Our Cosmic Ancestors (6 page)

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Authors: Maurice Chatelain

Tags: #Civilization; Ancient, #Social Science, #Body; Mind & Spirit, #Prehistoric Peoples, #Interplanetary Voyages, #Fiction, #Anthropology, #UFOs & Extraterrestrials, #History; Ancient, #General, #Occult & Supernatural

BOOK: Our Cosmic Ancestors
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83,344,907 27.212221 0.074504588
83,011,059 27,321661 0.074804226
78,518,232 28.885011 0.079084537
76,801,721 29.530588 0.080852068
6,543,186 346.620133 0.949014440
6,209,578 365.242211 1.000000000
6,209,434 365.250681 1.000023190
6,209,338 365.256328 1.000048315

344,390 6,585.557072 18.030657104
333,848 6,793.510819 18.600015576
333,608 6,798.398120 18.613396561
326,818 6,939.642247 19.000110153
110,885 20,453.623123 56.000162330
81,703 27,759.078614 76.001835918
66,769 33,967.859336 93.000913598
300 7,560,000.00 20,698.59333
240 9,450,000.00 25,873.24166
144 15,750,000.00 43,122.06944
96 23,625,000.00 64,683.10416

that the number of Nineveh with its fifteen digits was equal to 2,268 million days of 86,400 seconds each.

That was a good start but did not answer the main question - what did this huge time span of more than six million years stand for? It was certainly longer than the age of man on Earth. Then the thought flashed into my mind that the clever Sumerians were familiar, among other things astronomical, with the precession of the equinoxes - the turning of the terrestrial axis of rotation around the pole of the ecliptic. This movement has a cycle of 9.450 million days or about 26,000 years.

When I divided the Nineveh number by the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes, also called the Big Year, I had the greatest surprise of my life! The sacred number of Nineveh divided exactly into 240 Big Years of 9.450 million days each. I saw that the fifteen digits on the clay tablet from Nineveh represented for the Sumerians two hundred and forty rotations of the seasons around the zodiac, expressing time in seconds, not days or years as our astronomers would do today.

Then came my conclusion that this enormous number of Nineveh could very well be the long lost magic number called the 'great constant of the solar system', the number that alchemists, astrologers. and astronomers had been looking for for a very long time, while their ancestors were familiar with it more than 3,000 years ago.

Naturally, I had to prove first that I was right, but that did not seem so difficult any more. If the number of Nineveh really was the great constant of the solar system, it had to be an exact multiple of any revolution or conjunction period of any planet, comet, or satellite of the solar system. It took some time to do this work and lots of numbers; but, just as I had expected, every period of revolution or conjunction of all the solar system bodies calculated with the constant of Nineveh corresponded exactly down to several decimal points with the values given in the modern tables of United States astronomers, and nearly so with the French tables which gave slightly different numbers for the planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

I have not been able to find even a single period of revolution or conjunction of a solar system planet or satellite that would not be an exact fraction down to the fourth decimal point of the great constant of the solar system. For me that is sufficient proof that the Nineveh constant is a true solar constant and has full validity today as it had when it was calculated many thousands of years ago.

However, there is one case where a slight discrepancy shows up at the sixth decimal place if the Nineveh constant of 2,268 million days is divided into tropical years. The difference equals twelve millionths of a day per year, so slight that it took me quite a while to discover it; but it does not detract a thing from the full validity of the Nineveh number. On the contrary, this discrepancy gives us a marvelous opportunity to calculate exactly when the Nineveh constant was created. Modern astronomers and their caesium atomic clocks have told us that because of an infinitesimal slowing down of the Earth's rotation, the tropical year is getting shorter by sixteen millionths of a second per year.

This helped me to calculate the true age of the Nineveh constant and led to the discovery that the great constant of the solar system accidentally found in the ruins of the royal library of King Assurbanipal must have been computed 64,800 years ago, give or take a few years. Effectively, the discrepancy of 1.0368 seconds divided by the annual decrease of the tropical year of 0.000016 seconds gives us the crucial number of 64,800 years, the true age of the Nineveh constant.

