. Chandler.

Brynn burst into tears. "Oh, Chandler! Thank you. You didn't have to do that."

"I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to. I just want to make sure you know how special you are to me.".

"Chandler, you being here with me every day lets me know how special I am. The way you treat me, the way you are with Barrett, and the way you hold my hand through all of my doctor's appointments tell me how you feel about me," Brynn smiled.

"I never want to take you for granted. I want to make sure that you know every single day how much I love you, because one day it may be too late to show you or tell you," Chandler pointed out.

He kissed her softly, then went to stand up to go back to his chair and eat.

Brynn had other ideas. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her, giving him another kiss, a deeper one this time. Only when they needed to breathe again did Brynn release him, so he could sit back down.

After dinner, Chandler cleaned up, while Brynn found a movie for them to watch. He dimmed the lights in the living room, then lay on the couch, pulling Brynn down to lie next to him. "It won't be long before we can't fit on this couch together anymore," he laughed.

Chandler wrapped his arms around Brynn, then settled in waiting for the movie to start. Shortly after the opening credits began to roll, Brynn was out cold, snoring lightly. Chandler had to stifle a laugh. He had never heard Brynn snore before.

He let her be, and watched the movie as she wandered through dreamland.

The next morning, Chandler woke up to Brynn jumping out of bed, and making her morning dash to the bathroom. He threw the covers off and followed her in there, performing his morning ritual of rubbing her back and giving her a cool cloth for her face, then starting the shower when her color began returning.

Since the kids weren't home, Chandler and Brynn showered together, taking their time and enjoying each other. As they made love in the shower, Chandler noticed that Brynn was getting a little heavier to pick up, and realized he wouldn't be able to have her in that position too much longer.

Out of the shower, Chandler dried her off, paying extra special attention to the small bulge of her expanding stomach. He rubbed her belly, kissed it, and talked to it. When he started blowing raspberries on it, Brynn decided that was enough attention for the day.

Brynn took Chandler over to the sink, where she sat on the counter and pulled him between her legs. She reached behind her and grabbed his can of shaving gel.

"What do you think?" she asked. "Do you trust me?"

"Absolutely," he said.

. Brynn rubbed her hands together, causing the gel to turn to foam, then she slathered the foam on his face. Brynn turned the faucet on, and ran Chandler's razor under the stream of water. She looked up at Chandler as she positioned the razor near his sideburn, her eyes asking again if he trusted her.

Chandler gave a small nod, his eyes filled with laughter. Brynn slowly lowered the razor to his skin, then traced it along the contour of his face in slow strokes. Chandler told her which direction to shave his face in, depending on the area she was working on at the time, and was impressed at how graceful she moved, especially around his beloved goatee.

After all the stubble had been removed, Brynn took a wet washcloth and cleaned off the residual shaving foam. She tested her work by rubbing her hand along the skin of his jaw line, pleased that it was nice and smooth. She kissed his cheeks, inhaling the fresh scent of his shaving gel as she did. "Nice and soft, smelling good enough to eat," Brynn told him.

"You did a great job. Thanks," Chandler said, enjoying the experience and feeling a bit turned on from it. He wondered if she noticed the stirring in his groin.

"You know, the smell of that stuff really turns me on," Brynn admitted. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his shoulder.

"Maybe we should do something about that," Chandler suggested.

"Hmm, it's only been about half an hour since the time in the shower. Are you sure you're ready to go again already?" She got her answer as she felt Chandler probing his erection between her legs.

"Mmm...Guess so!" she said, as he entered her slowly.

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