In light of this discovery, the distant past of 27,000 years ago, when Cro-Magnon man painted the caves of Lascaux in France or the temples of Tiahuanaco were built in Bolivia, not to mention the disappearance of Atlantis a mere twelve thousand years ago, indeed look like recent history. Even the oldest legends telling us about the Egyptian chronology dating back to 49,214 BC, or the Mayan calendar starting in 18,633 BC, or the Mahabharata Hindu calendar in 7116 BC, or the more recent Byzantine or Scandinavian beginnings of time counting in the years 5509 BC or 4713 BC, now seem very believable and most likely true.

One of the recent discoveries allowing us a glimpse of early man was made in the cliffs of Del Mar near San Diego, California. The skull of a
Homo sapiens
or Cro-Magnon man was found and dated by Dr. Rogers, director of science at the Museum of Man in San Diego, and Dr. Bada, professor of marine biology at the Scripps Institute
of Oceanography, as more than 50,000 years, and maybe even 65,000 years old.

Both scientists agreed that the brain in this skull had been large enough for the highest intelligence and that this individual could have been capable during his lifetime of observing and registering astronomical cycles. Possibly he could even have made mathematical calculations as complex as the constant of Nineveh. But unfortunately we will never know if this man was born on Earth or came here as a visitor from another space civilization. Our only certitude is that there were very intelligent men on Earth more than 50,000 years ago, a fact that topples all our present scientific theories about the evolution of man.

The discovery that our ancestors of 65,000 years ago knew as much and probably more than we do about the solar system is really baffling. First of all, the birth date of the Nineveh constant coincides precisely with the sudden arrival on Earth of Cro-Magnon man, the first human with a brain volume equal to ours, the first successful result in a program for the improvement of the human race.

The primitive man before him had no more than 800 cubic centimetres of brain. The modern man in today's civilized countries averages about 1,600 cubic centimetres. But if people living on Earth 65,000 years ago were the primitive Stone Age humans, who, as the anthropologists think, could hardly fashion a flint stone, they could not possibly have calculated the Nineveh constant based on the precession of the equinoxes - a slow westward drift of one degree in seventy-two years, and the revolution periods of the planets, three of which, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, are totally invisible to the naked eye.

The only logical conclusion, no matter how much it will make establishment scientists frown, is to assume that astronauts from another solar or galactic civilization visited our ancestors 65,000 years ago and started the sudden evolution of man by improving his intelligence through insemination and mutation and then by initiation into the knowledge of astronomy, mathematics, metallurgy, and other secrets of civilization. All this could have happened during the interglacial period between the first and second Wurm ice ages, when the polar star was Vega and the climate on Earth was just about the same as it is right now, if we want to believe the 21,000-year climatic cycle that has been discovered in the geological carboniferous strata. It was an ideal time to create and educate a new and superior human race. But how can we prove this?

About sixty years ago, in 1928, European radio operators in France, Germany, Norway, and Holland noticed a strange phenomenon. When they transmitted in all directions a series of signals, they received two series of echoes instead of one. Normal echoes, after circling the Earth by bouncing several times on the ionosphere, always came back after a normal delay of one seventh of one second.

On the contrary, abnormal echoes always came back after an interval varying from 3 to 15 seconds, as if they had bounced from some object located at a distance from Earth of 450,000 to 2,250,000 km, but always a little bit farther than the Moon. As usual, this discovery was kept as secret as possible, and, after several years, it was even completely forgotten.

Then a few years ago, a young Scottish astronomer by the name of Duncan Lunan had a bright idea. He thought that these signals could very well have come from an alien spaceship orbiting the Earth at about the same distance as the Moon and that the variable intervals between the transmission of signals and reception of echoes might represent an intelligent coded message representing geometric figures or even the map of a constellation, as Bracewell had already suggested in 1968.

With the usual television technique of so many dots per line and so many lines per frame, Lunan transferred the various intervals on a chart as he would have done on a television screen. He then successively obtained several different drawings of the same constellation, with different orientations, but with the same star always at the centre.

As Lunan says in his book
Man and the Stars,
as an astronomer it did not take him long to recognize the constellation as that of Bootes and the star as Epsilon Bootis, which our ancestors called lzar and which is located at about 103 light-years, or 975 million million km, from the Earth.

One of Lunan's important discoveries was that the configuration of the Bootes constellation shown on his charts was not exactly the same as that which we can see today from the Earth, and he found an explanation. The big star Alpha Bootis, or Arcturus, is one of the fastest moving stars in our skies. It has an angular motion of 2.29 seconds of arc per year in a southwest direction, and its position in the sky moves by an apparent diameter of the Moon in only 800 years.

According to Lunen, Arcturus now appears to us about seven degrees apart from where it appears on the chart, which means that the map could have been established and transmitted 11,000 years ago. However, Arcturus does not move with a constant apparent velocity, and taking an average of only 2 seconds of arc per year, we obtain a date of 12,600 years ago which corresponds to those of the other stars of the same constellation.

As a consequence, assuming there is an alien spacecraft presently orbiting the Earth, it arrived in its present position about 13,000 years ago; and, after observing the configuration of their native constellation of Bootes as they saw it from their orbit around the Earth at that time, the astronauts on board have been continuously transmitting signals since then, waiting for human astronomers to become intelligent enough to understand them.

Finally, around 1900, the first radio signals were transmitted from the Earth by Marconi, Tesla, and others, and the Izarian astronauts knew they were now in business. They started retransmitting the earth signals, with various intervals representing a code, and the code represented a map of the constellation of Bootes with the star lzar at the centre.

For me, however, the most extraordinary and the most controversial part of the story is not so much the constellation map as the intervals between the different signals from the alien spacecraft. These intervals are always an exact number of seconds of time and, as you know, our second of time is supposed to be a human invention. Up to now, the Sumerians have been credited with the fantastic idea of dividing the solar day into 86,400 equal parts they called seconds.

In other words, these alien astronauts from a distant planet in outer space, who had been orbiting our planet in a spacecraft for 13,000 years, knew from the very beginning that the human race divided the solar day into 86,400 seconds of time. And how could they know it
unless they made the division themselves and landed on the Earth to teach the humans how to use the second to measure the passing of time?

And then everything becomes clear. Seven and nine have always been sacred numbers. Their product multiplied by 100,000 gives us 6.3 million years. Multiplied then by the 360 days of the year and by the 86,400 seconds of the day, we obtain the mysterious Nineveh number of 195,955,200,000,000 seconds of time. And since we know that the Nineveh constant corresponds to the exact length of the sidereal and tropical years as they were 64,800 years ago, this seems to indicate that the landing on Earth of the alien astronauts from lzar did actually occur about that time or maybe a little bit later.

What happened next, we can only guess. It is quite possible that, after inseminating and educating the human race, they went back to their home planet to report on the results of their mission and returned to our solar system only 13,000 years ago when they thought the human race had become civilized enough. As a strange coincidence, this was the time of the advanced civilization of Atlantis, 1,000 years before its destruction by a cosmic cataclysm; and it could very well be that survivors from Atlantis or their descendants are still in orbit around the Earth, visiting us from time to time.

There is, however, something else in the discovery of Duncan Lunen that seems to have escaped his brilliant mind. As I said before, the ancient human year of 360 days does not make any sense on the Earth where it does not correspond to any astronomical phenomenon. But it could mean something for alien astronauts orbiting the Earth.

During a terrestrial solar year of 365 1/4 days, their spacecraft would be sometimes closer and sometimes farther from
Sun. We shall see later that a solar year of 360 days would correspond to a distance from the Sun 1.00968 times shorter than the present distance of the Earth. Assuming for the Earth an average distance of 149.60 millions of kilometres and a 360-day orbit for the minimum distance of the Izarian spacecraft, we obtain for that spacecraft a minimum distance from the sun of 148.165 millions of kilometres, and a maximum distance of 151.035 millions of kilometres corresponding to a solar year of 370 1/2 solar days.
This would represent for the Izarian spacecraft an average distance from the Earth of 1.35 millions of kilometres for a circular orbit, but it is very likely that the spacecraft transferred from time to time into an elliptical orbit around the Earth to get a closer look at the human race or even land and visit them. In that case, its minimum distance from the Earth could be as low as 450,000 kilometres, which is about the distance of the Moon and corresponds to the minimum delay of the echoes.

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